Daji and I Are Fighting Over A Man

Chapter 5: The emperor is coming


It was dawn, just after the fifth watch, and before the sixth watch, the wooden door of Zhuju opened with a "squeak". The tired Jiang Shang stared blankly at the two palace deacons standing at the door, not knowing what happened.

Haoran returned at the second watch last night, and was sleeping in a daze at this time, when he vaguely heard the voice from downstairs, "The king is coming, and Si Mo is waiting for you, and the doctor is going to discuss matters..." Suddenly he was excited, fastened his belt, and found it and threw it on the collapsed floor. With the two boots on his shoulders, Jiang Shang walked side by side through the back garden and ran towards the Meridian Gate.

Hundreds of officials in the side hall had been waiting for a long time, and the courtiers of the two factions with clear distinctions gathered together. Grand Master Wen Zhong's expedition to the North Sea has not returned, the doctor Fei Zhong on the left is headed by You Hun, Bigan is on the right, Huang Feihu is standing in the center, and he glanced away, but he did not see the face of the three dynasties veteran Shang, who knew that he had returned to his hometown a month ago. Then he and Jiang Shang went to Huang Feihu's faction.

Haoran was tall and tall, and he stood out among the old-fashioned officials. When Huang Feihu saw him, he didn't care to greet Jiang Shang, so he hurriedly pulled Haoran over, and asked, "Why are you here?"

Hao Ran was puzzled, and asked back; "What? Isn't it the morning court today?"

King Wu Cheng couldn't help but laugh, and said, "Your Majesty is going to the early court, what are you doing in the side hall, Simo? Hurry up and serve in the imperial study!"

Before the words were finished, a person came rushing to the Meridian Gate and said, "Where is Si Mo Haoran?" Si Mo left his post without permission, but seeing Huang Feihu protecting Haoran, he didn't dare to do anything wrong for a while. When the prime minister intervened, Mei Bo, the admonisher, approached and asked what was the matter.

It would be better if the emperor didn't listen, but when he heard it, he was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and scolded, "The king spent the night in the imperial study room last night, and Simo disappeared without a trace. What's the reason?! Hurry up!"

The emperor didn't care about political affairs for half a month, but stayed up all night alone in the imperial study, and today he came to the court in such a good mood, which is really a strange thing that I have never heard of since Daji entered the palace. Feihu hurriedly pushed Haoran out of the side door of the side hall. Bells and drums had already been knocked on the side hall, and the side hall was opened wide.

Besides, Haoran straightened the black crown and ran to the imperial study of Shouxian Palace. Knowing that Empress Jiang was deliberately embarrassing, she didn't send anyone to teach her before taking office. Last night, she was in a trance and left King Zhou alone in the study. all night. But after Haoran left, why didn't King Zhou pamper Daji? This made him very puzzled.

Just thinking of Daji, the fragrance under the promenade smelt the nostrils, who is the evildoer in front of the red lacquered pillar if not Daji? Haoran had no choice but to stop, and stood ten steps away from the fox demon.

Daji has a slim figure, holding her waist tightly, holding a pouch for the world, and leaning on a pillar, she is full of indescribable charm. It is midsummer, and there are patches of duckweed floating in the lotus pond near the Shouxian Palace, and the dew is colorful in the morning The brilliance flowed, reflecting Su Daji's pink face, which was soft and charming. He didn't want to leave or stop. He thought about countless schemes, and said in a deep voice: "Fox demon."

Daji's delicate body shook slightly, her eyes were like water, she turned her head to look at him, and sighed leisurely. Haoran felt impatient, and said, "Take the Qingshi yuan pouch, I have something to talk to you about."

Finally met, Haoran didn't care that Tianzi Yin was still in the study, all the officials waited in the nine halls, and simply leaned against the pillars of the corridor, and waved to Su Daji. The latter leaned forward, with one hand on Haoran's chest and the other around Haoran's neck, and said softly, "Is the Taoist priest from Kunlun Mountain?"

In front of the beauty, Haoran remained unmoved, and only pressed one palm against Su Daji's red lips. The two of them breathed very close, and said in a low voice: "Fox demon, you are ordered by Nuwa to come here to charm Zhou. Wang, ruining Tangjiangshan, this is the destiny, I should not interfere. But I want to find something, named Xuanyuan Sword, which has a lot to do with you."

