Daji and I Are Fighting Over A Man

Chapter 49: Laojun slays the dragon


As soon as the Yaozu left the crack in the ground connecting the two worlds, they turned their heads and mercilessly devoured the mortals on the field. The Xiqi army was the first to bear the brunt of the attack. In an instant, flesh and blood flew across the field, screams continued, and the ground was covered with mud after the flood had faded. The ground was extremely slippery, and it was impossible to escape. Three-headed and six-armed monsters with different shapes flitted back and forth in the air, and when they found their target, they charged fiercely to the ground.

Haoran's hands and feet were cold, and he looked at this scene in disbelief. What he saw before his eyes were monsters from ancient times described in the Shan Hai Jing.

The roar awakened the mortals in their dreams, and another monster crawled out of the crack and stood in the first ray of sunlight at dawn.

The headless giant opened its mouth wide open, and opened two angry eyes on its chest, looking like torches towards the earth.

"Xing Tian..." Hao Ran said, "That's Xing Tian!"

King Zhou finally woke up, turned his head suddenly, and said to Haoran behind him, "Get off the horse!"

Haoran's hand was still trembling, and King Zhou shouted again: "You lead a team to save people! Go alone and punish Xingtian!"

The sun rises as always, but today it shines on the land where thousands of demons are ravaging. Until now, all the mortals who participated in the battle still think that this is just a ridiculous dream, which has only been recorded in mythology and has never been seen with their own eyes. All kinds of unnamed monsters rushed towards them, and the next moment, their heads were in different places. .

Yang Jian danced the three-pointed halberd, nailed the unknown strange snake seven inches, and said in a vertical voice: "Quick back!"

A cold light spun and shot at Yang Jian on the field, and the sound of the bell shattered Xing Tian's flying axe.

"Retreat to the east!" Hao Ran yelled, protecting Yang Jian: "Retreat to the east of the ravine! Where's Ji Fa?!"

Yang Jian shouted at him: "Front! No! Behind you!"

The roar startled them all at the same time.

"What else?!" Hao Ran looked at the black dragon rising from the crack in disbelief.

Yang Jian tremblingly said: "Zhulong, it's over..."

Candle Dragon: God, with a human face and a snake body, but red, with straight eyes and straight eyes, his eyes are dark, his vision is bright, he does not eat or sleep, and he is greeted by wind and rain.

With the opening of Zhulong's mouth, there was thunder, and when he opened his eyes, the sun and the moon were shining together, and he said slowly: "Where is the Xuanyuan family?"

The mortals on the field had already given up hope of life, their legs were weak in front of this primordial demon god crossing the sky, kneeling on the ground and praying to the sky.

"The humiliation of Ji Xuanyuan in the past, 14,000 years later, the orphan will finally come to the world again..."

When Zhulong opened his mouth, there was a violent storm, the sky was pitch black, and there was thunder rolling in the clouds.

The Sanqing has gone, the Kunlun Mountains and Jinao Island have collapsed, and no one can control these thousands of demon spirits anymore.

"It's over."

"Not yet!" Hao Ran grabbed Yang Jian by the collar and shouted, "Lead the army to flee! There are Laojun and Lu Ya! They will come!"

Candle Dragon let out a long roar, meandering in the sky, turned its head towards the golden light galloping towards the ground, it felt a breath, that breath seemed familiar, as if in that long time ago, from the golden armor holding the Excalibur The giant smelled it.

"Ji Xuanyuan?" Zhulong said slowly. Turning his head, he gathered his energy and sprayed it towards the ground.

King Zhou led thousands of black cavalry to Xing Tian, which stood on the edge of the crack. Charged back and forth along the road, shouting loudly: "Retreat!" Immediately, he led the Yin Shang iron cavalry to block the countless monsters attacking.

Xiqi officers and men fled towards the east side of Muye with their heads in their arms as if they were granted amnesty. The monsters attacking from the air collided with the five-color divine light that spread out suddenly, and that divine light separated the camps of humans and demons.

Only King Yu Zhou roamed the field, and every time he saw a monster, he swung the Heaven-Pottering Knife fiercely to split it in two. Xing Tian stomped fiercely, but couldn't hit the golden light running around several times. Finally struggling for a moment to catch his breath, King Zhou turned his head to look, and saw the five-color divine light blocking the scurrying monsters, and there was a small black dot floating in front of the divine light barrier.

