Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof

Chapter 5: [Pricked in the buttock] There is a kind of puffiness that you don't understand


After a busy day, Lu Chenghe stepped into the living room with his forefoot, and a snow-white fur ball came running fast, probably trying to stop in front of him, but he misestimated his braking ability, and he pedaled several times in a row. He didn't stop his lower leg, he saw that he was about to collide, and was hugged by Lu Chenghe quickly.

Zuo Ning was held in Lu Chenghe's hand and tried his best to stick out his tongue and wag his tail, which was bound to make Lu Chenghe feel the warmth of home and make him used to and like his new family member.

Although he didn't know whether Zuo Ning's goal was achieved, Lu Chenghe was quite satisfied with the little thing who was still enthusiastic even after being separated for a day. I put the dog in my arms and brushed it with the other hand. Seeing that it was obedient and not noisy, I liked it a little more in my heart.

The housekeeper, who was standing at the door waiting for the owner to return, said in a timely manner: "Young master can call him by his name more, which will help cultivate the relationship between the master pet and make him more familiar with his name."

During the day, when Lu Chenghe was not at home, the butler and servants placed the food on time in the hall that was marked out for Little Pudding's activities. At other times, they were far away and would not come close or call it by name. , for fear that it is too small and easy to confuse.

In this case, it will be fine when the little pudding grows up and has a cognitive concept of his master. So now is the time to cultivate emotional and master pet relationships.

When Lu Chenghe heard this, the very greasy word "little pudding" automatically appeared in his mind, and then he looked down at the little milk dog in his hand. Zuo Ning also looked up at Lu Chenghe at the same time. Seeing Lu Chenghe looking at him, he quickly stuck out his tongue, showing a sweet and warm signature smile.

Lu Chenghe looked at those dark and ignorant eyes, and paused: "Little Pudding." The voice was nice, but the tone was calm, and there was no emotion at all, and the cry was completely indifferent.

But Zuo Ning, whose dog was under the eaves, could only happily respond: "Ang~~"

Lu Chenghe nodded, confirming that the little thing remembered his name, and then carried it to the bedroom. The housekeeper showed a relieved smile behind him. He grew up watching Lu Chenghe growing up. When the old master was still there, although the young master was also a cold-hearted man, he could still feel his popularity.

Later, the master died unexpectedly, and the young master would only be warmer when facing his wife. After all, the young master is so young, carrying the entire Lu family, the pressure is not small. In addition, people nowadays have many ulterior motives, and it is difficult to have a close friend. It is better to keep an obedient pet.

Lu Chenghe put Zuo Ning on the sofa, went into the bathroom, took a shower, and changed into home clothes. As soon as he came out, he saw the little fat dog clinging to the edge of the sofa. When he was about to go over to catch it, he was a step too late. With a bang, the little fat dog smashed onto the blanket on the ground, and tumbled with its four paws upside down for a while before sitting up.

Seeing Lu Chenghe standing at the door of the bathroom, he quickly stood up as if nothing had happened, and walked slowly to Lu Chenghe to rub.

Lu Chenghe lowered his eyes and stared for a moment, slightly disgusted: "Little short legs."

Zuo Ning choked and threw himself on Lu Chenghe pretending to not understand. Originally thought that Lu Chenghe, who had already taken a bath, would not hug him, but Zuo Ning misestimated Lu Chenghe's personality, and he didn't expect that he just pounced on purpose, but he was picked up. He didn't dislike him at all or think he was dirty. Hair is full of bacteria.

Zuo Ning, who was slightly relieved, was even more fond of Lu Chenghe. It seems that although this man looks a little cold, he is probably just not showing his emotions, but his heart is still warm!

At noon without Lu Chenghe, Zuo Ning could only move on the fenced-out site. Although there was a luxurious dog house, a bunch of toys that he could chew on, and a field that was big enough for him to run freely, he still had a lot of fun. I still don't feel free. Now that Lu Chenghe was back, Zuo Ning felt much freer, and he could even sit on a chair while eating.

Lu Chenghe's dinner today is Chinese food. No matter what kind of Chinese food it is, it pays attention to color, fragrance. A dog's nose is very sensitive. Compared with eyes, dogs are better at distinguishing the world by smell, so when the dishes with all the colors and flavors are brought up, for Zuo Ning, who is eating tasteless and tasteless food, Simply inhuman torture.

Originally thought it would be a little easier to say goodbye to the dog food today, but he did not expect that the torment of the food would also increase his level.

Shrugging his nose, Zuo Ning ignored the refined food in the food bowl, resting his front paws on Lu Chenghe's thighs, wagging his tail and making a pitiful screeching sound.

In order to carry out his mother's request when he left, Lu Chenghe put Zuo Ning on the chair next to him during dinner, which is now convenient for him to beg for food. But even shrimp without any seasonings can't be given to it. Today's dinner Lu Chenghe knows without asking, it is absolutely not for dogs.

He pointed to the food bowl placed on the side: "Go eat it, that's your dinner."

Zuo Ning immediately flattered: "Ow~~" He just wanted to taste it, it was really difficult to live a dog.

