Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof

Chapter 40: [The end of the black kennel] If one day you will forget who he is


Lu Chenghe couldn't even use the strength to crush the ants to deal with such a small kennel. However, he informed his assistant Qi Wei about it at night, and he naturally didn't need to worry about the rest.

And Qi Wei, as Lu Chenghe's assistant, how could he sit in this position if he didn't have the ability to do things and the wrist. It would be just a phone call for him to make the kennel disappear overnight, but he didn't do it because it was too cheap for the kennel.

Qi Wei raised a border shepherd by himself. He was smart and cute since he was a child, and has always been his favorite. Compared with Lu Chenghe, who raises dogs rationally, Qi Wei can be regarded as a real shit shoveling officer and a qualified dog slave. Although his own Weibo is titled as Assistant Lu, the content he posts is all about his own dog son. He has been ridiculed many times by netizens. This is a pet blogger who was delayed because of his ability. . Obviously, he can rely on his son to be cute, but he prefers to use his own ability to fight the world hard.

So when Lu Chenghe sent him a message at night, and he investigated the evidence through some channels, he was so angry that he didn't sleep all night. Things that could have been quietly resolved, he chose not to, and he wanted to make things bigger, so that the black-hearted kennel would have a taste of the mass of the people.

As Lu Chenghe's assistant, Qi Wei also has a lot of followers on Weibo. Even because of his status, many big V have set him as a special follower. As long as he posts a message, he will be reminded immediately. So when Qi Wei posted the exposure Weibo, in addition to those retweets that night owl pet bloggers had not yet slept in, some social influencers also retweeted it. After a night of fermentation, they already occupied the first place the next day The hot headlines even suppressed the news of a powerful singer's new song release.

I saw that in the news, from the kennel to the slaughterhouse of a black workshop, there were screenshots of traffic surveillance along the way, and the slaughterhouse was probably sneaked in late at night to take secret photos. The background of the photo was a little dark, and the focus was captured by a flash. , the piles of dead dogs looked even more terrifying, and they were utterly inhumane. There are also several photos of dogs that have no skins hanging, and piles of cut dog skins are piled up on the ground. Even an onlooker who doesn't love cats and dogs thinks this is too cruel.

This news also revealed that this kennel named Love Pet House, in the name of helping stray dogs for public welfare, does not refuse stray dogs sent by caring people in the society, and then selects young people from it. , Dogs with good appearance, no physical defects, or not obvious defects should be treated and packaged, and then called for adoption by caring people.

And those stray dogs who are seriously ill and cannot survive, have serious physical defects, and are too old to be sent to them will be poisoned to death and sent to unlicensed slaughterhouses for skinning and meat. Because the meat is going to enter the market, the kennel uses a synthetic poison, which kills the dog through smell, and does not leave too much in the dog's body. In this way, the dead dog can maintain the integrity of the dog's skin to the greatest extent, and will not cause excessive movement and bloody scene in the kennel.

Then, after every batch of stray dogs accumulated in the kennel is disposed of, it will come to pull the dogs through the cooperative slaughterhouse. Although the dog was sold at a low price, it was a long-term business. As the kennel's reputation grew, so did their undercover trades.

The behavior of this kennel can be described as maddening. Many people touched the Weibo of the kennel through the link of this news, and found that the reputation of the kennel was almost full of praise. In this kind of society full of dogs, this kind of fact, the kennels that sell good dogs are simply a clear stream, and are sought after by many dog lovers.

As a result, who would have thought that this kind of kennel owner, who is called Dazheng by netizens, is even more black-hearted and cruel than the dog dealers in those weeks!

[I can't believe this is true. My Niuniu bought it at this kennel, because many people recommended it, and I have observed it for a long time. This kennel sells healthy and good dogs, and I even drove by myself. The dog I picked up in the past, I didn't expect it to be like this behind it, and there was an inexplicable creepy feeling.]

[It's really terrifying. If it weren't for the hard hammer, who would have thought that there would be such a dragon behind this kennel, and these people would have their retribution sooner or later!]

[See you for a long time, because I can't raise a dog, I'm afraid I can't be responsible for a small life. I have been raising dogs for a long time, and this kennel is also my daily concern. I really didn't expect it to be so black-hearted, I don't know How many innocent dogs have died in their hands, if it wasn't too far away, I would really want to fly over and smash this kennel out of anger!]

[Mad is so angry, aren't the people in this kennel afraid of losing their children! Sooner or later there will be retribution! I curse them all to die! ! !]

