Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof

Chapter 58: [The Goblin Being Interrogated] When spring arrives, people and dogs will fall in love


Zuo Ning was lying on the bed with most of his body. As soon as one of his hind legs climbed up, he was frightened by Lu Chenghe's words and slid down. Then he pretended to have nothing to do and continued to climb, the posture of climbing the bed was like a semi-paralyzed patient. It wasn't until the whole dog was on the bed that he turned around to look at Lu Chenghe, and showed a sweet smile: "Wow!" Are you calling me? What are you calling me for

During this very long bed climbing process for Zuo Ning, he was thinking directly in a storm. Did he lose his horse, what should he do, whether to say it or not, what to say. Is this about to usher in a heart-to-heart conversation, or is it fooling the past with cuteness. Then when he turned around, he saw that Lu Chenghe was looking at him with his arms folded over his chest, and Zuo Ning's sharp eyes instantly made him timid.

Hey, they are not at the same level at all. Facing a serious Lu Chenghe is even more terrifying than facing the dean of training!

Zuo Ning simply fell on the pillow and looked like you can do whatever you want. I am a dog that is about to become a sperm. Eat my meat and you will be immortal!

Lu Chenghe stepped forward and hugged the dog lying on the bed and sat up. Seeing that he was sleepy and trying to escape the conversation, he pinched his little fat face amusingly: "Speak!"

Zuo Ning wagged his tail: "Wang!" What do you want me to say, do you understand what I said

Lu Chenghe looked at him carefully: "You can speak human words, right?"

Zuo Ning suddenly looked at Lu Chenghe with a foolish look. Isn't he a dog who can make phone calls? Give him a keyboard and he can kill you five times! What's so strange about this? He still speaks human words. If he could speak human words, he would be flying high.

Lu Chenghe looked at him carefully for a moment, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and his face became expressionless: "I don't know or dare to speak human words, but you can understand every human word, right little pudding?"

In the past, Lu Chenghe only thought that Little Pudding was very smart, but Langya and Funa were also very smart, but those two were very obedient people. They could understand what people meant by saying some words a few times. Even if they were smart, they were not too smart. , all within the reasonable range of a dog.

But the little pudding is different. He has not undergone any training since he was a child, but he can wisely understand what others say to him every time, and sometimes he even knows to pretend to be stupid. The memory is better than that of ordinary dogs, and he is more careful than ordinary dogs. He even saw Little Pudding's eyes clearly thinking a few times. If it weren't for the fact that Little Pudding was stupid, if he had always maintained such a smart attitude, he would have begun to doubt it long ago.

A dog who can think and talk on the phone, is that still a dog

Zuo Ning knew that he really couldn't fool him today. In the past, he could fool him at will because Lu Chenghe didn't care about him, he was willing to believe him, or he never seriously doubted him. But now Lu Chenghe is obviously trying to figure out everything. If he tries to fool around by selling stupidity again, he will be really stupid.

Looking at such an unfamiliar Lu Chenghe, Zuo Ning couldn't help shrinking back, then lowered his head and whispered: "Wang..." What do you want to ask, anyway, we only had Yes or No before, but I I hope you can really understand me.

When Zuo Ning bowed his head and accepted his fate, Lu Chenghe, who was looking down at him, pursed his lips and smiled. This cunning little thing is not really intimidating, and I am afraid he will not tell the truth. In the end, it was the cub that he raised by himself, and he knew very well what kind of virtue that little thing was.

"Will you speak?"

Zuo Ning didn't dare to look at Lu Chenghe, lowered his head and looked like he gave up struggling: "Wang Wang."

"Can you understand every word I say?"

Zuo Ning's voice became even lower: "Wang."

"Can you understand it since you were a child?"


Lu Chenghe was silent for a while: "Have you ever been a person?"

Zuo Ning's heartbeat suddenly became confused, and his brain suddenly buzzed. When he heard himself screaming twice, he only felt that his whole body was collapsed. He lied, he dared not tell Lu Chenghe that he was once a person. If he was just parasitic in this dog's body for some reason, if his own body still existed, even if he was a vegetable, he would tell Lu Chenghe the truth.

But he is dead and he can't go back. Becoming a dog is a new life for him, especially since he has the possibility of turning back into a human being. But even if he changed back to a human being, he would have nothing to do with Zuo Ning's identity.

There was nothing in his original life worth remembering. His favorite parents are no longer there. Although there are still some relatives, the elders seem to have had troubles because of something since he was a child, and they almost broke off relations later. And his classmates, although there are one or two good relationships, but they are only good.

