Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof

Chapter 52: [Today's Steak for Dinner] One meal can't solve only two meals


For a man who runs hotels and resorts all over the world, the most important thing is accommodation. Zuo Ning thought that Lu Chenghe must go directly to his hotel to check in at this time, but he didn't expect that the car that came to pick them up drove all the way to a villa area. Looking at the brightly lit house in front of him, Zuo Ning thought that Lu Chenghe was planning to borrow a friend's house, but it turned out to be Lu Chenghe's property in Andu.

Probably when they decided to stay in Andu, the bodyguards contacted people to clean up the house. As soon as they entered the house, a faint and pleasant fragrance filled the air, and the entire floor heating equipment was also turned on. The cold storm and snow were directly blocked outside, and the whole house was extremely warm.

Lu Chenghe put the little pudding on the ground, and when he saw that he ran directly to the carpet and stepped on it, he lay down on the ground to keep warm like he was at home, smiled, and ordered someone to prepare dinner.

Qi Wei has consciously helped the bodyguard to carry the luggage to the room, and then also chose a guest room for himself.

Zuo Ning watched everyone busy, lying on the warm carpet, yawning again. Seeing Lu Chenghe walking towards him, he instinctively wagged his tail, but he didn't even mean to get up.

Lu Chenghe lightly tapped his forehead twice with his index finger: "I'm too lazy for you."

Knowing that this was Lu Chenghe's own territory, Zuo Ning obviously relaxed a lot, and his posture on the carpet was twisted. However, the carpets here are not as comfortable as at home. The carpets at home are very long, and when a paw steps on it, the hair can directly cover the back of his paws. Unlike here, it is short, and it looks like there is no warmth at home.

Seeing that Little Pudding's claws were itching to toss the carpet again, Lu Chenghe slapped the back of his hand: "You just cut your nails, do you want to chop your claws?"

Zuo Ning slapped the carpet and barked his teeth at Lu Chenghe: "Ah!" He didn't break anything, why should he be so fierce!

Lu Chenghe directly pinched his mouth and shook it gently from side to side: "What's it called, I can't tell you?"

Zuo Ning put his claws on his hands, freed his head from his hands, and then threw him fiercely, crushing Lu Chenghe directly on the sofa: "Wow!" If you kill me again, I will bite you!

Lu Chenghe just lay on his back and grabbed a small pudding toy from the side to tease him.

However, there is no way that the person who has the toy under him is attractive. Zuo Ning doesn't even look at it, he just lays down on Lu Chenghe's body, rubs his head against his chin, and occasionally raises his head to give him a kiss.

Lu Chenghe held the pudding that was fierce one moment and seemed to be able to bite people, and the next moment turned into a big baby pudding.

Although he didn't get home on time as planned, he didn't seem so lonely with a noisy little thing beside him. If you can't go back in time for the New Year this year, it doesn't seem that bad.

Originally thought that the wind and snow would be smaller the next day, at least the weather was no longer so bad, even if the flight route could not be taken, other means of transportation could be used. Who knew that the continuous heavy snow had directly blocked the traffic roads, and people could not walk in the sky and the ground, so they could only wait for the weather to improve.

A large-scale snow disaster also broke out in China, and the number of casualties caused by the snow disaster continued to increase. The Lu Group has taken rescue measures, and material assistance was immediately sent to the front line. However, because Lu Chenghe was also trapped in Andu, he couldn't return to the head office to take charge, so he could only handle affairs at the branch in Andu.

In Andu's villa, apart from a chef who was dispatched temporarily and a cleaning helper, the whole house was only left by Zuo Ning and a bodyguard left by Lu Chenghe during the day. The rest of the people also commute to and from the company with Lu Chenghe every day. After all, such a severe snowstorm has a great impact on his hotels and resorts.

Lu Chenghe went out to work, Zuo Ning could only lie in the room and think about life. The snow finally stopped for a long time in the morning, and it fell again in the afternoon. Zuo Ning just lay on the warm carpet, watching the snowflakes flying outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The TV embedded in the wall opposite the bed was broadcasting the snow conditions in various places. Zuo Ning couldn't help sighing. When he was comfortable in the room, he didn't know how many people were suffering outside. Thinking like this, I turned over again, warmed my stomach, and then warmed my back again.

Zuo Ning's paws moved slightly when he saw the computer lying quietly on the carpet.