The little black dot seemed to be a sleeping man, he just floated quietly in the air, his robe sleeves and trousers were stretched long, fluttering in the wind. Tens of thousands of monsters hid back, Zhulong and Xingtian felt this powerful threat at the same time, they ignored the mortals everywhere, and turned to the man in the five-color divine light together.

Xing Tian roared: "It's you?!"

After a long time, Taishang Laojun stretched out his hand and blocked it in front of him, as if he was afraid of the glare of the dawn.

"Well, it's been a long time." He replied. Facing the world, he slowly opened his eyes.


The old man's eyes were blurred, as if he couldn't see the things in front of him clearly, and he only murmured: "Big dreams are floating, flowers in the mirror and moon in the water..."

Wherever he looked, the monster there was choking. Then he didn't dare to look at him, closed his eyes, and fell to the ground. Xing Tian yelled angrily, raised his huge axe, and slashed at Taishang Laojun, but he glanced at him, and stopped in mid-air.

"Life is like morning dew, fantasy is like autumn clouds..." Laojun looked at Zhulong who was rushing towards him with his huge mouth open, his eyes met those of Zhulong Sun and Moon, Zhulong roared in pain, and writhed endlessly in the sky.


Yin Munde swung the Heaven-breaking Saber, and the four-eyed Qingcong flew past like flying shadows, and slashed fiercely on Xing Tian's instep! Cut off half of the giant's foot!

Xing Tian woke up from his sleep for a moment and howled in pain.

However, a clear voice came from nowhere, and the fourth Shangxian finally made a move.

"Please turn around, baby." As soon as Lu Yadaojun's words fell, the Zhanxian flying knife broke through the haze, and the blazing sun sprinkled down through the cracks in the clouds. The flying knife was as fast as a thunderbolt, and it nailed Xing Tian's chest hard! Xing Tian's long whistle stopped, and he fell into the deep moat.

"Retreat!" King Zhou finally issued an order, and led the black knight back to the mortal camp.

The Taishang Laojun only stared at the painfully writhing candle dragon high in the sky, and the sound was subtle but clear to everyone's eardrums.

"There are so many worries, it's better to fall into a dream..." There was a red streak in his eyes, he watched the candle dragon fall back into the crack of the earth again, and then raised his eyes to look at the fleeing monsters in the sky: "Who is the master of the vast land..."

A colorful ribbon flew from far away in the sky, instantly wrapping around Taishang Daode Tianzun's neck, his pupils shrank suddenly, his whole body trembled slightly, his hands stretched out to his neck, and grabbed the ribbon.

As soon as the Qingshi yuan bag was wrapped around the old gentleman's neck, he tightened it tightly, strangling his words in his throat. Tens of thousands of people on the ground looked towards the sky with fear in their eyes.

That silk silk came from Wa Palace in the Nine Heavens.

Taishang Laojun's chest rose and fell, his fingers holding onto Qingshiyuan pouch trembled slightly, and he took a deep breath, but the air couldn't reach his lungs no matter what.

"My Lord's destiny." Nuwa's voice was tactful, continuing Laojun's last sentence.

Taishang Daode Tianzun's pupils dilated, let go of his hands, and fell headfirst to the ground.

The Qingshi yuan sac rolled back like lightning, and sank into the depths of the clouds.

Taishang Daode Tianzun died, Lu Yadaojun fled in a hurry, all three Qings died, and the mainland of China fell. Princess Longji withstood the last wave of demon clan's offensive with the misty net, protecting countless Yin merchants, and Xiqi warriors withdrew from the battlefield. The sky is full of haze, the ground is full of demons, and the ghostly mist is like a torrent, with no end in sight.

The remaining mortals looked at each other, seeing the only thought in each other's eyes, fear.

Where does that light come from in this hopeless dark night

The golden battle armor rushed left and right in the black crowd of demons, the emperor's personal soldiers were completely destroyed, and he was the only one left.

King Zhou yelled, swung the Potian Dao and chopped Jumang in half, and the sharp claws of the fierce bird grabbed his helmet and fell into the crowd of monsters, and then he was torn to pieces by the swarming sprites.

Yin Shoude's head was covered with blood, and his body was covered with claw wounds and biting wounds. A piece of flesh was torn apart by the fishwife on his leg, dripping with blood, and his right arm, which had been infected by the poison, was already black and numb. He handed the Potian Dao to his left hand, leaning his back against a big rock, looking at the retreating army, tried to break away several times, but was surrounded by layers of monsters that couldn't be cut and killed.

