Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof

Chapter 36: [Lu Nianqi was scolded] When the reality is different from the expected gap


Looking up at the majestic building in front of him, Lu Nianqi was a little apprehensive and shrinking, while the boys and girls beside him were chatting excitedly. This is the Lu's Building, but it is not the headquarters of the Lu's Group. This building, which is nearly 50 stories high, belongs to Lu Chenghe alone.

The teacher who taught him at home once said, but he has never been here. Unexpectedly, yesterday the student union said that they would come out to sponsor today, but they came here.

There was a girl who was a little mature in her dress, but she didn't lose the purity and beauty of a student. She hooked Lu Nianqi's neck, looked up at the building with him, and sighed a little: "After graduation, if I also It would be great if I could come here to work, no matter whether today's sponsorship is successful or not!"

Next to him was a handsome and elite boy who wore glasses and said with a smile, "It shouldn't be difficult to get sponsorships. Mr. Lu is also from a Fuji University, so he's our senior."

The short-haired girl holding a document in her hand also followed them and looked up, but said a little strangely: "But according to the documents compiled before, it seems that the student union has not attracted Lu's sponsorship."

The girl who hooked Lu Nianqi, Xiao Yin let go of her hand and said with high ambition: "It's different if you haven't pulled it, and a company like Lu's is different when we proposed it, most of them don't. Agree, don’t you think so? The boss who has taken pictures with the prime ministers of an unknown number of countries is something that a student rookie like us can get in touch with. When it comes to the Lu family, most of them quit without trying it. If you don't try, how do you know if it will work?"

The bespectacled male god Qin He said with a smile: "If we succeed today, it can be considered a pioneer, but to be honest, I'm not too optimistic, I feel that we may not even see anyone, after all, such a person has a lot of opportunities every day. People, the first domestic company that is one of the top 100 companies in the world, if you come to see everyone, you don’t have to do anything else every day.”

The short-haired girl saw that Lu Nianqi had not spoken, she smiled and said, "77, don't be nervous. It's a good experience. You'll just follow us later, but remember to keep a smile on your face."

When Lu Nianqi heard the words, he nodded and smiled: "Don't worry, Senior Sister, I promise not to hold you back."

Song Ping, a girl with short hair, said: "I think, our hopes are quite high this time. I heard that Mr. Lu's family has dogs, and they are very fond of them. Mr. Lu should be a dog lover, so our plan was successful. Sex is still great."

Thinking that the little Satsuma at home has to eat caviar mixed with dog food at least once a week, and every day the pork ribs and chicken are not fed with heavy samples, and every time I see the little pudding, I will try to eat the caviar with my paws while eating it. When I got it out and stepped on the ground to crush it and play, I couldn't help feeling distressed. It is said that a small spoonful is almost tens of thousands of dollars, and it is limited every year, so it is wasted to play, and his second brother never scolds, just let it go. Lu Nianqi thought silently, this must be because he loves dogs very much.

The four youthful students stepped into this landmark building with full of enthusiasm, and the young lady at the front desk smiled even when she saw a few young people who did not seem to be social people: "Hello, may I ask if you have any questions? What can I help you with?"

Among them, only Xiao Yin is a junior, Lu Nianqi is a freshman rookie, and the other two are sophomores, so naturally she stepped forward, Xiao Yin picked up the student ID hanging on her body and showed it to the front desk. Look, smiled and said: "We are the Ivy League Student Union. There is an event recently. I don't know if we can invite your company's sponsorship."

It’s not the first time I’ve encountered a front desk that pulls sponsorships. Most of them are activities in the school. Any company that pays money is equivalent to a title, and then it is promoted in the school to attract some students’ later employment prospects. So I contacted the propaganda department and told them where to go upstairs and which floors to go.

After entering the elevator, everyone breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously. It was good that they were not turned away, and the latter depended on their negotiating skills. Only Lu Nianqi was a little disappointed, but he thought too, how could a few students go to see the boss directly with sponsorship.

The elevator stopped halfway, and a man in a suit came in. The man didn't press the button on the top floor until the college students reached the floor. After sending the dispatched materials into the office, Qi Wei said, "I saw your brother when I came up just now."

Lu Chenghe thought he was talking about Lu Chenghan, so he looked up at Qi Wei with some doubts. If Lu Chenghan came, he should come directly to his office.

Qi Wei said: "It's your younger brother who has just returned home. Looking at the things they are holding, they should have come to ask for sponsorship. In the past, Tengda has rescued stray dogs, but this seems to be the first time that Tengda has Students come to Lu's to sponsor."

