Daji and I Are Fighting Over A Man

Chapter 11: Weibo private visit


Haoran recovered from his illness and returned to the imperial court, still serving the king with his hands down, as Simo who grinds the inkstone and holds the book.

However, the civil and military forces of the Manchu dynasty no longer dared to underestimate this man. King Zhou was immoral, tortured him indiscriminately, his loyal ministers directly advised him, he did not hesitate to test himself, and he did not want his life. What is the use of seeking wealth? At that time, there was another heavy rain, which extinguished the charcoal inside the copper pillar, so it can be seen that God couldn't bear to watch this desperate Si Mo die.

The emperor is honored and favored, and the heavens favor him. Immediately no one dares to refer to him as a "little man" or a "male favorite".

But Empress Jiang is dead, and it is irretrievable after all. The six palaces cannot be left without a master. On the first day after Haoran returned to the imperial court, Bigan and Wei Ziqi were the ones who played this matter.

Huang Feihu has a younger sister who is a concubine, and to avoid suspicion, he claimed that he was ill and would not go to court. Over and over again, all the officials praised Huang Fei for being a virtuous and virtuous concubine, gentle and dignified enough to lead the harem. .

Haoran only felt that most of his upright spirit had been dispersed since Shen Gongbao's thunderbolt, and he hadn't recovered for a long time, and he felt uneasy. Fortunately, Daji knew that the magic weapon was ineffective, so he stopped making fun of himself, and he didn't know what tricks he was plotting behind his back.

After thinking about it, he suddenly stopped when he heard Bi Gan's rambling, the hall was so quiet that a needle could be heard, he was surprised for a moment, looked up, and saw all the civil and military officials were staring at him.

King Zhou was displeased and said, "It's a lifelong matter for you, you should be the masters, and if you can't be the masters, you have to be strong, and if you don't have enough weight, you have to drag Simo out to top the vat?"

The corners of Haoran's mouth twitched slightly. Fang woke up to the fact that all the officials could not persuade King Zhou, and bet on himself, hoping that he would persuade King Zhou again. The emperor was impatient and warned himself not to speak lightly. Haoran could only cough and whispered: "Chen... my feet are sore."

Bigan who was the closest looked up in fear, only to see King Zhou holding back a smile, and said, "I have my own plans, so let's retreat from the court."

Since ancient times, Simo has had such ability, both as a leader and as a shield. Haoran is truly unprecedented, and there will be no one to come after. Before the officials could react, King Zhou had already waved his sleeves and said: "Retire from the court."

Back at Shouxian Palace, King Zhou said, "Bring the long robe behind the bronze mirror."

Haoran did as he said. Seeing that the material of the clothes was neither silk nor hemp, he didn't understand what it meant, so he removed a black dragon robe for the emperor, put on a long coarse cloth coat, and tied his belt tightly; King Zhou took Haoran out at the side door. After entering the harem, he said with a smile: "The palace is stuffy, thanks to you, let's go for a walk."

Haoran couldn't help laughing, he didn't think that the king was like a restless child, and he saw that even though he had changed into a coarse linen robe, the emperor was still walking like a dragon, full of domineering arrogance, and he didn't look like an ordinary man. It's been a long time, just to sneak out to relax, and immediately replied with a smile: "Your Majesty is not at all like the people of Chaoge."

King Zhou hunched his back slightly, pretended to be mediocre, and with a smile in his eyes, he turned his head and asked, "So?"

"I have been disciplined by the grand master Wen since I was a child. Every word and deed must be an example for the world." King Zhou sighed, straightened his back again, shook his head and said, "No way, no way, remember not to reveal your secrets later, we are not monarchs and ministers. ...that is..."

Hao Ran smiled and said: "Father and son, didn't the king say that you are a father?"

King Zhou put on a serious face and said, "Is Gu so old?" He remembered that when the two first met, he was speechless in arguing, but today he was trapped in a cocoon, unable to laugh or cry.

Haoran didn't answer, and looked at King Zhou with a smile, but King Zhou felt it, stretched out his hand, held Haoran's palm, and said: "Father and son are not equal, so they are just brothers." Haoran clasped his fingers together, and said: "Just wait later, that person will be full of flattery."

King Zhou tightened his voice and imitated the demeanor of the treacherous minister Fei Zhong, saying: "Your Majesty wears everything he wears, and he looks like an emperor—"

There was already a carriage waiting at the back door, and a person's head poked out from inside the carriage to look around, and with a hurried apologetic smile, he ushered King Zhou and Simo into the carriage. Haoran loses his appetite when he sees it, it is Fei Zhong, the treacherous court official.

After the monarch and ministers sat down, Fei Zhong's first words were: "Your Majesty wears everything you wear, and you look like an emperor!"

Now the two couldn't hold back anymore, burst out laughing, Fei Zhong looked dazed, he didn't know what he said wrongly, the carriage left the palace, shuttled in Chaoge City, looking for the crowded place.

Later generations only know that the last king of the Shang Dynasty was stupid and innocent, and the people were displaced; but they don’t know that before the Conferred God War, Chaoge was actually the trade, culture, and economic center of the mainland of China. The salesman of various products has become a fixed title for this profession after being passed down for thousands of years.

