Daji and I Are Fighting Over A Man

Chapter 20: Visit Chaoge at night


The valley is full of still life, the only thing moving is the gurgling stream and the two spinning hot wheels under Nezha's feet. Suddenly Nezha looked up and said, "How are you going?"

Hao Ran smiled and said, "Aren't you coming back now, where is Ziya?"

After Nezha's brief explanation, Haoran knew that the refugees who escaped from Chaoge brought the fairy tales into Xiqi and exaggerated them several times.

Ji Chang followed the direction described by the refugees all the way, and met Jiang Ziya who was fishing alone by the stream. Back then, when the four princes gathered in the inn, the note conveying the news was written by Ziya himself. It can be said that half of Xibohou's life was saved by Ziya, and he respectfully invited Ziya into Xiqi. He originally planned to invite Nezha to accompany him, but the latter insisted on staying in the valley and waiting for Haoran to return.

"Letter." Nezha raised his hand and threw Ziya's note.

Haoran unfolded the letter and said with a smile: "I just said a polite word, but I have to work hard for this guy... I really underestimate him."

Nezha remained silent, turned his head slightly, and carefully studied Haoran's expression.

Haoran put away the letter paper and said: "I went to settle some matters yesterday, and I feel very comfortable now."

The poem written by King Zhou was washed away, and Haoran left an inexplicable calligraphy on the map of Shanhe Sheji, in order to completely cover up King Zhou's blasphemy, and transfer Nuwa's dissatisfaction to himself. As for whether Nuwa will get angry and send another fox demon to trouble her, it is unknown.

Hao Ran smiled and explained: "Anyway, I have nothing, no matter what, it's just a life."

Nezha suddenly said: "He is just a life."

These words suddenly made Haoran not know how to refute, scratched his head, and said: "It's not what you think..."

"What did the letter say?" Nezha asked.

Haoran said: "I'm going to Chaoge again, you have to meet me outside Tongguan." After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said, "Mr. Tong, are you going to Chaoge too?"

Mr. Tong replied: "It's exactly what I want."

Haoran nodded, but Nezha asked suspiciously, "Who are you talking to?"

Jiang Shang calculated that after Daji got rid of Bigan, the next target would be King Wucheng. He was invited by Ji Chang to enter Xiqi. If you want to gain a firm foothold, you must develop your own cronies in Xiqi. It is obviously unwise to bring Haoran into Xiqi City at this time, and he and Nezha just sent him and Nezha back to Chaoge, trying to persuade King Wucheng to join his side.

However, Huang Feihu and King Zhou practiced martial arts together since they were young, and privately heard about the friendship of the grand master and the righteousness of the monarch and his ministers. How easy is it to make the loyal King Wu Cheng defect? In Ziya's letter, he specifically asked Haoran not to show his face too early, and he had to wait until Huang Feihu was framed by Daji and had nowhere to go before he could take action. With the power of Taijitu, he rescued Huang Feihu on the execution ground, and the rest waited for return. Let's talk after we get to Xiqi.

When Haoran saw this message for the first time, he almost thought that Jiang Shang was also one of the traversers. How could he grasp the direction of history so accurately? According to historical records, Huang Feihu was indeed persecuted by Daji because of the siege of Xuanyuan Tomb, and finally rebelled against Xiqi. It's just that this letter is really creepy. After Haoran read the letter, he burned it casually, leaving Nezha outside Tongguan, and he and Mr. Tong returned to Chaoge again.

It seems that decades have passed since Chaoge was farewell to March. There are many people missing in the city. It must be because of King Zhou's construction of Lutai, they left their hometowns to escape harsh labor. If one year ago when Haoran first entered Chaoge, this city was a vigorous young man, but now he is already showing signs of fatigue and groggy. Looking around, the top of the palace is surrounded by demons and clouds.

Inside the Shouxian Palace, Dajiyu pointed to Rulan, slowly spread out a picture scroll, and said with a smile: "The Lutai will be completed tomorrow morning, but the concubines don't know which god the king wants to invite?"

