Daji and I Are Fighting Over A Man

Chapter 51: Xuanyuan Sword·Four Seas Surrender


The golden light went from the clouds to the zenith, and fell down from the zenith. Wa Palace has been swept into ruins by the Xuanyuan Sword Qi. Among the ruins, the nine-tailed fox struggled with the last bit of energy, dragging its severed abdomen, leaving a shocking blood path in the rubble, crawling towards the bricks and stones. A place covered up.

It was trembling all over, and its beautiful fur was stained purple-black with blood; it crawled behind the only unnoticed hostage, tried its best to bite Ji Fa's wrist, the fox teeth cut off the leather strap, and limply lowered its head.

Ji Fa untied his hands, hurriedly wrapped Linghu with his coat, and found a place to put her down. Blood was still seeping out of the robe.

At that time, Haoran's body and Wen Zhong's soul merged into one, and both of them had given their best, and Xuanyuan Sword managed to defuse Nuwa's stormy attacks countless times dangerously. Haoran complained incessantly, only to feel that all he saw in front of him was the phantom of weapons.

"Brother! This won't work! She can't be beaten to death at all! Why didn't you do your homework before you came!"

"How do I know!" Wen Zhong scolded in Hao Ran's heart.

The silver light spun head-on, nailed Haoran's arm, and ruthlessly tore off a piece of flesh. When the pain came, Haoran screamed repeatedly.

"Don't panic! Resist with force first! Then wait for the opportunity to fight back!"

Haoran dodged the huge snake tail that swept across, and said, "It's not easy!"

The giant tail slapped, the four eyes shot lightning, and the six-armed weapons flew together. I am afraid that before I saw the opportunity to counterattack, I would have exhausted my strength and passed out.

Haoran was shocked again, and a bell rang, and the shock wave pushed Nuwa away a little.

"It's now!" Wen Zhong shouted. With their hearts and minds united, Haoran raised Xuanyuan Sword, and in an instant, all swords flew together, rushing fiercely against Nuwa's sharp whistling.

Nuwa retreated again and again, Haoran attacked again and again, and finally the six-armed sharp blade firmly held the Xuanyuan sword pierced in front of the throat. Nuwa opened her eyes and sneered, "Original soul possession?" The two eyes combined into one giant eye, occupying the entire forehead, and the giant eye opened suddenly, shooting a black light and hitting Haoran's chest fiercely.

"Wen Zhong!" Hao Ran was hit straight and flew out, his headache was about to split, but Wen Zhong's soul was separated from Hao Ran's body under this blow, broke through the clouds, and fell into the sky!

Haoran was still in shock, but Wen Zhong was nowhere to be found. He struggled on the ground, only to feel that all his strength had disappeared, and his hand trembled, still holding the Xuanyuan Sword tightly. Back away.

"Zhong'er, you should have gone back..." Nuwa panted slightly, and then resumed her soft voice. She snaked her way forward, but Haoran backed away again and again, with a frightened look in her eyes. Behind her was The pitch-black Taoist door that was still open, and Ji Fa trembling under the golden chair.

Ji Fa raised his head and looked at Hao Ran, his eyes were complicated, fearful and admiring. Looking at Haoran's eyes at this moment, he could only smile wryly.

Nuwa looked down at Haoran from a high position, and slowly stretched out her hand, her slender fingers gave birth to sharp nails, the nails gleamed coldly, and they continued to extend until they touched the center of Haoran's eyebrows.

Ji Fa's lips moved, Hao Ran knew that something was about to happen.

With a loud "bang", the golden chair was overturned by the recoil, a blood hole was opened on Nuwa's face, and a red line sprayed out on Haoran's head.

She turned her head in disbelief, and saw Ji Fa tremblingly holding something, which was shining with silver light, and it was exactly what Hao Ran had given to Ji Fa.

"A mere mortal, how dare you blaspheme God!" Nuwa was furious, Hengwei swept Haoran to the side of the hall, then turned around and rushed towards Jifa!

"Don't, don't come here!" Ji Fa yelled in fear, his feet trembled, and he hid back. "Don't kill my master!" he yelled frantically. He stumbled over the rubble and fell to the ground.

Instead of being angry, Nu Wa smiled, the tail of the snake moved in twists and turns, she opened her six arms, and slowly stepped forward.

"Bang!" Ji Fa shot again, hitting the giant eye on Nuwa's forehead. But only one block.

