Daji and I Are Fighting Over A Man

Chapter 21: Feihu defected


On the blue brocade robe, tens of thousands of golden flowers flew up in an instant, spinning endlessly in mid-air, and all flew towards the girl floating in mid-air. Accompanied by Jia Shi's cold shout: "Where is the evildoer!"

Daoist Lu Ya doesn't care about worldly affairs, and no one has ever heard of the magic weapon he made, but the myriad flower robe worn by Mrs. Jia is woven from the silk of ice silkworms from the West Kunlun and woven with phoenix feathers from Huozawa in the south. In terms of power, this is an extremely powerful treasure. However, the ancient artifact, the demon refining pot, is fully two ranks higher than this treasure. Jia Shi was startled, but faced with this copper pot of unknown origin, there was nothing he could do.

The moment the girl raised her hand, countless wind ropes rolled out of the copper vase, rushing towards the golden light all over the sky, Jia Shi gritted her teeth and held on, and after a while, she was finally defeated, with a bang, the high eaves of the deer terrace exploded into tens of millions of pieces , fly out of the night sky. Daji winked behind King Zhou, and the girl understood, and immediately shouted: "This great immortal is Hu Ximei, evildoer! Quickly show the prototype!"

"Stop!" King Zhou finally yelled, "This is the wife of my minister, King Wucheng of Zhenguo, Yuan Pei. Why did she become a monster! Immortal, please be merciful!"

Daji was both surprised and delighted at this time. What surprised her was that Ben had colluded with Hu Ximei, and wanted to use this opportunity to invite the fairy to summon the pheasant spirit into the palace, so as to cultivate her own power in a legitimate way, but Jia Shi would have such a powerful magic weapon! What makes her happy is the copper pot that Hu Ximei got from no one knows where, its power is still higher than the Wanhua robe. In an instant, the demon fox had hundreds of thoughts in his mind, and immediately screamed: "My lord! Mrs. Huang must have been possessed by a demon! Quickly ask the Great Immortal to drive away the demon!"

The Wanhua robe was shattered into powder by the wind rope, revealing her white skin. Jia's black hair was messy, her throat was strangled by an invisible force, her eyes were wide open, and she was slowly dragged out of the deer platform. Just like a female ghost. However, Hu Ximei was in the sky, pushing the demon pot neatly with one hand, the huge force generated by all things in the sky made Jia's throat make a "lotus" sound.

King Zhou had already been duped into half-belief at this time, why would the immortal invited by Mrs. Jia kill him? Looking at Jia Shi's frightening appearance, it was as if he was possessed by a wronged spirit, the situation was extremely strange.

Haoran took a deep breath, and forgot all the things that Mr. Tong told him before, and was about to jump off the fence to rescue Jia Shi, but when Mr. Tong pressed his shoulder tightly, he shouted: "Don't act rashly! If you are surprised Run the pheasant essence, and the demon refining pot will be... "

If Mrs. Jia dies, her husband Huang Feihu will definitely rebel, and there is no room for change in the end. Jiang Ziya confessed in a letter, and Mr. Tong whispered in his ear. Angrily reprimanding Jun Fei, he was thrown off the deer platform and died. So far, Huang Feihu broke the boat and returned to Chaoge.

Haoran's shoulders trembled, his nose was sore, and he wanted to stand still as promised, but he couldn't bear to be fooled by King Zhou in the end. He didn't know where the strength came from for a moment, and he shook off Mr. Tong's tightly grasped hand, rushed to the center of the deer platform, and roared : "Pheasant essence! Hand over the demon refining pot!"

In an instant, King Zhou pulled out the Heavenly Sword beside the pillar with his backhand, and Daji yelled loudly. The magic pot in Hu Ximei's hand was full of suction, and Jia was dragged into the air. With a shake, the copper pot turned over, and Haoran rushed forward with the power of the Taiji Diagram.

Hu Ximei was frightened out of her wits and fled backwards. Haoran stretched out her hand to catch her, but completely forgot that Jia Shi had been dragged out of the edge of the deer platform.