King Zhou pursed his lips with one hand, and put his other hand around Daji's waist. After a long time, he said with a smile, "I must have lost my mind and went crazy. I built this thing on a whim, and if I think about it now, I have forgotten the original intention. "

Daji picked up the copper jue, Yingying gave King Zhou a drink, and King Zhou said: "Gu always feels that there is nothing in the sky. Hearing that the grand master is among the immortals, it can be seen that the words of the gods and ghosts are true. They are already in the world." Son of Heaven..."

Daji interrupted with a smile: "Immortals live forever, and my concubines only hope that the king can..."

King Zhou shook his head and said, "No, I didn't build this deer tower alone for myself." After saying that, he looked at the imperial garden, confused, and said, "I was alone on Mount Li the day before yesterday, and I met two immortals by chance. I don't even know my beloved concubine. What kind of evil has been caught, there is only one voice in my heart, which keeps urging, I just want to invite the real immortal from the sky, but I can't tell who I want to find."

Daji was startled inwardly, and hurriedly said: "These concubines don't understand. I heard that Mrs. Jia, the wife of King Wucheng, studied under a very powerful Taoist monarch in West Kunlun. If you call her here tomorrow, you can do it for me." Your Majesty solved the puzzle."

King Zhou laughed and said: "I have heard that Jia's teacher is a Taoist monarch as famous as Hongjun's leader. I don't know if it is true or not." Hearing that, the people in the imperial garden blushed.

Haoran in the imperial garden blushed, looked at Mr. Tong, thinking that wearing a mask is also beneficial. When he was thinking about whether to climb on this tree to spend the night, Mr. Tong said: "Feihu's wife is an unnamed disciple of Daoist Lu Ya."

"Lu Ya Daojun?" Hao Ran asked curiously.

Mr. Tong picked Haoran up and landed lightly. After a turning point, he flew out of the palace. Haoran hurriedly asked, "Where are you going?"

Mr. Tong said: "I'm looking for a place to stay overnight, you want to listen to it all night in the imperial garden?"

Mr. Tong's chest was hard and steady, and there was a faint smell of herbs on his body. Haoran didn't struggle, and let him hug him, shuttled through Chaoge streets and alleys, and entered the backyard of a mansion in the distance.

"Lu Yadao is a Sanren of West Kunlun, at the same level as the leader of Hongjun. He was sanctified thousands of years ago. There is a poem saying that "there is Hongjun first, and then there is heaven, and Lu Yadao is still in front." Accepting disciples, later generations will not know their names."

Haoran went down to the ground in Mr. Tong's arms, and the two stood behind the rockery in the garden, and walked hand in hand along the porch into the mansion. Mr. Tong said again: "Lu Ya's apprentice, what he did after leaving the teacher has nothing to do with him..."

Haoran saw the dim lights in the house, and the oil lamp was dim. There seemed to be someone there, and he laughed softly: "It's not like other masters who protect their shortcomings."

Mr. Tong seemed to be touched, and said: "So he is a different kind. There are very few people who have been teachers since ancient times who are not protective of their weaknesses."

Pavilions, terraces and corridors intertwine like a labyrinth, but Mr. Tong seemed to be very familiar with this place. He took Haoran's hand, turned left, turned right, and found a door in the deep part of the mansion. There were people in the room.

The light cast the man's profile on the window paper. Mr. Tong looked at it for a moment and said, "This mask of mine was originally a magic weapon, called 'Strange Road'."

Hao Ran was surprised: "What's the use?"

There was a little smile in Mr. Tong's words, and he replied: "If you don't want to show up, no one will see you. Meeting is like a stranger."

It is said that Mr. Bi Tong took Haoran's hand and gently pushed open the wooden door of that room, and the door opened with a "squeak". It is a study.

The person in the room was a man in his thirties, Haoran held his breath, he didn't know what Mr. Tong's purpose was when he came to see this person, so he had to follow in. The man looked up, his eyes penetrated the bodies of Haoran and Mr. Tong, and landed in the dark garden. Immediately got up and came forward, closing the door.