"You can't die alone!" Yin Munde swept away the anger that burst out from nowhere. "roll!"

"Demons and ghosts! An Neng invaded my land of China!" Yin Munde rushed into the group of demons with all his strength, even with a knife.

I don't know how long the battle has been, and I can't tell the time. Yin Munde's eyes were covered with blood, and his hand was exhausted. His right arm was hanging by his side, and a circle of corpses was piled up ten steps around his body. The ground was full of blood. The blood of the demon was stirred into mud and spread on the soles of the feet. More monsters surrounded him, staring at this mortal who seemed to be fighting forever.

With his last gasp of blood, he said, "I can't die alone." Then his eyes turned black and he fell to the ground.

In a few moments, a few strange birds flapped their wings and landed, picked up the unyielding warrior, circled in the air, and headed for Wa Palace in the Nine Heavens.

It was the darkest hour before the dawn.

The defeated army fled aimlessly, scattered into the wilderness, surrounded by poisonous lakes, no one dared to resist, the chaotic army rushed to Chaoge, the only thought was to escape, the farther the better.

Haoran rode on the back of the four-eyed green horse, and repeatedly pushed it, but the horse's four hooves seemed to be nailed to the ground.

"Stupid horse! Take me to rescue your master!" Hao Ran said anxiously.

Tears were faintly overflowing from the four-eyed Qingcong's eyes, and he remained motionless.

Haoran took a deep breath, jumped off his horse, and said helplessly: "That's all." Then he ran towards the crack where the monsters were raging in the distance.

Faintly seeing a figure in the smoke and dust, Hao Ran shouted: "Shen Gongbao!"

Shen Gongbao raised his head slightly, and said with a smile: "The battle is not over yet, the sky is full of monsters, Haoran, where are you going now?"

Hao Ran frowned and said, "What's your plan?"

The deserters abandoned their armor, and the chaotic army rushed past them like a tide, but gave up an open space with a radius of about ten paces.

Looking back, Haoran found that Jiang Ziya appeared behind him at some point. Jiang Ziya, Shen Gongbao, the two major military divisions in the Battle of Conferred Gods faced each other far away, and Haoran stood in the middle of the open space.

Shen Gongbao lazily said: "The Sanqing is gone, and the rest will fall on us."

Hao Ran doubted: "Have you made arrangements?"

Jiang Ziya replied: "Junior brother, prepare to become a god."

Haoran lost his voice and said: "Wait, what do you mean? You want to be a god at this time?"

Shen Gongbao laughed and said, "What do you think is the conferring of the gods? You don't know what Nuwa did, and Sanqing is completely unaware of it? Ever since the day when the heavenly girl Hanba cast the Xuanyuan sword and killed Chiyou, Master has prepared everything. If you lose in the battle between Yan and Huang, you will surely come back. Haoran, conferring gods is not conferring our gods, but conferring the gods in the sky."

Jiang Ziya continued: "Old Lord, Master, as the Supreme Immortal, the Lord Tongtian can guard the territory of Shenzhou for ten thousand years; You must let mortals fend for themselves. Even if the monster race enters the country, they must not interfere."

Hao Ran said: "Where did San Qing go?"

Shen Gongbao said slowly: "Sanqing is missing, but his direct disciples are still there. Haoran, take Haotian Pagoda."

The Haotian Tower floated in front of the three of them, with a faint red light, and countless heroic spirits in the tower rushed to each other.

"Sanqing's disciples gather together, and the ban on the Conferred God Platform can be lifted." Jiang Ziya said: "Now we can only look forward to this last treasure."

Shen Gongbao and Jiang Ziya each stretched out their palms to resist the red light outside the Haotian Tower. Hao Ran was startled, and asked, "Personal disciple? What about Wen Zhong? Wen Zhong is dead, how can the Conferred God Stage be lifted?"

Shen Gongbao narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Hao Ran still doesn't understand? Although Wen Zhong is dead, you are the direct disciple of Master Tongtian. You are right and proper. Come on."

Jiang Ziya said: "Junior Brother Haoran, you are the most important link in this plan to confer gods."

Haoran came to his senses at this point, and stretched his hand into the red light.

Shen Gongbao chanted: "In the name of the Supreme Moral Heavenly Venerable, gather the power of the Sanqing's inheritance, the universe will be unified, all things will be born, the primordial primordial will be prehistoric, and the heroic spirit will be freed! Lift the ban on the Conferred God Platform!"

