Daji and I Are Fighting Over A Man

Chapter 14: Heartbroken poison tea


The monarch and his ministers rode together on the same horse, and fled away in the light snow.

"Where's Daji?"

"Go back to the palace."

"Yin is broken, where is Huang Feihu? You came to me alone?"

"Even if it's a single horse, who in this world can kill Gu? If you want to play wild, Gu can only accompany you to the end."

Haoran burst out laughing, and said again: "It's too cold where Ji Chang lives."

King Zhou replied, "It's up to you."

Feeling a little relieved, Haoran leaned on King Zhou's back and went back outside Chaoge City; the emperor shook his horse's reins, and under the eyes of all the officials, he entered the city.

Emperor Yin took Haoran away, Ji Changfang uncovered the quilt, looked carefully at the few pieces of tortoise shells, and said in shock: "The body is smashed to pieces, the soul is scattered, it seems like heaven and man are separated forever, what mistake did this young man commit to be killed by heaven? !"

At this time, the government and the opposition are actually working together to point the finger at Simo, the male favorite, and Daji has become a sympathetic cold palace new queen. Haoran gained enlightenment from Jichang, and no longer minded the beleaguered scene, and performed his duties every day, urging King Zhou to review the memorials, and he went to the palace every day without mentioning it.

A few days later, Xiqi received a secret letter from Huang Feihu, and Ji Chang was imprisoned. He immediately sent his eldest son, Ji Boyi Kao, to travel day and night, bringing gold and pearls to pay tribute, and to make a statement in front of the throne of the emperor, hoping to return the imprisoned Xibohou.

On this day, Boyi passed the examination outside the Dewu Gate, and had been waiting for a long time. King Zhou told him to enter the palace. After bowing respectfully, Fei Zhong took the tribute list and presented it in front of the throne of the Son of Heaven. King Zhou didn't even look at it, but asked, "How many households in Xiqi this year? How many acres of farmland? How many iron workshops? How many soldiers?"

Boyi Kao didn't dare to make mistakes, knowing that King Zhou suspected that Ji's father and son had a heart of disobedience, so he replied: "Your Majesty, there are 120,000 households in Xiqi, 270,000 mu of farmland, and 80,000 people in the army have returned to the fields. , and the remaining 14,000 are in charge of city defense. The Iron Square incident was the work of Bo Yi Kao’s incompetent discipline and his second brother’s tinkering. My Ji family has been ordered by the Shang Emperor to manage the Western Frontier for generations. The king’s power shakes the world, and all parties submit , the Ji family will never dare to have the slightest arrogance."

He also said: "Ji Chang, the father of the criminal minister, has always been open-minded. He ignores political affairs in office and enjoys gossip all day long. He was bewitched by an adulterer before the age, and the act of offending the king in the palace was unintentional. I beg the king to read Jichang's old age. His body is weak, so let him return to Xiqi. Bo Yikao is willing to make atonement on behalf of his father and serve the punishment of hard labor."

King Zhou only said: "You have been busy all the way, and you came to the court to sing. You can see your filial piety, so you can step down."

The officials retreated, and Fei Zhongyi, who had been bribed, checked his sleeves and said, "Empress Su has something to discuss with you."

Bo Yi Kao was overjoyed when he heard the news, the eldest son of the Ji family befriended Su Daji as a young man, and originally planned to make a marriage contract, but unexpectedly Daji was brought into the palace by King Zhou. At this time, Ji's family was in ruins and his father was imprisoned. Daji declared that it was like rain from heaven. To save Ji Chang's life, he had to fall on the favorite concubine of King Zhou. Boyi went to Chaozhong Palace.

The charcoal fire in the copper basin is burning vigorously, and the room is full of spring. It pours out from Daji's light gauze, and the pouch of the world is draped in front of her knees. Like jade legs, with a green hairpin pulling up her full head of hair, she suddenly forgot to salute.

Daji was not surprised either, leaning on the couch, leaning sideways, pounding a small bowl by herself, but I don't know what kind of flower was in the bowl, the flower juice splashed out a little, dyed her fingertips bright red, and said: "You are here!" .”

Bo Yikao shook his front, blushed, knelt down and said: "See you, Queen." While speaking, a faint fragrance came from one after another, and he felt that his footsteps were vain and his spirit was in a trance.

Daji smiled, beckoned to him and said, "The old man can see you, get rid of the complicated rituals in the palace, you and I are still brothers and sisters."

Bo Yikao just said: "The guilty minister dare not." At that moment, a maidservant took a chair, and Bo Yikao sat down.

