Daji and I Are Fighting Over A Man

Chapter 24: Fengming Qishan


The wind is rumbling, and the grass and trees are full of soldiers. From a distance, the eastern section of Qishan Mountain is caged in darkness, and the torches of sparks are scattered all over the plain. It is not yet known how many soldiers and horses the emperor of Yin and Shang brought.

Jiang Ziya sent an order to turn off the stove, and Zhou Ying seemed like a sleeping giant. Standing outside the camp, he thought about the art of war handed down by later generations. Is Tai Gongwang really a strong soldier

"That day, thank you very much."

Haoran turned his head and found that it was Huang Tianhua, so he said with a smile: "What's the matter, comrades in arms should take care of each other." Haoran took a deep breath of the grassy breath of late spring, and said: "I'm no better than Ziya. When the two armies fight in the future, Brother Tianhua, remember to listen to him."

Huang Tianhua mocked: "Him?" Then he said with disdain: "You are not from Kunlun, so don't bother with explaining and teaching."

Said that after all, he turned around and left along the perimeter of the camp, and a sentence came from the darkness: "I owe you my life."

Haoran didn't care about it, and shook his head secretly, it seems that the third generation of Kunlun Immortal Dao are all guys who don't listen to the propaganda, each of them has a higher heart than the sky, and Jiang Ziya will still have a headache in the future. The sound of Lei Zhenzi and Nezha chasing each other came from far away. The 80,000 soldiers seemed to have rested, and the barking of the roaring dog gradually subsided. Haoran walked along the other side of the camp, and countless memories flashed in his mind one after another. , There is an invisible thread tied to the fragments, but the end of the thread is pulled on the other side of the mountain, in the commander's tent in the middle of the Yin Shang camp.

Before he knew it, he had already walked half a circle along the outer camp. In the darkness, there was the faint sound of a man panting. Haoran stopped, hesitated for a while, and said, "King Wu Cheng?"

I thought it was Huang Feihu who felt the scene and fell in love, weeping alone outside the camp, Haoran finally walked away, but found that the man lying on the ground was not Wu Chengwang, but Huang Tianhua who had left not long ago.

Huang Tianhua curled up on the ground, breathing heavily, and seemed to be in great pain.

"Brother Tianhua?" Haoran stretched out his hand to pull Huang Tianhua, the tentacles were icy cold to the bone, a burst of chill spread directly to Haoran's dantian, even the Donghuang Bell's innate vitality was suffocating.

Haoran panicked, looking at Tianhua's situation, he seemed to be suffering from some strange disease, he hurriedly bent down, and pressed his palm on Huang Tianhua's lower abdomen, another light shone from behind, illuminating Huang Tianhua's face.

"Cold poison." Yang Jian held a three-pointed halberd, the head of which glowed with light, and said: "He was bitten by a Xuanlin ice snake when he was young, and the poison on his body is so strong that even the pure and moral lord can't get rid of it."

Hao Ran turned his head, and Yang Jian said coldly again: "The poison develops at midnight, and it will be healed when the sun rises." After saying that, he rode the Xiaotian dog, floated high into the sky, and headed towards the east of Qishan Mountain.

"Where are you going! Yang Jian!" Hao Ran didn't have time to greet, Yang Jian had already merged with the night. Huang Tianhua's breath was tinged with frost, his eyes were blurred, his whole body shivered from the cold, he huddled into a ball, and lost his consciousness.

There are countless trouble-making spirits in the world, but Taiyi and Nezha, the master and apprentice are the best among the best. It is said that ten years ago on Kunlun Mountain, the real Taiyi raised a snake and escaped. He ran to Chaoge and bit the eldest son of King Wucheng.

Huang Tianhua was still a twelve-year-old boy at that time, he fell into a coma after being poisoned by the snake, and his whole body was frozen into ice. King Wu Cheng studied under Wen Zhong, if he is a teacher, he must be the disciple of the Tongtian Sect Master. The misfortune has already happened, Qingxu Daodezhenjun had no choice but to go down the mountain in person to clean up the mess for the misfortune junior brother Jing. He tried his best and gave Huang Tianhua a lot of miraculous medicines. However, there was a root cause of his illness, the snake venom could not be removed, and he would attack from time to time. The True Master of Qing Xu had to accept Huang Tianhua as his disciple and bring him back to the Kunlun Mountains to teach him the immortal home. True Qi, when Huang Tianhua was twenty-two years old, his cold poison disease was no longer as strong as when he was a child, so he dared to let him go to the world.