Haoran grabbed Hu Ximei, but King Zhou's sword pointed directly at Hao's heart, and shouted, "Who is here!"

In the chaos, the ultimate winner finally made a move. Daji flicked the pouch, Lingluo stretched more than ten feet, and rolled towards Jia Shi who fell on the deer platform, wrapped her throat silently, and tightened instantly , strangling Jia's scream for help.

Haoran only felt a sharp pain in his back, if he didn't turn his head back, the Tianzi Sword was about to pierce his chest, so he had to turn around in mid-air to avoid the sword.

For a moment, the two looked at each other, in mid-air, Emperor Zhou saw Haoran's appearance clearly, and was stunned.

"You stupid king..." Haoran said softly, regardless of the sword resting on his neck, he stretched out his hand to wrap King Zhou's neck, closed his eyes, and brought his lips together.

With a touch of water, the sense of familiarity spread throughout the emperor's body like an electric shock.

Immediately afterwards, King Zhou withdrew his sword with his backhand, hugged Haoran, and the two fell from a height of tens of feet together.

Jia Shi couldn't let go of the hands clutched around his neck, he was breathless, his pink neck was strangled by the Qingshiyuan pouch, and his delicate body, which was almost naked, swayed on the edge of the deer platform.

The Taiji diagram melted away, and King Zhou felt that he was already on the top floor of Lutai in a flash. Daji received the Qingshi yuan pouch, and there was a muffled sound of a corpse falling to the ground from the audience.

"Wu Chengwang's wife has fallen from the building!" The palace people in the distance shouted hastily.

King Zhou was still in a daze, savoring the warmth of his lips and the slightly salty tears.

At dawn, the sky was white and the palace was in chaos. The maids screamed in panic from under the deer platform, and the screams of the concubine Huang pierced the night sky. The palace was in chaos. of two people.

"Since you wanted to save King Wucheng's wife, why did you lose your head at that time? You should stop and stop, and you will harm yourself in vain. The demon refining pot is in Hu Ximei's hands, just like something in the palm of your hand. When you come to a decision, you have to turn around again. Go take care of that stupid king..."

"Shut up!" Hao Ran yelled angrily.

But Mr. Tong angrily said: "If you continue to act like this, I will not care about you anymore!" After saying that, he turned Haoran's shoulder to check the wound on his vest pierced by King Zhou.

Haoran let out a long breath, and instead of talking to Mr. Tong, he grabbed a handful of dust from under the palace wall, put his hands on his back, and walked towards the Meridian Gate.

Mr. Tong hurriedly caught up and pulled Hao Ran, and the two of them hid in the back side of the side hall, only to see the smoke and dust billowing in, Huang Feihu received the report, his eyes were red, he charged the Imperial Forest soldiers on their backs, and rushed into the Meridian Gate. He yelled, "Fun Lord! Where is my wife!"

King Wucheng threw the long halberd in his hand viciously, and the long halberd flew towards the golden gong in front of the hall, making a deafening sound. The halberd had pierced the golden gong on the wall. Surrounded by one place with his subordinates.

"I can't let go." Haoran looked at the emperor in front of the hall, the emperor's eyes were full of red, and he remained silent.

Huang Feihu yelled with all his strength: "Fun Lord! My father Huang Dang guarded the boundary pass for you! Training soldiers, but no sleep! My sister entered the palace as a concubine, and you have repeatedly neglected me, so I don't complain! I am for you! Reject the barbarians in the south! Conquer the pirates in the east!"

"Your king deceives his minister's wife..."

"Flying Tiger!" King Zhou said angrily, "I have never had any indiscriminate thoughts about your wife..."

"Fun Lord!" Huang Feihu yelled, "You stripped my wife of her clothes and died tragically under the deer platform. Now, who are you still lying to?"

"The foolish monarch is licentious and immoral! Who are you relying on to become Tang Sheji! It is in vain that I was educated in the same teacher as you since childhood, so kill me! My Huang family is full of loyalty! They will all die at the hands of you, the foolish monarch!" Huang Feihu said emotionally Unable to control himself any longer, he grabbed his confidant steel lance and killed Yin Tianzi in front of the palace.