So as a human, he really can't find a reason to go back. So he lied. He didn't know how Lu Chenghe would think of him if he knew that he was once a person. For a person like Lu Chenghe, it would be easy to accept a dog, but if he accepted a person... After thinking about Lu Chenghe I am afraid that he will be on guard and look at him like a stranger. Zuo Ning felt distressed and wanted to grab him.

From such a small meat dumpling to such a big one, sleeping and eating together every day, Lu Chenghe knows the temperament of that little thing. Since the little guy even admits that he can understand human speech, Lu Chenghe doesn't think otherwise. It is necessary to deceive him. What's more, if Little Pudding was really a person before, he might as well tell himself now, after all, if he was a person, who would want to be a dog, so Lu Chenghe never thought that Little Pudding would lie to him about this.

If it were any other situation, he might not be so gullible, but Little Pudding was different. The relationship for more than half a year was not fake. People will always be more biased towards people and things they have feelings for. Otherwise, no matter how shrewd people are, there will always be times when they see things wrong, either because the other party's acting skills are too superb, or because they have feelings first and then deceive.

Lu Chenghe asked again, "Then are you a goblin?"

Zuo Ning was originally sitting, but slowly he fell on the bed. Everything today was too sudden, especially the sentence Lu Chenghe asked just now if he was once a person, which really scared him. He just felt very uncomfortable, and his stomach was twisting and hurting. Hearing Lu Chenghe's question, he let out a weak cry.

He should be considered a fairy, he can become a human. Now that he admits that he is a fairy, in the future, if he becomes a human under some uncontrollable circumstances, it makes sense.

Hearing that something was wrong with his voice, Lu Chenghe squatted down and looked at the little pudding with his face buried in his claws: "Little pudding? What's wrong?"

Zuo Ning raised his head slightly: "Ugh..." My stomach hurts, it hurts.

Lu Chenghe looked at his wet eyes, as if he was about to cry, thought he was frightened by himself, and touched his head: "Okay, okay, I won't ask, isn't it a goblin, it scares you. ."

Zuo Ning couldn't think anymore. He didn't know if he had passed the test. The nerves that had been tense all the time suddenly loosened, and he only felt that there were bursts of blackness in front of him.

Seeing that Little Pudding was lying on the bed, Lu Chenghe seemed very uncomfortable. He reached out and touched him. When he touched his abdomen, he felt a twitch in his stomach and was shocked. He quickly asked the housekeeper to call a doctor.

Seeing that Lu Chenghe was not afraid or rejected him because of his differences, and even touched his stomach to relieve the pain, Zuo Ning felt aggrieved and wanted to cry. If you have something to say, why don't you just say it, but you want to scare him with such a sudden attack, so that he is not mentally prepared at all, and he is really scared to death.

Looking at the little thing that was uncomfortable but kept silent until he felt aggrieved when he touched him as usual, Lu Chenghe couldn't help laughing and crying: "Okay, the doctor will be here soon."

When Wen Ting came, Lu Chenghe was holding the little pudding and rubbing its stomach, and the little pudding was vomiting against the basin by Lu Chenghe. I don't know, I thought it was something bad. Some dogs have a very weak stomach. If they eat a simple enteritis like a bad stomach, it's not bad. If you ingest something by mistake, it is easy to cut the intestines, and it will be troublesome.

As a result, after a check-up, he was given medicine to relieve the stomach cramps, and after hanging a bottle of water, he said to Lu Chenghe, "It should be caused by shock, and I still have a fever now."

Lu Chenghe had guessed that it might be caused by fright. Before he asked the question, Little Pudding was fine, but he fell ill after the question. He must have been frightened by him. However, when I heard the doctor's diagnosis, I was still a little dumbfounded. He knew that Little Pudding's courage was not too big, but he didn't expect it to be so small.

However, this is also due to his ill-consideration. If Little Pudding is really a goblin, then he must understand what his existence means to human beings. If exposed, it is likely to be fatal. But even so, he still confessed to him. Although he almost didn't frighten himself to death while confessing, but thinking about the squeamish humming that Little Pudding used to make whenever he felt a little bit uncomfortable, today he endured it until he Lu Chenghe only showed it when he touched him as usual, and Lu Chenghe felt a little distressed again.

Gently touching his head, Lu Chenghe sighed helplessly when he saw him looking up at him, "Does it still hurt?"

Zuo Ning let out a small cry, and it still hurts. Although it was much more comfortable to vomit, it still hurts in his stomach.

When he was a human, his body was actually pretty good, and he liked to play sports and sports, but he had a small problem that could not be cured, that is, his stomach hurts when he is nervous, and if it is serious, he will directly cramp. For unexplained illnesses like this that may be caused by the mental level, the doctor said that it is intestinal dryness. I just didn't expect that, how to get to the dog, this problem still can't be cured.