[If it weren't for the exposure of a really big v, and the screenshots I took out were so solid, I couldn't believe it. Last week, I went to this kennel to be a volunteer and saw that those stray dogs can live in this kennel. I don't know how happy the She'an family is. At that time, I also said that although you were abandoned by the original owner, but you were rescued here, you will definitely have a stable rest of your life. Now that I think about it, I burst into tears. It's better to wander outside. Woolen cloth!]

[I found it suspicious long ago, I even bumped into it once, and then I was beaten. My family was even threatened. I had no power and no power. I could only persuade the friends around me not to believe this kennel. Now that the kennel has been exposed, I also Finally, there is no need to worry about this matter anymore, and someone finally came out and did a great deed!]

[Woooooo... I picked up a dog, because my family wouldn't let him keep it, and later sent it to this kennel. I will visit it once a week, and then buy some dog food. I hope the kennel will be good for the dog. One point, and the person at the kennel said that the dog was adopted not long ago. Although I was a little disappointed at the time, I still hoped that the dog would have a loving owner for the rest of his life. Now I am not sure if the dog is still alive. , if it is gone, will the dog hate me very much, I sent it to woo woo woo...]

Although the people in the kennel are also making their names through Weibo, they don't always pay attention. After getting up this morning, I fed the group of puppies who wanted to sell money, and poured a few buckets of cheap food for the stray dogs, and then logged on Weibo as usual. It turned out that his kennel had been named, and the key was to have screenshots as proof. In an instant, the people in the kennel panicked and hurriedly went to the boss.

When the boss saw it, he thought that this matter had something to do with the students last night, so he gritted his teeth with hatred. However, he did not expect that this group of students would have the ability to dispatch past screenshots through the traffic monitoring system, and even touched the slaughterhouse.

Although it’s not that they haven’t been discovered before, but after the warning and threats, they dare not speak. The reputation of their kennel is there, even if one or two dare to come out and tell the truth, but they sell it. The dogs that go out are indeed good dogs, so there are many supporters who think that those people are just jealous, and they are just black people found by others.

But now, it is still a very powerful big v who is hanging on them. Compared with their niche in Jade Bird City, the whole Weibo is fighting together, even if it is fake, it will be said to be true, not to mention those things are indeed true. Really, they can't do it if they want to be assertive.

Just as the boss was rushing to think of countermeasures, there was a loud noise from the door.

Zuo Ning accompanies Lu Chenghe from his daily morning run. After eating the dog food, he was forcibly stuffed with an egg yolk, and then he took half a mouthful of bacon from Lu Chenghe's mouth, watching Lu Chenghe's icy stare. , wagging his tail proudly.

Because of what happened the night before, Lu Chenghe didn't take him to the company yesterday and stayed at home for a day. Fortunately, Mother Lu was also worried that he was uncomfortable, so she didn't come to take him out. But now he feels completely fine. Last night, he was arguing with Lu Chenghe for a long time. He was afraid that Lu's mother would come again later and say that he would take him out to play. Seeing that Lu Chenghe was leaving, he quickly followed and hugged his thigh.

Looking at the little pudding who was pouting and wagging his tail, Lu Chenghe lowered his head and stared: "You just stole my breakfast."

Zuo Ning tilted his head: "?"

Lu Chenghe: "So I'm not full."

Zuo Ning: "???"

Lu Chenghe opened his claws one by one: "Because I'm not full, I can't hold you, so I can't take you to work."

The housekeeper, who was taking Lu Chenghe out, lowered his head silently. It was rare to hear the young master tell a bad joke in his lifetime. So the question is, should he just pretend he didn't hear it, or just smile for face? Forget it, the bad joke was told to the dog, so he still pretended not to hear it.

Zuo Ning couldn't bear it any longer: "Wang!" You are no longer the Lu Chenghe I know!

Seeing Lu Chenghe peeling off his claws, he got into the car directly. Zuo Ning rushed over quickly, resting half of his body on the footrest in the car, and looked up at Lu Chenghe: "Wang Wang!" Take me away, let's go Let's go.

Lu Chenghe tilted his head and glanced slightly, seeing that he was hanging in the car because most of his body was hanging in the car, with his feet hanging in the air, he complained, "The legs are so short."

Zuo Ning kicked his back foot and got into the car with ease. He climbed into the back seat of the car, and threw himself on Lu Chenghe: "Wow!" His legs are not short, much longer than Keji!

Seeing that the boss had closed the door, the driver did not intend to drive the dog out of the car, so he pushed the accelerator directly. Unexpectedly, a boss who is cold all day has even taken the dog to work since he raised a dog.

