Daji and I Are Fighting Over A Man

Chapter 3: Burn the pipa


The next day at Chaoge Palace, the Forbidden Forest Army lined up in front of the Meridian Gate, and set up a fire tower with wooden stakes. Haoran and Jiang Shang just stood far away from His Highness, the sun was shining, and the faces of the seats at the gate of the palace could not be seen clearly. It was undoubtedly King Zhou and Su Daji.

Hao Ran whispered: "Why do you remember now?"

Jiang Shang replied embarrassingly: "I was too flustered yesterday, too flustered."

While the two were whispering, a question was asked on the steps of the hall: "What's the matter?"

"Back to the King." Huang Feihu came out and said loudly, "A murder case happened in Chaoge yesterday."

During the conversation, Huang Feihu, the king of Wucheng, reported to King Zhou that Wang Guiren was killed by Shi Yan for fortune-telling, and finally said: "Haoran, Jiang Shang and the others assert that this woman is a monster who has only become a spirit, and it is King Youcheng..."

"Nonsense!" A woman in the seat accused sharply, obviously unable to hide her anger, "Arbitrarily grabbing a woman is a monster, I think these two are clearly disciples, and they used fortune-telling to make mistakes; molesting women from good families If it doesn’t work, we will beat her to death, arrest the two men and behead them, drag the female body out and bury it!”

Relying on her divine favor, Su Daji interrupted King Wu Cheng's statement without any explanation. As the marshal of the country, when will it be the turn of a harem concubine to contradict him? At the moment, he was very annoyed, and he remained calm, and said calmly: "Your Majesty, you know, Jiang Shang has his own way to make this goblin appear in its original form. If the facts are the same as what Empress Daji guessed, it's not too late to ask and kill."

In front of the hall, the emperor stands tall and majestic, with his hands behind his back, giving him the aura of a king. After a while, King Zhou commented: "Well, this banshee has a beautiful face and a fair body..."

Daji snorted coldly. King Zhou hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Gu also doesn't feel like a good woman, so let's do it."

At this time, Wang Guiren's jade body was lying on the ground, and Jiang Shang had plastered all over his body with plague yellow talismans and red sand talismans, and a slide rule was pressed on his chest. His clothes were scattered and half covered, which made the guards swallow saliva. Jiang Shang signaled, and then someone brought a torch and set fire to the wooden platform. For a moment, the black smoke was steaming and the wind was surging, but the woman's body was not scorched at all. Not even a single talisman burned all over his body, and everyone in the audience was talking about it.

Even a discerning person could see the evil, King Zhou stepped down a little, looked into the firelight, and said: "What Feihu said is true, how can we make it show its original form?"

Daji just watched with cold eyes, did not make a sound, and was even more calculating in her heart. Unexpectedly, Jiang Shanglang said, "It must be burned with the real fire of the three flavors of Taoism to make it show its original form."

There was a little smile in King Zhou's words, and he teased, "The fire just now was all for Gu to watch?"

Ziya smiled but did not answer, bent the little finger of his left hand, went around the back of his ring finger, wrapped his middle finger around and pinched a fire formula, exhaling loudly. With a sound of rebuke, the real fire from the ground was thrown out, and in an instant, the flames shot up into the sky, a hundred times fiercer than the previous dry fire, and immediately rolled a wooden platform into ashes, the sunny day, and the sound of thunder, scared everyone on the field. Reeling, my heart beat wildly.

Only King Zhou, Haoran and Jiang Shang stood still. Taking a closer look, the female corpse in the ashes had turned into a jade pipa.

Su Daji felt sad and hated, but she was helpless, so she forced herself to restrain her mind, and said softly: "It really is a monster. Daoist priests have contributed a lot."

King Zhou returned to his seat, Huang Feihu picked out the pipa from the ashes, handed it to Ziya, and motioned for the two to go forward. Daji said softly again: "Your Majesty, why don't you string this jade lute and let my concubine play it for you..."

"Well." King Zhou nodded and smiled, "I will follow what my concubine said." He waved to Haoran and Jiang Shang again, and asked him to come to the hall.