Lu Chenghe touched his stomach, the twitching was not as obvious as before, seeing his pitiful little eyes, he stroked his back again and again: "Okay, I apologize to you, I shouldn't scare you on purpose, Don't be afraid, even if you are a fairy, you are still my little pudding."

Zuo Ning looked at Lu Chenghe with a low whimper, not sure what Lu Chenghe meant. Knowing that he is a goblin and still so calm, it feels like even his discomfort just now seems to be more serious than if he is a goblin. If his dog turned out to be a goblin, wouldn't he be afraid that the goblin would hurt him

Lu Chenghe touched his paw, looked down at his eyes and asked, "Trust me, believe I will never hurt you."

Zuo Ning called out softly, if you say no, I will believe it. Even if Lu Chenghe really did something to hurt him, he thought he might not blame him. The hearts of people who are not my race must be different, he can understand it, although it will be sad.

Lu Chenghe smiled: "Then can you tell me, when did you know you were a goblin, since you were a child?"

Zuo Ning shouted twice, how could he have known since he was a child, if he had known from the beginning that he could become a human being, I am afraid he would have found an opportunity to sneak away, and then slowly worked hard to become a human.

"That's what we found out later?"


Unexpectedly, the first pet I raised turned out to be a monster. Of course, this is novel for Lu Chenghe, who grew up under the red flag, and I can't help but be a little curious: "Then do you know magic?"

Zuo Ning silently called out twice.

Lu Chenghe nodded: "I wouldn't think so, otherwise I wouldn't be scared to vomit." He was so timid, he was scared to death after being asked a few words. However, Lu Chenghe didn't say this. This little thing has strong self-esteem, so he had to be angry when he said it.

Seeing that Little Pudding was really lethargic, Lu Chenghe touched his head: "Okay, go to sleep, I'll take you to bed when the injection is over." He didn't forget, but he didn't let him eat at the table that day. The little one was sad for a long time. If he just found out the identity of this little guy today and wouldn't let him go to bed, I don't know what kind of grievance his sensitive and careful thoughts will make.

Zuo Ning heard that and licked Lu Chenghe's hand, Emma, is he a blessing in disguise. No matter what you do in the future, you don't have to worry about it anymore. The feeling that this identity has passed the bright road is different, and finally there is no need to sneak up and sell stupidity from time to time to cover up.

But tonight was indeed too ups and downs. Although the body was still uncomfortable, Zuo Ning still spoke to Lu Chenghe in a spirited manner and did not dare to fall asleep casually. Now that Lu Chenghe let him sleep peacefully, Zuo Ning couldn't stand it any longer. He almost fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

Hearing that the little thing was snoring unheartedly, Lu Chenghe shook his head helplessly. Dacheng is like this. If you meet someone with motives, you will really be sold and you will need to help people with money.

Looking at the sleeping little pudding, Lu Chenghe sat beside him and patted his back lightly. He even raised a goblin, and he felt that he could begin to re-understand the world.

Zuo Ning thought that he would be fine after a sleep, but he didn't expect that Wen Ting almost didn't live in Lu's house after the burning for three days. Although Lu Chenghe didn't say anything, Zuo Ning could still feel that Lu Chenghe seemed to feel a little guilty. These few days, he directly controlled the company remotely and stayed with him at home.

Lu Chenghe still treats him so well, and his identity is half way through. No matter what he does in the future, he doesn't have to shrink back. This was originally a very happy thing, but unexpectedly, something happened that made Zuo Ning Things that you don't dare to come out to face while hiding under the covers.

Lu Chenghe sat on the side and touched the bulging Aimei stinky buns in the quilt, and comforted: "It will be over soon, this is normal, come out and let me see."

Zuo Ning hid under the quilt with only one nose showing, Lu Chenghe held his paw in a funny way to prevent him from running around, and then lifted the quilt. The little thing hurriedly struggled to bury its head under the pillow, leaving only its butt exposed.

Lu Chenghe directly dragged him out, picked up the comb and pressed him against his body to comb. And the white hairs didn't fall out one by one, but in lumps, and soon there were huge lumps under the bed.

There was a period of hair loss in the little pudding before, but it was only a little bit. This time, I don't know if it was because of illness, but the hair was mad. Of course, the monkey face period that he thought would not happen to Little Pudding also came.

Wen Ting said that according to the normal growth rate of Samoyed, it will enter this period in about two or three months, and the little pudding was brought back in August. It was almost a month at that time, and it is now February, which means that The little pudding is actually seven months old, and the bones are almost an adult.

But that's the standard for other people's dogs. His family is just a dog spirit, and it may even have a longer lifespan than the average dog, so probably can't apply the normal Samoyed's growth routine.

