Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof

Chapter 67: [A disaster without prejudice] The experience of life is to have ups and downs


In a village like this, almost every family is related to each other. Although there may be some contradictions between the villagers and the villagers, after all, living together all the year round, there must be some collisions, but when facing outsiders, it is definitely a family. Human-like unity, even if some of them have individual thoughts, they are not very good at this time, otherwise they will not even think about getting a foothold in the village in the future.

So now everyone is denying it, and the place where Lou Jiu was found was in an empty cellar that no one had lived in for a long time, and there was even a large lock with very heavy dust accumulation on the door. .

However, Lu Chenghe and the others were not in a hurry to interrogate them. Anyway, none of the people present wanted to run away.

Originally thought Lou Jiu was missing in the mountains, but he hasn't been found for so many days, so his physical condition is not necessarily how, so the medical team has been waiting in the village for a long time, and the body of the villagers has been almost free of charge in the past two days. Checked again. After Lou Jiu was found, the medical team immediately went over to deal with the wound.

At present, apart from not eating for a long time, the biggest problem should be the broken leg and the wound on the head. The wound on the head has to go back to the city for an in-depth examination, and if the wound on the leg was treated immediately, it would not be a big problem, but depending on the extent of the injury, it should be directly locked after being broken No one has dealt with it, so there is a certain possibility of lame legs.

Hearing the doctor's words, Lu Chenghe and the others were silent, and even the most noisy Nie Yong did not speak.

On the other hand, Lou Jiu still smiled and said: "It's lame, it's still alive, I'm still thinking, this remote mountain village, maybe it's over this time, I didn't expect that I should be so dead, so You have all been found."

Nie Yong rolled his eyes at him: "Just shut up, listening to your duck voice is harsh."

Lou Jiu smiled, lying on the bed and looking at these old friends, it felt so good.

After inquiring about the reason, I found out that this was a bloody case caused by appearance.

This village is very remote and poor. Some young migrant workers can still find a daughter-in-law, and some older people can't find a daughter-in-law at all. There was a family who only used all their savings to marry a daughter-in-law two or three years ago. It was a man who was already a little old in the countryside. He was in his thirties, and his child was just two years old this year.

This man's name is Sangen, and he has been passed down through three generations in the family. He is not good-looking, and his daughter-in-law can be said to have been bought with money. The girl's family situation is not very good. She lives in a small village near the town. The conditions there are better than here, but it is much poorer than the town. With three conditions, you can't find it at all. so good.

But there was an accident at the girl's house, and a lot of money was urgently needed, so someone pulled a thread, and the matter was made up.

For some men, the women they buy are different from the women they ask for. These three types are one of them, so they don't cherish the girl very much. The girl does all the farm work at home. Just got out of bed and went to work. Sometimes when I was drunk, I would beat or scold, and even beat my children.

The main thing this time was that Sangen went to drink with someone who came back from working outside in the evening. The woman brought her child to Lou Jiu in the middle of the night, because Sangen was very strict with her, she said that she would not go out to work to support the family. Rang, trapped her in this village, and told the old people in the village to watch her and not let her run away.

And that woman had seen Lou Jiu several times, so gentle and polite, the man with the sunshine in his smile was something she had never seen before. Naturally, she didn't expect anything, but only asked this man who seemed very kind and capable to take her out. Even if you can't take her away, you can leave with her child. She didn't want her children to continue to repeat her life, even if they were taken out as an orphan and abandoned, it would be better than staying with their biological father. It wasn't that she thought that this man would agree with her kindly to ask for it, but that he was the only outsider who had been to the village over the years.

This scene was caught by Sangen who came back early. The daughters-in-law in this village did not dislike this Lou Jiu. It looks like a man like Sangen can't help but look straight when he sees it. Now he sees his daughter-in-law at midnight. Being with such an attractive man, he instantly swelled with alcohol, and when he realized what he had done, Lou Jiu had fallen to the ground covered in blood and fell into a coma.

Lou Jiu is a distinguished guest in their village. The village chief has repeatedly explained that he must be well entertained. In the future, whether the children in the village can go out and whether the villagers can live a good life depends on this person. In a hurry, Sangen wanted to throw the corpse in the wilderness, but after he took the person out of the house, he found out that the person was not dead. The first thing that came to his mind was not to save the person, but to hide it so that the matter would not be exposed, so he directly Drag it to the cellar of the empty house and lock it up.

The next day, when the villagers found out that the man was missing, they thought that this man had entered the mountain again early in the morning, and did not come back until the evening. The villagers really thought that something had happened to him, and they were going to go down the mountain to contact the rescuer.

Sangen, who was afraid that the matter would be exposed, had no choice but to tell the matter, and then there was a riot of prosperity. Some people think that Lou Jiu should be sent to the hospital. After all, people are still alive. If they don't care, they will kill people. Some people think it's not possible, because they just signed a contract before. If Lou Jiu goes out at this time, Lou Jiu will definitely never cooperate with their village again. If Lou Jiu is gone, but the contract is still there, even if the cooperation cannot go on, the liquidated damages will definitely be paid, so that everyone can get some points.

Among them, the most troublesome is Sangen's old mother, who is a single handed down from three generations in the family. If Lou Jiu goes out and wants to sue their son, then they are absolutely reluctant, and they almost make a noise. In the end, considering the interests of everyone, I simply stopped doing it.

More importantly, no one knew how powerful Lou Jiu was outside. If he hated their village and took revenge on them, everyone in that village would be implicated. So in the end, everyone came up with this method together to create the illusion of disappearance in the mountains.

For people like them who live in the deep mountains, it is necessary to guard against such large beasts. Although this kind of guard has become less and less with the passage of generations, some old people still know that there are grasses in the mountains, which can be covered by burning them. Smell and bloody smell. So the village chief organized people to clear the entire village, and then went down the mountain to call the police.

