Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof

Chapter 8: [Light up bed climbing skills] He is also a dog with only identity


Lu Chenghe obviously felt that the little pudding was more clingy, always circling around him and rubbing against him, which was a world of difference compared to when he was first brought by his mother and didn't dare to approach. But thinking that I can't accompany it during the day, I can only leave it alone at home, so my tolerance is higher, as long as it doesn't disturb me, I can just let it go.

So Lu Chenghe, who used to sit in front of a computer to handle affairs after dinner, had to lie on the sofa and read his notebook, because on his chest was a little Satsuma who couldn't get away no matter what.

Zuo Ning found out at dinner that today's Lu Chenghe was a little more gentle to him than yesterday, so he dared to have such close contact with him. To say that Lu Chenghe is worthy of being a male god, his figure is really good, he can feel it with the touch under his paws, there are six abdominal muscles in total, even if he is lying down like this, he can clearly feel that one. striped texture.

I stretched out my paw and touched it again. Well, it's a little hard, but it feels good!

Lu Chenghe suppressed the stroking paw, then touched his furry little head, and said in a very calm voice, "If you move again, I will throw you away."

Zuo Ning wagged his tail, whimpered, and didn't move. However, after a while, Zuo Ning began to twist his head restlessly again, he raised his head just enough to rub against Lu Chenghe's chin, so Zuo Ning rubbed and rubbed, sniffing the light fragrance of Lu Chenghe's body, squinting unconsciously. Make a small purr.

Lu Chenghe handled things while stroking his hair like this, until the tail of the little pudding lying on his chest was completely motionless, and the belly heaved smoothly and regularly, then Lu Chenghe took it back to his nest. Seeing that the little white ball was still sleeping unaware, Lu Chenghe smiled slightly and pinched the slightly pointed ears, and then sat back down to continue dealing with things.

In the middle of the night, a white light flashed, and then a thunderstorm exploded in the air. A dog's hearing is more than ten times more sensitive than a human's. Zuo Ning was already awakened when it started to rain outside, and this thunder seemed to explode right next to him.

Maybe it was an ordinary dog who would be scared when he heard the sound of thunder for the first time, but Zuo Ning, as a dog with a human soul, knew exactly what the loud noise was, even though he was also startled by the sudden sound, But don't be afraid.

But seeing that Lu Chenghe was also awakened by the sound of thunder, he seemed to get up slightly and glance at himself, Zuo Ning's eyes rolled, and he quickly climbed out of the doghouse, clambering on the fence.

Lu Chenghe turned on a small night light next to the kennel, walked to the kennel, and touched the little pudding standing by the fence: "It's just thunder, don't be afraid, go back to sleep obediently."

Zuo Ning let out a soft murmur, and stretched out one paw towards Lu Chenghe, the meaning of begging for a hug was very obvious. At this time, another lightning flashed across, and Lu Chenghe quickly covered Little Pudding's ears with both hands, and then a thunder rang again.

Lu Chenghe looked down at those wet eyes, and nodded helplessly on its little nose: "Only once." After speaking, he picked up the dog and lay back on the bed.

The second time I successfully boarded the bed, will the third time be far behind? Zuo Ning nestled in Lu Chenghe's quilt with one paw still on Lu Chenghe's arm, then rolled himself into a ball, adjusted to a comfortable position close to Lu Chenghe without being crushed, opened his mouth and yawned , licked his nose, felt comfortable, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The night before, this little thing climbed up quietly and slept all night without his knowledge, so Lu Chenghe didn't feel much. But now I was carrying it up myself, and I knew that there was a small dumpling on my bed, probably because I was a little worried that if I fell asleep and rolled over, it would crush it, so Lu Chenghe kept waking up from sleep, and he didn't sleep soundly.

Until the sky was getting brighter, Lu Chenghe turned his head and saw that he was sleeping beside him in the middle of the night, but at this time he occupied the other little pudding that was sleeping so sweetly on his pillow, and he couldn't help reaching out and poking his bulging belly. , and then quietly got up.

When Zuo Ning woke up, there was no one on the bed. He stretched out comfortably, and then climbed down the small stairs with three floors on the other side. Run towards the back garden. As a result, it was still raining outside, so he looked outside for a while, but did not see Lu Chenghe.

Lu Chenghe came out of the gym and glanced out the window, and saw that the little pudding was squatting stupidly on the long corridor in the backyard, just like when he was waiting for him to come back from his morning run every morning. I couldn't help smiling, and while wiping my freshly washed hair, I walked towards the restaurant.