While brushing his hair, Lu Chenghe praised his beauty-loving dog spirit: "It's just shedding, it's not ugly, really, and you're almost an adult, it won't take long for those shed hairs to grow back, and then you'll still be the best watch."

Zuo Ning looked at Lu Chenghe sullenly. Anyone who slept for a few days and saw a sudden change in himself would not be calm, and his senior brother's face was really ugly. If it hadn't happened to him, he would have Make him laugh every time he sees it.

"Ugh..." Too ugly, don't want to go out.

Lu Chenghe showed him other photos of Samoyed: "Look, it's normal, everyone is like this, it's like changing your teeth and losing your teeth, it's a must for growth, you can't hide in the room all the time. See no one."

Zuo Ning hummed, of course he could. He had a glorious history of staying at home for a month during the summer vacation!

Lu Chenghe patted his head and carried him under the bed. He didn't throw away the pile of white hair, including the little pudding that he had dropped before, and let the maid put it away. If you accumulate a little more in the future, maybe you can make a souvenir.

Seeing Little Pudding squatting beside him and looking at him silently, Lu Chenghe said with a smile: "Okay, let's go out to play, Langya and Funa should miss you."

Zuo Ning scratched his paws, still sitting still.

Lu Chenghe suddenly asked, "Do they know that you are a goblin? Or, there are actually many goblins like you, but we humans don't know?"

Zuo Ning barked twice, it would be great if there were a lot, he could ask the dog anyway. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so dazed, and I couldn't figure out the law of becoming a person for so long.

Lu Chenghe said with a smile, "Then this is a once-in-a-century luck for me. Once I raise it, I raise a little goblin that is one in a million?"

Zuo Ning proudly puffed out his small chest. Isn't it a once in a century luck. Looking at Lu Chenghe, who was still seriously cleaning up his shedding hair, Zuo Ning grabbed his legs and tried to climb on top of him.

Lu Chenghe hugged him naturally: "What's the matter, you're still coquettish when you're sick, goblins can't be so squeamish."

I don't know if Little Pudding has become more sticky to him these days because of his unease. He couldn't see the benefits brought by the attributes of this goblin for a while, but since his identity was revealed, this little thing seems to be more reckless. If it weren't for the sickness and the ugly hair loss on my face, I'm afraid I don't know how to get wind these days.

So even though Lu Chenghe knew that this little thing should be regarded as a goblin, he really didn't feel strange to him. It seemed that this little guy had nothing special except that he could understand him.

If Zuo Ning knew what Lu Chenghe was thinking, he would definitely spit on his face, and he would turn into a human being, which would scare you to death in minutes!

After being sticky on Lu Chenghe for a while, he saw that Lu Chenghe was going to work in the study, and was about to climb into bed and continue to be a house dog, but was directly picked up by Lu Chenghe and threw into the yard: "Go play, just come back before dinner. "

Seeing that Lu Chenghe had closed the door and told the housekeeper not to let him hide in the kennel on the first floor, and then left without looking back, Zuo Ning silently glanced at the housekeeper, sighed, and turned to go to the backyard.

The housekeeper couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his mouth. It seems that cats and dogs have their own aesthetics. They know that shedding is not good-looking, and even people don't want to see them.

It has not snowed for several days, and the sun is shining brightly every day. I feel that winter will pass and spring will come. Even the sour smell of love is wafting in the air.

Although Zuo Ning did not go out of the room every day, he would go to the balcony to observe every move in the courtyard.

I don't know if those two are trying to avoid suspicion or they think it's more romantic to fall in love on the grass. Well, in fact, Ren Shishi's painting has not been completed, so every day they go to the yard and look at the blooming flower on the wall. She was painting, and Lu Chenghan came over to report every day without a hitch, watching her paint, and could even watch it all afternoon.

Because of this, Mother Lu seemed very sad. She felt that it was originally a karma for her son, but she didn't expect to be attracted by Lu Chenghan. But fortunately, Lu Chenghe didn't have the slightest feeling for Ren Shishi, otherwise the bloody drama of two men falling in love with a woman would be really hot.

Lu Chenghan didn't know what he was talking to Ren Shishi, and suddenly burst out laughing, while Ren Shishi just pursed his lips and lowered his head and smiled. The picture of handsome men and beauties together is simply a beautiful landscape in the backyard, and some kind of idol drama happens. The sense of sight around you is simply visual enjoyment.

Later, Lu Chenghan saw the little pudding coming to the yard, and then pointed at him and said to Ren Shishi: "Look at the little pudding, the second brother said that the little pudding is not willing to come out to meet people during the transformation period, no wonder he didn't come out. The monkey face is so funny."

Zuo Ning, who originally wanted to see the excitement and feel the breath of love, stared at Lu Chenghan instantly. Very good, this hatred they forged.