Until now, he still remembered the feeling when he got the computer from the housekeeper for the first time. No matter how much my heart desires, but timid and timid, I don't dare to touch it, so I keep telling myself that since I can't go back, don't do some useless things to add to my messed up life. So now, can he touch it

Thinking like this, Zuo Ning slowly got up and pulled the computer over with his claws. Gently pressing twice on the small home button, the computer for which he had not set a password was instantly unlocked. This computer is not the one at home, but after arriving in Andu, Lu Chenghe started to get busy again, worried that he would not have time to accompany him, and it was a strange environment, so he specially asked someone to bring a new one over.

Looking at the brand-new computer in front of him, Zuo Ning shook his paws slightly, and finally opened the browser. However, when I encountered the input method, I was a little confused. I glanced at my dog's paw, and it was a large piece of it. How to poke it. I tried hard to break my claws, and after trying for a long time, I still couldn't separate a finger to poke, so I had to slowly use the pads of my fingertips to poke words.

It's a pity that the pads of the dog's paws are also quite difficult for the 26-key input method keyboard, and it is barely better when it is finally adjusted to 9 keys.

It took a long time to finally get the area where he used to live and his name. Seeing the long-lost two words on the screen, Zuo Ning's nose instantly turned sour. Looking at the magnifying glass icon behind the search bar, Zuo Ning paused slightly, let out a breath, and then pressed it.

The speed of web pages is extremely fast, but for Zuo Ning, the time of less than a second is terrifyingly long. He even feels that his heart is about to jump out of his chest, and his whole body is even slightly beating with his heart. trembling.

When an outdated news appeared in front of him, Zuo Ning only felt that his blood was about to freeze. No matter how warm the floor heating under him was, he still couldn't feel the slightest temperature. He only felt cold. Unstoppable trembling.

College student rescues drowning child from drowning. The blood-red title made Zuo Ning's heart twitch, making him almost unable to breathe.

Zuo Ning clicked on the news with his paws shaking, and two big pictures suddenly jumped out, one was a photo of his students, the other was a school teacher, and the parents of drowning children paid tribute to him.

Seeing that the face that he was so familiar with had turned into a black and white photo, Zuo Ning only felt that the world was spinning for a while. Realizing that you may be dead is different, more intuitive, and more hopeless than seeing with your own eyes that you are dead.

Lu Chenghe received a call from the bodyguard at home saying that Little Pudding stayed in the room all day, didn't eat, and was fierce and did not let anyone approach him, so he directly handed over the matter at hand to Qi Wei. Although the snow disaster this time was a bit serious and some things were a little troublesome to handle, it was not a big problem to handle these things with Qi Wei's ability.

When I got home from get off work early, as soon as I opened the door, I saw Little Pudding sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and staring out of the window. In the past, as long as he came back, no matter what Little Pudding was doing, he would rush over, but today he didn't even look back.

Seeing that Little Pudding didn't seem to be feeling unwell, Lu Chenghe breathed a sigh of relief: "Little Pudding."

Zuo Ning glanced back at him, he really wasn't in the mood to act cute and stupid today, he just wanted to be alone and accept the fact that he really died. So he just glanced at Lu Chenghe and ignored him.

Lu Chenghe walked to the carpet by the window and sat down, just enough distance from Puding that he could touch his head as soon as he stretched out his hand. Seeing that Puding was so close, he ignored him, so he gently stroked his back hair: "What's wrong? I'm back, why don't you come and give me a hug?"

Zuo Ning moved forward silently, not touching him.

Lu Chenghe thought it was because he was angry that he left him in this house. After all, this is not home for Little Pudding, and he has to face strangers he has never met every day. abandoned. Thinking about it like this, I feel that this suddenly awkward little pudding is a little silly and cute, but it does feel a little distressed.

Seeing that he didn't let himself touch it, Lu Chenghe picked up the little pudding and hugged it in his arms: "Okay, it's my fault, I shouldn't leave you here alone, don't get angry, okay?"

Zuo Ning leaned against Lu Chenghe's chest and stared at the buttons on his coat. According to Lu Chenghe's habit, he likes to put on light clothes as soon as he gets home, and even if he doesn't change, he will take off his coat, so Lu Chenghe came up to him as soon as he came back today, and he didn't even take off his coat.

He stretched out his paws and tugged at the button in front of him, but Lu Chenghe grabbed him and picked him up to leave the room: "Aren't you hungry since you haven't eaten all day? Is it okay to go eat?"

Zuo Ning struggled to jump off him and returned to where he was sitting. He didn't want to see a dog bowl today, and he didn't want to eat dog food, and he didn't want to eat dog food that was made more refined than human food!

Seeing such an abnormal little pudding, Lu Chenghe took off his coat and threw it on the bed, and just sat beside the bed and looked at him: "Are you in a small mood to make trouble with me? You are still a murderer today, aren't you?"