Bright meteors exploded from the Haotian Tower, and the strong air current swept the three of them flying across the sky. Thousands of heroic souls fled in the sky and returned to human form. Kunlun Jinao, the soul of nearly ten thousand immortals recovered his spirit body, and white light bloomed around his body to meet the raging demons.

The fleeing soldiers shouted in unison, and saw the brilliance of the magic weapon, rushing towards the monster clan that sprang out from the crack in the ground!

There were bursts of thunder in the sky, and the deep voice of Taoist Ran Deng came: "All fellow Taoists, listen to my orders, all law-enforcing treasures, open the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation!"

The Ten Thousand Immortal Formation opened, North Water East Wood, South Fire West Gold, and the seat of Middle Earth was filled with yellow light, trapping the demon clan to death. For a moment, there was only continuous thunder and light, the power of the five spirits rushed across, and the rotating gossip runes descended from the zenith, smashing the tens of thousands of monsters to pieces. The demon wailed unwillingly and fled in all directions. The Ten Thousand Immortal Formation turned into a huge net and swept across the ground, biting the tail of the deserter and chasing and killing it endlessly.

Haoran was so shocked that his blood surged, and he almost fainted. He opened his eyes in a daze, and saw a long halberd piercing the giant snake rushing in front of him, nailing it firmly to the ground.

The soldier put away the halberd, smiled and said, "Hao Ran."

"Wu Chengwang!" Hao Ran exclaimed.

Huang Feihu's whole body glowed with the white light of the soul, and he stretched out his hand to pull Haoran up. The two looked up at the zenith together, and there was a faint glow of seven colors in the clouds.

Huang Feihu said slowly: "That's Wa Palace, Nuwa is going to fight."

Haoran took a breath and said, "Can the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation resist her?"

Huang Feihu said slowly: "No, there's not much we can do, it's up to you to fight next. Don't underestimate the enemy, I'll send you up." After saying that, he crossed the long halberd.

Haoran understood, stepped on the horizontal halberd of King Wucheng, Huang Feihu gritted his teeth and shouted: "Go!" Immediately, he swung the halberd violently, sending him into the sky, and immediately Haoran was covered in silver light, like a shooting star piercing the sky , Flew towards Wa Palace above the nine heavens!

The situation of all monsters on the ground is over, and the battle of fairy spirits is coming to an end.

There was a constant whistling wind in Haoran's ear, he looked up, at the moment when the momentum had faded, the light of the heroic soul appeared in the midair, the spirit body turned around, and said with a smile: "Haoran, Bo Yi Kao has lost to you. "

"Brother Bo Yi Kao!" Hao Ran lost his voice.

Bo Yikao stretched out his hand, shook hands with Haoran, and threw it towards the zenith.

"Haoran..." A hoarse voice sounded the moment he passed through the clouds, "My Ji family owes you a lot..."

"Father!" Hao Ran recognized that the person who turned around was King Wen Jichang. Ji Chang held Haoran in his old hand, and with one arm, he sent him to a higher place.


"Senior Brother Yuding!"

The peerless sword god in the cloud cut the sword horizontally: "Don't give up, the destiny is all in you!"

Haoran slowed down, stepped on the scabbard of the jade tripod, and rushed away again.

Immortal Pu Xian stretched out his arms at the end of the sky, and said with a smile, "Thanks for your hard work."

"Puxian!" Hao Ran and Master Puxian held each other's icy hands, using their strength to fly quickly, breaking through the sky like a meteor.


"Lamp burning!"

"Be careful with the map of mountains, rivers, and land."

Taoist Ran Deng had a strong arm, he grabbed Hao Ran with one hand, and luckily threw him to a higher place.

Haoran flew towards the sea of clouds at high speed, and all the floating clouds dispersed with a buzzing sound, the speed has reached the extreme. The Jiuchongtian is close at hand, Haoran can vaguely see the resplendent and magnificent Wa Palace, the glow of the sun is flying around, and the fairy music is lingering. There seems to be an invisible barrier under Wa Palace, faintly emitting seven colors of light.

However, the person standing on the cloud turned around with a smile on his face.


"Master!" Hao Ran couldn't hold back his tears and shouted.

Master Tongtian firmly grasped Haoran's wrist with one hand. The other hand picked up the sword and directed it, the sharp sword pierced through the air, and cut through the Xiaguang barrier of Wa Palace.

"When you hit a snake, remember to hit seven inches, go!" Tongtian Sect Master laughed and sent Haoran to the Ninth Heaven.