The Xuanlin Ice Serpent was originally found by Master Taiyi in the northernmost part of the Shenzhou Continent, in the sea of Beiming. It was originally intended to be used to refine strange magic weapons, but he didn't know that the real body of the Eastern Emperor "Kunpeng" was the one in the sea. The ancient mythical beast, said in ancient times "there is a fish in Beiming, its name is Kun." Haoran's body has this true energy from the same source, with just one touch, the cold poison in Huang Tianhua's body was sucked away, and he improved slightly. Haoran raised Tianhua up with one hand, touched each other's brows, and sent the innate vitality over.

After a while, Huang Tianhua's poison was slightly detoxified, but he was still unconscious, like a person trapped in an ice cave who glimpsed a flame, hugged Haoran tightly, his lips were blue from cold, rubbing against Haoran's nose back and forth, murmured: " cold... cold..."

Haoran sighed, the two were together, Haoran's breath was warm, the man's skin was scorching hot, from the center of the eyebrows, the sea of Qi, to the dantian under the lower abdomen, Huang Tianhua calmed down a little, but he held Haoran tightly and did not let go.

That icy body reminded Haoran of a night long ago, when the red candle brocade tent was vaguely in front of his eyes, but Emperor Yingwei was far away on the other side of the mountain.

In a daze, Huang Tianhua's body covered in wounds overlapped with someone, the moon was like gauze, insects were singing like a dream, Hao Ran's fingers touched Huang Tianhua's cool lips. And brushed away Huang Tianhua's messy hair on his forehead, and said softly: "People are afraid of the cold."

Huang Tianhua calmed down, closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep. Nezha walked around the camp a few times, but he didn't see Haoran. He flew towards the outside of the camp and saw the two of them under the moonlight: Tianhua's whole body was covered with scars, like a dilapidated doll; However, Haoran has a layer of silver glow, which is as perfect as scarlet jade. Nezha stared blankly for a while, then untied the Huntian Ling from his waist and threw it over Tianhua and Haoran, then turned his head and flew away.

The next day, Haoran tied the Huntian Ribbon around Nezha's waist, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "When will the military commander enter the mountain?"

"I don't know." Nezha replied indifferently. And he gave Huang Tianhua a hostile look.

Haoran didn't talk about what happened last night, neither did Huang Tianhua. Tianhua just set up a shed with his hands and looked towards the place where the sun was rising. There was a dead silence there, and there was no sign of the merchant army's attack. He replied: "When you enter the mountain in the early morning, the drums will be beaten soon."

A small black spot in the mountain was crumbling, and when they got closer, everyone could see that it was Yang Jian with a bruised nose and a swollen face. As soon as he showed up, all the generals except Nezha showed strange expressions.

Yang Jian let out a cold snort, and rode into the camp on his own, Haoran and Huang Tianhua burst into uncontrollable laughter.

The army was about to pull out the camp, when they heard thousands of voices shouting in unison, the merchant army came rushing in like a tide and occupied the place where Qishan came out of the valley. As soon as the war drums beat wildly, the commander's platform rose from the ground, and all the generals in the audience lined up in a line, one general stood up, riding a bay red horse, it was Zhang Guifang.

Zhang Guifang was followed by four generals, and each of them was riding a strange beast. Only one child was sitting on a giant floating ball, floating slowly in mid-air. It must be the Four Saints of Kowloon Island.

"Huang Feihu!" Zhang Guifang shouted. "Come out and lead to death!"

King Wu Cheng waved his steel spear and was about to go forward, but was held back by Jiang Ziya, saying: "No, Zhang Guifang has a supernatural ability to call his name to fall off the horse. You have to wait here until Nezha goes to meet him."

Haoran whispered to Nezha: "When the battle starts later, remember to listen to your uncle Ziya's orders."

Nezha agreed, and at that time Yin Shangshuai introduced two more people on the stage.