Seeing that it didn't listen, Lu Chenghe directly picked up the back of its neck and put it back in front of the food bowl. Knowing that he would definitely be hated if he entangled him again, he had to squat back down with his head and tail down. After taking a bite of his own food, he looked up at Lu Chenghe, and then gave a pitiful cry, which made Lu Chenghe feel that he was abusing a dog while eating his own dinner.

If Zuo Ning knew what Lu Chenghe was thinking, he would have shouted, no, this is definitely not your illusion!

After finally finishing dinner with difficulty, Lu Chenghe was considering whether to give it a bath. Although the house was very clean, and he hadn't let it run around these days, it would be a bit of a burden for him to carry him if he didn't take a bath.

But the housekeeper quickly came over and said, "Little Pudding is still short of the last shot of the vaccine. I have left a call from the veterinarian who has been giving Xiao Puding injections. I have already asked today, and the veterinarian said that it will be available in two days. The young master thinks What is the best time to schedule?"

Zuo Ning, who was chewing on the rubber ball, glanced at the butler who was talking with the rubber ball in his mouth. He even had to have an injection. Well, for the sake of health, and for the sake of a short life that is not too long, let's just do it. He was never afraid of big injections.

Lu Chenghe touched the little head that was lying on him and played with the ball: "Then let's go tonight. You can only go out to run after you have shot the needles. If you don't go out to exercise, I'm afraid you will be too fat to run." Picking up a claw and pinching it, the meat huhu feels good.

It's just that the hair is very fried, and Zuo Ning, who actually has few pounds of meat, feels like he is covered with arrows!

The veterinarian came very quickly, and the place where Mrs. Lu could take the dog to raise it without any preparation was naturally the cubs of the pets raised by the best friends in the circle. There are fixed veterinarians who can treat these pets. It can be said that Those who specialize in seeing a doctor for pets in the wealthy circle can have the opportunity to come to the Lu family, even if the sky is full of knives, they will come quickly.

The veterinarian who came here is very young, with a good appearance, not very handsome, but overall it gives a very comfortable and gentle feeling. Following the housekeeper's guidance, he came to Lu Chenghe all the way, and when he saw the little guy who was playing ball on his master, Wen Ting's eyes softened unconsciously.

Although Wen Ting is only a veterinarian, but serving many ladies in this circle, he has some understanding of things in this circle. From the rumors I heard all the time, it can be concluded that Lu Chenghe is very unapproachable and arrogant, but his family background ability is first-class, and he is so much stronger than the second and third generations in the circle. He is the favorite son-in-law of many noble ladies.

Originally, my impression of Lu Chenghe was not bad. Now, seeing a man who is still outstanding even in home clothes, Wen Ting's feeling is even better. After greeting Lu Chenghe very politely, he started to ask about the dog's recent physical condition and defecation situation without being too deliberate.

The housekeeper on the side told the data recorded every day in detail, Wen Ting nodded and looked at Lu Chenghe: "The feeding of the little pudding is not bad, it's time for injections. May I ask Mr. Lu, are you holding it or asking the housekeeper to help?"

Just as the housekeeper was about to step forward to help, Lu Chenghe said, "I'll come, what do I need to do?"

While preparing the injection, Wen Ting said, "just sit with the little pudding in your arms. The injection will hurt a little. Later, you will hold the little pudding tightly, otherwise the needle will suffer if the needle is struggled to escape."

Lu Chenghe nodded, threw the rubber ball aside, and put out an index finger on Zuo Ning's forehead: "Don't move."

Zuo Ning, who can understand people's words, is naturally obedient, and Wen Ting smiled and said, "Mr. Lu has trained Little Pudding very well. He is so obedient at such a young age, and he probably won't be so much when he grows up. Noisy."

Lu Chenghe just hummed lightly, seeing Wen Ting holding the needle in his hand, he hugged Zuo Ning with one hand and pressed its head into his arms with the other to prevent him from seeing the needle, and asked one more question : "What should I pay attention to after hitting?"

Wen Ting approached with a smile: "After the injection, the resistance will be a little weak. Don't take a bath these days, and try not to take it out. After about a week of stability, you can feed normally." Ning touched his butt, and said in a very gentle tone, "Little pudding, be good, it will be fine soon."

Lu Chenghe watched Wen Ting remove the hair on the little thing's buttocks, and then pinched a piece of flesh. The moment the sharp needle pierced in, the puppy he was holding in his arms shuddered and whimpered. But even so, there was not too much struggle, which made Lu Chenghe subconsciously touch and comfort it.

The injection was very fast, and it was done in minutes. After pulling out the needle, Wen Ting gently rubbed the place where the injection was made: "Okay, the dog is still young, pay attention to deworming once a month, and wait until half a year old. Once the resistance is strong, it can be once a quarter, and an adult dog can try once every six months. You can take a bath after a week. If there is any change in body temperature in the past two days, please contact me in time.”

Lu Chenghe nodded and asked again, "It's so fat, will it affect your health?"

Hearing this, Zuo Ning, who was self-relieving the pain in his butt, opened his mouth and bit the finger closest to him. The dog was so difficult, and he always thought he was fat. It was too much!