As Lu Chenghe's assistant and senior special assistant, they naturally need to be clear about the changes in the Lu family's personnel, so they were able to recognize Lu Nianqi in the elevator just now. However, although he recognized it, he didn't say anything. When they went directly to the floor of the propaganda department, he knew that Lu Nianqi had never said anything about his relationship with their boss, so he naturally wouldn't talk too much.

Although Lu Chenghe graduated from Ivy League University, he has never been in the student union. He knows about the large-scale activities of the school, but he is not very clear about the social welfare of the student union. Hearing what the assistant said, he asked casually, "stray dog? Does the school have a kennel?"

Qi Wei found that the boss seemed to be paying more attention to dogs recently. He had asked him which dog treats were better, and he had specially asked him to bring a few packs. But after that, there is no more text, maybe the boss's dog doesn't like it very much.

Hearing this question from the boss now, he smiled and said: "The school does not have a kennel, but this kind of public welfare is indeed not the first time, so there are corresponding cooperative units, and students will be volunteers every once in a while. , such as rescuing stray dogs. If there is no funds, students will call volunteers in the school and go to several kennel rescue stations that have cooperated with them. If they have funds, they may buy some dog food. Vaccines and other materials are donated to the past."

Compared with the public welfare undertakings in the society, this kind of school students may do better, and may have some inexperience, but they really use every cent of the donations for public welfare. Of course, this does not mean that other public welfare units are not good. After all, they are also engaged in a profession and have to eat, but some of them are too chaotic internally, and what they give is not proportional to what they want after donating.

Therefore, the Lu family itself has established a public welfare department, which buys a large amount of materials every year and donates it directly to the primary school in the mountainous area. But for stray cats and dogs, Lu seems to have always been blank.

Hearing the assistant's words, Lu Chenghe said directly: "Make a phone call below. If there is no problem with the plan, then give me a pen."

Qi Wei smiled and nodded. As for the reason why he could call and say hello in person, it was because of the younger brother or because he had a dog at home, which is hard to say.

For a large enterprise, the whereabouts of every fund is well-founded. Although the Lu family allocates a fee to the propaganda department every year, it cannot give money to every sponsor. Looking at this immature project and the lack of a formal funding plan, it is impossible for the propaganda department to give money. You can't just ask for a number casually. They don't even know how much a box of vaccines cost.

But these few are students, and doing this kind of project is always a bit incomplete, so the manager who received them also rarely explained to them one by one, which is also a kind of teaching.

A few people knew that it might not be possible today, and they were given a few words by the manager. They also found out how vague the project they and others had made, but at least the manager did not directly refuse, and they could go back and make a new one.

At this moment, the manager answered a phone call, then glanced at several people, hung up the phone and said with a smile, "You guys are really lucky."

Several people looked at each other in a fog, and they all didn't quite understand.

The manager said with a smile: "The boss knows your intentions, so he personally sent a message to give you a sponsorship. You are on time. The boss recently raised a dog, so now he is more concerned about this. If You are here to pull other sponsors today, I am afraid it will not be so smooth."

Until they got the cheque for 100,000 and stood at the door of the building, several people were still unable to recover. The ups and downs this afternoon were too dramatic, and 100,000, I am afraid that the student union can completely take over. the most. Generally, if they are lucky enough to get a big sponsor, they definitely hope to cooperate with the school. Most of them will go directly to the school process in the end, and will not go through the student union again. But today's order is directly given to their student union, and they have full authority to handle it.

Several people did not expect to be successful, and they were so excited that they could not wait to jump around, and they couldn't help sighing, that Mr. Lu is really a good person. Lu Nianqi followed behind a few people with a smile. For others, it was Mr. Lu who was rarely seen in person, but for him, it was the second brother he could see every day when he went back, so it felt completely different. . Hearing that others praised his second brother like this, he also felt happy.

After several people returned to school, before they had time to register the payment, they heard a small whimper in the grass. A few people took a look at the grass and saw a dirty little puppy with all the hair sticking together pitifully lying in the cardboard box.

It seems that this little guy should be a string, like a golden retriever, but the color is a little darker. I don't know if it is a string with a Chinese pastoral dog. If it is a small one, if it is left here, I am afraid it will be Can't survive today, the weather is so cold, such a small dog can't stand the cold.

Xiao Yin and the others hurriedly found some unwanted old clothes to wrap the puppy, and looked at the other people: "Which of you live off-campus, it's convenient for you to take care of it tonight and take it to the rescue station tomorrow."

A few people glanced at each other. Although they can also be brought back on campus, the key to smuggling is that they have nothing to feed in the dormitory, and they cannot cook by themselves, so it is more convenient to live off-campus.