It was early winter, and last night a light snow covered the long street with a thin layer of ice. People came and went, and the market was very lively. There were stalls full of bronze wares, rope weaving products, preserved food, etc. Selling the delicacies and wild game loudly, it is a bustling and bustling scene.

Haoran has lived in the palace for nearly half a year, and he was as excited as a monkey's head that has taken off its cover. Anyway, the king has Fei Zhong to serve him, so he doesn't have to worry about it anymore, and disappeared in the market after a few twists and turns.

Fei Zhong didn't dare to imitate such a bold move, he knew that although the king was subdued, he really didn't intend to have fun, so he immediately respected and followed King Zhou's footsteps, answering all kinds of questions from the emperor at any time. King Zhou was not in a hurry to find Simo, who was out of the rein, but just smiled and shouted: "The snow is slippery, be careful not to break your front teeth!" Inquire about the economy and civil affairs in Chaoge City.

Haoran suddenly stopped in front of a stall selling red copper products, and the peddler greeted him: "Brother, let's have a look."

Haoran leaned over in disbelief and picked out a golden short sword, held it up high, looked at it carefully in the sunlight, took a breath, and asked, "What is this?"

The shopkeeper smiled all over his face, and replied: "Brother has good eyesight, this is done by Ji Fa, the second son of Xiqi Ji."

Haoran vaguely felt that this sword was indescribably familiar. The body of the sword was entwined with dragon patterns, and the talismans were circled. The tip of the sword was blunt and round, and countless golden rays of light bloomed in the sun. The imitation of the Xuanyuan Sword seen in the hands of the emperor!

"What's the matter?" King Zhou over there had come closer, looked at the golden dagger in his hand with Hao Ran, and said with a smile, "The ancient artifact was found on the street stall, so don't make jokes."

Haoran knew that the emperor would know when his mind moved, so he shook his head and smiled. King Zhou took the sword, rubbed his thumb repeatedly on the edge of the dagger, and said, "The epee has no edge, so it's too clever to work. Since you want it, I'll buy it. It's just a fake, so I can find that in the future." Use the sword as a comparison."

"The Ji family is inherited from the Yellow Emperor Ji Xuanyuan. It is expected that there will be this sword pattern. When the princes worship at the end of the year, I will arrange a time for you to ask Ji Chang."

Haoran nodded, put the sword into his bosom, Fei Zhong hurriedly paid the money, and the three left the stall. King Zhou pondered for a moment, and said: "Recently, Xiqi is making great efforts to smelt iron, and I heard from time to time." Haoran thought of Xibo Hou Jichang being killed Regarding the matter of detention, he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty is too worried, Xibo Hou Jichang is quite capable..."

King Zhou stopped, stared at Haoran's eyes, and said seriously: "The matter of enfeoffment among the princes is intricate and complicated. Haoran follows the solitary in everything. He just listens but doesn't speak. Remember before you understand the power struggle."

Hearing this, Fei Zhong was secretly startled, contacted Jiang Hou's death, guessed the king's intentions, and already had calculations in his heart, so he quickly changed the topic and said: "The sword enters the palace, except for the deeply favored concubine Huang, who is in charge of protecting the king. The Imperial Guard, Master Si Mo is really..."

King Zhou blushed a little, and refused to let Fei Zhong finish speaking, he only interrupted with a smile and said, "Don't show your sword or sword, otherwise you will be caught by the old men in the court, and someone will make trouble for Gu."

Haoran responded awkwardly, and the three of them had already walked into an inn. Fei Zhong went to order lunch on his own. King Zhou shook the front of his cloth robe, sat at the table, and said, "You did a good job today. Concubine Huang It absolutely cannot be sealed."

Haoran recalled the record of Daji's queen conferment in the history books, and hurriedly said: "You don't love Daji, why..."

King Zhou asked interestingly, "Do you know what Daji thinks of you?"

Hao Ran shook his head, feeling dazed, only to hear King Zhou smile again and say: "Daji and Fei Zhongyouhun have been in collusion for a long time, of course Gu knows it, do you think Gu Zhen is that foolish king?" King Zhou put one hand on the table, covered the back of Haoran's hand, and said slowly: "Concubine Huang is not like what you see on the surface, she only loves to practice martial arts. She is innocent and ignorant of world affairs. I don't need to tell you more about this, but I just want to tell you one thing." , that woman is scheming, coveted the posthumous position for a long time, and has the support of the Huang clan's martial clan, so the selection of the posthumous matter is a big taboo."

At this time Fei Zhong had finished explaining, returned to the table, bent over and sat down respectfully, King Zhou let go of his hand and looked at Fei Zhong. Knowing that Fei Zhong had heard the second half of the sentence, he motioned for an interface.

Fei Zhong said knowingly: "Your Majesty is wise, Huang Feihu is domineering, and he is a relative of the emperor. No one can control him. I know that I should not say this, but I think that among the concubines in the six palaces, if you want to be a queen , only one can choose."

