Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof

Chapter 3: [This dog is too smart] This dog seems to be very smart


Although the Lu family has a big business, the people of the Lu family have never been workaholics. The founder of the Lu family was born from an aristocratic family. At that time, the war was turbulent, and the young Lu family, who abandoned writing to become a businessman, left the entangled deep house compound and established a firm foothold in the shopping mall by his own abilities. But even if you stay longer and longer in a big environment like a shopping mall, the aristocratic habit in your bones will be indelible.

Enjoy, can be said to be their attitude to life. A generation affects a generation, so the children of the Lu family live very recklessly. The lifestyle of the elders around them tells them from a young age that work is only for a better life, and life is the foundation of all struggles. So even if you are busy at work, as long as it is not a major event, even if you earn a little less, you should have more meals with your family.

It is precisely because of this style of the Lu family that the whole environment is very harmonious and beautiful, and that kind of struggle for power and profit almost never happened. In the eyes of outsiders, this is also a kind of background, without that level of mental cultivation, it is really impossible to achieve such an almost indifferent and free way of life.

Now Lu Chenghe, who is the president of the Lu family, has been busy for a while because he suddenly took over the family business when his father died unexpectedly. Later, he still adhered to the family's habits. Except for some major projects at work, he needed to make his own decisions, which he could hand over to his subordinates. To accomplish, he never intervenes too much. This kind of overtime work is only available when there are extra-large projects to do. At least one full day is set aside for yourself every week to enjoy your time.

Compared with other presidents, Lu Chenghe is simply an outlier. However, this also requires the people of the Lu family to have the ability, to have the skills under the emperor, and to have a unique vision of seeing people and things. Otherwise, how could the huge Lu family thrive under the management of such a lazy president, and I'm afraid it would have fallen apart long ago.

Food is an integral part of their lives. However, for Lu Chenghe, those things have grown up from snacks to adults. All kinds of top ingredients from all over the world are already in the Lu family's daily life, and it is very accustomed to seeing the dining cart pushed by the butler.

But Zuo Ning, who came to the restaurant for the first time, was dumbfounded. It wasn't until the two maids lifted a huge shrimp and put it on the table that he was sure that the shrimp was really big enough to take up half of it. The dining table, rather than the effect of having a different sight because of the smaller oneself.

He had seen a lobster bigger than a washbasin before, and it was too expensive to die. He didn't know what kind of giant lobster that took up most of the dining table. At that moment, he even wondered if he had traveled to another world.

In order to see the movement on the table clearly, Zuo Ning ran a few steps and squatted on the side with his head raised. He saw a fat man in a chef's uniform who saw the maid put the giant shrimp and picked up the knife and fork. Then he cut a few pieces of meat at several joints and put them on the back of the dinner plate in front of Lu Chenghe, nodding towards the butler. The butler waved his hand: "Get out."

Lu Chenghe didn't even look at the giant shrimp with a lot of meat left. He picked up the cutlery and started eating the freshest shrimp cut by the chef. Zuo Ning, who was sitting on the side, was not calm. Then one or two pieces of meat, money is not such a waste, right

Zuo Ning, who didn't know more about this family, didn't know that the rest of the ingredients would be the meals of all the servants in the entire Lu family. Although the Lu family was extravagant in some aspects, it would never be wasted. So even being a servant of the Lu family is extremely happy.

However, his body's instinct was faster than his thinking, and by the time Zuo Ning reacted, he was already leaning on Lu Chenghe's calf and trying to serve it.

Hearing the humming sound and the touch on his legs, Lu Chenghe lowered his head expressionlessly, and couldn't help laughing a little when he saw the eager appearance of the little thing who had been obedient all afternoon. He thought that the dog was quiet and lively by nature. It turned out that he just didn't encounter anything of interest. At this time, he smelled the fragrance of the food, so he couldn't help it

However, this fresher look is indeed more pleasing to the eye than the slumped look just now. Looking at the shrimp meat without any seasoning, Lu Chenghe asked the housekeeper, "Can it be eaten?"

When Zuo Ning heard this, he promised to give him something to eat, his eyes burst into light, and even his tail shook uncontrollably, pulling Lu Chenghe's calf was like a dog's leg, where is it? There is also a bit of human restraint and resistance to Lu Chenghe, who has always been powerful.

The housekeeper obviously couldn't feel the urgency of Zuo Ning, who had eaten tasteless and tasteless dog food for several days, and poured a basin of cold water: "It should be impossible, seafood is prone to allergies, and his temperament is also cold, and the puppy's stomach is relatively weak. Vaccines, but if you eat improperly, you may also get sick, and if you get a small disease like canine distemper, the chance of being cured is relatively low.”

After hearing this, Zuo Ning was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and the whole dog froze on Lu Chenghe's calf. Seeing Zuo Ning's reaction, Lu Chenghe was a little surprised: "It understands what you said?" Otherwise, how would you explain such a shocked appearance.

