Daji and I Are Fighting Over A Man

Chapter 50: Fierce battles outside the sky


Among the white jade fences, there are a dazzling array of exotic flowers and fairy grasses; colorful flowers bloom all over the Wa Palace. There is a jade brick road in the depths of the auspicious clouds, and beside the road are all unknown fairy beasts, snow-white horses, three-legged birds, and fairies with human bodies and butterfly wings dancing among the flowers. A scent came.

He recognized that fragrance, it was the essence bag that turned all living beings upside down.

Haoran stepped over the jade paste flowing between the cracks in the brick floor, splashing a bit of cold spring, and all the monsters outside Wa Palace looked at him together.

This is the second mortal man who has entered the Nine Heavens since the beginning of the world.

He walked into the hall, the fairy cloud dissipated, and the music of silk and bamboo stopped. Haoran bowed his head and said, "Eastern Emperor Bell came to pay respects to Empress Nuwa."

The woman in the hall said softly: "Zhong'er, raise your head."

Haoran's heart trembled, and he slowly raised his head. No matter how he guessed when he came, he would never guess that Nuwa's appearance is like this! He froze.

I saw this ancient righteous god, the mother of the earth, with a breath-taking beauty, and that face was clearly the face of Su Daji... However, compared with Daji, there was a trace of awe-inspiring and inviolable temperament, which was aloof and looked down on the common people. temperament.

Nuwa has two more eyes on her forehead than Daji, six pure white jade arms on her body, six hands resting freely, coupled with the strange four eyes on her face, Haoran unconsciously twitched a shudder.

His eyes moved to Nuwa's body, her lower body was a huge snake tail, coiled under the golden chair.

"Woo..." There was a struggling sound from the chair. Haoran saw clearly the other two people in Wa Palace.

Daji stood quietly behind Nuwa with her face still, Jifa was thrown at her feet.

Nuwa said indifferently: "Zhong'er, what are you doing here?"

Haoran stared at Daji, but Daji turned his eyes away instead of looking at her, and said to Nuwa, "I'm here to save this unworthy disciple."

Nuwa looked at Haoran with all four eyes, Haoran only felt that he was naked in front of this god, and he was terrified of being naked. Shaoqing calmed down a little, and said in a deep voice: "The Donghuang Bell begged Nuwa Empress to release the Son of Heaven."

Nuwa said: "Which emperor did you let go?" Immediately, she stretched out one of her six arms, and slowly uncovered a piece of red cloth on the table next to the golden chair, revealing a golden sword.

Xuanyuan Sword!

Haoran no longer cared about asking "which emperor on earth", the last piece of the ancient artifact is right in front of him! The golden light was flowing, and there was a crack hidden on the sword body, it was the Xuanyuan Sword I saw in the Battle of Yanhuang!

Haoran was short of breath, and wanted to grab the sword a few times, but he didn't dare to act rashly because of Nuwa's strong cultivation. After looking at Xuanyuan Sword for a long time, Fu raised his head again and said: "Hao Ran came here for the sake of future generations, and begged for mercy from the empress to bestow Xuanyuan Sword."

Nuwa only smiled and said: "This sword belongs to you, so it's okay to be a favor." After she finished speaking, she didn't see her order, and Daji walked down the hall with Xuanyuan sword in her hand.

Her footsteps were soft, her face was serene, and she caressed the Xuanyuan Sword carefully, as if she was afraid of waking up her lover in the previous life. Handing the sword into Haoran's hand, he glanced at it reluctantly when he turned around.

Nu Wa said softly again: "How is the Lord Donghuang?" She didn't mention the war in the world at all.

Haoran embraced the Xuanyuan Sword with both hands, it was the first time he touched this ancient artifact, but there was a tinge of warmth in his heart, he couldn't help himself, he was overjoyed, he pondered for a moment, and replied: "Lord Donghuang... His divine power is gradually declining. Only when the righteousness of the world and the earth are turned around and the common people are saved can..."

