Daji and I Are Fighting Over A Man

Chapter 48: Wan Yao enters the world



"Eat." Haoran was amused, and looked at Yin Munde carefully.

I saw the Son of Heaven sitting cross-legged beside the desk, unfolding a map. He bowed his head and thought about something. Haoran wanted to ask several times, but he couldn't ask because he was concerned about his identity.

King Zhou buried his head in circles on the map, but he didn't hide anything from Haoran. He just said: "Jiang Ziya's formations are strange and multi-dimensional, and can only be outsmarted, not invincible. If you are asked to fight, what should you do?"

Hao Ran replied: "Admit defeat and surrender."

King Zhou reprimanded: "Speak seriously, don't have fun alone."

Hao Ran said seriously: "I'm not Tai Gong Wang's opponent, I can only surrender."

At first, King Zhou only thought that he was joking, but he didn't realize that was what Haoran was thinking.

After this period of time, Haoran thought about it carefully, and felt that Taigongwang's strategy was very careful, starting from when Zhao Gongming left, including later sending himself to Jin'ao Island to hold back the leader, divide his troops to defeat the Lord of Ten Heavens, and light the lamp , Jade Cauldron, Samantabhadra consumed the heavenly combat power like a moth to a flame, causing a catastrophe. After everything was settled, Yuanshi Tianzun reappeared, deeply in line with the true meaning of "Using one's four horses, and one's four horses".

However, the many plots on the surface are so intricate that it is difficult for me to figure it out, and I vaguely feel that this is just the tip of the iceberg, and there may be more hidden layouts. The truth and the truth are confusing, but what is the reason for hearing what Zhao Gongming said about "killing the three corpses"? What is the reason why Daji and Ximei turned against each other to help Zhou

When confronting Jiang Ziya, the ancestor of the military division, he said "you can only outsmart, but not be invincible". This sentence will cause inhumane onlookers in later generations... Haoran laughed.

King Zhou was confused and didn't know what he was laughing at, and said again: "According to what you said, there is no need to fight. The commanders of the two armies come out and fight with each other, and the loser will surrender."

Hao Ran mocked: "So Your Majesty is eloquent and eloquent. Naturally, when you go out to fight, you will be invincible."

"Stop talking nonsense." King Zhou was in a good mood, and said with a smile, "Let's listen to Gu explain to you." Swiping his finger across the map, he said, "Lishan is narrow, with winding rivers and unfavorable terrain, so I can't give it a go. "

"Xiqi's army went out with 100,000 soldiers, many soldiers and brave generals. According to my own guess, at least 30% of the losses in the battle between the two religions were lost, counting as 70,000 people. Scheduling does not happen overnight. I have already set up an ambush on Lishan Mountain, and when the advance troops enter Lishan Mountain, I will cast falling rocks and roll logs to cut off the middle."

Haoran couldn't help but said: "Even if half of them come here, there are still 30,000 people."

King Zhou replied: "Yes, the lonely king's army is only 10,000 people. Jiang Shang has more troops in his hands, and the marching formation is more than enough. He will not wait for the mountain to break through. He must lead the army to attack first. Gu gathers all the combat power in one fell swoop and retreats from the mountain. go."

"How about luring the enemy in the middle of the plain and annihilating them in one fell swoop?"

"Ten thousand people against thirty thousand people, the enemy's military commander is Tai Gong Wang, you want to wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop?" Hao Ran seemed to be listening to the Arabian Nights.

King Zhou's eyes were full of unconcealable smiles, and he mocked, "Don't believe me?" Then he stretched out his arms to embrace Haoran, kissed his lips, parted his lips for a while, and said, "Do you know where Prince Yin Jiao has gone?"

His fingers zigzagging towards a river on the map, with a warm breath, he kept twitching in Haoran's ear, and said: "He went to the Yellow River to release water." While speaking, he pointed to another place: "Once the dam was destroyed, the river flowed down , this place is a lowland, ten thousand hectares of sky flooded back, Jiang Shang has no power to reverse the defeat."

