Daily Life of a Wealthy Woof

Chapter 95: [Old Fox Lu Chenghe] This slap is absolutely loud


The venue chosen on the day of the symposium was outdoors, because the temperature was just right and the venue was large enough. In the past, in order to avoid the embarrassing situation of too few guests, each class in the senior year had to calculate the attendance rate. However, this time, since the students have shown great enthusiasm since the guest list was announced, there is no rigid requirement to attend, but the best viewing position must be allocated to senior graduates.

So when Zuo Ning and Lu Nianqi came over, they could only stand on the periphery, watching the crowded venue and sighing silently, "I should have brought binoculars."

Hearing his sigh, Lu Nianqi laughed and said, "You can see the second brother every day, it's not like that."

Zuo Ning said: "That's different." At home, Lu Chenghe was more casual, completely relaxed, and he was no different from ordinary people. In the company, he was used to giving orders, he just had to sit there and command.

This was the first time he had met Lu Chenghe, who held the symposium. He had seen the symposium of graduates when he was in college before, and some of the social people he invited were humorous and humorous, and he also interacted with the students. He really couldn't imagine what Lu Chenghe looked like, naturally he had to work hard to see it clearly.

Fortunately, his eyesight is super good. Even if he is standing so far away, he can still see the people on the field clearly, but the distance is too far away, which makes him a little uncomfortable.

When Zuo Ning looked around, he suddenly saw a disgusting figure and tugged at Lu Nianqi: "Isn't this a special area for seniors in the front row, that Lu Jinsheng is already a graduate student, why can he sit there?"

There are so many people, no matter how good Lu Nianqi's eyesight is, he can only see the outline of a person when he sees the front row, and he can't see the facial features at all. Hearing him ask such a question, he can only say: "The face of the young master of the Lu family is naturally necessary. given."

Zuo Ning turned to look at him: "Then you too."

Lu Nianqi smiled: "Didn't I become a monk halfway through, and they have more power than me, I guess the school leaders will give some face, and it's not surprising to be able to sit in the front."

When Zuo Ning was about to find out if he could squeeze to the front, Ding Rui came over and said, "I'm still looking for you everywhere. Are you ready to take a look and leave or wait for the symposium to end?"

Zuo Ning said: "Wait until it's over." This was Lu Chenghe's first time. He had to watch the whole thing.

Ding Rui said: "Then go to the front with me, there is a place to sit in front."

Hearing that he could look closer, Zuo Ning certainly wouldn't refuse, and with a smile he pulled Lu Nianqi and followed Ding Rui to the front. Although it is not in the center of the first row, the location is a little bit in the corner, but it is close to the table anyway. Although it was not close to that Lu Jinsheng and the venue was a bit noisy, Zuo Ning still listened to the conversation over there with gossip.

Hearing the content of their conversation, Zuo Ning asked Lu Nianqi, "Who is that person sitting on the left of Lu Jinsheng, do you recognize him?"

Lu Nianqi squinted for a while, then shook his head. Ding Rui said, "That's from the Xia family, the son of the boss of Yongwan Electric City."

Zuo Ning looked at Ding Rui and couldn't help sighing: "You know so much, I feel like you are a know-it-all on campus, as if you know everything."

Ding Rui smiled and said, "Although our university cannot be called an aristocratic school, there are still a lot of children from some aristocratic families, so you should pay attention to some information when you should pay attention, otherwise you will accidentally offend one day. Who is it, the little people like us who have no background really only have to be bullied."

Zuo Ning nodded when he heard the words: "That's right, there are many people who bully others, but they just cast a good child. It seems that the campus of a university is a small society. It's not fake at all."

The university he studied in must not have this good one, but there are also some rich families in it. They really don't treat people as people at all. Because of their generosity, they are always surrounded by a group of small followers. Zuo Ning has more than once Seeing that person scolding and scolding the little servants around him, even those who were beaten and scolded had to suffer with a smile on his face, Zuo Ning didn't know what those people were for, where he could not earn money by working part-time, why not To sell your self-esteem.

Now looking at the people around Lu Jinsheng, Zuo Ning shook his head silently, no matter if they were poor or rich, they were always flattering.

Lu Nianqi asked Zuo Ning, "What did you ask that person to do?"

Zuo Ning glanced over there and snorted softly: "That Xia man is begging Lu Jinsheng to see if he can meet Cheng He later, it seems that he has some kind of project at home and wants to cooperate with Lu's. "

Lu Nianqi didn't know much about these things in business. He didn't study business and trade, and he had never been exposed to these things since he was a child, so he didn't ask. On the other hand, Zuo Ning continued: "I would bet that if that person really met Cheng He through Lu Jinsheng, no matter what project he had, the cooperation would definitely not be possible."

