Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof

Chapter 57: [It's a good idea to become a human being] On how Little Pudding made himself stupid


How to stabilize and become a human being under self-control is a question that Zuo Ning pondered seriously during this time, so serious that he didn't even have time to stalk his rivals. Compared to becoming a human being, what is a rival in love? Don't change as an adult, you don't even have the stance to deal with your rivals!

But what is the triggering condition for this transformation, he has not yet figured out. He didn't do anything the same on that private island before as in Lu Chenghe's cloakroom that night. The only thing in common is probably that the desire to become a human became very strong at that moment. One was thinking of his last memory as a human being, and the other was facing Lu Chenghe's inability to stop the blind date. At that time, he was extremely hopeful. I can become a human again, is this an opportunity

Zuo Ning frowned with a serious expression and thought, maybe the dog's body is different. When he had a strong will, he turned back into a human. But it didn't take long for him to change into a human. The first time was when he was half asleep and half awake. He didn't know how long it lasted. The second time was about five minutes, so the time to maintain the human form should be It's about your own energy.

Is it only when the strength in his body reaches a certain level that he can freely transform between the human form and the dog form? But where does this energy come from

Zuo Ning looked up at the sky sadly at a forty-five degree angle. Could it be the essence of the sun and the moon? This is not always written in novels, some things have been tempered by the essence of the sun and the moon for a long time to produce spirituality, and then become essence.

Lu Chenghe looked at Little Pudding who had been sitting on the balcony for half an hour, and didn't know what he was smoking: "Little Pudding."

Zuo Ning looked back at him.

Lu Chenghe patted the bed: "Come here to sleep, it's very late."

Zuo Ning ignored Lu Chenghe and continued to look at the big moon outside and think about life. The moon is so big and the light is so strong, but he can't feel any energy in that moonlight. After thinking about it, Zuo Ning ran back to the kennel, dragged a soft cushion over and put it at the door of the balcony. He decided to sleep in the moonlight tonight.

Seeing his actions, Lu Chenghe put down the book helplessly: "Little Pudding."

Zuo Ning lay on the mat and looked at Lu Chenghe: "Ang!" I want to sleep by myself tonight, it's no use begging me to sleep with you!

"You really don't come up to sleep?"

"Wang!" No, I want to cultivate into an adult!

Lu Chenghe nodded, picked up the remote control and turned off the light: "Okay, then go to sleep by yourself, good night."

Zuo Ning saw that Lu Chenghe had turned off the light, put on the quilt, turned over and turned his back to himself and slept like this, silently bared his teeth at Lu Chenghe in the dark, if he didn't go to bed, he would really ignore him, bastard!

Zuo Ning waited quietly for a while, and heard Lu Chenghe's breathing calmed down regularly. He probably fell asleep. Then he closed his eyes, thinking in his heart that I want to become a human, I want to become a human.

Although the cold winter has not yet passed, and there will be snow from time to time, the heating from the ground is transmitted through the cushion, so Zuo Ning sleeps in the cushion without feeling cold. But I'm used to sleeping in bed, and I always feel that something is missing without a quilt on my body. After being hypnotized for a long time, there was no change at all. Looking at Lu Chenghe sleeping soundly on the bed, Zuo Ning couldn't help but stretch out his paws and dig at the mat.

Forget it, he can successfully change every time he thinks about becoming a human being. He can’t do it today, but he will try to absorb the essence of sunlight tomorrow.

Zuo Ning carefully got up from the mat, and the meat pad carefully stepped on the carpet, walking in the entire quiet room where needles could be heard without making a single sound. Walking slowly to the side of the bed where Lu Chenghe was sleeping, even in the darkness, Zuo Ning could see Lu Chenghe's sleeping appearance clearly.

Squinting slightly, Zuo Ning slowly lowered his body, then slammed his hind legs hard, and suddenly attacked Lu Chenghe.

With his eyes closed, Lu Chenghe held a hand, and hugged the little pudding who wanted to jump on the bed suddenly to scare him. He rolled and pressed him on the bed. Looking at the terrified appearance of the little pudding, he said with a chuckle in his voice. : "You're trying to scare me with a surprise attack, eh?"

Zuo Ning, who clearly wanted to sneak attack and scare people, but was scared to death by others, Zuo Ning couldn't help but said, "Wang Wang Wang!" ! You liar!

Lu Chenghe pinched his mouth to prevent him from screaming: "You didn't scare me, you're right? You don't want to go to bed, are you deliberately holding back?"