Daji didn't know how to speak, but Daji said: "Xihou was originally imprisoned in h. The king took him back to Chaoge a few days ago in front of Yin Ruipai, and he is now under house arrest in a room on the west side of the Meridian Gate. Brother, do you have a chance to come?" To visit?"

Bo Yikao said: "The sinful minister first arrived at Chaoge, but he didn't go to visit him. He also asked his mother to say a few words in front of the king, so as to save father from the pain of prison."

Daji sighed quietly, and said worryingly: "It's not easy to say, the elder brother only said that Daji is a holy family, and the emperor obeys me, but in the end, my younger sister is just an abandoned woman from the palace."

Bo Yi Kao asked in amazement, "Why did your lady say such a thing?"

Daji didn't hide anything, so she explained in detail about King Zhou's special favor on a man, and the details were exaggerated a hundred times, and finally said: "Your Majesty is determined not to release Lord Xihou, so move him outside the Meridian Gate." , it was originally for that Si Mo Haoran to interrogate the Ji family about Xuanyuanjian, and if he could find out his whereabouts, I'm afraid... "

Bo Yikao pondered for a while, and replied: "I have decided to change my father's life. This time I come to court the emperor to pay respects to the emperor, and I don't have the slightest sense of luck. If the king wants to kill me, I will be smashed to pieces, and I will remonstrate directly with my life. Your Majesty thinks of me as a filial piety, so let my father go back to Xiqi."

Daji said sadly: "Brother, don't imitate that hard-bodied Mei Bo. The emperor does things, and you can't think about it with common sense. Since last year, two ministers have died in the court. I'm afraid that even if you give up your life, you won't be able to save Lord Hou. Then So what should I do?"

The two looked at each other for a long time, but they were speechless. Tears filled Daji's beautiful eyes, and she cried, "I'm sorry that my little sister is a woman, otherwise I'll kill that villain..."

Bo Yikao sighed and said, "That's not easy."

Daji said again: "Little sister has a plan. She should save the life of the Marquis. Except for the villain in front of the emperor's throne, but this palace is full of other people's eyes and ears... wait for me to ask the king... fight to the death with that moron." After finishing speaking, he was about to get up, Bo Yikao hurriedly grabbed Daji, and said: "No! I enter the palace alone, and the only person I know in the palace is you. If there are any mistakes, I will blame myself. You said that trick , so what?"

Daji was choked with sobs, and said the plan softly. Bo Yikao changed his face when he heard the words, and said, "Sister Su, I only know that you married into Chaoge. As a woman, your temperament has changed; His temper is still as strong as before, really..."

Bo Yikao immediately made up his mind and said: "Since the whole thing is broken, let me go."

With tears streaming down his face, Daji lamented; "I have killed my eldest brother in this way, and you have been accused of infidelity..." Before he finished speaking, he listened to Bo Yi's test; "No, if that Si Mo is as you said, I will It's Da Zhong." Daji turned around and took a small wooden box, handed it to Bo Yikao, and said in a daze: "Little sister is here, and I will take my elder brother to see Lord Hou, Haoran has the true spirit of the immortal family. , remember not to act recklessly."

In the imperial garden, the Son of Heaven looked like a vigorous dragon swimming, shouted loudly, and swept across with his gun; Haoran raised his dagger sideways, and the metal and iron sang, and he was able to stop that guy, King Zhou felt a strong force passing along the tip of the gun to In the wrist, the jaw of the tiger was numb due to the shock, he closed his gun and stood still, and said with a smile: "You really have excellent martial arts qualifications. If you continue to teach, I'm afraid that one day I won't be able to beat you."

Haoran smiled knowingly, put away his weapon, and said: "It is common for the blue to be better than the blue, but I heard that when the grand master taught the king to practice martial arts, he was so narrow-minded?"

King Zhou laughed and said: "I heard that the grand master was born with good talents, and no one can compare with him except Sanqing. I'm afraid I can't match him after practicing for a hundred years."

Haoran knew that this Yin and Shang Grand Master had such a high level of cultivation, and when he was secretly surprised, King Zhou said again: "I saw that you were in a trance for a day, but who took away your soul in front of the palace?"

Haoran was startled at first, and then realized that King Zhou was referring to Boyi being admitted to the palace. The historical records are true, Bo Yi Kao Mian is like a crown jade, with a dignified appearance and a chic atmosphere, he is the most beautiful man in the Western Zhou Dynasty. Compared with King Zhou, Boyi Kao had more of a Confucian official attitude and less of an imperial demeanor. Although King Zhou spoke teasingly, he was jealous in his heart.

Haoran was so funny in his heart, he paused for a moment, and then replied: "I was thinking about Xuanyuan Sword, and I didn't have time to ask carefully last time, so I was dragged away like a chicken."