Lu Nianqi and Ding Rui looked at him in disbelief, Zuo Ning smiled and said, "For Chenghe, this kind of behavior is a way to go through the back door. Anyone who intends to cooperate with Lu's must pass this department, and then go through a layer-by-layer review. A project that allows Chenghe to personally take the lead is definitely a big cross-border cooperation. A small project like his still wants to do this kind of project. The back door will definitely be blocked."

Ding Rui smiled and said, "You really know the Lu family."

Zuo Ning smiled and didn't speak. He went to work with Lu Chenghe every day and watched him handle things. This is the most basic understanding.

Lu Jinsheng, who was begged to come to him, frowned indistinctly, and then said, "Cousin has always been clear about public and private affairs, and he doesn't like public affairs mixed with private affairs. I advise you to follow the normal way of cooperation, otherwise you can You talk to your cousin, and he can't listen to your project."

The young master Xia said with a smile: "Of course I won't be so rash, I just want to get in touch with my idol up close, I just want to go over and say hello to be familiar, don't do it deliberately, you will always be there later. I'm going to say hello to your cousin, I'll just follow you."

Thinking of that Lu Chenghe, Lu Jinsheng felt a little irritable. Although he and Lu Chenghe can be said to be cousins, they have never had any contact except for the annual family dinner. To be honest, he didn't want to come today at all, but if he didn't come, he really couldn't justify it. In the eyes of outsiders, they are a family. If he doesn't come, it doesn't mean that their relationship is actually very bad. Although it is a fact that their relationship is not good, he and Lu Chenghe never said a word, but this must not be known to outsiders.

Now the three brothers control the economic lifeline of the entire Lu family. The big brother in the hall is famous for his seriousness as a big parent. Sometimes he looks at people with a fierce look in his eyes. And the fourth cousin is cynical, like a cunning fox, smiling with you on his face, maybe he can give you a knife behind his back. It seems that only this second cousin is the most normal, although indifferent, but at least elegant and polite.

He didn't plan to do any extra actions, he just hoped that when he went to greet his cousin later, he could get a normal response, at least the relationship on the surface should be maintained. He felt that with his second cousin as a person, there should be no problem.

Although Zuo Ning, who had been eavesdropping on their speeches on the other side, didn't know Lu Jinsheng's plan, but he decided that he must go over and pull Lu Chenghe away first, so as not to give people a chance to brush his face!

Before the guests came to the stage, there would always be one sentence that I only said, but the president's heinous teacher came to the stage to speak.

Zuo Ning yawned after listening to one after another. Finally, when the host introduced the guest shopping mall, the whole person suddenly woke up.

When Lu Chenghe came to the stage from behind, Zuo Ning only felt that the whole world was lit up. The well-tailored dark suit and the slightly groomed hair looked even better against the already good-looking facial features. The moment he opened the mouth with the microphone, the cheering sound of the audience was blocked by him, and the entire human eye was blocked. There was only one person left on the stage.

Lu Nianqi just subconsciously turned his head to look at Lu Ning, but when he saw that silly smile on his face, he couldn't help but reach out and raise his chin: "The drool is going to stay."

Zuo Ning touched his mouth subconsciously, but there was nothing, so he couldn't help but glared at Lu Nianqi. Then he turned his head and continued to indulge in Lu Chenghe.

Although Lu Chenghe had not participated in this kind of graduation season forum before, this thing is just summing up experience for others. However, what he sums up is the experience of being a leader. From his own perspective, what kind of subordinate he hopes to get.

While talking, he paid attention to where the little pudding was. Before he came on stage, he still thought, he didn't know in which crowd the little pudding would be crowded, and he didn't know whether to find it or not. However, when he came to power, he realized that he thought too much. Although it was not the most middle, he still saw it at a glance. It's that smile that's a bit silly, and seeing himself looking in his direction, he deliberately does something funny. If it wasn't for him being stretched all the time, I'm afraid he would have laughed because of Little Pudding.

It is impossible for the invited guest school to let everyone talk on the stage alone. Naturally, there will be an interactive warm-up by the host, and there will be some question-and-answer sessions. Obviously some people may have come prepared to ask some tough questions in the workplace.

But every time Zuo Ning hadn't thought deeply about the meaning of this question, Lu Chenghe had already given a perfect answer. If it wasn't for Lu Chenghe who was on stage, Zuo Ning would definitely think that this must have been arranged by the school in advance.

More than an hour passed quickly, and many people still felt a little unfinished. Zuo Ning heard a lot of people complimenting Lu Chenghe, handsome and smart, good-looking and more expensive, all of them were envious. He is very proud.