Daji's whole body was as soft as boneless, her winking eyes were like silk, and she said with a smile, "Master..."

"Shut up, I don't like this." Hao Ran said impatiently, "Your sister Wang Guiren's prototype is still there. Given time, it will not be difficult to cultivate a human being again. I have no inextricable hatred with you."

Daji suddenly exclaimed, turned around, and looked towards the end of the corridor together with Haoran, there was a faint figure flashing there, as if realizing that her whereabouts were exposed, she hurried into the Shouxian Palace.

Haoran secretly thought it was bad, and recognized that it was Concubine Huang with a maid. This matter must have been arranged by Daji, no matter how careful you are, it will make sense. I couldn't help feeling angry, and was about to slap that fox demon hard to vent my anger, but Daji took another step back gracefully. With a flick of the Qingshi yuan pouch, his appearance changed.

Haoran was taken aback, he didn't know the person Daji transformed into. He didn't expect the fox demon to have the ability to change his appearance at will. He saw Daji's tall figure, which was on the same level as Haoran, and transformed into a young man. , eyes like ancient wells, eyebrows like pocket knives, fair complexion, handsome face, exuding an aura of dominance all over his body.

Is Daji transformed, or is the Daji in front of her a fake? Haoran restrained his mind and kept looking at the man's attire.

The man is half-length, half of the Taoist robe is taken off, hanging at the waist, revealing his white chest, and the sleeves of the robe are floating in the air without wind. The gold rings on the ankles jingle, both arms are tattooed with strange runes, and the eyes are like a thousand miles away from the dead sea, and everything in the world is not in their eyes.

Compared with King Yingwei's appearance, it is just like clouds and mud. Haoran also said in his heart countless times, don't panic, don't panic, the man has already moved closer, and with his right hand he pressed Haoran domineeringly on the courtyard pillar. Covering the side of Haoran's face with his left hand, the bridge of his nose rubbed the corners of his lips repeatedly, the teasing intention was clearly evident.

Haoran's heart was beating violently, several times he was about to push away the unknown man, when he caught a glimpse of the man's lips smiling, his nose intertwined, but unconsciously startled. When he was in a state of distraction, someone suddenly coughed dryly in midair, Haoran hurriedly struggled, and suddenly saw the eight trigrams pattern embroidered on the man's Taoist robe.

Tao Te Ching says: Liangyi produces four images, and four images produce gossip. Nothing begets being, being begets two, two begets three, three begets all things. Haoran's mind became clear in an instant, and he remembered the rumors that he had turned into the Sanqing in one breath, turned his head away, and said coldly: "You blaspheme the Sanqing, but it is a death penalty."

Daji's intention of probing was revealed with a single word, and the transformed person was one of the Sanqing. She immediately took the pouch of Qingshiyuan, restored her female body, and said indifferently: "Since you are a fellow Taoist of Jin'ao, this servant will wait for you in the imperial garden at three o'clock tonight." .” After the words fell, he turned around to the back of the hall and disappeared without a trace.

Are there other men in front of this palace? Haoran remembered the cough in mid-air, turned his head and looked, the sky was clear and there was nothing unusual.

Haoran wanted to test Daji, but he didn't know that he was the one being teased. Immediately, he was furious, and he punched the courtyard pillar bitterly. The man in the gossip robe must be one of the Three Purities, and Daji judges that he is from the Jinaodao family. Could it be that the half-naked Taoist form is the leader of Tongtian? Bells and drums at the Meridian Gate rang, and it was heard from afar. Only then did Haoran remember the matter of going to the imperial study, and hurriedly strode into the Shouxian Palace.

It is said that Concubine Huang entered the imperial study with her front feet, and then her feet arrived. Four maidservants were kneeling at the feet of King Zhou, arranging their robes. The black robes and gold belts were dragged to the ground. When she was about to question her, Concubine Huang turned sideways to pull up King Zhou's belt, and said coldly, "Go to the middle palace and wait for your punishment, and the Queen will rule you."

