Daily Life of the Canary Pet Master

Chapter 75: 75 Extra


It was another long day of being imprisoned, unable to move. 036 looked at the ceiling and began to let his thoughts wander.

He didn't like the night very much, although he had never seen a real night, because the lights were on in the laboratory all year round. He only knew that at night, the researchers who chatted beside him would go home. In the entire laboratory, there were only three or two people on duty except him, but they had their own places to stay and would not appear here.

In the endless silence, he could only listen to his own heartbeat, count numbers, or recall every word that those people had said to him during the day from beginning to end. Apart from this, he had nothing else to do.

"11698, 11699, 11700..." He increased the difficulty this time and started counting from 10,000. Each number was very long when he silently recited it, which was most suitable to accompany him through this long night of continuous pain.


"Stop it, you've got saliva all over my face." An inexplicable voice suddenly rang out.

Bang bang…bang bang…bang bang…

The beating of the heart seemed to have picked up another identical frequency.

036 was startled. He raised his head hard, trying to figure out who was talking to him, but he could only catch a glimpse of a small part of the room. No one was there, and it was not the voice of anyone in the laboratory he was familiar with.

When he was in doubt, the voice sounded again, with a hint of smile, a tone he had never felt before and could not describe.

"Aren't you going to bed yet? It's already very late."

036 opened his mouth but no sound came out. The sudden sound seemed to spread from the bottom of his heart to his eardrums, and did not seem to come from the outside world.

Who was talking? Was it a new experiment they had come up with? What were they trying to test him on

"You... who are you?" He asked silently in his heart, waiting for a response from him, just like he had imagined over and over again a long time ago that some impossible miracle would suddenly happen.

Sure enough, the voice did not answer him, but it did not disappear either. Instead, it continued to sound gently.

"Do you need a hug to fall asleep? How old are you and still acting like a spoiled brat? Why don't you ask me to tell you a bedtime story?"

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you. My child also wants something that other children have. What story do you want to hear? I'll tell you about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?"

"Once upon a time, there was a queen who was sitting by a window in the palace doing needlework for her unborn daughter. A lot of snow fell on the ebony windowsill, and she accidentally pricked her finger. Blood flowed from the needle hole and dripped onto the snow on the windowsill. The queen saw this scene and said, I wish my daughter's skin was as white as snow..."

036 listened quietly, immersed in this story he had never heard before. At the end of the story, the prince and the princess lived happily together. 036 didn't know why, but his eyes were red because of such an ending, as if he was moved that they in the story could have the love and happiness that he had never felt before.

Is this a bedtime story? He had heard a researcher complain to his colleagues that his son

He is always noisy when I sleep, and I have to listen to him tell stories for a long time before I can fall asleep. He tells those stories over and over again, and I get tired of them, but my son still never gets tired of listening to them.

Such a wonderful story, if it were him, he would also want to hear it every night.

The voice finished its story and then stopped. Everything returned to silence, which seemed even more unbearable than the silence we were used to.

He was silent for a long time, feeling inexplicably sad. He had a good memory, but at this moment he had forgotten where he had counted to. He wanted to count again, but his mind was filled with the lush forest, the princess with skin whiter than snow, the birds, white rabbits and deer that would be attracted by the princess's singing. He was completely unable to think of anything else.

He couldn't help but repeat in his mind, "Hello, are you the God they are talking about? Can you tell me another story?"

Before, they always said they would pray to God when they wanted something very much, so he knew that these two words represented a deity who might fulfill your wish.

He used to pray. At first, he prayed to end this kind of life and to see the outside world one day. Later, he prayed that the rich people who came to replace organs would not target the heart, and prayed that the interval between the two operations could be longer.

And now, he just prayed for one more bedtime story.

As always, God did not respond.

He thought that he should learn to be content. Hearing a story today that he had never heard before was something worth savoring for a long time.

The next day, when it was late at night and everyone was asleep, 036 was listening to his own heartbeat. Suddenly, it seemed as if another person's heartbeat also started, and then slowly overlapped with his own heartbeat.

The next second, that gentle male voice rang out from the bottom of his heart.

He didn't say anything, he just laughed. His laughter was light and clear, and it seemed to hit his chest, one after another, making him feel dizzy.

"I'm not laughing at you, I just think you're cute." He chuckled twice more, "No one in the world is omnipotent, you, Yu-Gi-Oh puppet! It's normal to occasionally not be good at a certain game."

Who is God talking to? Is this person his most beloved one who can hear such a beautiful voice speaking in his ear every day

"How about I practice with you for a bit? Next time if we play a game like this, you can beat them up." He stopped laughing, but there was still a smile in his voice.

"What's the matter? Why don't you want to practice with me?" He pretended to be frustrated.

"Didn't I tell you that I only think you're cute?"

He began to wonder who God was talking to, and he also wanted to hear the voice of another person.

"Maybe a cute angel? They say God is always with angels."

The sound suddenly paused, a little longer than the normal interval, and then did not sound again for a long time.

"I thought I could hear another bedtime story."

As soon as he finished reading this sentence, he heard the voice again.

This chapter

"Then I'll hang up. You should have a good rest and don't rehearse too late. Well, good night."

After God said this, he seemed to be saying goodbye to his followers. He was silent for a while, and suddenly asked, "Just now... was someone talking?"