Zuo Ning turned his head away from him, he just didn't want to be disturbed, and he wouldn't really bite. As a dog, if he wants to be quiet alone, he can't speak, what else can he do except be fierce.

"Little pudding, come here and communicate with me, at least let me know why you lost your temper."

Zuo Ning lowered his head and scratched the carpet, communicating, he wanted to communicate, but their worlds never matched up, you always say yours, I say mine, language barriers can be compared to hand-wringing, they Crossing a species, how can this communicate.

Seeing that little thing still sitting motionless, like I ignore you, just ignore you, I just feel that I have a headache like raising a disobedient child.

"Little pudding, I know you can understand me. Come, let's talk slowly, come here, and be obedient."

Zuo Ning glanced up at him and slowly moved to Lu Chenghe.

Seeing that he was still obedient, Lu Chenghe touched his head with satisfaction: "Are you upset that I left you here alone? Yes, one call, no two."

Zuo Ning thought to himself, what should he do now, show an unusual side, or continue to act stupid and be stunned? Seeing that Lu Chenghe had been patiently waiting for his response, Zuo Ning suddenly had the urge to reveal it, no matter whether he could become a human again or not. The big deal is to bet once, and maybe you will win the bet. And he wanted to trust Lu Chenghe. If he didn't dare to believe Lu Chenghe, who else could he trust.

Looking at Lu Chenghe, Zuo Ning whispered, "Wang Wang."

Seeing that Lu Chenghe didn't show any surprise at all, it seemed that he really said what he said. He already knew that he could understand what he said, and Zuo Ning's heart was inevitably relieved.

It is impossible to say that Lu Chenghe was not surprised or surprised at all. He knew that Little Pudding was very smart, and he had already shown sensitivity to language when he was very young. He can understand everything and then complete it smoothly, although most of the time he chooses what he thinks or likes to listen to, and pretends not to understand the rest. But this also proves that he can really understand, and then to distinguish the meaning.

But this is probably the first time he has shown so accurately that he really understands and understands the meaning of his words, and then responds according to his request.

Lu Chenghe knew that there must be intelligent pets in this world. On the basis of innate IQ, after acquired training, they can always do things that exceed human expectations. But he was surprised that his little pudding was always free-range, because he didn't expect him to be smart, so he didn't give him any training. Now he can directly answer his own question, it seems that Little Pudding has more than a little talent for language.

But in the end, it was the hairy child who was raised by himself. Although he was a little smarter than he expected, Lu Chenghe was more happy. Maybe he really understood the daily TV series, and he didn't watch it in vain.

Hearing that Little Pudding said that he was not happy because of the reason he thought, Lu Chenghe thought for a while and said, "Does that mean you don't like it here and want to go home?"

Zuo Ning couldn't say that he was not happy because he had completely confirmed his death, so he had to cry out and obey Lu Chenghe's words.

How could Lu Chenghe think of his own dog's careful thoughts, seeing that Little Pudding responded like this, he naturally believed it. So he picked up the poor little guy in front of him and walked to the window: "When the snow stops, we will go home, you see that the snow outside is so heavy, we can't go out, wait two more obediently. Is the day okay?"

Zuo Ning lay on Lu Chenghe's shoulder and gave him a cry in response.

Lu Chenghe smiled: "Then let's go down to eat."

Zuo Ning called out twice, "Wang Wang."

Lu Chenghe thought he would have a good meal after communication, but he still refused to eat: "Why not? Isn't it delicious?"

"Wang." Super unpalatable.

Thinking of the last time Lou Jiu cooked noodles for him, this little thing was delicious, so he asked, "Do you want to eat noodles?"

"Wang Wang." I don't want to, it has no taste, and it is equally unpalatable.

Lu Chenghe had nothing to do with him, and said casually, "Then what do you want to eat? Eat my meal?"

When Zuo Ning heard this, he didn't feel sluggish. He went straight from lying on Lu Chenghe's body to straight up and looked at him: "Wow!"

Lu Chenghe was so annoyed by his reaction that he threw him on the bed: "If you don't eat, then continue to sleep, I don't care about you."

Zuo Ning rushed out of bed and hugged Lu Chenghe's leg: "Wang Wang Wang Wang!" How can you not believe what you say! Men say what they say and do it!

Lu Chenghe pinched his ears: "I think it's purely for you to be so used to it. If you continue to be so used to it, you won't be able to go to heaven? What do other people's dogs eat? , if you are not satisfied, you still don't eat? Why are there so many problems."