He also knew very little about the Eastern Emperor. Nuwa smiled lightly and said, "Zhong'er, you are only eighteen or nineteen years old. It's hard work living alone in the troubled times." Sighing softly, she continued: " Do you have all the five artifacts of the void?"

Hao Ran nodded and said, "It's all done."

Nuwa hummed, and said: "Since you have a heavy responsibility, let's go back. It would be good to save the common people earlier."

Said that Bi Nuwa put her jade finger to her lips, bit it lightly, and drew the yin and yang runes in the void with the blood of the gods. In an instant, the eternal door opened, and the power of good fortune turned, revealing a dark time tunnel.

Why is the tunnel different from the way he came here? The time passage opened by the Yellow Emperor is full of turbulent currents, all kinds of lights are flying around, and there is energy everywhere, like a turbulent vortex.

The passageway opened by Nuwa was extremely calm, and it was pitch black inside, no one knew where it led. Is this really the Taoist door leading to his own era

Haoran didn't expect Nuwa to do this, he froze on the spot, still holding Xuanyuan Sword tightly in his hand, looked at Daji and Jifa who was tied to the ground, not knowing what to do.

"Niang Niang..." For a moment, all kinds of schemes came to mind, but there was no way to say that, Hao Ran only said: "I beg your empress to let my disciple Ji Fa go."

Nuwa smiled slightly, and replied: "Xiqi Ji's family is the descendant of Ji Xuanyuan. I will never take his life because of my old love. At this moment, China is in turmoil and the people are uneasy, but I will keep him here for a while, as long as possible." After the lower realm is properly arranged, it will sign a contract with him between the two clans of monsters and send him back to be the emperor of the world."

Nuwa said again: "Does Zhong'er not believe it?"

Haoran had nothing to say, so he had no choice but to answer: "I dare not." He turned and walked towards the Xuanmen.

Daji saw it in her eyes, she was very anxious, and she was too embarrassed to speak. Haoran turned her head to look at Nuwa, and saw that there was a smile in her eyes, but her heart was beating violently. That choice kept repeating, and finally stopped in front of Xuanmen.

"What?" Nuwa said softly, "Is there anything you can't let go of?"

Haoran plucked up his courage and said: "My lady, there is something unclear about Haoran, please enlighten me."

Without waiting for Nuwa to speak, Haoran asked: "Haoran is the Eastern Emperor's Bell, and it is also an ancient relic; Haoran once thought that if I came to Yin and Shang from Shenzhou four thousand years later, then I would be the Eastern Emperor four thousand years later." Clock. Right?"

Nuwa looked at Haoran quietly, and Haoran said again: "Then there should be an Eastern Emperor's Bell in this era. Logically speaking, since my era, there are also artifacts such as Xuanyuan Sword and Haotian Tower. Why didn't the Eastern Emperor look for it in later generations?" , Biansheng sent me to the Yin Shang Dynasty four thousand years ago?"

Nuwa said indifferently: "The ancient artifacts are scattered all over the place, and they cannot be found in later generations, so they are supposed to be destroyed. Now that you have found these five spiritual artifacts, what are you still thinking about?"

Haoran said: "Then Haoran can't figure it out. If I stay here, wouldn't there be two Donghuang Bells? There is still one Donghuang Bell in this era. Where is he?"

Nuwa laughed and said, "It's time to go back and ask your Kunpeng. If you ask me, tell me how to answer you?"

That question finally approached the central point of Haoran's thinking, only to hear him ask again in a deep voice: "There will be an Eastern Emperor in later generations, so there should also be Empress Nuwa in later generations. When the mainland of China collapsed, where did Empress go?" place?"

Nuwa was stunned for a moment, unable to speak for a while, Hao Ran turned around and faced Nuwa, secretly thinking that he had finally found the root of the problem. He took a step forward and said, "Where did the Sanqing, the Three Emperors, and the Xuanyuan clan go? Haoran asks your empress to enlighten me."

After a long time, Nu Wa saw that she could no longer hide it, Fang replied: "Do you know what the meaning of the saint's 'jumping out of the Three Realms, not in the Six Realms' means?"