036 was stunned, not realizing for a moment that this sentence seemed clearer than what he had heard before.

"Hello?" The voice was a little clearer.

An overwhelming sense of surprise poured down from his head. 036 was dazed for a moment. He took several deep breaths before trying to respond silently in his heart: "You... are fine?"

"Who are you?"

"Me?" 036 began to tremble all over. "I am 036. Are you God?"

Only God can hear the unspoken words in people's hearts.

This number sounded unusually familiar. Ou Renjin held the phone tightly in his hand, and for a moment he wondered if this was an illusion created by him feeling too distressed after hearing Ou Shaowen's story and constantly replaying his past experiences in his mind.

"I'm not God, my name is Ou Renjin." With his mind in a mess, he pressed the recording button on his mobile phone, as if hoping to record something.

"So God also has a name?" This was clearly Ou Shaowen's voice. Although there was a slight difference in the tone, he would not have heard it wrong.

He lowered his head to look at the recording interface. When the voice in his mind spoke, no ripples representing decibels lit up.

"Are you... in the lab now?" In an instant, everything Ou Shaowen had said to him came to his mind. Ou Renjin clenched his fists, and felt that the anger, heartache, and pity that had not been calmed down before were surging up again like waves.

"Yes." 036 answered cheerfully, and felt that he had indeed been blessed by God, who knew everything.

Ou Renjin frowned, and his chest felt even more depressed. He covered his chest and suddenly felt his heart, which had not hurt for a long time, begin to ache.

Ou Renjin opened his mouth, but in the end he just uttered "still".

"Are you here to fulfill my wish?"

"Then you..." Ou Renjin's voice was a little hoarse, "What wish do you want to fulfill?"

"I want to hear another bedtime story from you, the same one you told me yesterday."

He searched for the story of the mermaid on his mobile phone and read it sentence by sentence.

"In the deep, deep sea, there is a majestic castle, in which live six mermaid princesses. They are all very beautiful, especially the youngest princess, who has long golden hair. She likes to listen to her sisters talk about many new things on the sea, and she hopes that one day she can go to the sea to see it herself..."

This chapter

After he finished reading the last sentence, he realized that he had finished the story.

036 The silence lasted a little too long. Ou Renjin realized something and suddenly felt that he should not have chosen such a tragedy.

"That's great." 036 sighed, "I also want to see the world outside the laboratory. It would be great if there were witches here who could exchange things. I could also exchange my legs for them."

Ou Renjin couldn't help but gasp, "You will leave there, I promise."

"Really?" 036 originally had no intention of asking God to fulfill his wish. People should not be too greedy. It is enough to have one wish fulfilled.

"Really, you will leave the lab and come to a completely different world, meet someone you are destined to meet, and live a wonderful life that you can't imagine at this moment."

The author has something to say: The main story is stuck, so I will write a chapter to help me adjust my mood. The timeline of the chapter is set after Ou Shaowen has confessed all his past experiences to Ou Renjin. This parallel world does not affect the main story, so please don't worry about it.


He lowered his head to look at the recording interface. When the voice in his mind spoke, no ripples representing decibels lit up.

"Are you... in the lab now?" In an instant, everything Ou Shaowen had said to him came to his mind. Ou Renjin clenched his fists, and felt that the anger, heartache, and pity that had not been calmed down before were surging up again like waves.

"Yes." 036 answered cheerfully, and felt that he had indeed been blessed by God, who knew everything.

Ou Renjin frowned, and his chest felt even more depressed. He covered his chest and suddenly felt his heart, which had not hurt for a long time, begin to ache.

"...Are you still there?" 036 tried to ask after not hearing him speak for a long time.

Ou Renjin opened his mouth, but in the end he just uttered "still".

"Are you here to fulfill my wish?"

"Then you..." Ou Renjin's voice was a little hoarse, "What wish do you want to fulfill?"

"I want to hear another bedtime story from you, the same one you told me yesterday."

"Okay." Ou Renjin agreed to his request, but his mind was blank and he couldn't think of anything. "Today I will tell you the story of the mermaid."

He searched for the story of the mermaid on his mobile phone and read it sentence by sentence.

"In the deep, deep sea, there is a majestic castle, in which live six mermaid princesses. They are all very beautiful, especially the youngest princess, who has long golden hair. She likes to listen to her sisters talk about many new things on the sea, and she hopes that one day she can go to the sea to see it herself..."

This chapter

After he finished reading the last sentence, he realized that he had finished the story.

036 The silence lasted a little too long. Ou Renjin realized something and suddenly felt that he should not have chosen such a tragedy.

"That's great." 036 sighed, "I also want to see the world outside the laboratory. It would be great if there were witches here who could exchange things. I could also exchange my legs for them."

Ou Renjin couldn't help but gasp, "You will leave there, I promise."

"Really?" 036 originally had no intention of asking God to fulfill his wish. People should not be too greedy. It is enough to have one wish fulfilled.

"Really, you will leave the lab and come to a completely different world, meet someone you are destined to meet, and live a wonderful life that you can't imagine at this moment."

The author has something to say: The main story is stuck, so I will write a chapter to help me adjust my mood. The timeline of the chapter is set after Ou Shaowen has confessed all his past experiences to Ou Renjin. This parallel world does not affect the main story, so please don't worry about it.