King Zhou nodded and said: "Daji is the daughter of Su Hu. Su Hu's power is not extensive, and she is far away in the northern border. In terms of the balance of power, she is indeed the only one who can be the queen candidate. It's just that Dong Bohou lost his beloved daughter. I will not give up, this matter needs to be discussed in the long run..." After finishing speaking, he pondered for a while, and then stopped talking.

Haoran only read in the book that King Zhou was tyrannical, killed Jiang Hou, and forced Huang Concubine to death. He never knew that there were such inside stories in the real history, and it involved the power and officials. He wanted to stop Daji from becoming a queen, but he didn't have any excuses.

King Zhou sighed, and said: "When Gu came to the throne, the national power was empty and the four princes were unstable. Otherwise, he would not succumb to this forced marriage. Unexpectedly, Huang Fei came to assassinate you and Daji after motivating Jiang Hou, so Gu just took advantage of this. From now on, let’s do the abolition and establishment.”

Haoran's heart was shocked, and he looked up, but King Zhou only said indifferently: "Empress Jiang was stubborn and died with hatred. Gu no longer wants to hold Concubine Huang accountable, but you don't understand Gu's difficulties, and you just make Gu feel dissatisfied. Please, become a foolish king."

Hearing this, Fei Zhong burst into tears, and lamented, "Why did your lord say such a thing! Si Mo Zong directly remonstrated against Long Yan, and he is also a person who truly loves the king and serves as a minister, and there is absolutely no way he would have even the slightest bit of resentment." Meaning. Whether it is right or wrong in the future, there should be a thousand years of history books to judge."

These words were very tactful, and King Zhou was very useful, but Haoran felt that the words were full of indescribable irony. Fortunately, the dishes had already been served, and King Zhou personally tried them with silver chopsticks, so Haoran took them under his control.

Fei Zhong patted his horse again and said: "The chopsticks were originally invented by the king. The king is wise and powerful. Whatever he thinks at will is for the benefit of all people..." Hearing Haoran's goosebumps all over the ground, the three monarchs and ministers returned after dinner. Gong didn't mention it.

Besides, where did Jiang Ziya send Lei Zhenzi and Nezha

Since the fall of Xia Jie, the Yin and Shang Dynasties have followed the old system, enfeoffing 800 princes, and the four major princes of the East, West, South, and North each have 200, called "Bohou". Bohou paid homage to the emperor on a regular basis and paid annual tribute and taxes. Empress Jiang was dead in the harem, and Dong Bohou, her natal family, didn't know about it. At the end of the year, Jiang Hengchu still led three thousand generals to visit her daughter in Chaoge and pay homage to the emperor.

The four uncles traveled different distances, but they arrived at Chaoge at the same time as if they had negotiated. Daughter is the mother of a country, Jiang Hengchu is naturally high-spirited, as soon as he entered the station outside the city, he invited Xibohou Jichang to drink and have fun. Later, Southern Marquis E Chongyu and Northern Marquis Chonghou Hu came one after another.

The four princes have inherited the fiefdom since Shangtang, and they were at odds with each other. After a few pleasantries, they picked up important news about the unimportant territory to talk about. Lord."

Jiang Hengchu asked doubtfully, "Brother Ji, is there any relationship with the emperor?" It should be known that Jiang Hengchu's daughter is the queen, and the Northern Marquis Chonghou Hu has always been friends with Fei Zhong and You Hun in the court. The people who came here only secretly met with the Second Marquis of the Northeast to inform the court of all the movements, and Longyan was happy and angry. I don't know why this year my daughter left herself alone and came to the palace to envoy Ji Chang, who only announced that she had nothing to do with it. What's the reason for this? Displeased.

Ji Chang also didn't know about it, when he got up, two visitors from the palace had already entered the post station, but they didn't salute, they just glanced at the four princes coldly. Ji Chang saw that the man behind him had a dark complexion, thick eyebrows and high nose, and a playful smile. He didn't look like a palace guard at all. When he took a closer look, he was somewhat familiar, but he had never seen him before, which was strange. Sui said, "What advice do you two soldiers have?"

The person behind was Ji Chang's own son, Lei Zhenzi, who looked tired and sneered, "Wangcai has seen Lord Hou."

It was Nezha who led Lei Zhenzi. Nezha lifted up his military uniform and handed out a secret letter. Ji Chang accepted the letter. Just as he was about to ask, Lei Zhenzi said again, "Your Majesty, get out of court now." Go ahead and sing."

Ji Chang's face changed when he heard that, but Nezha turned his head slightly, as if he was recognizing the movement outside the window. When Ji Chang was about to scold him for his rude words, Lei Zhenzi and Nezha turned around in place. A gust of wind passed by, but the two living people disappeared under their noses , disappeared.

It was late at night, and there was a sound of horseshoes in Chaoge City, but there was another group of people galloping in. Jiang Hengchu was drunk inside, and asked loudly, "Brother Ji, but my daughter sent someone here?" Ji Chang Puzzled, he opened the secret letter in his hand, only to see that the handwriting on the cloth was written by no one, and there were only two poems inscribed on it:

Today, there is a feast of cups and feasts, and Cao Cao was blood-stained in Ming Dynasty.