Only then did Haoran realize that the man couldn't see Mr. Tong, nor could he see himself. The man closed the door, sat down before returning to the desk, and lowered his head to study the bamboo slips piled on the table.

Hao Ran looked at the man carefully, and saw that the man's face was resolute, the corners of his lips were twisted, he was as handsome as a stone statue carved by a knife under the lamp, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, with a hint of military spirit, he should be a general. The cloak was dragged to the ground behind him, but Haoran had never seen this general in Chaoge.

Mr. Tong just stood silently, a drop of warm water fell from the mask and splashed on the back of Haoran's hand. When Haoran turned his head, someone came from outside the study.

"Zhang Kui?" the man asked in a deep voice.

"The end will be here."

The study door was pushed open, and a general came in and knelt down. The man said: "Western Mianchi lacks a general. Here are the documents. You will take up the post in three days."

Zhang Kui said: "Yes."

The man added: "You must always pay attention to Xiqi's movements. If there is any change in Ji Chang, you should send a military report to the imperial court in time."

Zhang Kui said again: "At the end of the day, I will always remember what the grand master told me."

Haoran was about to exclaim, but Mr. Tong stretched out his hand silently, covering his open mouth. Zhang Kui took the letter of appointment and withdrew.

This is Wen Zhong? ! Is this Wen Zhong, who was so feared by civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty? ! The man sitting in front of the case is the master of the Yin and Shang emperors of the four dynasties, Wen Zhong! ! Haoran had heard Wen Zhongzhi's voice before, but it was behind the Eight Diagrams Gate of Biyou Palace. He couldn't hear it clearly at that time, but only felt Wen Zhong's voice was thick and powerful. Then who is Mr. Tong? Mr. Tong's voice is also slightly familiar. What is the relationship between Mr. Tong and Wen Zhong

Wen Zhong seemed to have noticed something, looked at the place where Mr. Tong and Haoran were standing, looked for a long time, but couldn't see anything unusual, then lowered his head, rolled up the bamboo slips in his hands, tied them with cowhide straps, and put them away, sighed tone.

Mr. Tong held Haoran's shoulder with one hand, walked with him to the bookshelf beside the study, sat down silently, and let Haoran's head rest on his shoulder. Over there, Wen Zhongshang didn't know that there were two more people in the study, so he stared blankly for a while, took out a dark object from his arms, and brought it to his lips.

It was a xun, the size and shape of which were exactly the same as the xun given to Haoran by Mr. Tong himself, except that the instrument in Wen Zhong's hand was pitch black, while the thing Haoran received as a gift was snow white.

Wen Zhong tried the sound test, and after a while, he began to blow "woo woo". The tone is slow and sad, but it is the song "Yueqian Shang" with a lowered scale. The dull and heavy meaning is undoubtedly evident. In a trance, I can only see the battlefield under the moon spreading in front of me, silver light is everywhere, and guns and halberds are broken. , the gentle moonlight shrouded her body, and she suddenly became tired, so she fell asleep like this.

In the evening of the next day, the construction of Lutai was completed. The emperor ordered that on the third day of the Daqing Festival, every house would be decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the aroma of dishes would spread throughout the city. The high-rise on the west side of the palace is even more brilliantly lit. Dots of torches are lit along the stairs, and the sound of fairy music is faintly wafting.

Haoran and Mr. Tong walked into the palace, there was a feast outside the Meridian Gate, and the sound of cups and cups clinking was endless. Looking carefully, there are not many familiar faces left today among the ministers of the Yin and Shang dynasties. But King Zhou and Daji left the banquet early and sat down on the top floor of Lutai.

The second watch had already sounded, and the two sat on the red lacquered fence, looking at the tall and tall Emperor Yin. Mr. Tong said in a low voice: "East Emperor Bell, I didn't want you to come, but what happens later has a lot to do with you."

Hao Ran asked: "Yin Shoude has completely forgotten about me, so what's the matter?"

While talking, I saw a woman brought up by soldiers from downstairs, kneeling down and saying: "Mr. Jia brought it here."