Zuo Ning rolled his eyes directly, whoever deliberately suffocated, it was purely a sudden whim to scare you, okay

Seeing that he was no longer screaming, Lu Chenghe released his mouth and squeezed his cool little paws: "You little thing is holding revenge? Remember the last time I beat you, so you want to get back in revenge?"

Zuo Ning hummed, he wasn't so stingy, this man with a big brain really likes all kinds of brain supplements.

Seeing the apparently dissatisfied appearance, Lu Chenghe picked him up amusingly, lifted the quilt and stuffed it inside. He patted the bulging lump: "Sleep well, if you make trouble again, I'll throw you to Langya for company."

Zuo Ning arched under the quilt, and sure enough, he still slept comfortably in the bed with the quilt. He opened his mouth and yawned, adjusted his posture under the quilt, and ended a tired day in Lu Chenghe's arms.

Lu Chenghe felt that Little Pudding had become a little strange recently, and the strangeness all started from the day he beat him. When he used to go to work, the little pudding would always hold on to his legs, so that he used to take the little pudding with him to work later, but these days, the little pudding didn't stick to him anymore. He just sat obediently at the door and saw him off. Even when he asked Little Pudding to get in the car, the little thing didn't move.

In the past, when he went to bed at night, as soon as he went to bed, no matter what the little thing was doing, he would definitely climb up immediately and squeeze into his arms abruptly. But now, staring at the moon every night, and having to ask for three times to sleep, this is really abnormal.

Facing such an abnormality, Lu Chenghe couldn't help but feel a little irritable.

After thinking about it, I narrowed down the page I was working on, opened the browser, and sent a help message directly to the omnipotent netizen: hit the dog, what should I do if I make it angry

[What else can I do, coax me, don't think that dogs will come just as soon as they bark, every time they see their owners, they are as enthusiastic as lovers whom they haven't seen in a thousand years. They have great tempers.]

[Treat the dog rationally. If there is something wrong, teach it slowly. Even if it is more complicated, the dog can understand it by patiently saying it a few times. Therefore, hitting the dog will not solve the problem, but don’t worry about the landlord, even if You won't hold grudges for too long if you're angry, you'll be fine soon, don't beat the dog next time, it's better to reason with them.]

[Luring with food, coaxing with delicious food, it will definitely be effective.]

[My pet dog, I have to coax me when I get angry.]

[Small temper is used to it, it is angry and ignores you, you also ignore him, especially when eating, never ignore it, see who coaxes who in the end.]

[Hey delicious food, if the delicious food is useless, take it out to play. If you play crazy, you will naturally forget to be angry.]

[The dog's temper can't be used to it. Too much petting will make it unaware of its true family status. In the future, as long as it doesn't go with it, it will lose its temper. The landlord will shut it down cruelly, or starve It has a meal or two, and it must be made to realize that some things cannot be accommodated by its tantrums and emotions.]

Lu Chenghe looked at various comments from netizens, and finally closed the forum. He thinks that Little Pudding must have been beaten and sad. After coming home for so long, this is the first time he has been beaten. In addition, he has not been allowed to eat at the table at night, so there will definitely be some psychological gaps.

You can't feed the food indiscriminately. Those little things are very good. If you know how to be angry, you can eat delicious food. You will have to toss every day in the future. Then take him out to play. Lu Chenghe looked at his schedule and took him to climb the mountain this week.

Zuo Ning, who was at home, didn't know that Lu Chenghe's tossing about becoming a human was misunderstood by Lu Chenghe as being beaten and sad, and he was going to take him out to play.

This script is absolutely different from what he took!

Originally, he was full of vigilance towards Ren Shishi. If such an excellent girl gets along with Lu Chenghe a lot, wouldn't it be a matter of time before he becomes tempted? . Who knew that there was a god assist in the middle of the way.

Zuo Ning has never been so pleasing to the eyes of Lu Chenghan, the fourth oldest of the Lu family.

It is said that today Lu Chenghan was appointed by his old sister to take a niece for a day, and he himself has an appointment. How can he play with a four-year-old kid. The uncle accompanied the aunt back to her parents' house, and she was not at home today, so Lu Chenghan put his target on the second brother's house. Even if the second aunt is not free today, it doesn't matter, there are so many servants in the family and there is an old housekeeper who is best at taking care of children. It is absolutely no problem to take care of a little girl.

As a result, he felt himself falling.