That sentence naturally meant to listen to Haoran, but King Zhou was extremely impatient, turned half of his body, and said: "I haven't said anything yet, when is it the turn of Concubine Huang to question the crime?"

Upon hearing this, Concubine Huang immediately knelt down and said, "I dare not."

Haoran was extremely embarrassed, and was about to kneel down, when King Zhou said again: "Forget it. This study room is not the place where your concubines should come."

Hao Ran understood, this remark was to drive Concubine Huang away, but the latter was still in a daze, and was about to continue serving King Zhou when she got up, King Zhou said: "I didn't speak clearly enough? Get out!"

Concubine Huang had hatred in her heart, so she could only pretend to be panicked, and retreated with the four maidservants. King Zhou said again: "What are you waiting for, Haoran, you want all the officials to vent their anger on Gu, can't you?"

Haoran had no choice but to step forward quickly, bowed and stretched his arms around King Zhou's tiger's waist, lowered his head to fasten the real dragon robe belt for the emperor, hurriedly kept his hands on his hands, and asked in a low voice, "Did your king sleep well last night?"

King Zhou didn't answer, but said, "Concubine Huang has practiced spears and sticks with King Wucheng since she was a child. You don't have to worry about her lack of tenderness."

"The minister should be punished for leaving his post without authorization. I just hope that the board will be beaten lightly." Haoran replied, he pulled King Zhou's hair up, took the emperor's crown and buttoned it, and straightened the dragon robe along the collar. Turning around, holding the memorial plate, he followed King Zhou out of Shouxian Palace.

The distance from Shouxian Palace to Jiujian Palace is only a few hundred steps. Haoran said on the road: "I know that the king will not bear to sleep by himself. If I am punished by the minister, I will make my own decision. I will skip work and go back to Zhuju."

King Zhou turned his back to Haoran, the corners of his mouth twitched, he suppressed a smile, and said with a straight face: "It's rare that Gu is in good spirits today. Last morning, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty should thank you for your immortal spirit."

In the early morning, the warm sun shines on a king and a minister, and Haoran realizes that King Zhou's smile is turned away from him. Although there is no smile in his words, he knows it clearly. He can't help but be very surprised. Have you reached this level

King Zhou slowed down and asked, "What?" He still didn't look back.

Haoran was even more surprised, and said what was in his heart. King Zhou smiled and said, "I have said that some people are born with minds and minds connected by invisible threads. Although they are thousands of miles away from each other, they have never met. When we meet one day, we feel very familiar, as if created in a previous life..."

King Zhou suddenly felt a slip of the tongue, and broke the words: "The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, no, the world is full of soup, and you are the only one." He sighed and said: "In the dark, the fate is fixed, but we are stupid mortals. Know… "

Haoran didn't expect to elicit these words from King Zhou at all, and was about to say something when he arrived at the back door of Jiujian Hall. The deacon sang, raised his wooden hammer, and struck the copper pan with one blow.

Open the bead curtain, open the yellow gauze, long live Baiguan Mountain.

King Zhou took his seat, and Haoran piled up the memorial on the golden case carelessly. Huang Feihu hurriedly winked at the head of the officials, signaling that Haoran must hold it in one hand and not put it down, but Haoran just didn't see it. King Zhou felt funny when he saw it, and ignored it. Coughed, and said: "If you have a book, you can go back to the court without a book."

"The minister has his own play!" In the team of hundreds of officials, the admonisher Mei Bo came out.

Haoran finally piled up the bamboo slips, but one scroll slipped off at the end, so he had to pretend nothing happened, and stood upright facing all the officials. Fang saw Huang Feihu gesticulating repeatedly, with his right hand spread flat and his left clenched into a fist, constantly trying to grind the ink, so he came to his senses, took the ink stick from the inkstone, and carefully ground it on the corner of the table.

Mei Bo kowtowed first, knelt down on the ground, held the wat board and said: "The minister heard: 'When the country is going to prosper, there must be auspiciousness; Night entertainment...”