Haoran looked along where King Zhou pointed, and saw the shocking two characters marked in the center of the plain on the map.


It was night, the lights in the Yin and Shang barracks were turned off, and in the deep darkness, countless horses carrying soldiers came out of the mountain in an orderly manner from the east.

King Zhou helped Haoran onto the horse's back, stroked the forehead of the four-eyed Qingcong, and said, "The man on your back is a lonely life, and he must be well protected."

The horse was psychic, neighed lowly, turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait!" Haoran's hands were tied up again by cowhide ropes, struggling on the horse's back, "You...how did you act so hastily! If Xiqi doesn't come to rob the camp tonight..."

King Zhou laughed and said, "If you don't come tonight, you will come tomorrow night. It's the same."

"As the emperor, you just leave a few hundred people here to lure the enemy, you..."

"The life of the emperor is expensive? The life of the soldiers is cheap?" King Zhou mocked, "Why didn't you see you hiding behind when we attacked Lintong Pass?"

Haoran cursed secretly, Hunjun still had the fun of bickering until now, but before he finished speaking, King Zhou shouted: "Go!" Immediately he raised his palm and slapped Qingcong's buttocks, the horse neighed loudly and galloped. Like Feidian, it disappeared into the night in an instant, and rushed towards the large army that had withdrawn from Lishan.

Waiting until Haoran disappeared into the vast night, King Zhou looked at the dense army formation outside Lishan, and murmured: "I know you can't leave Gu for a moment, and Gu can't leave you either."

He jumped down the mountain in the darkness, cloaked like an owl's black wings, jumped several times among the chaotic rocks, and headed for the gate of the camp.

The first rocket flew from outside the mountain, carrying a sharp piercing whistle, and nailed to the gate of the camp. Immediately, rockets filled the night sky red.

The Xiqi army approached Lishan and started the planned night attack.

The sound of fighting filled the night, the flames burned all the way into the Yin army, Huang Tianhua led a thousand people into the mountain like hell ghosts.

Burn the mountain! Hijack the camp!

However, the camp was on fire, and the Yin Shang shouted and killed, but there was no blood flowing everywhere.

"Hao Ran!" Huang Tianhua shouted loudly, leading his soldiers into the Yin Shang camp, a group of soldiers and horses could be seen faintly in the fire, retreating continuously. Lifting his breath, he clamped the horse's belly, and when he was about to charge forward, he suddenly felt a huge force from his shoulders, causing severe pain like a broken spine.

Wearing red copper armor, King Zhou jumped down from a high place and kicked Huang Tianhua hard on the shoulder, causing him to fly off his horse and fall to the ground hard!

"Hao..." Huang Tianhua's arm bone was kicked off, and his head was covered in blood. He looked up, but saw Yin Mhoude standing majestically in front of him.

"Gu promises your mother to stay for the Huang family." King Zhou said slowly, and stepped forward to check Huang Tianhua's injuries, but Tianhua kept backing away, panting, "You put Haoran...you put..."

King Zhou said angrily: "Shut up!" He bent down to connect Huang Tianhua's broken bones.

Huang Tianhua was stubborn, he let the sharp pain come from his bones, his eyes turned black, he just didn't grunt. Cursed: "Foolish Lord! You are dying, but..."

The sound of killing from a distance approached, King Zhou looked up, as if he wanted to say something, and said after a long time, "That's all. Don't learn from your father." Then he took off the long bow behind his back and stared at the night sky.

In the sky reddened by fire, a black rope crosses the two peaks of the mountain, looming. King Zhou wrapped his arms around his back, shot an arrow with his backhand, closed his eyes slowly, and loosened his five fingers.

The sharp feathered arrow flew away like lightning in the dark night, whizzing away with white light, crossed nearly a thousand feet, and cut the slanting cable to the peak.

Yin Munde turned around and snatched Huang Tianhua's horse, his cloak rolled like a black cloud, and he left in the dust.

Landslides, falling rocks and rolling trees poured down, ruthlessly overturning Xiqi's army. After a burst of roar, the entrance of Li Valley was sealed by huge rocks, and the army entering the mountain was divided into two.