Zuo Ning was basking in the sun in the yard, and Ren Shishi was painting quietly in a place not too far from him. But now he doesn't dare to approach, or it is estimated that the last incident scared the beautiful sister paper. As long as he draws near by himself, the sister paper will put away the painting tools and go back to the house. In short, that young lady is not willing to play with him anymore.

Zuo Ning didn't expect his power to be so great. Before he made a move, the sister paper was afraid of him. It's a pity that he prepared a bunch of scripts for fighting wits and bravery, but none of them came in handy.

However, basking in the sun like this every day and watching other people's paintings can be regarded as a kind of nurturing sentiment.

And just today, Lu Chenghan seemed to be on his way to find Mother Lu, when he saw Ren Shishi on the grass, who was drawing colors on a canvas, and he couldn't walk.

Originally, Zuo Ning just glanced at him bored, but suddenly he saw the amazing look in his eyes, and suddenly he was shocked!

One painted quietly, the other approached slowly, and then the male protagonist looked at the female protagonist intently. This is the perfect plot of an idol drama. In addition, the picture is played slowly, and the soundtrack in the later stage is the song of beautiful and romantic dark fragrance. The artistic conception is simply incredible.

Probably sensing that someone was approaching, Ren Shishi turned his head and saw Lu Chenghan not far away. The moment the two met their gazes, Zuo Ning, as a bystander, almost jumped up excitedly. Holy crap, why is he so excited? Aw, ooh, a real-life idol drama, it's love at first sight, and he really wants to have a date with Lao Lu!

Zuo Ning felt that although he was ordinary, compared to Lu Chenghe, he might not have any advantages that he could show, but his appearance should be pretty good. Will Lu fall in love with him at first sight

Thinking of that scene in the future, Zuo Ning rolled around in his rocking chair screaming. So excited, I don't know if he was affected by the sour smell of love surging in front of him. He felt that the dopamine in his body was soaring, and he really wanted to have a sweet and personal love with his old Lu.

Lu Chenghan inherited the family's luxury goods industry, and he deals with all kinds of beauties the most on weekdays, and the most important thing in his circle is beautiful girls, but none of them make him feel the beauty of time.

If the girl in front of her is beautiful, she is naturally beautiful, but Lu Chenghan, who is more beautiful than her, has seen many, but the sudden heartbeat at that moment was not fake. When he reacted, he had already walked up to the girl.

I am afraid that no one in the circle of the three diamond bachelors of the Lu family does not know, and the fourth young man of the Lu family, Ren Shishi, naturally knows him. She even saw it at a Di family dinner, but at that time she was in the room, looking at the fragrant temples outside through the window, and accidentally saw people leaning against the fence in the garden, holding wine glasses and chatting casually with people. Lu Chenghan.

At that time, she had just arrived at Di's house, although it was her aunt's husband's house, and the people in the family were very friendly to her, but she was an outsider, and she herself was relatively introverted, so she seemed somewhat out of place. She only dared to stay in the room at such a social celebrity gathering dinner. Therefore, the image of the four young men who was sought after by everyone at that time was more profound.

Zuo Ning, who was hiding in the distance to observe, looked at the man and woman who were getting closer, and his hair exploded with excitement. However, at the next moment, a devil's voice sounded from behind him.

"Little pudding!"

Zuo Ning flew out almost instinctively, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw a little girl wearing a snow-white cloak, furry boots on her feet, and a furry hat on her head running towards him.

Zuo Ning ran away suddenly, who will tell him why this little ancestor appeared at home!

When Xiao Xuanxuan saw her favorite little pudding running away, she giggled and chased after him. The housekeeper and two servants hurriedly followed behind, for fear that the little ancestor would fall.

A very beautiful first encounter was ruined like this. Lu Chenghan looked at his little niece who was laughing and chasing the dog on the grass, and only thought that this little thing was his nemesis.

When Ren Shishi saw this scene of chickens flying and dogs jumping in the yard, she couldn't help but smile, looked at Lu Chenghan and said, "Fourth Young Master, my name is Ren Shishi, and I painted oil paintings for Madam."

Lu Chenghan also smiled, although he tried his best to restrain himself, but he couldn't hide the romantic atmosphere all over his body, that slight smile seemed a bit evil, as if he was deliberately flirting: "Hello, just call me Chenghan, Your paintings are beautiful."

At this time, a coquettish and squeamish little voice came in: "Little Pudding! If you don't come here, I'm going to be angry!"

Zuo Ning hummed and flicked his tail, so he didn't go over, cherish life, and stay away from children!