Jiang Shang put the pipa on the steps, and the two of them were dozens of steps away from King Zhou Daji, and his own official took it over and presented it. However, when Su Daji saw the two of them, she couldn't help taking a breath.

King Zhou said: "Jiang Shang has made great achievements in eliminating demons, and he has the post of leading a doctor."

Jiang Shang was busy thanking him, the surroundings were silent, and there was a burst of unique fragrance, which was refreshing, even though Jiang Shang had more than 70 years of cultivation, he couldn't bear it, and his mind became dizzy for a while. Haoran quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed Jiang Ziya. Looking towards the front of the steps, he met King Zhou's eyes.

The two looked at each other for a moment, Haoran knew that this was the best time to sneak into the palace to find Xuanyuan Sword, and looked at Su Daji again. Thinking about what to say in my heart, let King Zhou also confer an official position on himself, so that he can do things conveniently. Finally, his eyes fell on a section of colorful silk wrapped around the fox demon's jade arm.

"What's your name?" King Zhou asked suddenly.


"Come forward again."

Haoran walked a few steps as he said, and stood within three feet of King Zhou. Su Daji's expression changed for a moment, and he hurriedly grabbed King Zhou's arm, unwilling to let go.

Jiang Shangji said in a low voice, "One of the Seven Great Magical Treasures, it's worth the money, brother Haoran, be careful."

It is said that in ancient times, Nuwa created human beings by soaking a silk silk in muddy water, and then waved it out, and the muddy land turned into a human being. Since then, male and female have paired up in the world. Mixed congenital yin and yang turbid qi to treasure. The power of charm is attached to it, and all living beings are turned upside down. Later, it was given to the fox demon and brought to Chaoge to confuse the emperor. It was called "Qingshi yuan sac", which was no less than the magic weapon of the demon clan no less than the thunder whip.

However, when this turbidity met Haoran's innate righteousness, it melted away and disintegrated into nothing. Daji was puzzled, no matter how high the cultivation level of the man in front of him was, it was impossible for Nuwa's magic weapon to fail. What happened

The fragrance gradually disappeared, and King Zhou was charmed for a long time, and he never left Daji's side for half a step all day long. At this time, righteousness and turbidity collided with each other, and the righteousness prevailed, so that King Zhou regained his mind for a moment, his eyes were blurred, and finally he was refreshed. Asked: "Where did Gu see you?"

Haoran looked at King Zhou and thought to himself, if Daji hadn't been confused, no, if this damned faint king hadn't written poems to blaspheme in Lishan, he would be a beautiful man with both talent and appearance.

King Zhou was in his early thirties. He was in the prime of his life. His eyes were like bright stars, his eyebrows were thick like swords, his nose was straight, his lips were broad and clear, and he was handsome. Judging by his figure, he was half a head taller than Hao Ran. There is an emperor's look in his handsomeness, which makes people unconsciously want to surrender before him.

Look at the fox demon again, his eyes are in a trance, and he is out of his mind. Haoran couldn't help laughing to himself, if it wasn't for the money bag, Nuwa, who was the big backer, he didn't know who was fascinated by whom.

King Zhou asked again, and Haoran replied, "No."

Daji rolled her eyes a few times, and scolded, "Bold and unreasonable, why don't you kneel?"

Haoran glanced at the fox demon for a few times, knowing it well, he was too lazy to have sex with Daji Duolong, pull out night gnats, and squirrels, but also love each other!

As soon as the words came out, everyone in His Highness yelled loudly, as if someone was going to rush forward to arrest Haoran. King Zhou waved his hand to indicate that it was okay, and retorted, "As the son of heaven, the king is the incarnation of the real dragon sent by heaven and earth to lead the four directions; in the whole world, there is no king's land, who leads the land, and the king's ministers. If you kneel to heaven and earth, why not kneel to the king? "

Hao Ran thought for a moment, King Zhou was extremely intelligent in thinking and reasoning according to the legend, and he practiced both civil and martial arts. It seems that the historical records are correct on this point. Then he replied: "The emperor is a servant, why should he kneel when he sees his servant?"

Hearing these words, even Huang Feihu was moved, and angrily said, "Bold! Don't back down!"