In the end, Lu Nianqi said, "Give it to me, I'll take it back. I have a dog at home, so there should be something for it."

Hearing what Lu Nianqi said, everyone naturally agreed. So today I got a big sponsorship and saved a puppy. Everyone felt that today was super successful.

Lu Nianqi just carried the abandoned little puppy back to Lu's house. Because there was a little pudding at home, the maid at home also specially arranged training on the precautions for feeding dogs, trimming hair and nails, etc. , although it may not be able to be used, but at least know something.

So as soon as the stray dog brought back by Lu Nianqi returned to Lu's house, the housekeeper asked the maid to cut its fur and give it some food.

Zuo Ning lay on the sofa and glanced at the time. Lu Chenghe was almost home in a while. The puppy that Lu Nianqi brought back was lying on the mat on the ground, and Lu Nianqi squatted on the ground to feed it.

Lu Nianqi also smiled and said to the little pudding, "Would you like more puppies to play with you in the future?"

Zuo Ning ignored him, but said to the little milk dog on the ground, "Hello, little guy."

The shaved bald puppy on the ground grunted and said in a milky voice, "Hello, hello."

When Zuo Ning heard it, he was able to communicate without obstacles, which was awesome. You must know that the puppy he rescued at the time seemed to be unable to communicate with him, but at that time, it was estimated that the puppy was in so much pain that he couldn't speak. . The third one who was able to communicate with him successfully aroused his interest, so he lay on the edge of the sofa and watched it sucking milk curiously: "Your parents?"

The little puppy sucked milk in his mouth and looked at the big white dog: "What is dad? Mommy is gone."

Zuo Ning didn't bother to explain the complicated problem of having to have a father and a mother, and asked, "How could you be in that grass? Did your mother put you there?"

The little milk dog was confused for a while. This sentence was a bit long. It took some time to understand: "Human, took me there, and then left."

I heard that Lu Nianqi told the housekeeper just now that he found it in the school, and he didn't know which student raised a dog, but he gave birth to a puppy and didn't want to raise it, so he just abandoned it. Zuo Ning sighed silently. Abandoning a baby is a felony, but abandoning a dog is ignored. If dogs become rare to the level of pandas, let this group of humans regret it!

At this moment, Zuo Ning completely forgot that he was once a human.

A bottle of milk was finally finished after rest and stop. The little milk dog burped a lot, then lay down on the mat and didn't want to move: "It's so comfortable and delicious."

The kind of milk that dogs drink, Zuo Ning still drinks a little from time to time. Although he doesn't need it at all, Lu Chenghe probably has a bad taste. He always likes to watch him lick his white beard, but the taste... It is said that the milk is very fragrant, but it is tasteless and tasteless, and even the pure milk that humans drink is better than that milk.

Seeing that the little thing was satisfied after drinking it, I immediately sighed, it is really good to be born as a dog, at least a little bit of food is very satisfying.

Seeing the pitiful bald hair, Zuo Ning said earnestly: "Be good, don't make a fuss, come to me if you're hungry, don't pee everywhere, if you're so good, maybe you'll be taken in here already."

The little milk dog looked up at Zuo Ning curiously: "Are you a mother?"

Zuo Ning's head is full of black lines. What do you mean he is a mother? Is it possible that he can only find his mother when he is hungry? Is it the mother that he can eat

Although I hope that Lu Chenghe will not keep other pets to distract his feelings after him, but thinking about it this way, it can be seen that these poor little ones who have been abandoned by others, he can't bear to make an act of rejection and then drive them away. . Anyway, there are not many things in the Lu family. There is a lot of space and money. If you raise one more, you can raise another one. No matter how you raise it, it is impossible to raise someone as smart as him. This is considered uncompetitive. .

Just thinking about it, he heard the familiar sound of a car. Zuo Ning quickly got up from the sofa. The little milk dog was startled and wanted to climb off the mat to hide, but he couldn't bear the warmth of the mat. Then I saw the big white dog rushing out like this.

Lu Chenghe picked up the dog skillfully, which really fulfilled the saying on the Internet, no matter how big he grows, he is still a baby who needs to be held. Fortunately, he exercises every day, otherwise, when this guy grows to 180 pounds, it will be really difficult to hold him.

Carrying his big baby dog into the hall, he saw the shaved puppy lying on the mat on the ground at a glance, Lu Chenghe looked at Lu Nianqi, who was standing beside him with a baby bottle cautiously: "Why? thing."

