Daily Life of the Canary Pet Master

Chapter 13


Qi Yue rushed to the recording site, but they were still not the first to arrive.

In the dressing room, someone had already changed his clothes and done his hairstyle, and the hairstylist was blowing his hair strand by strand.

"His name is Pei Zhengwen. He's the male lead of a web drama that became a hit some time ago. He's very popular right now. Be polite and go say hello to him." Qi Yue poked him in the waist and reminded him very tactfully.

Ou Shaowen then walked up to him, nodded slightly, and said "Hello".

Pei Zhengwen didn’t look away, and waited until Albert Ou walked up to him and said hello before he turned his head to glance at him, “Excuse me, I’m a bit hard to recognize faces, who are you?”

"My name is Ou Shaowen."

"Ou Shaowen?" Pei Zhengwen smiled brightly. "It's a bit like my name, but I don't think I've heard of it. Can you introduce your representative works? I'll go first. My name is Pei Zhengwen, a newcomer. I'm lucky. The online drama "Chang'an Zhi" I starred in some time ago has a good number of views. How about you?"

Ou Shaowen calmly replied: "I have never acted on TV, I have only taken a few magazine photos."

"Oh, I see." Pei Zhengwen looked at him with a meaningful look, "It's okay, I think you'll have a chance to act soon. Why don't you hurry up and get your makeup done? When HH and Yicai get here, the makeup artist won't have time to do our makeup."

"Okay, thank you." Ou Shaowen still thanked in a calm tone. He heard that the program would provide fixed sportswear, so he was dressed casually today. He only needed to put on some foundation and do his hair.

By the time he finished styling, Pei Zhengwen finally realized that he had finished his styling.

"Oh my god, you might as well not say hello." Qi Yue said in an exaggerated tone, circling around him anxiously, "Your expression and tone are too cold. People who don't know you would think you are so arrogant. Don't you know how to smile? Can't you smile at people and be more cheerful?"

To be honest, Ou Shaowen was not in a very good mood at the moment. This kind of occasion was different from taking photos for a magazine. After coming here, he did everything Qi Yue asked him to do, but he did not like this kind of occasion where he had to talk to strangers over and over again, and he did not understand the necessity of such boring conversations.

"They don't make me happy, so why should I smile at them?" He asked as if it was a matter of course and sincerely.

"Smiling at others is a kind of courtesy!" Qi Yue couldn't help but raise his voice, "If someone gave you an arrogant and cold zombie face, wouldn't you feel unhappy?"

"No." Before he met Ou Renjin, no one had ever smiled at him.

Qi Yue held his forehead in his hand, trying not to be speechless. "I was wrong. I thought it was such a lucky thing to have you with me. I was also thinking that I could slowly become an agent by using the assistant as a springboard. Now I finally understand that luck will never come to me." Because of Ou Shaowen's special identity, he is nominally only an assistant, but in fact he is responsible for most of the work that an agent is responsible for.

"Okay." He compromised quickly. "Just do what you want to do. I'll go back and discuss with the company. I'll change your personality to a cold and autistic one in future promotions and marketing. Let's see if you can lean towards the cute side occasionally."

"Okay." Ou Shaowen nodded, agreeing.

The variety show he participated in today was called "Battle Royale". The rules of the game were very simple. A total of fifteen guests were on the run against a backdrop of a plot. The men in black who were responsible for the pursuit were set up as robots with super athletic ability, and were carefully selected athletes from major competitions. No guest could outrun them in a straight line, so they were programmed to give up the pursuit and continue with the established patrol procedure as long as you disappeared from their sight and they arrived at the place where you last disappeared, but you were still not in their sight.

Simply put, as long as you have two consecutive corners, you can get rid of these robots.

During the game, the program team will issue some tasks. If you fail to complete them within the specified time, it will trigger a greater search and capture. The countdown is 100 minutes. You can give up midway and get a certain amount of bonus. The amount of bonus depends on how long you persist. Those who can successfully persist to the end will receive a prize of more than 100,000 yuan. If you are caught midway, you will be locked up in a small dark room and lose all bonuses and all your scenes.

Ou Shaowen listened carefully to the director's explanation of the rules, glanced at the men in black who were still in the "frozen" state, and felt that there seemed to be no challenge.

His body is different from that of ordinary people. The speed of cell division and renewal is dozens of times that of ordinary people. This determines that he can quickly eliminate the lactic acid produced by muscles during exercise. In layman's terms, he has strong explosive power and is not easily fatigued.