Hao Ran said: "Zhong'er doesn't know."

Nuwa sighed quietly, and said: "All saints who prove the Tao in the world are not bound by the void; they can break through the Taoist door with their own power, travel through the wasteland of emptiness, and travel beyond the three realms. I think you understand .”

Nuwa said again: "The ten artifacts are the spirits of the creation of heaven and earth, and they are not bound by the way of heaven; the Donghuang Bell exists now, and it will also exist in future generations. However, when you come back to the mainland of China at this time, you have broken the way of heaven. The Donghuang Bell of this era, because of your arrival, becomes one with you and turns into "nothing". When it returns to you, it becomes "you" again. The meaning of it is beyond your comprehension. Don't ask. "

Hao Ran said: "Then what about the Three Qings and the Three Emperors? Why is there only the Eastern Emperor left among the ancient gods?"

Nu Wa said softly: "As you imagined, since they can travel through the void, the saints are unwilling to face the fallen mountains and rivers, so they naturally crossed the void and returned to the ancient times..."

Hearing this, Haoran's hands and feet were cold, and he understood a shocking secret that he couldn't figure out!

"You also came from the later life... from the later life?" Hao Ran asked tremblingly.

Nuwa smiled and said: "Cannibalism of the same kind, the overthrow of the country, and the devastation of China, I have given up my mind, and I don't want to think otherwise, so I went to Taoism with the saints. When I come back here, I will become one with me in this era, and the time will follow." Circulation, the cycle of ten thousand years... but it coincides with the meaning of the transformation of all things."

Nu Wa seemed to be immersed in the ancient memories, and murmured: "He is the same, I only hate that he went back to the earlier end of the prehistoric period... makes me..."

Hao Ran frowned and said, "I've read in the historical records that in the battle of conferring gods, elucidating the teachings wins, cutting off the teachings defeats, and the one who conquers the soldiers confers the gods. There was no such thing as the entry of the demon clan into the world. What's the reason now?"

Still trapped in memories, Nu Wa replied casually: "Since life and life reunite, round after round, it will never be the same as before... Time changes from a certain point, affecting the 'axis' of thousands of years, and then Turn around, change it again, that's all... Ji Xuanyuan..."

"So..." Haoran tried his best to calm down his trembling hand holding Xuanyuan Sword, "so you go back to the past and change history..."

Nuwa smiled sadly and said, "Sages have more or less changed history, not just me."

"Then I can't tolerate you! The human race is the rightful lord of the Divine Land!" Hao Ran shouted angrily, suddenly launched into trouble, and swung Xuanyuan Sword to stab at Nuwa!

"Presumptuous!" Nuwa didn't expect that Haoran would challenge her divine power, so she waved the pouch of the world's most powerful Yuan and rolled towards Haoran!

In an instant, the bell rang, and there was a fierce sound that released the aura of creation, like defeating Xu, tearing the Qingshi yuan pouch into pieces. Destroy Wa Palace in half!

There was a violent roar in the Nine Heavens, Wa's palace collapsed, and jade bricks flew down, Nuwa scolded, countless bricks, tiles, and giant pillars rolled into a powerful airflow, and rushed towards Haoran. There was a bang, and he was pushed straight out of the hall.

Nuwa woke up from this sudden change, propped up her whole body with a huge snake tail, four eyes shot a sharp red light from her forehead, and swept across the clouds. The six pure and white arms spread out together, each holding a weapon, such as knives, swords, axes, halberds, water thorns, and whips, with a sharp air piercing the air, and shot at Haoran who was in midair.

Hao Ran swung the Xuanyuan Sword, the body of the sword buzzed, connected with his mind, the piercing power of the sky was irresistible, his body and the sword merged, turned into a ball of chaotic light, and slammed into Nu Wa fiercely!