Seeing Lu Chenghe walking towards the backstage, Zuo Ning hurriedly followed, and asked Ding Rui to call that Ma Yi up. However, as soon as he passed, he saw many school leaders surrounding Lu Chenghe. He really wanted to rush over, but he was not someone who couldn't tell the occasion, so he honestly waited beside him.

After standing for a while, I saw that Lu Jinsheng also came over, and he kept walking towards Lu Chenghe. He couldn't help but puffed up. He really wanted to rush over and stop in the middle, not giving that Lu Jinsheng a chance to get close. But I can only think about it, it's okay to do such a childish thing in private, and it seems ignorant to do it in public.

However, what he didn't expect was that Lu Jinsheng walked straight towards Lu Chenghe, and when he was about two or three steps away, Lu Chenghe didn't even look at him, and walked directly in his direction. This made Lu Jinsheng extremely embarrassed to stop in place.

Zuo Ning looked at Lu Chenghe stupidly, Lu Chenghe smiled and rubbed his head: "Is there any class today?"

Zuo Ning hurriedly shook his head. He had already left the get out of class and was waiting for Lu Chenghe's symposium.

Lu Chenghe turned to look at Lu Nianqi next to him: "How about you? If you don't have class, we'll have dinner together later."

Lu Nianqi hurriedly said, "There is another class in the evening." He didn't want to do light bulbs, and he had to make a class even if he didn't have a class!

Since there is a class, Lu Chenghe will naturally forget it and ask Xiao Puding, "What about the person you are talking about?"

Zuo Ning hurriedly took his hand and walked outside. He asked Ding Rui to wait outside, just to find a reason to pull Lu Chenghe away so that Lu Jinsheng wouldn't have a chance.

Until Lu Chenghe and the others left the venue, Lu Jinsheng stayed where he was. The young master of the Xia family who followed him and wanted to get along with him looked at Lu Jinsheng and smiled softly: "It's been really hard today, Young Master Lu, I still have something to do, let's go first. ."

Lu Jinsheng only felt a burning pain on his face, and it seemed as if he had been slapped countless times. He felt that people all over the world were laughing at him, and everyone was looking at him. Lu Jinsheng, who left the venue and returned home, can't remember how he got so old, and he has never been insulted like this. But this person is Lu Chenghe, and he can't take revenge.

Ma Yi didn't expect to be able to contact Lu Chenghe at such a close distance. Before anyone came over, she couldn't help crying. When Lu Chenghe stood in front of her, she only felt that her throat was blocked. , she couldn't even make a sound, except for a deep bow to express her gratitude, her whole head was blank.

This is her benefactor. If it weren't for his support, she would probably be trapped in the mountains for the rest of her life, and she would never have the chance to come out and see such a beautiful world. But she is so weak now that she can't even repay her. Apart from countless thanks, she doesn't know how to express her gratitude.

Looking at the crying girl with tears on her face, Lu Chenghe could only say a few words of comfort, encouraging her to continue studying hard and be worthy of her life.

Zuo Ning took advantage of the situation to introduce Ding Rui to Lu Chenghe. Ding Rui is a smooth person. He knew that, regardless of whether Ding Rui deliberately helped matchmaking this time, he wanted to build a sense of presence, but he was indeed helping people. good thing. Zuo Ning would not be stupid enough to think that a good person is a good person who is selfless and helping others, that is not a good person, that is a fool. This kind of maybe with a little purpose makes him feel at ease.

Anyway, he was just doing his best, he didn't lose anything, and Lu Chenghe was so good at looking at people, he was not worried that Lu Chenghe would be deceived.

Lu Chenghe took Little Pudding away without delaying too long in the school. Along the way, Little Pudding was chatting about how handsome and attractive he was on stage today. Look at his complacent appearance while talking. , Lu Chenghe said with a smile: "That's complimenting me, what are you proud of?"

Zuo Ning snorted: "You are all mine, and my people are so good and so good, of course I should be proud." After speaking, he asked Lu Chenghe, "Did you do it on purpose just now? You deliberately ignored that Lu Jinsheng. Yes? I can't believe you didn't know he was walking towards you."

Lu Chenghe raised his eyebrows slightly: "Isn't this what you want?"

Zuo Ning smiled: "I want to come, but I just think about it, he is also your brother after all, and I thought you would definitely not do this kind of enmity with people, like you in a shopping mall. Old fox, he has long been accustomed to both sides, and he has nothing to do with you, so I thought you might say something."

Lu Chenghe pinched his face: "Old fox?"

Zuo Ning looked at him and blinked twice, then stretched out his arms and hugged his waist and threw himself into his arms: "I praise you, the fox is so smart, I can't even become a fox."

Lu Chenghe snorted coldly: "Indeed, with your IQ, you can only be the third fool."

Zuo Ning instantly looked at Lu Chenghe angrily, without any personal attacks!