It was already dawn, but the sun did not rise, and the bluish-white light wandered at the end of the sky, like a dagger that would stab down at any time.

The wilderness is vast, and the plains are full of grass balls driven by the wind.

Thousands of people from Yin and Shang have lined up on both sides, like a siege net, waiting for the Xiqi army who is about to come to their door. At the junction of the two wings of the army formation, there is a black spirit beast floating, and its master is riding on the spirit beast.

His pointed hat is facing the sun, which is hazy and can't be seen clearly.

"Tell me, will Jiang Ziya come after me?"

Without waiting for Haoran to answer, Shen Gongbao said to himself again: "He will definitely come after him."

Hao Ran frowned, not knowing what trick the dwarf had, and said: "Xi Qi will win in the end, you already knew it." As soon as the words came out, he suddenly thought of the revelation of the secret, and his heart froze, but he didn't see the thunder cloud piercing the top, only heard Shen Gongbao Then he said slowly: "That's natural, God has already arranged it, why didn't Jiang Ziya come?"

Shen Gongbao said again: "Junior brother, I have to trouble you."

Haoran was about to ask, but he saw a horse galloping from afar, the ground shook, his hands were unbound at this moment, he hurriedly shook the rein of the horse, and rushed forward.

"Don't come here!" Yin Mhoude shouted from a distance, reined in his horse, turned and stared into the distance.

Sure enough, the Xiqi army came, and everything was perfect as expected. The army lined up, and Yang Jian, Ji Fa, and Jiang Ziya rode out on horseback. Yin Munde's hundreds of personal guards retreated while fighting in the lure of the enemy, and half of them went. The emperor led more than a hundred people and stopped Xiqi's 30,000 army. A hundred steps away from him is Haoran, and behind Haoran are ten thousand black horsemen from wealthy merchants.

The two armies faced each other, and the king's flag fluttered in the wind. King Zhou shouted from a distance: "The Ji family is in chaos, ministers and thieves, and they are raising troops to cause chaos. The heart of treason is unacceptable! Ji Fa! Where did you put your father, Jichang Jiuquan?! Where do you put the festival between the monarch and his ministers, and father and son? Gu Nian You were young, and you were bewitched by the Kunlun Mountain fairy way, if you surrender now, you will be spared the death penalty, don't be so stubborn, you will send your Xiqi officer's life in vain!"

Ji Fa was silent for a while, unfolded a brocade, and read aloud: "Shang Tang should be destroyed, and the Zhou family should be prosperous! The twenty-ninth emperor of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, Xin Jiao, was extravagant and licentious, contrary to the destiny, not the body of a real dragon..."

"Have you heard clearly?" Shen Gongbao has unknowingly come behind Haoran. Speaking at this moment, Haoran was taken aback.

"First: drink too much! Second: don't use old relatives! Third: reuse villains..." Ji Fa's voice spread far in the wind.

Haoran mocked: "Reuse villains."

Shen Gongbao only replied lightly: "It's you and me. How, how does it feel to witness history?"

Haoran had mixed feelings in his heart, Makino's oath, King Wu of Zhou listed the six major crimes against King Zhou, and the history happened so truly before his eyes, scene after scene, so real that he felt a sense of strangeness.

"Fourth: Listen to the woman's words! Fifth: Believe in destiny! Sixth: Don't sacrifice, you will humiliate your ancestors! Shang Tang's energy is exhausted, and your crimes are heinous! This king wants to do justice for the sky, and you are a fool!" Ji When he pointed his halberd and yelled angrily, Yin Mhoude laughed loudly and retorted:

"Little Huangkou, the destiny is all in your body. Since you believe in your destiny, why don't you just arrest him? If you don't let him go, why do you let the fate say it?"

Shen Gongbao also mocked: "My brother Ziya is good at everything, only logic, which has never been nonsense."

Ji Fa was stunned, only to hear King Zhou yell like thunder on the ground: "I will not repent if I die! If you want to fight, fight! I am afraid that you will not be able to do it!"