Nuwa sneered and said, "You are so proud of yourself that you don't know how to praise yourself. Now I will let you see the power of a saint!" After finishing speaking, the six arms were pressed into the air at the same time, the four eyes on the forehead were opened, and the ancient mantra was chanted, and a colorful light Pounced on the land thousands of miles away, and threw it into the sky, the map of the mountains and rivers was unfolded, and Hao Ran ruthlessly crashed into the map of the mountains and rivers!

It was pitch black all around.

Haoran turned his head hastily, but couldn't find anything to refer to.

"Where is this?" Hao Ran asked.

There is no light and no sound. Haoran tightened his hand subconsciously, Xuanyuan Sword was still there. He raised his sword and slashed into the darkness, but he couldn't find the source of the endless darkness.

This is the map of the mountains and rivers... Haoran understands. How to get out

He took a deep breath and released the loud sound of the Eastern Emperor Bell, but he couldn't hear it. He looked around blankly, the map of the mountains and rivers was broken

I can't tell where is up and where is down, and I don't know how long it has passed, so it floats quietly until a faint light appears in the distance.

Daji screamed, and was lifted up by Nuwa's snake tail wrapped around her neck.

She was still holding on tightly to the edge of the Mountains, Rivers and Sheji map, which was torn a little by her, and a drop of silver liquid could be faintly seen flowing slowly in the corner, dipping into the map.

Nu Wa said angrily: "Baby maid! What are you going to do with Wen Zhong's spirit in the picture!"

Daji said intermittently: "Wake up... Hao..."

Nuwa took a deep breath, and pierced Daji's chest and abdomen with the weapon in her hand. Daji couldn't make a scream, but was pinched in her throat, her abdomen burst, and a purple demon fox inner pill rolled out. Within a thousand years, the alchemy fell to the ground with a clang, and Nuwa threw Daji onto the pillar. Daji returned to the shape of a fox, and blood flowed from her chest and abdomen, soaking her snow-white fur. It struggled and dragged out a trail of blood, its four legs twitched, and it stopped moving.

Haoran was floating in the boundless darkness. I don't know how long it had passed. The white light in the distance became much clearer. There seemed to be a force that attracted him to the light ball. Is it Laojun? Or who will save yourself

The white light slowly flew towards him, like a drop of liquid, gently turning into a layer of veil, enveloping him.

"After waiting for a long time, you are finally here."

"Wen Zhong." Hao Ran shouted, he finally heard the first ray of voice in the darkness, and also heard his own words. "Why are you here?"

"After the battle of Juelongling, Nuwa sucked my soul here." Wen Zhong said slowly.

Haoran only felt that there were thousands of words in his heart that he wanted to say, but he didn't know how to speak, he just said: "Senior brother, do you know that many things happened in the lower realm, the master died, Yin Shoude he..."

Wen Zhong seemed to be in his heart, and there was a tinge of warmth in his words, and he said: "This is not the time to reminisce about the past, let's talk about it after the war. Hold your breath and concentrate, and wait for me to do something to break this map of mountains, rivers and society."

Haoran restrained his mind, only to feel that Wen Zhong had taken over his body, holding the Xuanyuan sword in one hand, and lifted it involuntarily. Draw a circle in front of him and attack the endless darkness.

Nüwa stretched out her six arms, with red light flowing in her palms, tightly bound the map of mountains, rivers and land, and saw that the center of the innate spiritual treasure protruded slightly, like a curtain after being repeatedly hit by gravity. The face shot out, and then the golden light turned into a vast whip, like a raging sea roaring, tearing the map of the mountains and rivers to pieces!

As soon as the surging golden light was absorbed, it turned into a unparalleled sharp blade, and immediately brought out a rain of blood, which pierced Nuwa's chest fiercely!

Haoran bumped headlong into the golden chair of the Wa palace, struggled to get up, but saw a huge blood hole in Nuwa's chest, and turned to look at him.

The wound on her chest healed quickly, the blood flowed back, the pieces of flesh closed together, and then all of them healed.

"You still escaped." Nuwa said coldly, and immediately swung her weapon with her six arms and rushed towards Haoran.