"Feihu! Calm down! Trust me!" King Zhou dodged Huang Feihu's halberd and shouted, "Don't do anything! Listen to my explanation!"

Hao Ran said in a deep voice, "Do you think this is fair?"

Mr. Tong sighed slowly, looked at the front of the Nine Halls again, Huang Feihu had abandoned the steel spear, and flew forward, holding King Zhou by the throat with one hand, and the two of them tumbled down dozens of steps.

"Listen to me! Feihu!" King Zhou ruthlessly pushed Huang Feihu away, panted a few times, and took the sword from the guard, "Take down King Wucheng!"

"Who dares to take me!" King Wu Cheng was dragged far and wide by the sergeants who rushed forward, struggling endlessly. Looking up to the sky and shouting angrily, the veins on his forehead throbbed:


Huang Feihu broke free from the guards and rushed towards King Zhou with a dagger in his hand. King Zhou drew his sword in an instant, swung his sword, raised his head, and the Tianzi Sword pointed straight at the dagger!

Seeing that the two were about to perish together, a person quietly appeared in the field.

Haoran held King Zhou's sword in his right hand, and held Huang Feihu's dagger in his left hand, the Taiji diagram glowed with light, and the Liangyi runes spun.

Huang Feihu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he recognized this Si Mo who he had seen with his own eyes and died in front of the Meridian Gate.

"It's you… "

Haoran frowned, took a deep breath, his body shook, and there was a loud "Dang", wherever the sound waves went, King Zhou and Huang Feihu were pushed away!

Mr. Tong grabbed Haoran with one hand, and Huang Feihu's collar with the other, and flew away from Chaoge, and there was a strong momentum behind him.

Hao Ran breathless, said: "Who is that..."

Seeing that Mr. Tong could no longer hide, he fell to the ground slowly. Yin Pobai led tens of thousands of imperial troops to chase out of the city. There was another shout from the Meridian Gate, like a thunderbolt on a clear sky.

"Who dares to act wildly at the feet of the emperor!"

Mr. Tong pondered for a moment, and said: "You go first." Immediately, he stretched out his hand and pressed down the palm of his hand, and the hundreds of soldiers who rushed to him immediately turned their backs and fell into a ball. Help Haoran onto the horse.

Mr. Tong said: "I'm here to stop that Wenzhong, and Feihu takes the East Emperor Bell to the west."

Huang Feihu was determined to seek death, but he escaped from death, and he didn't want to die anymore. When he was about to speak, Mr. Tong pressed the horse's leg.

Huang Feihu protected Hao Ran and escaped from the city. The shadow of the whip was scattered all over the city like a vast ocean. The whip wave rolled towards a galloping horse in the vast wilderness. The momentum was extremely magnificent. His eyes were full of golden light. Pushing the reins of the horse, the killing spirit touched Huang Feihu's back, and a whip whipped in the middle, spanning dozens of miles, and hit Huang Feihu's shoulder fiercely!

In an instant, the heart guard on Wu Chengwang's back was shattered by this whip, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and threw himself on Hao Ran.

Wen Zhong chased him out of the city, his black unicorn was floating in the air, he stared coldly at King Wu Cheng who had fled into the woods, he swung his whip back, and when he was about to throw out the male and female golden whips again, his expression changed.

A very soft voice came.

"The master of heaven and earth, the reverse journey of all things, the master of time, the passer-by of a hundred generations..."

Wen Zhong raised his head in shock, but he couldn't find the source of the man's voice. The air around him suddenly seemed solid, his breath was suffocated, the sea of golden whip was broken, and he felt a hundred times heavier, including the man and the mount, was pressed hard to the ground. With a bang, a big hole was crushed in the city wall of Chaoge!

"Those who have been teachers since ancient times not only protect their shortcomings, but are also eccentric..." The extremely soft voice still laughed in the void, and gradually became inaudible.