It wasn't until the housekeeper came to pick him up that Zuo Ning knew that there was a gym at home, and Lu Chenghe would exercise in the gym whenever it rained. Seeing Lu Chenghe who was already sitting at the dining table, Zuo Ning jumped off the housekeeper as soon as he turned around.

However, Lu Lu was not handsome enough. He fell to the ground and groaned before getting up in a daze. Then he looked back at the housekeeper and was stunned by himself. He didn't dare to jump off the bed, and even dared to jump off the housekeeper's body, it must be a beautiful dog!

Seeing Zuo Ning being dumbfounded, Lu Chenghe picked him up from the ground and rubbed the part where he just landed: "Don't jump around in the future, you will hurt if you fall."

Zuo Ning stretched out his tongue and licked Lu Chenghe's hand. Originally, he thought he would feel repulsed by such an action. After all, he used to be a human being, but he really didn't seem to be as repelled as he thought. He was even rejected by Lu Chenghe. The feeling of being surrounded by the breath made him inexplicably happy.

He squinted his eyes comfortably, and when he looked up, Zuo Ning saw Lu Chenghe, who didn't have much expression, but his eyes were kind of gentle. Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat, and then thumped in his chest. .

Zuo Ning unconsciously covered his face with his two paws, this man looks so foul!

The rain continued for a long time, and it seemed to take away the last trace of heat before giving up. It was not until Zuo Ning had passed the vaccine period and had a thorough bath from the inside out, the sky gradually cleared up.

After this period of healthy and nutritious feeding, Zuo Ning has grown from a small breast dumpling to a big breast dumpling, and he can vaguely see the handsome outline, with the slightly pointed ears standing up, as he grows Running and shaking is very cute.

Zuo Ning's temperament was originally a bit of a reconciliation. Although he occasionally felt sad about his lost life, he would not always hide in his kennel and feel sad. After discovering that Lu Chenghe's love for him was growing day by day, Zuo Ning gradually increased his courage and began to explore this home that was as big as a palace to him when Lu Chenghe was not at home.

He didn't know until now that although Lu Chenghe and Lu's mother lived together, they were actually two villas in a large manor. When he was carried by Mother Lu that day, he was walking along the inner corridor, and he was confused by the twists and turns all the way.

If he hadn't seen the servants carry the toys he used to be on Mother Lu's side from the outside, he ran to the side door curiously to take a look, not knowing that he used to live on that side. No wonder he wandered around the house every day, but he couldn't find the place where he had been before.

Hearing the familiar sound of a car, Zuo Ning stretched out his claws to buckle the tablet, then jumped off the sofa and rushed to the door like a cannonball. When Lu Chenghe got out of the car, he saw a mass of white rushing from the door. He bent down and hugged the little pudding that rushed to him.

Covering the tail that felt like it was about to wag, subconsciously bucked the weight, feeling as if it had grown a little bit, and walked towards the living room with a little satisfaction.

According to his usual habit, Lu Chenghe would go to the cloakroom on the first floor to clean up a little and then put on a comfortable home clothes, but today he directly hugged him and sat down on the sofa. Zuo Ning saw Lu Chenghe take out a small box from his pocket, and quickly pulled Lu Chenghe's hand and looked over curiously.

Lu Chenghe rubbed the curious little thing, opened the box and took out a collar, a thicker silver-white chain, connected to the end of the dog tag, separated out four thinner ports, and locked the four corners of the dog tag. The dog tag was engraved with a dog's pattern on one side and his name in Chinese and English, and on the other side was a paragraph and a phone number.

Lu Chenghe put Zuo Ning on his body, and then tied him with a chain. The chain should be scalable. It was just right after wearing it, and the weight was not too heavy, although there was something on his neck. It was comfortable, but Zuo Ning also knew that if he had a dog tag, he might get it back if he lost it later, so he just scratched it with his paw and it wasn't too repelling.

After Lu Chenghe put it on for him, he picked him up and looked left and right. He saw a trace of silver in the white hair. It wasn't too conspicuous, but it was pretty good-looking, so he rubbed the dog's head and took the dog tag. down.

Zuo Ning looked at Lu Chenghe strangely, isn't this for him? Why did you take it back again

I don't know if Lu Chenghe understood his doubts, or said casually, "If I take you out in the future and wear it for you, I don't need it at home."

Zuo Ning also thought about it. He is not a real dog. He is very self-conscious. He will never run around or wear it at home.

Just thinking about this, Zuo Ning listened to Lu Chenghe again: "Although there is a positioning system in the dog tag, if you dare to run around and can't see it, I don't want you." He nodded his nose: "I heard that. ?"

Zuo Ning subconsciously said: "Wang!" Mmmmmm, definitely don't run around! However, there is actually a positioning system in the dog tag. Is even the dog tag made so tall these days