Seeing that she couldn't catch the little pudding, Xiao Xuanxuan turned to look for the housekeeper: "Grandpa butler, help me catch the little pudding, okay? You see that it has no clothes on, it's shy, I brought clothes for it to wear. ."

The housekeeper smiled and said, "Grandpa is old, he can't run anymore, he can't catch it."

Xiao Xuanxuan pursed her lips, looked at her uncle who was talking to the pretty sister, ran over quickly, and called out in a milky voice, "Hello, sister."

Ren Shishi bent over and touched Xuanxuan's head with a smile: "It's so cute, cute."

Lu Chenghan rudely tore apart the little niece stuck to him, and said to Ren Shishi, "Don't be deceived by her, this little thing is used to coaxing people, and the only advantage is that it has a sweet mouth."

Xuanxuan squinted at her little uncle, rolled her eyes, and ran to take Ren Shishi's hand: "Sister, can you help me catch the dog, Little Pudding runs around and doesn't listen to me."

As soon as Zuo Ning heard this, he ran away without looking back. Anxious Xuan Xuan pulled Lu Chenghan to catch the dog for her without waiting for Ren Shishi's response.

Zuo Ning rushed back to the room, opened the tablet with one paw, then flipped through the address book, and pressed it according to Lu Chenghe's name.

Lu Chenghe had just finished a small meeting and his subordinates had just left when he heard the phone vibrate. When he turned his head to the side, he saw that the video call was actually a small pudding.

Little Pudding also has his own account. When Little Pudding was filming on the set, he was worried that he would not behave well, so he saved each other's numbers so that he could use video to appease him when he was angry. But that didn't happen, and Little Pudding hardly made a fuss outside, so the number never got through. Now that Lu Chenghe saw the call, he was a little surprised.

As soon as it was connected, a white dog head came over, probably seeing him, and the little pudding on the other side barked excitedly.

Lu Chenghe smiled: "Did you accidentally press it while playing on the computer?"

Zuo Ning whimpered twice, then stared at the screen.

Lu Chenghe thought that he might have pressed the wrong button, but he wasn't busy right now, so he didn't hang up directly. He put the phone at an angle where he could take a picture of himself, and let the little pudding on the other side watch it, then turned it on. The document, and asked into the camera: "Are you good at home today?"

Zuo Ning really wanted to share the gossip with him, but the dog language was too complicated, even if he said it, Lu Chenghe probably couldn't understand it, so he barked according to his meaning, indicating that he was very good.

Lu Chenghe smiled: "Really good? You don't want to go out with me today, didn't you deliberately stay at home to be naughty?"

At this time, the voice of niece Xuan Xuan came from outside: "Hurry up, uncle, the little pudding is there, go and hold it."

Lu Chenghan shook his head directly: "I don't dare, I'm going to you, I'll help you guard the door."

Xuan Xuan looked at Lu Chenghan pitifully: "But this is the second uncle's room, and I don't dare."

Zuo Ning lay on the bed and wagged his tail proudly, while Lu Chenghe on the other side also understood, what was wrong, maybe this little thing called him specifically to ask for help. A dog that can call? Lu Chenghe narrowed his eyes slightly, it seemed that he would have to communicate with this little guy properly after returning home.

But now, Lu Chenghe directly picked up the phone: "Lu Chenghan."

Because the tablet was on the bed, Lu Chenghan at the door naturally didn't see it. He was shocked when he heard the second brother's voice, and Na Xuanxuan screamed and ran away.

Looking at the back that was running away, Lu Chenghan cursed secretly, a little thing with no conscience, then went into the room with a flattering smile, and found a video tablet on the bed, so he came forward to please: "Second brother."

Lu Chenghe said coldly, "What are you doing in my room?"

Lu Chenghan glanced at the little pudding who didn't run away when he saw him, and was lying on the bed wagging his tail: "Xuanxuan wanted to dress the little pudding, but the little pudding didn't like it, so she ran away, this is not looking for a dog. ."

Lu Chenghe said directly, "Be optimistic about Xuanxuan, I'll be right back." Then he hung up.

Lu Chenghan just thought that his second brother might not be at home, so he chose this time to come. Hearing this, his whole body slumped. Looking at the grinning little pudding who seemed very happy and proud, Lu Chenghan narrowed his eyes fiercely and said, "Why are you laughing so happily, are you happy to see me being scolded later? Be careful of the machine dog!"

Zuo Ning didn't know what stupid thing he did, and still shook his head proudly. The way to deal with the bear child is to find a parent who can hold her back!