Lu Nianqi quickly explained the matter, but he did not say that he would send the puppy away tomorrow. If he could keep it, he naturally hoped to stay. As for whether it was really out of love or some other reason, he also Only he knew it.

Lu Chenghe was going to put the little pudding down, but after hearing Lu Nianqi's words, he continued to hold it, then frowned at the little milk dog: "So this is a stray dog?"

Lu Nianqi nodded, thinking of the fact that his second brother wanted someone to call for funding today, he couldn't help but look forward to it, although he himself didn't know what he was looking forward to.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chenghe's reaction was not what he expected.

Lu Chenghe said to the housekeeper in a cold tone, "Let someone send this dog to the veterinary hospital."

The housekeeper has always been obedient. Hearing Lu Chenghe's words, he turned around and arranged for a driver.

Lu Nianqi's face turned pale, as if he did not expect Lu Chenghe to react like this. Even Zuo Ning was a little surprised, and then hugged Lu Chenghe's neck tightly, not daring to breathe. Lu Chenghe was falsely angry that he dared to make trouble with him, but when he was really angry, he could only admit it. Fortunately, it was to be sent to the veterinary hospital instead of thrown away, so he didn't stop it. Although he felt that if he stopped it, he might be able to successfully stop it.

After the housekeeper handed the dog over to the driver, Lu Chenghe looked at Lu Nianqi: "Do you know what you did wrong today?"

This is the first time that Lu Nianqi has faced such Lu Chenghe. Although Lu Chenghe doesn't usually show his emotions, it is the first time that he has such a cold face, so he said with some fear: "You shouldn't bring the dog back casually."

"You can adopt a pet or even adopt a stray dog, but if you pick up a dog like this, you are irresponsible for the dog and the little pudding. Once the dog is sick, you will not only delay After the treatment time, it can even be transmitted to the dogs in the house.”

Lu Nianqi quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't think of that."

Lu Chenghe gave him a cold look: "You are an adult and have the ability to think independently. Today is a small matter, and there will be more things for you to decide in the future. You have to learn to look at one You can’t just focus on what’s in front of you.”

Lu Nianqi kept his head down and listened to the training. He didn't have this kind of awareness at first, but when his second brother said this, he suddenly felt that what he did was really too impulsive. If the dog at home was really because of the dog he brought back What happened, with how much his second brother attached importance to Little Pudding, he might even hate himself for it. Thinking of this, Lu Nianqi was even more frightened.

Seeing that he admitted his mistake, Lu Chenghe didn't say any more. After all, he wasn't his own younger brother. Even if he disciplined him, he could only point to it. Ask the housekeeper to sterilize the whole house, and after all the things the dog had touched before, he went upstairs with the little pudding in his arms.

Zuo Ning was hugged by Lu Chenghe obediently, with his head resting on Lu Chenghe's shoulder, watching the servants in the hall busy cleaning up under the command of the housekeeper, the mat that the little milk dog had squatted on just now was also rolled up , seems to be ready to throw away. Zuo Ning thought to himself, fortunately, Lu Nianqi didn't let the puppy on the sofa before, otherwise, wouldn't the sofa be lost

Seeing that Lu Nianqi was standing in the hall like this, the busyness of the crowd became the background for him, Zuo Ning somehow felt that his lonely appearance looked so pitiful. Turning his head to look at Lu Chenghe, he rubbed his cheek: "Wu..." Your brother looks so pitiful, he was about to cry after being disciplined by you.

Lu Chenghe patted his dog's head: "Don't make trouble, I'll take you to kill and sterilize."

Although he felt that Lu Chenghe was being too careful, he just smelled it, and the dog was not sick except for malnutrition. It was estimated that it was raised in the dormitory before. He didn't have a single flea, even if he touched it, there was no problem, not to mention that he was far away from the stink just now.

But seeing Lu Chenghe so nervous about himself, Zuo Ning whimpered happily, hugging his neck and rubbing against him.

Seeing the dog's sudden excitement, Lu Chenghe released his hand, and the guy accepted the call of gravity, slid straight down, gave a slap, and sat down on the ground.

There is a thick carpet on the ground, and this guy has a lot of meat on his butt, so it won't hurt to fall so gently. Seeing the hooded eyes, Lu Chenghe hooked the corner of his mouth and walked around him.

This was the first time that Zuo Ning was held and fell off halfway. He lay on the ground stupidly for a long time but couldn't recover. He was not yet an adult, so Lu Chenghe couldn't hold it? He's not that heavy! Seeing that Lu Chenghe walked away without looking back, Zuo Ning quickly got up and let out a snort, and then chased after him.