When Haoran heard this, he almost threw the stick of ink into the hands of King Zhou, thinking to himself that Mei Bo was courting death. It's hard for the emperor to go to the early morning court, and you just point and talk, it's okay if you don't come, but you will be scolded when you come, talk about the Beihai newspaper as soon as possible, the canal project is serious. If things go on like this, even if there is no Daji pouring money by her side, maybe this straight son will be yelled at by King Zhou.

However, what is the use of the post of admonisher? Haoran didn’t know it, but the admonisher has been passed down from generation to generation since the reign of King Tang, and his role is similar to that of the later "Censor Doctor". , can be described as the first person to anger the emperor and sing black faces.

King Zhou expected that the first thing he would do when he sat in the Nine Halls would be to be scolded by Mei Bo, so he was prepared in his heart, closed his eyes, and didn't say a word. Only the admonisher continued: "I heard that the grand master did not return from the northern expedition, and the emperor abandoned the government..."

When Mei Bo read: "The atmosphere in the harem is dignified, indulging in beauty, and harming the country and the people", King Zhou finally couldn't hold back his face, and was about to interrupt, but Mei Bo said sharply, "I hope the king will repent! It's not too late!" And it was over.

King Zhou opened his dragon eyes, and said calmly: "Isn't this here? Which Aiqing still has the book?" The words actually made Mei Bo continue to kneel, and Bigan came out again: "The minister has the book." play."

As the emperor's uncle, Bigan did not kneel at court, but bowed his waist and held the wat, standing beside Mei Bo. Only Haoran in the hall felt that King Zhou was very angry, and prayed in his heart that the old man would not come again to upset the emperor against the scales. Fortunately, what Bi Gan played was all about people's livelihood. The memorials approved the night before were all in one hundred and fifty, and we talked about it roughly. He also circled with ink and pen, issued several imperial decrees, and distributed them to the presiding officials. However, Haoran saw that His Highness was full of civil and military officials, his eyes were all on him, and he felt uncomfortable all over, so he had to take the ink stick, and bowed his head for an excuse, so as not to face the officials.

Rolling back and forth, I grinded a large plate full of ink, and it was about to overflow from the edge of the inkstone. I didn't sleep enough last night, and I was getting tired, and my mind was in a trance. Suddenly, I heard the word "Xuanyuan Tomb" in Bigan's voice, and I couldn't help shaking. , The ink stick snapped into two halves, the half was held in the hand, the other half was stimulated by force, and flew out with a little bit of ink, hitting King Zhou's face, leaving a dark circle under the eye, and dragging out a streak of ink.

Now the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty were in an uproar, and a few who couldn't control it burst out laughing on the spot.

capital offense! This is a capital offense! Haoran sighed in his heart, since he entered the palace, he only felt that no matter what he did, he would be guilty of death. He just wanted to simply take the Chuan Guo Yuxi and swallow it whole, and put together a whole corpse. to wipe. Unexpectedly, King Zhou shouted: "Why panic!" He took the silk cloth and wiped it three or two times, and then said, "What's in the Xuanyuan grave?"

Seeing that the emperor was furious, it was beyond the expectations of all the officials. If someone else made this embarrassing thing, they would have to be dragged out of the palace and beaten to death with sticks if they didn't punish the nine clans. All the officials were panicked and terrified, and they all marveled at the fact that Si Mo's ability to cause trouble is so perfect, and the degree of favor is beyond compare.

Bigan immediately took the opportunity to continue: "There are groups of wild foxes in Xuanyuan's tomb, and there are many skeletons. As time goes on, there is fear that some foxes will become spirits. The old minister implores the king to send troops to investigate."

It is said that Xuanyuan Tomb is Daji, the old lair of the noble Wang. Bi Ganxian has long been suspicious of Daji. Since the fox demon entered the palace, wild foxes have often appeared in Chaoge. Every night when the moon is full, there must be fox spirits walking along the palace wall. leave. Huang Feihu found out about this and informed Bigan, who then sent people to follow the wild fox's footprints and found out that there were hundreds of foxes living in Xuanyuan's tomb.

King Zhou said: "In this way, according to what the emperor said, King Wucheng took a team of soldiers to go and have a look." With dark circles under his eyes, Huang Feihu led his troops to Xuanyuan Tomb, and wanted to know what happened next, and we will find out next time.