Although Lu Chenghe was so disgusted in his mouth, he still let Little Pudding hug his leg like this, and drag it downstairs. Instructed the kitchen to have steak for dinner today.

Zuo Ning sat beside Lu Chenghe with satisfaction, and when he actually served two plates of fragrant steak, Zuo Ning's eyes instantly lit up. Although there was only a very simple steak on the plate, and there was not as much black pepper sauce as the western food he had eaten before, Zuo Ning was quite satisfied.

Seeing Lu Chenghe pick up the knife and fork and start cutting the steak, he hurriedly got close to the plate, looked at his claws, and then looked at the steak on the plate. It was so big and thick that he couldn't finish it in one bite, so he couldn't use his claws. Press and bite. Just when he wanted to try to see if he could take a bite, Lu Chenghe stopped him.

Zuo Ning hurriedly looked at Lu Chenghe: "Ow?" You don't want to go back on your word and give delicious food but don't let me eat it to punish me!

Lu Chenghe knocked on his head: "What's the hurry, isn't this cutting it for you?"

Oh oh oh, it turned out that the plate was the one. Zuo Ning sat down obediently and licked his mouth from time to time. There was nothing he could do, because it was so fragrant that his body instinctively secreted saliva, and he didn't want to be so embarrassed.

When I took the first bite of meat into my mouth, I didn't know if it was because I hadn't eaten human food for too long. How could it be so delicious? Obviously, the steak didn't seem to have any other sauces added to it, but It tasted even better than what he had eaten before. The mouth was full of tenderness, and the bite was full of rich gravy. It was so delicious that it flew up!

Zuo Ning, who had completely degenerated into lack of language, rolled his tongue into a mouthful of cut meat, and after eating a mouthful, he licked his mouth and glanced at Lu Chenghe with a smile.

Seeing that happy little expression, Lu Chenghe shook his head helplessly, and suddenly felt that it was really a kind of abuse to give little pudding dog food before.

According to the average food intake of human beings, that piece of steak, plus some food, is almost enough.

But this is obviously not Zuo Ning's appetite at the moment. Although his soul is a human being, his body is not. For him, that bit of meat is just like a gap between his teeth.

Zuo Ning patted the empty plate and looked at Lu Chenghe eagerly.

Lu Chenghe directly asked the kitchen to bring out his dog food, Zuo Ning turned his head when he saw it, and pushed the dog food away.

Even if there are all kinds of diced meat, diced vegetables, and diced fruit, what if the unpalatable things are placed beautifully, they are unpalatable! Seeing that Lu Chenghe didn't seem to intend to feed him anymore, he hurriedly started howling.

"Ow!" You said you wanted to give me your dinner, but I'm not full yet!

Lu Chenghe ate what was on his plate unmoved.

"Ouch!" Your baby is not full, are you going to starve the baby to death? !

Lu Chenghe pretended not to hear, and didn't even look at him.

Seeing that the howling didn't work, Zuo Ning put his head on Lu Chenghe's hand: "嘤嘤嘤..."

Lu Chenghe glanced at him sideways and asked, "How much do you want to eat?"

Zuo Ning hurriedly sat up, stretched out his claws, and tried his best to open his claws, exposing his five fingers. But no matter how hard he tried, he could only open it slightly, and if he didn't look carefully, it was still a hairy paw.

Lu Chenghe said, "One is right, then after eating, you can't make trouble again?"

Zuo Ning was in a hurry, so a little amount, and another plate was just stuffed between his teeth. He quickly stretched out both claws, then raised his leg, and stepped on Lu Chenghe's leg with his hind paw. He thought it should be counted as four. One less is better than one less.

Lu Chenghe could naturally understand what he meant. Seeing that he could still count, it seemed that he could really do anything just to eat. He smiled and asked the kitchen to get two more pieces: "You can only eat two pieces. If you make trouble again, you won't be given either."

Although I didn't get enough to eat, I got over my mouth addiction anyway, so I didn't make any more trouble, and honestly waited for the kitchen to make it for him.

Zuo Ning, who had eaten a full meal for dinner today, twitched a little while walking. Although he was a little lethargic by the news confirmed today, his family, Lu Chenghe, healed him with delicious food. No matter how sad and sad the past has been, you can't go back, it's better to live the present moment. What's more, he doesn't seem to have no chance to become a human again, or he doesn't know when he will be able to change.

Seeing that little thing jumping up like a big marshmallow, Lu Chenghe smiled helplessly. Just now, he was pitiful and seemed to have been abandoned by the whole world. Now he is in a good mood to eat something delicious. Sure enough, the needle in the heart of the dog is really elusive.