When Huang Feihu saw this situation, he was furious, who are those two? It was Wu Chengwang's father, Huang Gun, the veteran of the Huang family who guarded Jiepai Pass. Huang Dagon had a gray beard and temples, and his hands were tightly bound behind him. Another ten-year-old boy, whose limbs were tied to wooden stakes and cried endlessly, was Huang Feihu's youngest son, Huang Tianhua's younger brother Tianxiang.

I only heard Fei Zhong shaking out the yellow brocade on the high platform, and his loud voice was eloquent, accusing Huang Feihu of treason. What happened next, Huang Dagon was already yelling curses on the high platform.

"Unworthy son! You came here to kill this old man, my Huang family is full of loyalty, and I got out of your wickedness, betraying the king and surrendering to the enemy for a woman..."

The sound came from far away, Huang Feihu was so heartbroken, and when he was about to break his halberd and kill himself, Jiang Ziya saw that he couldn't delay any longer, so he patted Haoran on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, be careful!"

Haoran nodded, just as Huang Gun was cursing, suddenly there were four more people in front of him, and when he was taken aback, Haoran had already put away the Taiji diagram, and punched Fei Zhong hard, knocking him off the handsome stage. life and death. With a swing of Huang Tianhua's Mo Xie sword, the stakes broke instantly, Huang Tianxiang screamed loudly, and fell far away, Nezha caught one with one hand, and turned around instantly. Yang Jian and Tianhua stepped on the high platform, fell obliquely, and landed in the middle of the merchant army's formation.

There was a sound of cannon in the Xiqi army, and 20,000 troops rushed forward and entered the mouth of Qishan Valley.

As soon as the battle started, the sky and the earth were full of smoke and dust, the Qishan Pass was billowing with thick smoke, swords and soldiers were killing each other, blood and flesh were flying, and the screams were endless, Haoran had lost his direction and had to run towards the crowded place, Zhang Guifanghong The sound was like a blow to the head, shaking everyone's hearts.

"Yang Jian!"

With a shout, Yang Jian had already dismounted from his mount, but he was not timid. He swung a three-pointed and two-edged halberd, drawing a blood field on his side. When Haoran was about to go to help, he heard the rumbling wind in the valley, and rushed Come out with a snake as big as a palace!

There was a young girl sitting on the giant snake's head, holding a copper bottle in her hand, it was Hu Ximei and the demon refining pot!

In an instant, the giant snake slapped head to tail, defeating the Zhou army's offensive, and the giant snake rode a horse and galloped out. Mounted warrior shouted: "Huang Feihu!"

Haoran's heart twitched, and Shang Tianzi went out to fight.

I saw a golden light flying towards, Tianzi sword, golden armor, blue eyes, and black cloak like billowing dark clouds, even people and horses crashed into the battle array.

Tens of thousands of people on both sides shouted loudly, the commander-in-chief confronted each other, and the remnants retreated one after another to make room for a clearing. After Zhang Guifang drank the name of King Wu Cheng, he immediately fell off the horse.

When this was chaotic, Haoran turned around and went to rescue him, but was stopped by one person.

The man's long hair was tied into a ponytail, and it was dragged to the ground, with one palm facing the sky, with a dark blue pearl floating on it, and said with a smile, "Who are you?"

Haoran drew back and retreated quickly, and said intently: "What is Gao You doing?"

High Friends of the Four Sages of Kowloon Island: Magical Treasure, Hunyuan Pearl. One bead is twin, the mother bead is placed on the seabed of Kowloon Island outside the square, it can absorb the water of the vast ocean, the child bead is carried with you, the two beads are connected, and move across the sea.

Gao Yougan sacrificed the magic weapon, and the torrent rushed towards him. A huge force hit Haoran's chest, pushing him straight into the air. Haoran used the power of the Taiji Diagram to move horizontally several times, but no matter what, he couldn't get rid of this ghostly water column. When Gao Youqian was looking for Haoran's whereabouts, his chest suddenly tightened, and he was tightly hugged by a pair of arms.

Gao Yougan was startled and struggled violently, but the person behind him inhaled at the same time, only to hear a thundering bell, and wherever the sound wave went, all magic weapons were instantly ineffective, and the nearest Hunyuan Orb exploded. Powder, scattered between heaven and earth.