All the way into the office, Zuo Ning went straight to the small room. Lu Chenghe took off his coat, came in and put clean water in his dog basin, and turned on the pad for him to play the series. Seeing that he was lying on the bed and ready to play, he closed the room lightly. .

Zuo Ning saw that Lu Chenghe was starting to work, so he jumped off the bed, looked out carefully through the crack of the door, and turned to open the refrigerator. The empty juice bottle was gone. Seeing that Lu Chenghe hadn't mentioned it at all in the past two days, he immediately narrowed his eyes with a smile.

He knew that usually someone would take care of Lu Chenghe's housework. There was no way a small refrigerator had to be cleaned up by the boss himself. Someone must have cleaned up the empty beverage bottle. Zuo Ning felt that going to work was really much more interesting when he thought that he would be able to satisfy his cravings every day in the future.

Lu Chenghe dealt with official business for a while, and Qi Wei knocked on the door and came in. When Lu Chenghe saw Qi Wei, he remembered what he had explained to him last night, and asked, "How are things going?"

Hearing Lu Chenghe talking, Zuo Ning hurriedly jumped out of bed and carefully put his ear to the door.

Qi Weidao: "The matter has been exposed, that kennel will no longer have a foothold in Jade Bird City in the future, and some people have jointly sued, but this morning, some people have assembled and moved all the stray dogs in the kennel, but The puppies in the kennel are personal property, but have been looted by some over-the-top dog lovers."

Lu Chenghe frowned when he heard the words, and Qi Wei continued: "There were some physical conflicts during this process. The boss and employees in the kennel all suffered injuries of varying severity. The kennel was smashed, but because of the original place where the kennel was located It is relatively remote, and there are no cameras in the kennel. After receiving the alarm and going to the scene, the troublemakers have already disappeared. Even if the owner of the kennel wants to sue those people, this lawsuit is not easy to fight. But Before that, they were already under criminal detention. With the pressure of such social speech, the sentence may not be light. Unfortunately, the law does not have a clear regulation on the protection of stray dogs, and in the end, it can only be used in the name of endangering food. sue."

Lu Chenghe nodded, since the kennel has been resolved, then this matter is over. Just as he was about to let Qi Wei continue to work, he heard Qi Wei ask, "Does the boss know how blackhearted that kennel is?"

Lu Chenghe raised his head: "Poisoned a lot?"

Qi Wei nodded: "That kennel has been in business for seven or eight years. In the past, it was only traded once a month, about a hundred stray dogs at a time. Later, it was traded almost once a week, and the number was also not small. Even some dog dealers sell stolen and poisoned dogs through their channels. The sum total is a huge number. Most of those poisoned dogs are not very good looking. , or local dogs, generally famous dogs will be taken care of and then open to adoption to gain fame, the society does not know how many such existences exist.”

After Qi Wei finished speaking, he sighed: "The boss must be careful about his dog. If it disappears, it will be difficult to find it."

Zuo Ning, who was eavesdropping in the room, unknowingly stuck his head out while listening. Hearing that Lu Chenghe wanted to make sure that he didn't lose it, he couldn't help but snorted, will he lose it? If he could lose himself, then he would really wonder if he was a self-imagination of his own as a person.

Hearing the sound from the other side of the small room, Qi Wei turned his head subconsciously. Zuo Ning saw that he had been discovered, and quickly wanted to close the door. Tragically, the paw accidentally hit the door, and when the head was retracted, it was caught...

He snorted in pain, and then pulled his head back and rubbed the place where the two necks were pinched with his claws. He felt embarrassed and wanted to cry.

Lu Chenghe watched the scene where his entire head was caught by the door, and silently restrained the slight twitching of the corner of his mouth.

When Qi Wei saw the live little pudding, his eyes lit up on the upper body of the dog's soul: "Little pudding!"

He also went to see the movie at the beginning, and then followed the movie to Xiao Puding's Weibo. At that time, he didn't know that Xiao Puding was the dog of the boss's house, or he saw some pictures posted on Weibo before. The background is the boss's house, there is even a study room, and a bedroom that even he has never entered! Combined with some things the boss asked him about the dog before, Qi Wei deduced that this fat little pudding must be the boss's dog!

Now I accidentally see a little pudding alive. It's still in the boss's office. If I didn't remember my identity as an assistant, I almost couldn't help but pounce on it.

Compared with the fluffy Samoyed, he looks cute, but his Bianmu son looks a little cold, and the hair is too long to fit on the body, and there is no Samoyed with fried hair flying. .

Lu Chenghe knocked on the table, and knocked back the subordinate who wanted to stretch his head out into the small room.