The loud roar kicked off the prelude to the decisive battle. Thousands of troops rushed towards the emperor in the arena. The Xiqi army launched a long-practiced formation. Shen Gongbao and Jiang Ziya seemed to have made an appointment together. Hold high your own magic weapons.

Hitting the magic whip, the thunder whip pointed to the dark sky, and the sky opened its eyes.

A bolt of thunder flew into the sky, making a loud noise that shook the whole of China. Something seemed to happen hundreds of miles away.

Yin Munde's war horse galloped a few steps, and being frightened by the thousands of troops behind him, he bent his forefoot and fell limp to the ground. Haoran was startled, hurriedly urged four-eyed Qingcong to rush onto the field.

As soon as the battle started, the sky and the earth were full of smoke and dust, and the only thing that guided the direction was the paleness of dawn in the sky.

King Zhou swung his Heaven-breaking Saber and knocked down the Xiqi army who was hiding beside him. A war horse rushed out from the smoke and dust, and immediately stretched out his hands. The two held hands. Our own army fled.

Yang Jian opened his third eye on the forehead and shot towards the dusty battlefield, wondering: "Why didn't the Yin Shang army go to battle?"

"Come on!" Ji Fa raised the golden sword that Hao Ran had passed on to him, and shouted with all his might.

Thousands of horses are galloping, the vanguard finally connects to Yin Shang's defense line, and more people join the battlefield. There is a loud noise like running thunder in the distance, and the rumbling sound is getting closer and closer. In the end, it shakes the whole world. earth.

"What's going on." Yang Jian finally realized what was wrong, and shouted excitedly: "Retreat! Mingjin! Where is the military advisor!" When he turned his head hastily, Jiang Ziya was nowhere to be found.

The ground trembled, and the four-eyed Qingcong let out a long hiss, and the horse's hooves leaped over the first river wave.

The sky collapsed, the Yellow River surged furiously, and as far as the eye could see, it was filled with muddy water, roaring and rushing across the entire plain. Tens of thousands of Xiqi Army were swept away by the flood, and they were turned on their backs in an instant.

"Where is the national teacher!" Yin Shoude finally breathed a sigh of relief, and shouted: "The whole army retreats!"

Hao Ran said: "What is Shen Gongbao doing?"

The pasture field turned into a vast ocean in an instant, and the turbulent flood rolled countless rolling logs to the east. King Zhou and Haoran stopped their horses on the high ground and looked at the thunder and lightning in the sky.

"Gu has ordered that the use of fairy magic is not allowed, what is the national teacher doing?"

Shen Gongbao's thunder whip spat out countless lightning lights, intertwined into a giant net; in the distance opposite to this, was the purple light rushing to the zenith in the rear formation of the Yin and Shang dynasties. Thunder and lightning entangled the ice crystals and rolled them into a flood dragon across the sky. At the same time, the earth made a deafening crack, and the center of the battlefield sank.

The ground cracked thousands of cliffs, and the vast ocean that filled the plain suddenly turned its head and rushed towards the crack. The plain was like the mouth of a giant beast, sucking in the swept water, stones and people on the field.

Everything happened in this dizzying moment, Shen Gongbao and Jiang Ziya smashed down the magic weapon at the same time, and threw the horizontal thunder into the bottomless crack!

The wailing of hell came from the rift valley, and then spewed out a ghostly mist, covering the entire battlefield. Countless streams of demonic energy burst into the sky in an instant, turned their heads together, and ran towards the ground. The falling demon light turned into countless ghosts, occupying the entire battlefield.

"Wan Yao... Wan Yao entered the world..." Hao Ran took a breath and said in a trembling voice.

This is the last message that Zhao Gongming and Daji revealed in the garden that night! This is what Nuwa has already prepared!

The one-eyed mandrill, the roe deer with the body of a sheep and the head of a man, the snake with the body of a jackal with a human face and the body of a bird-winged snake, and the si with a green head and one horn.

It is densely packed, and there are monsters everywhere.

After the Yanhuang War, the Yaozu came to the world again.