The flood in the Hunyuan Pearl was out of control, endless, it flooded most of the battlefield in an instant, and swept towards Huang Feihu and King Zhou. The flood washed away the rebellious army in the field, and the giant snake in the distance fled in panic under the sound of the bell, and fled into the valley. Hu Ximei screamed and fell down.

Gao You bled from all seven orifices and fell to the ground, Hao Ran didn't take another look, and immediately turned around and rushed towards Hu Ximei.

Hu Ximei drank a few sips of salt water in the vast ocean, choked to death, hurriedly activated the demon pot to suck the flood water away, forming a huge vortex around her body, and I don't know how many corpses and weapons were involved. Nothing happened, when he wanted to recall the Kui Snake, his hair tightened and he was already lifted up.

Hu Ximei was in pain, screamed loudly, let go of the demon refining pot, Hao Ran lightly copied the demon refining pot, and immediately flitted across the water like a flying bird.

"Catch the thief!" Hu Ximei shouted hysterically.

The place where King Zhou and Huang Feihu had a decisive battle was suddenly thrown into chaos by the sudden torrent. Soldiers from both sides came to snatch the commander in chief. The Xiqi army's rear line sounded "ding" and Ziya sent an order to withdraw the troops. The army retreated quickly. The Shang army rescued King Zhou and fled into the valley.

Huang Tianhua was about to retreat, but suddenly he saw Yin Tianzi being lifted off his helmet and retreated to the valley, his mother's revenge had not been avenged, he couldn't swallow his breath, and shouted: "Yin Shoude! You are licentious and immoral, you forced my mother to death! Today I am Huang Tianhua I have to replace God... "

When Yang Jian was returning to the battle, he heard Huang Tianhua drink, turned around, danced the three-pointed halberd, and went to kill King Zhou. The three-pointed halberd, the Moxie sword, were full of rays of light, and the soldiers were buzzing. The guards were swept away by the magic weapon of the fairy world and their bones were broken. King Zhou was shocked by the cold water and couldn't dodge. Only a sword and a halberd pierced his chest in his eyes. !

Just when he thought that he was going to die in Qishan today, the halberd was cut off half a foot away from his heart.

"You..." King Zhou hadn't come back to his senses yet, Hao Ran had already slammed the halberd head with one hand, blood was flowing, he pushed the three-pointed halberd half an inch away, and then, half of the edge of Mo Xie's sword appeared from behind.

Blood was dripping from the corner of Haoran's mouth, he grabbed King Zhou's collar with his left hand, and grasped the Moxie sword pierced under his ribs with his right arm, raised his head with difficulty, faced Huang Tianhua, and said slowly:

"For God... the way of heaven doesn't count... I say it, it counts..."

"I am the destiny!" Haoran shouted suddenly, the Taiji diagram on the back of his hand was shining brightly, he grabbed the emperor and disappeared in the middle of the battlefield.

The second time the sound of golden sound was heard, it sounded all over the battlefield. Yang Jian and Huang Tianhua were startled by the sound of golden sound, they pulled away and flew high into the sky. Jiang Ziya's voice came from behind.

"Sacrifice to the nine heavens and the nine lands! The wind and ice pierced through the valley, and the dead sea is thousands of miles away!" Jiang Ziya shouted, and then he swung the magic whip heavily into the ocean. The first piece of solid ice formed, and spread to the mouth of Qishan Valley at the speed of lightning in an instant.

The sound of shouting in the sky and the earth was completely quiet, from the Xiqi Army to the Qishan Commercial Camp a few miles away, a thick layer of ice formed.

Qishan is like a dragon, winding nearly a thousand miles. A battle on the west side of Qishan lost tens of thousands of lives. Thunder and fury fell from the sky, and dark clouds came from all directions, covering the clear sky. The torrential rain washed away the blood stains that dragged across countless peaks.

In a deep mountain more than a hundred miles away from the battlefield, the Liangyi runes were scattered, and Haoran's strength was exhausted, and he and King Zhou fell heavily into the mountain stream.

A pheasant flew over, poked its head at the entrance of the cave, peeped for a moment, and then transformed into a human form.

Hu Ximei carefully looked into the cave, leaning on one side, the exhausted King Zhou and Haoran stretched out their hands, wanting to know what happened next, and let's hear the next chapter.