Lu Chenghe came back very quickly, one big and one small who knew he was coming back sat honestly in the living room and waited. As soon as she saw Lu Chenghe came back, Xuanxuan ran over with a sweet smile and hugged the long legs: "Second uncle, Xuanxuan wants to kill you, do you want Xuanxuan?"

Lu Chenghe squeezed her face lightly: "You want me to scream and run away when I hear my voice?"

Xuan Xuan, who was exposed by the scene, smirked and rubbed her head on Lu Chenghe's body. This appearance was exactly the same as when Little Pudding was coquettish on him.

And Zuo Ning, who heard the sound of the car upstairs, also ran down, and then flew into Lu Chenghe's arms.

Lu Chenghe held the dog in one hand and walked to the sofa with his niece in the other. He looked at Xuanxuan and asked, "Do you like little pudding?"

Xuan Xuan nodded quickly: "I like it very much, I like it very much, I like it very much!"

Lu Chenghe asked again, "Then do you think Little Pudding likes you?"

Xuanxuan glanced at the little pudding held by her second uncle, and pouted slightly: "I don't like it, it sees me running all the time and doesn't play with me."

"Then do you know why Little Pudding doesn't like you?"

Xuanxuan shook her head, Lu Chenghe took off her hat and tugged at her hair: "If someone pulled your hair like this every day, would you like him?"

Xuan Xuan covered her head and shook her head, such a person hates him to death, there are such haters in their kindergarten, she hates him the most!

Lu Chenghe put the little pudding next to him: "so you can't pull the little pudding's hair, it will hurt him, and he won't like you when it hurts."

Xuanxuan looked at Little Pudding, reached out and touched him: "Little Pudding, I will be careful not to hurt you in the future, do you like me too?"

Zuo Ning just wants to babble, not to play emotional cards like this, well, although the little girl is really beautiful and cute, except for the lack of importance, other things are good, but bringing children is also a headache for dogs. Is it okay? But seeing that Lu Chenghe educated the little girl like this, he didn't give any response, maybe it made the little girl really sad and sad, so he rubbed the little girl with his head, and it was a reconciliation.

Seeing that Little Pudding took the initiative to get close to her, Xuanxuan jumped up and hugged Little Pudding happily, giggled sweetly and buried herself in Little Pudding's chest. The second uncle was still very powerful. As soon as the second uncle came back, he let Little Pudding play with her.

Lu Chenghe patted her head and put the little pudding on the ground: "Okay, let's play, but if you want to play with the little pudding, you have to ask the little pudding first, you can play with her only if he wants. Pudding doesn't want to, you can't force it, you know?"

Xuanxuan nodded quickly and waved her little hand: "Little Pudding, let's go!"

Zuo Ning glanced at Lu Chenghe sadly, looking for you to save the scene, not to ask you to come back and ask me to take care of the child!

When the person and the dog ran into the big doghouse to play, Lu Chenghe looked at Lu Chenghan who was lying on the sofa and said, "What are you doing here, just put Xuanxuan here and wait for Chengcheng to pick him up. you can go now."

Lu Chenghan approached the second brother and asked shyly, "Second brother, that Ren Shishi..."

Lu Chenghe looked at him sideways, and Lu Chenghan coughed lightly: "She said she came to paint oil paintings for the second aunt."

Lu Chenghe saw through his careful thinking at a glance: "She is the niece from my aunt's family. If you're serious, I don't object. If you're just having fun, go as far as you can."

Lu Chenghan let out a strange cry and laughed like a fool: "Second brother, don't you know me yet? When have I played, I really want to play with the feelings of other girls, you and my eldest brother still don't kill me, then Xuanxuan handed it over to you, I'll go see the painting."

Seeing Lu Chenghan running away with a smirk, Lu Chenghe shook his head and looked at the painting, silly boy.

Xuanxuan's mother went to attend some academic exchange meeting. She originally thought that if she was given to her brother for a day, she would have to come back no matter how late that day. However, she was relieved when she heard that the younger brother said that it was handed over to the second brother, so the originally tight schedule was relaxed a little.

At night, he finally rejected the girl's proposal to sleep together, Zuo Ning dragged his exhausted body back to the room. After being washed by Lu Chenghe, he was about to go to bed just after he touched the bed, when he heard Lu Chenghe say, "Little pudding, would you like to explain the phone call in the afternoon?"

Zuo Ning woke up from a drowsiness in an instant, with only the word "Fuck" in his head.