King Zhou said sternly, "Bo Yi Kao wants to atone for his father, but Ji Chang is determined not to let him go. Do you understand?"

Haoran didn't know the meaning of the emperor's words, and heard King Zhou say again: "This matter is decided by oneself, and the inside story will be explained to you in detail in the future. If you want to ask Xuanyuanjian, then go, remember not to mention the release of Jichang .”

Haoran had no choice but to say: "I know." King Zhou said again: "I know you are soft-hearted, don't be asked for a few words later..." While speaking, he leaned forward, kissed Haoran's lips, parted his lips for a while, and stared at Haoran. With clear black eyes, he continued: "I can't leave you alone, so I come to beg again."

Haoran felt warm in his heart, and said with a smile: "I dare not, I will not look at Bo Yikao again."

The monarch and his ministers parted ways, and King Zhou returned to Shouxian Palace with a smile. He ran through the imperial garden and walked towards the side hall where Ji Chang was imprisoned in front of the Meridian Gate.

At this time, Bo Yi Kao arrived at Ji Chang's residence one step ahead, and the father and son cried with each other in their arms. When they were so sad, the guard outside the door reported Hao Ran's visit.

Haoran and Bo Yikao, who came out to greet him, met face to face, and they were both stunned. Seeing Ji Chang sitting in front of the desk with handcuffs, he respectfully saluted and said, "Haoran has come to visit Lord Hou."

Ji Chang's eyes were red, he nodded and said: "During this time, Lord Lao will take care of you, Bo Yikao, come to see Lord Si Mo."

What Daji said is preconceived, so Boyi Kao didn't like this male favorite at all, but his father had his fate, so he could only swallow his anger and knelt down towards Haoran, saying: "Bo Yikao is incompetent, but please help me, I, Xiqi, will definitely help you." I will forever remember your kindness.”

Haoran originally only wanted to come to inquire about Xuanyuanjian's whereabouts, but Bo Yikao cut to the chase, bowed to help him up, and sat beside the case. Haoran thought for a while and replied: "Haoran doesn't want to lie to you two, brother Bo Yi Kao may be able to go back this time, but it may be extremely difficult to persuade the king to let him go back to Lord Hou."

Boyi Kao's expression changed when he heard that Daji's words were true, he only said that King Zhou really wanted to kill his old father, and after hesitating he heard Hao Ran say: "Brother Boyi Kao, don't be too attached to this matter; my younger brother thinks, the emperor doesn't want to Let Hou Ye go, and I don't want to kill Hou Ye, so I can only delay it first, and then worry about it."

King Zhou only stated that he could not intercede to let him go, Haoran thought to himself that it would be possible to save Ji Chang's life first, so he made this promise sincerely. What Haoran said had changed in Bo Yikao's ears.

Ji Chang, on the other hand, took his own life very lightly, saying: "Life and death depend on heaven, we just obey the destiny." He also said: "Bo Yi Kao, serve tea."

Haoran and Ji Chang exchanged a few words, Bo Yikao went, and after a while he turned back with a porcelain pot, Haoran didn't look at it much, so Bo Yikao poured tea for him, and said to Ji Chang: "I heard that the ancient Xuanyuan The emperor and the Xiqi Ji family are originally a family?"

Ji Chang smiled wryly and said, "Lord Si Mo, don't be so old. Ji Chang has fallen to such a level, it's all thanks to this incident, the rebellious son in the family is ignorant..."

Bo Yikao was secretly startled when he heard that, he lowered his head, Hao Ran didn't notice, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, don't be suspicious, Hao Ran is definitely not here for clichés, you can rest assured."

Ji Chang nodded and said, "If Mr. Si Mo wants to harm my father and son, he should not use clichés. This old man is clear."

Feeling a little embarrassed, Haoran simply took out the golden sword from his bosom, it was the fake Xuanyuan Sword made by Ji Chang's second son: Ji Fa. Asked: "Hao Ran has something to ask for today, which is the origin of this sword, and I hope Lord Hou will not hesitate to enlighten me."

Bo Yikao was horrified, and was about to speak out to obstruct him, but Ji Chang said, "You might as well, as a father, trust Master Simo."

Ji Chang reached out to take the counterfeit on the table, Hao Ran was nervous, his attention was focused on Ji Chang's hand, Xi Bohou thought for a long time, and then said leisurely: "Xuanyuan Sword is an ancient artifact, it is said that it was made of Wujin in West Kunlun, and it came from the hand of the goddess Hanba .The Yellow Emperor and Chi You competed in the Central Plains. They fought for ten years, but there was no victory. The Celestial Lady smelted the Xuanyuan Sword for the Human Emperor. A sword pierced Chi You's chest and took his life. Since then, the land of Shenzhou has been established, and the age of prosperity will last forever."

