Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof

Chapter 7: [Slightly miserable reality] Little Satsuma crying silently in the hiding place


Looking at the little thing holding his leg tightly, Lu Chenghe had to tear it off and put it into the butler's arms. Seeing that he was about to leave, the little thing made a pitiful humming sound as if it was about to be abandoned. , This made Lu Chenghe turn around for a while. Looking at those wet eyes, Lu Chenghe suddenly asked the housekeeper, "What is it doing when I'm not at home?"

The housekeeper said: "Most of them sleep in the kennel. Sometimes they run out for a walk. When they are hungry, they will eat by themselves. There is hardly any noise, and they are very good."

Looking at the little thing that was still trying to stretch its claws towards him even on the housekeeper, Lu Chenghe couldn't help but softened a little, reached out and touched its head: "Be at home and be obedient."

Be good and have a degree, you can be clingy, but too clingy will also make people annoying, especially since he has only been with Lu Chenghe for a few days, the relationship always has to be built slowly. Racial differences doom him to have no relationship with Lu Chenghe, but even so, he will be Lu Chenghe's favorite and irreplaceable dog!

So when Zuo Ning heard Lu Chenghe's words, he just looked at him eagerly and didn't continue to make noise.

When Lu Chenghe went to the company, he was definitely not allowed to bring a dog. Thinking of his absence, even the housekeeper would not play with him at will, so he said, "Show him something to see, or find some games for him to play."

Seeing Lu Chenghe's unexpected interest in Little Pudding, the housekeeper didn't show any surprise, and was very calm: "Okay young master."

It wasn't until Lu Chenghe's car pulled out of sight that Zuo Ning uttered a chirping sound, and the whole dog was paralyzed in the butler's arms. It is rare to meet someone who makes his heart beat faster, but despairingly finds that they will never be able to be together in this life. What could be more sad than this.

Returning to his own territory in the living room again, Zuo Ning shook off some of his messy hair, then drooped his tail and returned to the doghouse in his two-story building.

The kennel is full of soft stuffing, the first floor has automatic drinking water, a toilet, and a small bed full of toys. The whole second floor is upholstered for sleeping, and there is a small window.

The kennel was customized according to the size of the Samoyed when he grew up. The whole is very large, so big that the maid only needs to bend over to go in and clean it, so for Zuo Ning at this time, the space is extremely sufficient, and there are Very good privacy, close the small window, stay on the second floor and no one will see any of your actions.

So Zuo Ning would never go out if he could stay on the second floor during the day, which made the housekeeper think he was sleeping most of the time. Although he did sleep, it was better than being exposed to people all the time.

Just as Zuo Ning was ready to continue thinking about Gousheng, he heard the housekeeper calling him. He opened the window with his paws and looked out. The housekeeper was standing outside the guardrail with a tablet. Thinking of what Lu Chenghe said before he left, Zuo Ning rushed downstairs and ran up to the housekeeper.

The housekeeper smiled and said, "Can I show you a cartoon?" Then he turned on the tablet, found a cartoon with a dog as the protagonist, and placed it in the guardrail.

The lively music soon rang, Zuo Ning lay in front of the tablet and stared at it without blinking. The housekeeper saw it obediently watching, no matter whether it understood or not, there was a sound that was better than a quiet and boring one. Strong in the kennel, he turned to do something else.

Zuo Ning lay on his back for a while, seeing busy maids walking by from time to time, but he just glanced at him and didn't pay attention to himself, so he stretched out his paws and tried to get the tablet back into his nest. It's a pity that the weight of the tablet is not something he can handle with one paw of the cub at this time. Seeing that no one was stopping him, he turned around and pushed the tablet all the way back into his nest with his head.

However, he obviously didn't want to play on the first floor, which was full of light and air, and everyone could visit, so he bit the plain white shell and dragged it abruptly to the second floor.

A computer, or a computer connected to the Internet, can do a lot of things! After confirming that the window was closed and people outside could not see the movement inside, Zuo Ning squatted down in front of the computer. Although the noisy cartoon was still playing inside, Zuo Ning's attention was long gone from the cartoon.

But he didn't act rashly. He wasn't sure if he checked something on this computer today, even if he cleaned up the traces, it would be precisely because of this act that his abnormality would be exposed.

He wondered if a family like the Lu family would have a special person monitoring the network regularly or from time to time. If the family who adopted him was an ordinary family, Zuo Ning would definitely not be so careful, but as far as the Lu family he had come into contact with so far, he really didn't dare to make any rash moves.

Maybe he is too careful and thinks too much, but it is better than the irreversible consequences caused by his momentary out of control.