I just didn't expect that Lou Jiu seemed to have a special identity, and even alarmed the police station in the big town. At that time, the village chief was already a little panicked, but he had to bite the bullet and follow the development of the matter. When they saw that Lou Jiu's friends came, and they came directly by helicopter, many of these villagers were a little flustered, and then they closed their doors and restrained their children from talking nonsense.

Fortunately, they are relatively remote here, and the local dialect is not well understood by ordinary people. Seeing Lou Jiu's friends, they are all thinking in the direction of the deep mountains, but they did not notice the village. Later, everyone gradually relieved. Who knew that it was suddenly discovered, and so many police were dispatched.

In the beginning, when the villagers gathered together, they were quite arrogant, and they would not admit life or death. However, those special police officers had experience in dealing with such scumbags. As long as these people gather together, they will definitely be recalcitrant, but in the one-on-one review, I am afraid that this group of people don't know a few big characters.

After hearing the cause of the incident, both Nie Yong and Shen Tao felt a little speechless, even Lou Jiu himself was speechless. When looking for some natural ingredients in this deep mountain, Lou Jiu is not completely unprepared, but it is all prepared for some wild beasts that may appear in the mountains. Except for the first time he came to inspect the terrain and first contacted these villagers, he took people with him. Later, they gradually became more familiar with each other, and naturally they were not so wary. Who knew that such a bloody accident would still happen.

Nie Yong asked, "Where's that woman? We're all here, why didn't that woman ask us for help? She wanted to ask for help when she had nothing to do, but she didn't make a sound when something happened. You shouldn't open the door for this kind of person. ."

"Maybe I was afraid, or I was threatened with a child, so I didn't stand up. I'm also a pitiful person."

Who could have predicted this kind of thing in advance, after such a disaster, Lou Jiu, who really escaped from death, would have been exhausted long ago. At this moment, after I briefly explained the matter to the young people, the whole person completely relaxed, and his consciousness began to be confused.

But before he fainted completely, he heard Shen Tao mention the word Shang Fan next to him. He didn't come, he knew it. Although he fantasized more than once in that dark cellar that Shang Fan could push the door open and take him away, if he really came, he would be willing to wait no matter how long he had to wait. Unfortunately, fantasy is fantasy after all, reality is always reality.

Zuo Ning was hugged by Lu Chenghe, and he struggled for a day, from early morning until midnight. Although he was successfully found and rescued, it was not a waste of hard work, but Lu Chenghe's embrace was too warm, and he was dizzy. sleep.

Lu Chenghe just sat aside with the little pudding in his arms and listened to Nie Yong scolding Lou Jiu, who had fallen asleep, and Shang Fan, who hadn't appeared since the flight was delayed. He never participated in or commented on the feelings of others. , If a person drinks water and knows himself well, no matter how unworthy others see it, they cannot understand the feelings of the person involved.

Suddenly remembering the blessing that Lou Jiu gave him in the hot spring hotel that day, Lu Chenghe shook his head silently when he met someone who could make him lose his mind and looked at Lou Jiu who was so embarrassed. As soon as he lowered his head, he saw the little pudding sleeping in his arms, his whole body limp into a pool of mud, he couldn't help laughing, hugging him in one hand, and holding his head that was about to bend ninety degrees in the other. This sleeping position is really stupid.

Zuo Ning was startled by a sudden sense of weightlessness in his sleep, his whole body stood up straight, then he looked at Lu Chenghe with sleepy eyes, and then squinted again and simply leaned on Lu Chenghe's shoulder and fell asleep again.

Lu Chenghe touched his head, and soon the little thing fell asleep again.

Nie Yong tutted lightly from the side: "It is said that people now keep pets as sons, I thought you would be a clear stream, but I didn't expect that you would not be able to escape the clutches of these furry children, look at you, really I spoil the little pudding to no end."

Lu Chenghe glanced at him, saw Lou Jiu being carried on a stretcher and heading towards the helicopter outside, he followed behind with little pudding in his arms. Naturally, someone will take care of the latter. If someone finds it, there is no need for them to stay in this kind of barren village. This ancient house in the deep mountains is indeed a little scary. Gotta stick to him.

Suddenly thinking of something, Lu Chenghe said to Shen Tao who was following behind him: "Take that little yellow dog and find Lou Jiu, thanks to him."

Shen Tao complied with question marks. He really deserved to be a dog owner. Before he changed it, how could Lu Chenghe notice such a small dog. But thanks to it? Could it be that Lu Chenghe has learned Wang Xingyu through Little Pudding, so he can communicate with Wang Xing creatures

Zuo Ning could hear the sound of Lu Chenghe taking him away in a daze. He originally thought that he might spend the night in that coffin bed tonight. Although he could sleep anywhere with Lu Chenghe, he still felt a little intimidating. This kind of old house, that kind of old-fashioned bed, I don't know how many deceased people have experienced that bed.

After confirming that he would go home tonight, Zuo Ning let himself fall asleep again. He was really sleepy. He didn't know what time it was, and it felt like it was almost dawn when he got home. Even though he was tired, Zuo Ning still had a sense of accomplishment. Isn't it his credit to be able to rescue Lou Jiu so quickly

Before falling into a dark and sweet sleep, Zuo Ning thought that he must ask Lu Chenghe for a reward when he woke up!

After a sleepless night until dawn, Zuo Ning stretched comfortably in the quilt, and before opening his eyes, he touched the side, no one was there. So he opened his eyes and got up to see if Lu Chenghe was in the room.

However, this room is obviously not a room at home, it is like a hotel suite, and then I feel that the quilt covering the body feels different. Zuo Ning looks at himself, it is smooth, smooth and tender, white and not lost, changed back to people.