Haoran knew that he could not interrupt at this time, so he listened quietly. Beside him, Bo Yi Kao was sweating profusely, took the teacup and put it respectfully in front of Hao Ran.

Only to hear Ji Chang say again: "When the Yellow Emperor punished Chiyou, the Xuanyuan Sword was shattered into two pieces by the innate blood energy of the Demon God."

This is exactly what Haoran saw with his own eyes, he hurriedly asked: "I know this, what happened later?"

Ji Chang wondered: "This matter is only recorded in the ancient scrolls of the Ji family, how did Master Simo know?"

Haoran didn't know how to answer, he couldn't say that he had been to the battlefield, picked up his teacup, and took a sip.

The tea leaves float on the emerald green cup noodles, with a sour taste.

Ji Chang laughed it off and stopped asking, and continued: "Broken Sword was missing at the time, but thirty years ago, when the Ji family offered sacrifices to their ancestor, the Yellow Emperor, the Xuanmen opened and the Yellow Emperor appeared."

The Yellow Emperor appeared? ! Haoran knew that the most critical part of this matter was about to be revealed.

Just listen to Ji Changdao: "At that time, I was still a young man, and I saw the heaven and earth Xuanmen wide open, and the stars twinkling in the daytime.

Haoran took a breath, sat up straight, his stomach ached from the tension, he knew that the so-called "Xuanmen" was the time tunnel, and after Huangdi threw himself into the time tunnel, he also threw the broken Xuanyuan sword into it ? Why not simply hand over the broken sword to himself

Ji Chang seemed to be immersed in memories, and said after a while: "The broken sword fell in front of the altar, and no one dared to move it. The only thing is that it was an object bestowed by the ancestors to the Ji family. sound."

Haoran opened his eyes wide and asked, "How did Lord Hou know it was Nuwa?"

Ji Changchao smiled grandly and said: "The world has changed in a trance, a red light flew from the Lishanwa Palace thousands of miles away, the earth rejuvenated, birds sang and insects sang; in it, there were auspicious clouds under your feet, looking around , The magnificent rivers and mountains can be seen in the eyes. What is it if it is not the innate treasure "Mountains, Rivers and Sheji Map"?"

"The Map of Mountains and Rivers?" Hao Ran wondered.

Ji Chang nodded and said: "The relic of the beginning of heaven and earth, the cinnabar seal on the eyebrows of the great god Pangu, transformed into the supreme innate spiritual treasure. Empress Nuwa took away the two cut-off swords with the map of mountains, rivers and land, and said to my late father;' This sword is related to the great merit of Ten Thousand Immortals Conferring the Gods decades later, I must continue it with the five-color stone glue left over from mending the sky." My late father agreed, and the broken sword was taken away by Empress Nuwa gone."

Haoran heaved a sigh of relief, and finally found out the whereabouts of Xuanyuan Sword. The pain in his stomach did not go away, but his mood improved, and he replied: "It turned out that it was taken away by Empress Nuwa, and it was mended again. No wonder. It seems that I have to go back again." Take a trip to Wa Palace. The map of mountains and rivers... "

Ji Chang smiled and said: "The map of mountains, rivers, and land is behind the jade statue, and the emperor wrote a poem. Haoran might as well wipe it to show his respect for the gods."

Haoran lost his voice and said, "What? That mural is the innate treasure? Is it the cinnabar seal between Pangu's eyebrows?"

Ji Chang nodded and smiled, "Naturally, when Empress Nuwa was asleep, it was a dead thing."

Haoran put down a big stone, feeling extremely relieved, and said with a smile: "There is nowhere to find it if you break through the iron shoes. It doesn't take much effort to get it. If I had known it then, I would have..."

"Anyway." Hao Ran bowed respectfully to Ji Chang, "Thank you Lord Hou for your guidance."

Bo Yikao finally asked aloud: "What's the use of finding that Xuanyuan Sword? Is it the emperor's order?"

Hao Ran shook his head and smiled, "That was one of my missions, Lord Hou really helped me a lot."

Yan Bi was about to get up, but he felt his feet were weak, he couldn't lift his breath, his internal organs were in great pain, his whole body was in a mess of qi, he was stunned when Bo Yi Kao sneered, "You want to usurp the throne?"

Ji Chang was startled and said, "Master Simo is not feeling well? Bo Yikao, send him back to Shouxian Palace."

Bo Yikao lifted Haoran with one arm, but stepped on the wooden case, the cups and pots on the table were overturned, and the golden sword flew up, drawing an arc in mid-air. Said: "Send him back, and then bring someone to kill us? Father! Come with me!"