In the end, Zuo Ning was disappointed to find that even with a computer, as long as he was still a dog, he still couldn't do anything. Looking at the electronic device he was once very familiar with, this was the first time since he turned into a dog, there was a dazed panic. It also made him realize very clearly that he might really never go back.

Maybe he will live a life without food and clothing in the future, but he has no freedom and no self, no matter what he wants to do, he can no longer do it. Living in captivity with a human soul, Zuo Ning didn't know if he could endure such a life.

Growing up smoothly throughout his life, he has just survived the blow of his parents' passing away, and encountered such a miraculous encounter. Even Zuo Ning, who thinks he is strong, is only under 20, or even an age that can be called a child. Unable to hide in this small enclosed space, she cried silently.

At first the housekeeper just thought he was listening wrong, but after careful identification, he found that the small sobbing came from the kennel. The housekeeper was shocked. After all, he had just been vaccinated, and this is the most likely problem. For fear that the dog was not feeling well, he quickly put down the things in his hand and barked twice.

As a result, the always obedient little pudding did not come out when he heard the barking, so the housekeeper had to go to the kennel, and then pushed open the small window on the second floor, so he saw that the animation on the tablet had finished playing, and the little pudding was playing. Lying aside crying.

Seeing him pushing the window, he even changed direction and turned his butt towards himself.

The housekeeper was silent for a moment, took the tablet to him from the small window, found a cartoon that could play continuously and put it back, but saw that Little Pudding was still facing himself, and did not turn back when he heard the sound. The housekeeper had to close the small window again.

After thinking about it, I sent a text message to my young master. Although it is not good to disturb the young master with such trivial matters, if it is just texting, it should not be disturbed.

Lu Chenghe, who was having a small meeting with a group of subordinates in the office, heard the phone vibrate, glanced at the housekeeper, so he picked it up and looked at it, and was slightly paused when he saw the message sent from above. When the small meeting was over, Lu Chenghe kept the special assistant.

Qi Tezhu originally thought that the boss had any instructions, but he didn't expect to hear a question that had nothing to do with work. When he answered, he was a little stunned: "Raise, keep it, keep a border shepherd."

Lu Chenghe had a vague impression that the special assistant had a dog. After confirming that he remembered correctly, he asked, "Under what circumstances do dogs usually hide and cry?"

Although this question is beyond his professional scope, Qi Tezhu, who has raised dogs for many years, still sums up his own experience and answers: "Generally, when you are blamed, you can't get what you want, or you think you have been thrown away. Crying, some dogs are emotionally sensitive and cry easily, such as when they dream at night, while others cry when they feel insecure, like my dog, when I was a child, I just sent it for a beauty, and when I went to pick it up, it was I cried in my arms, probably thinking that I didn’t want it anymore, the dog is very smart, so it will have its own careful thoughts and scheming, crying is just a normal emotional expression.”

Lu Chenghe nodded when he heard the words, and after letting the special assistant go out, he stared at the computer screen for a while in silence. It really surprised him that the little thing was so sensitive, but he couldn't stay at home 24 hours a day. Although the little guy is a little bit clingy, there is only one owner in the dog's entire life. Thinking of this, Lu Chenghe felt inexplicably distressed, and suddenly felt that keeping pets was not a pastime, but a responsibility.

Lu Chenghe, who got off work earlier than usual, deliberately asked the driver to take a detour to the mall. Although he could let the housekeeper handle this, he wanted to buy some toys for Little Pudding himself today.

Hearing the sound of the car, Zuo Ning rushed out like a small cannonball, making sure that Lu Chenghe felt his enthusiasm for welcoming him home.

In the past, being so good-looking was mainly to stay in this house, but now, Zuo Ning found that Lu Chenghe was just a person who was introverted and actually very gentle, plus he was so good-looking, he really liked this person, so naturally I want to get closer to him.

Looking at the little guy whose tail was thrown into an afterimage, Lu Chenghe bent down and picked it up, then walked to the trunk. A pile of little dolls, chewing gums of various shapes, large and small balls, and several colorful Frisbees made Zuo Ning dumbfounded.

Lu Chenghe picked up a bright yellow Pikachu doll and handed it to Zuo Ning: "Do you like it?"

Zuo Ning's eyes were tangled for a few seconds. He had never played with this kind of thing since he was a child, and whether it was the kennel in the living room or the kennel in the bedroom, there were already many such dolls.

But it seems that Lu Chenghe bought it on purpose, so Zuo Ning slapped the doll's face with a paw, showing his signature angel smile: "Wow!" As long as you bought it, I like it!