So, after the official check-in and photo shoot, when everyone was discussing who would press the button three meters away from the freezing box of the man in black, he took the initiative to raise his hand and said, "I'll go."

"Ah?" Everyone turned to look at him, their expressions not quite trusting.

"Shao Wen, are you good at running?" Meng hh asked in a familiar tone.

"Very impressive." Ou Shaowen answered affirmatively.

"Okay, then go ahead and press it!" Wang Yicai has a lot of experience and is well-known. He is the big brother in the team. Once he made the final decision, no one would object.

"Then we'll leave everything to you. Let's go, let's all retreat. Let's go a little further this time. We can't catch up if we're thirty meters away, right?"

"Ha, we don't have to run faster than the man in black, we just have to run faster than the last person."

"That's right. Anyway, we have Ou Shaowen behind us to protect us!"

The guests were talking one after another, trying hard to get some screen time for themselves, but they were also a little envious of Ou Shaowen who was being faced by a single camera.

Ou Shaowen quickly walked to the button, without hesitation or making any extra moves, and pressed the 100-minute countdown button. The black-clad men's freezer opened with a whoosh, and five black-clad men suddenly rushed out.

The moment they jumped out of the box, they were less than a meter away from Ou Shaowen. The guests standing far away in front of them screamed in disarray and turned around and ran away.

It seemed like they had been running for a long time, but there was still no sound of the guests being caught. The people running in the front couldn't help but look back and saw that the distance between Ou Shaowen and the people in black was getting bigger and bigger. He approached them quickly at a speed that ordinary people couldn't imagine, and then surpassed the guests running at the back. Then, before everyone could react, his figure was getting closer and closer, as if he had brought a gust of wind around them, and then he ran to the front and became the person farthest away from the people in black among all the guests.

"Oh my god, Ou Shaowen, are you a runner? You can go to the Olympics at this speed."

"How can you run so fast!"

"Ahhh, brothers, don't catch me!"

During this period, a female guest and two male guests who were running at the back had been captured by the men in black. The fast runners were still running in the front, while the slow runners had already found obstacles to hide behind.

Ou Shaowen stopped half a mile away from the men in black. Without blushing or breathing hard, he waited calmly for the cameraman who was working hard to catch up with him.

Pei Zhengwen somehow ran over during this gap, panting. He slapped his hand heavily on his shoulder and hung on him. "Wow, you, you are so awesome. Today I will be under your protection. Please protect me, big boss!"

“If you want to win, it’s not good to be with me.” Ou Shaowen calmly refused, “I run fast, so I will definitely try to do those dangerous tasks. If you are discovered with me, you will be the only one caught.”

Pei Zhengwen's expression froze for a moment. He laughed awkwardly and said, "Haha, you're right. I'll just do it myself. I'll find a place to hide."

After rubbing against Pei Zhengwen's lens, his photographer finally caught up, panting while carrying the camera.

"I'm sorry." He felt a little guilty. "You've worked hard today."

"It's okay, it's okay." The photographer waved his hand, thinking that although the kid looked cold on the surface, he was actually quite polite. The little bit of good impression in his heart didn't even have time to rise before it was severely extinguished in the following process.

In just half an hour, he was taken for a walk around a field as big as two football fields.

Ou Shaowen had almost no intention of avoiding the men in black. He walked openly on the avenue. Once he encountered a man in black, he would quickly evade pursuit with his running speed. How many times? The photographer could only take pictures of his back from a distance, watching him quickly zoom out in his lens.

He was exhausted, and then he saw Ou Shaowen standing leisurely in the most conspicuous position on the side of the road waiting for him again and again. Finally, he couldn't help but have a mental breakdown. He sent a message to the director team and requested an extra photographer to rotate with him.

Now he finally understood what Ou Shaowen’s previous apology and the words “You’ve worked hard today” meant

After replacing Ou Shaowen with a younger, more energetic and in better condition photographer, all the guests finally received the task notification from the director team.

Without saying anything, Ou Shaowen ran towards the mission location. He reached the mission triggering location almost before everyone else. The young lady of the Marquis Mansion who was under house arrest had just said a few lines like "help me" when Ou Shaowen jumped onto the window without any running start and jumped lightly into the room.

The NPC was stunned by him, but still finished the plot professionally. Before she asked him to find the key, Ou Shaowen put his arm around her waist, easily picked her up with one hand, and with the help of a stool next to him, he jumped back onto the window and landed steadily.