Qi Wei looked at the boss, and saw that the little pudding didn't run out. It was a pity that he couldn't get the dog, and he was reluctant to leave the office all the way.

After seeing Qi Wei go back to work, Lu Chenghe called towards the small room, "Little pudding, come here."

Zuo Ning opened the door with his claws, then threw himself on Lu Chenghe's lap: "Ouch." I didn't mean to be discovered.

Lu Chenghe rubbed his head and neck twice, and tapped his forehead with his fingertips: "You really got your head caught in the door."

Zuo Ning hugged Lu Chenghe's calf and put his head on his thigh to rub him. As for what Lu Chenghe was saying just now, sorry, he didn't understand.

At this time, someone knocked on the door and came in. Zuo Ning subconsciously hid under Lu Chenghe's desk to make sure that his tail was not exposed, so he put his head on Lu Chenghe's lap and blinked innocently at him.

Seeing that he didn't plan to move the nest, Lu Chenghe had to let his subordinates in first.

A bunch of people came in and out, Zuo Ning just hid under the table and listened to those people reporting their work. One by one, they spit out their words, just like the social elites he saw in the TV series. Although some professional terms are not well understood, they feel very powerful. Zuo Ning thought to himself, no wonder the top 100 in the world, these elites are all independent existences.

Listening and listening, Zuo Ning just sat in front of Lu Chenghe's chair, resting his head on his lap, and fell asleep.

Lu Chenghe glanced at him every time he lowered his head to scan the documents, and saw those round eyes blinking and blinking, but in the end he couldn't resist the call of the Sleeping God, so he just sat like this with his head on his lap and fell asleep. This sleeping position is really hard, and it feels like I will slip down and fall to the ground at any time. As a result, Lu Chenghe had to be distracted all morning to take care of the dog who was sleeping soundly on his lap.

Zuo Ning, who had woken up from a full sleep, opened his mouth and yawned in satisfaction, but when he tilted his head back, he slammed into the desk with a thud.

Lu Chenghe just leaned on the back of the chair and watched silently. When he saw himself scratching the place where he was hit with his small paws, he thought that he was hit on the head by the door clip. Today, he is on duty today, and he doesn't know how much his IQ will drop. class.

Zuo Ning scratched his head, and finally remembered where he was soberly. When he looked up, he saw Lu Chenghe looking at him blankly, and quickly put on a smile to please him: "Ow~"

Seeing the innocent face, Lu Chenghe couldn't help laughing, and knocked on his head: "If you keep hitting like this, I think you're too stupid to remember who you are." After speaking, Lu Chenghe slid away his chair and stood up, walking towards the coffee table and sofa where lunch had been placed: "Come here, it's time to eat."

Zuo Ning's eyes dimmed instantly when he heard the words. Lu Chenghe got up together, and the large floor-to-ceiling glass window behind him appeared in front of him. Outside the glass windows are all kinds of high-rise buildings, and the wide road is full of traffic. In the rapidly developing city of Qingniao, you can even see luxury cars running by from time to time.

At the beginning, Zuo Ning's dream was to have a small house of his own in the center of the city, to have a career that he could make ends meet, to go home for dinner every week, and listen to his parents talking. There is also a group of fox friends and dog friends, squatting on the street in the summer and making a string, talking about the south, east, north and west of Dashan.

When the age is almost the same, find a suitable person, get married and have children. If it is a girl, treat it like a princess, if it is a boy, let it grow up wild.

But everything that was originally very simple, when he opened his eyes one day, completely had nothing to do with him.

He tried to convince himself to accept this sudden change, adapt to the new life, accept the new identity, and then gradually forgot that there was once a person named Zuo Ning.

Zuo Ning looked at his hairy paws and thought silently, he will forget it, one day, he will forget who he is, and become a pure puppy who only loves his master.

But what if one day, he forgets who he is.

Lu Chenghe walked to the coffee table. Seeing that Little Pudding hadn't followed him, he stared at the floor-to-ceiling window dumbfoundedly, and called out again, "Little Pudding, you still can't eat."

Zuo Ning raised his paw and rubbed his face, thinking about it, what was there to think about? With a whimper, he got out from under the table and walked to Lu Chenghe's feet with his big tail wagging. After sniffing the aroma of the food in the air, Zuo Ning swallowed. It's a pity that there is only drink in Lu Chenghe's small refrigerator. It would be great if there was something to eat.

Eating dog food, Zuo Ning silently decided that he would have to drink two bottles of Lu Chenghe's juice today to make up for his weak glass heart.