The woman was wearing a blue brocade robe with countless flower stamens embroidered on it, with long black hair and fair face, but she didn't kneel down, she just said: "Mr. Jia sees the King."

"Little Master Lu Ya's disciple, who went down the mountain ten years ago, married a mortal. He is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, and his temper is as unruly as a fierce horse..." Mr. Tong said softly.

Haoran turned his head in doubt, and said, "What did you call Taoist Lu Ya for?"

Mr. Tong coughed, his expression could not be seen clearly behind the mask, Jia said again: "I don't know why the king called my concubine here?"

King Zhou ordered the left and right to give seats, and someone poured wine. Jia just sat down, and the emperor explained the matter of inviting the immortals in detail, and finally said: "Lonely living in the palace, I feel quite lonely, and I look forward to the arrival of the immortals." , to get rid of the knot. I heard that you are the disciple of Daojun Lu Ya, the immortal of West Kunlun... "

Jia Shi said indifferently: "Master never cares about the ups and downs of the world, and let the disciples fend for themselves. The concubine only asks a question, but where is the king's knot?"

Hearing this, Hao Ran felt a slight pain in his heart. King Zhou shook his head and said with a smile, "I don't know... I don't know where I am."

Jia replied: "If you are so dishonest, you will hurt the spring and the autumn, and you will make a big fuss. You will not be able to invite immortals."

Daji interjected, "If you are sincere or not, Madam Huang has the final say?"

King Zhou hurriedly laughed and said, "Gu recently also felt that...it doesn't make much sense."

Mrs. Jia got up and said, "Since I'm here, I'll try it with the king. The queen is here, but this fairy is..." Before he finished speaking, he cut off the conversation and walked towards the big bronze tripod in the middle of the deer platform. , incense was lingering in the cauldron, Jia Shi folded his sleeves with his hands, his robes dragged on the floor, his hair was loose, he closed his eyes, but he didn't speak any more.

King Zhou couldn't understand that Jia's words were mocking Daji, but the fox demon could understand. Haoran and Mr. Tong were still sitting on the railing, talking softly:

"How do you know Feihu's wife's temperament?"

Mr. Tong replied: "She is married, her temper has subsided, and she is much gentler without the magic treasure Ten Thousand Flowers Robe to cage Daji. If there is any abnormality after a while, you must remember not to be impulsive, otherwise Once the opportunity is missed, I can no longer help you."

Haoran nodded and said nothing, only to see that Mrs. Jia stood in front of the bronze tripod and red case for a long time, most of the dripping pot was gone, it was already the fourth watch, and all the officials outside the Meridian Gate dispersed. At first, King Zhou and Daji were still sitting upright, not daring to Rubbling and acting rashly, I got impatient after waiting for a while, so I persuaded myself to drink and drink, talking and laughing in a low voice.

Jiashi stood like a very beautiful statue. Standing until the night was thick, the last lights of the city were extinguished. The oil lamp on the deer platform burned to the end and went out, and the surroundings were pitch black. When it was the darkest time before dawn, King Zhou got up drunk and said: "Madam Huang kindly accepted it. It seems that it is indeed Gu Xin Dishonest..."

The robe on Jiashi’s body glowed golden light in the dark night, and the sleeves of the robe were lifted up slightly by the cold wind. Just as King Zhou was about to say something, suddenly the golden light on the Wanhua robe was overwhelming, and a fierce fire was ignited in the cauldron. , illuminating the entire top floor of Lutai in an extremely gloomy manner.

The flames rolled into the air, as if tearing apart the night, Jia Shi opened his eyes, frowned, and shouted, "Who is it?"

The fire inside the cauldron was stimulated by some unknown force, and rolled back towards Jia Shi, the golden light on the Wanhua robe held against the green fire, and a pair of eyes lit up in the darkness, followed by a "hee hee" laughter, a girl slowed down. Slowly floating in the air, holding something in his arms, he smiled and said: "I don't know who called me, it was you, a monster."

Haoran cried out in surprise, his eyes fixed on the magic weapon in the girl's arms.

It was a long bottle made of bronze, with countless simple characters engraved on the body of the bottle.