"Shen Nong tasted all kinds of herbs, Hou Yi shot the sun, killed snakes, and slashed strong winds. Why don't you use yourself as a servant?" Haoran pondered for a while, and then replied, "Eternal sage kings Yao, Shun and Yu Tang have done everything in their lives. For the sake of the people of Li, worry about the world's worries first, and enjoy the world's joys later, this is not due to servant nature, what is it?"

Haoran paused for a while, and then said: "Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it; Xia Jie regards the people of Li and Shu as flocks that can be driven away and property that can be squandered, until the flocks turn against each other, and the people turn against each other and become Tangyi." This is how to win the country, the king has forgotten?"

His Royal Highness, Prime Minister Shang Rong, Ya Bigan, King Wu Cheng, Huang Feihu, and others all looked at each other in blank dismay, not only because King Zhou had been indulging in beauty for a long time, but he was surprised that he would argue with a group of people today, and also because of Hao Ran's "before the world's worries and fears". Worry" and the public sentiment was sensational.

"Wrong" King Zhou replied, "The Son of Heaven is a father, not a servant. You can't tell the difference between a father and a servant. It's because of your nature: a father must wholeheartedly seek for his children. Often foolish children treat their parents as slaves, instead Think about the reason behind this. Are your parents here?"

Haoran didn't expect King Zhou's thinking to be so clear, but was rendered speechless. For a while, he couldn't catch the loopholes in the other party's words, so he had to argue forcefully: "If you don't take yourself as a servant, how can you call yourself a lonely person?"

What he said was extremely unreasonable, and the spearhead had departed from the broad sense of the monarch, his subjects and the people, and pointed directly at King Zhou himself, but the latter was not angry, but just laughed, and did not care about Hao Ran. He asked again, "Are your parents still alive? All cultivators abandon their wives and children, and leave their mothers and fathers. It can be seen that you don't understand."

Hao Ran sadly said, "I have no parents since I was a child."

"Zhan Luan?" King Zhou asked again.

Haoran shook his head and nodded again.

King Zhou went on to say: "If there is no king to protect the people and rule the world, this Shenzhou will be in the fire and water, and the people will leave their homes and lose their loved ones. Empress Nuwa, one of the Three Emperors, built stones to mend the sky and save the people, and you won't kneel when you see her?"

Haoran was so convinced that he could only kneel down slowly, King Zhou stood up again, and walked out of the steps in front of the palace, gradually slanting westward, and groups of egrets neighed past in the sky. The voices of "Long live" and "Shengming" can be heard all over the mountain on the school grounds.

King Zhou's palm was broad and warm, his fingers were slender and strong, and he held Haoran's hand to help him up. Haoran sighed unceasingly, thinking about his life experience and the chaos when he came here, he shouldered a heavy mission, and he didn't know when it would be accomplished, his heartache was unspeakable, and he couldn't say a word. After King Zhou returned to the throne, he stretched out his arm for Daji to hold, and said, "I don't know why, but when I see you alone, I feel happy. It's like a brother who has passed away, unconsciously wanting to be close."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in His Royal Highness was startled again, and even Jiang Ziya raised his head in doubt, with puzzled eyes. The emperor would say this in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, and the glory of Haoran is just around the corner.

However, beside King Zhou, the fox demon had long hated her teeth. First, the sister Wang Guiren returned to her original form, and her aura of righteousness was endless, and her breath was oppressed. She just wanted to take King Zhou away from this man first. , without being disturbed by the righteousness of heaven and earth, you can continue to be confused by pouring out your energy bag. Daji subconsciously grabbed King Zhou's arm with one jade hand. The scallion-like nails were almost digging into the flesh, only to hear King Zhou say: "You also stay in the palace and take an official position. I will have a good chat with you when I have time alone, and then I will receive..."

Seeing that it was done, Daji was anxious and angry, and finally thought of a way, she let out a moan, rolled her eyes, and passed out. King Zhou Fang turned his head in astonishment, holding Daji in one arm, not knowing what happened. At present, the imperial doctor was announced and the palace people were called, and there was a mess in front of the palace. He didn't care to talk to Haoran any more.