It is impossible for a puppy to understand such a long sentence. The housekeeper thought for a while and said, "Maybe he understands the word "No". There were times when he wanted to eat the lady's dessert, and the lady told him that he couldn't, and let him go. Someone took the dessert away, so it probably understood what it meant."

It is often heard that dogs have high IQs and are very smart. Lu Chenghe, who has never owned a dog, doesn't understand how smart an animal can be, but now he somewhat believes it. Looking at the pitiful little thing, Lu Chenghe ruthlessly withdrew his gaze and started his dinner. Although he didn't ask someone to take the puppy away, he didn't pay any attention to the little thing holding his calf begging for food.

He was not a doting person at first, since it would affect the puppy's health, he naturally couldn't follow the puppy's wishes.

Zuo Ning knew that it was impossible for him to eat meat today, but he still did not give up and squatted at Lu Chenghe's feet. From time to time, he used his claws to tug at his trouser legs and squeaked to show his existence. But he really didn't see the wrong person. This man is not a sympathetic man. Until he left the restaurant after eating, he didn't give himself a bite of meat, not even a look!

What's even worse is that there is a steak behind the shrimp meat. I heard from the butler that this is a cow that was just shipped from somewhere. It was just dismembered and the freshest part was sent. It was impossible. More extravagant!

But after the hug just now, Zuo Ning found that Lu Chenghe didn't reject him and kicked him away. After he had probably figured out a range that a man could accept, he no longer carefully kept a distance from him. Since he had become a dog, then I can only find a way to stay in this home. If I want to live a good life, I must know how to please people.

Lu Chenghe found that the puppy at night was obviously more lively than during the day. Maybe it was because he moved his kennel and other supplies into the room to give him a sense of security, or maybe it was because the puppy had become familiar with himself after a long time together. At this moment, Lu Chenghe was sitting in front of the desk in the bedroom. The screen was displaying the trend charts of various data, but his eyes kept looking at the little milk dog that was running back and forth in the room and seemed to mark the site.

There are only about two slap-sized little milk dogs. The fluffy white hair is like a flying cotton ball when running. The black eyes are particularly conspicuous in the white. On closer inspection, they have double eyelids and eyelashes. It's very long, and the mouth that is slightly open and sticking out the small tongue seems to be wearing a warm smile all the time, and it feels very warm when you look at it.

Under the warm light of the bedroom lamp, the little fur ball quietly ran around on the carpet. Although it didn't make much noise, it made Lu Chenghe feel that the bedroom was a lot more lively tonight.

I didn't find that Zuo Ning, who was being watched, was interested in visiting the bedroom of the local tyrant. Compared with the bedroom of the lady who had only raised him for a few days, this man's bedroom was obviously much simpler. The bed was very clean, very clean. The sofa, as well as the very clean bathroom, have almost no accessories. I feel that the previous study was more carefully arranged than the bedroom.

But simple is simple, but it is unambiguous in luxury. A bathroom is much larger than his entire house. It is comparable to a bathtub in a swimming pool. There is also a cloakroom, shower room, and sauna that can be used to hide and seek. Room etc. are all available. Zuo Ning, who had been familiar with the whole room inside and out, sat tiredly on the carpet and couldn't help but breathe a little.

Lu Chenghe, who had been observing his actions, leaned on the chair leisurely with his chin resting in one hand, and suddenly said, "Little Pudding."

Zuo Ning, who was resting on the carpet beside the bed, heard the call and quickly stood up facing the man's desk with a quivering face: "Hmm~." What are you calling me for

Lu Chenghu paused for a few seconds. Originally, he wanted to change the name of this little thing. He just confirmed the appearance of an adult Samoyed on the Internet. If he looks good, he will definitely not be small. Such a big one is called The little pudding seemed a little sticky.

But now that it has recognized the name, that's fine. Anyway, when it grows that big, it's also the mother who walks the dog, and it's not him who calls the name. After dismissing the thought of changing his name, Lu Chenghe turned his head and continued to look at the computer.

Zuo Ning waited for a while to see the man calling him and then he stopped writing. He ran to the man's leg and raised his paw to scratch his leg: "Ow...?" .

Lu Chenghe glanced down at it, then pointed to the small kennel that was placed not far from the big bed: "Go to bed."

Zuo Ning, who thought he could get in touch with his feelings, suddenly lost his warm smile. Although he didn't know what time it was, it was definitely not the time to go to bed. He turned his head and looked around, except for the one piled up beside the kennel. A pile of toys, the whole room has nothing to waste time for him, it is better to go to sleep.

So Lu Chenghe originally just pointed at him, and didn't expect him to understand at all, but he didn't expect this little thing to actually walk to his dog kennel with his little tail and his little butt up. Are all dogs so smart these days? Should he take this little guy to test his IQ

The puppy's energy is really limited. Zuo Ning, who originally thought he would definitely not be able to sleep, fell asleep unknowingly in the kennel that was specially made to be more comfortable than his previous bed. Zuo Ning, who was asleep, didn't know, and he wouldn't know in the future, that he had missed the opportunity to change a name that was not so majestic and majestic.