Nu Wa said softly: "You stupid mortals, you were like this five thousand years ago... you are still like this five thousand years later, do you really think this rags can hurt God?"

Ji Fa yelled in panic, kicked his feet wildly, and fired several times in a row, making a loud "bang bang"!

Nu Wa suddenly stretched out her hand to press on the lower abdomen, where the body and the snake's tail joined, stopped and did not come closer.

She gasped for breath again and again, Ji Fa was so frightened that he crawled to the side of the hall on hands and feet.

"Master!" He yelled in a crying voice, and shook Haoran violently, his head was broken and bleeding, and Haoran, who had fainted, finally woke up.

Haoran came back to his senses, seeing Nuwa clutching the wound, looking up at the two masters and apprentices, eyes full of hatred, he suddenly understood.

He protected Ji Fa behind his back and shouted, "Seven inches!"

Immediately raising her last breath, she swooped down with the Xuanyuan sword. Nuwa screamed and was pierced through the lower abdomen by the Xuanyuan sword. She stretched out her six arms and strangled Haoran's neck.

Haoran's eyes were red, and with all his desperate strength, he pierced Nuwa on the Xuanyuan Sword, let out a muffled roar like a beast, and pushed her into the broken part of the Xuanmen!

"You..." Nuwa howled in pain, the sharp sound shook Haoran's eardrums with severe pain, she raised her hand and grabbed Haoran's eyes with sharp nails, Haoran only felt that his eyes were dark, but he refused to let go of the Xuanyuan sword.

Nu Wa's half body was pushed into the Xuanmen, but the tail was tightly wrapped around the golden chair in the distance, and the golden chair was dragged and moved continuously.

With the sharp pain in both eyes, the eardrums of both ears were pierced, and the breath was choked in his throat, Haoran could no longer distinguish what he was doing, his strength left his body, and disappeared bit by bit, and his last consciousness was only to fight. Stab it down.

Nu Wa freed one hand to hold the Xuanyuan Sword. After repairing the broken part of the sword, Xuanyuan Sword uttered a dying cry. The fracture opened slowly again.

She stopped abruptly.

"The sky is selfless, and the earth is selfless."

"The sun and the moon act selflessly, and the four seasons act selflessly."

"Practice one's virtue, and all things will prosper..."

The sound of Sanqing resounded in the void, and the spirit of the saint reappeared.

"No!" Nuwa screamed.

Yuanshi Tianzun drew an arc lightly in front of him with one hand, Nuwa grabbed Haoran's arm and broke it.

Master Tongtian said with a smile: "It's not because of his selflessness..."

Immediately stretching out his fingers, Xuanyuan Sword left Nuwa's abdomen, and fell backward together with Haoran.

Taishang Laojun raised his palms flat, opened his eyes, and with a smile on his face, he said slowly: "So it can be selfish."

Immediately, he turned his palm back and pressed down.

The Xuanmen closed, Nuwa was cut in half, the snake tail patted the ground, and the struggle stopped; the upper body fell into the eternal void.

A ray of golden light fell to the ground and was nailed to the height of Chaoge City Gate.

The moment Nuwa died, the huge cracks on Muye's battlefield closed.

When Ji Fa opened his eyes again, he found that he was already in the wilderness.

"It's all right, Your Majesty."


Ji Fa tried hard to open his eyes, there were torches everywhere, it was already dawn.

Ji Fa said weakly: "How is the battle going?"

"We have won! The demons are gone! Yin Shang has been defeated!" Under the light of the torches, the faces of the soldiers were full of excitement. They cheered in unison, and shouted to the rear: "The king has been found!"

Ji Fafang came to his senses, and when he looked up at the sky again, he saw that the night sky was long, the sky and the earth were shrouded in that boundless darkness, and the heroic spirits in the formation of ten thousand immortals had disappeared. At this moment, the main force of the Xiqi Army, which was blocked by King Zhou, came around Lishan and joined the forward.

Ji Fa turned his head and asked, "Where's Father Shang? Where's Master Uncle Yang Jian?" All the soldiers were at a loss, and they all said, "Is the army going to capture Chaoge now, or is the class returning to the court? Please show me, Your Majesty!"

Several people put Ji Fa on the back of the horse, and the other rode with the brilliance of the morning star on his back, galloping in the distance. Arriving in front of De, he reined in the horse, with bandages on his shoulders, but it was Huang Tianhua.

"Have you found your master?" Huang Tianhua asked.

The thrilling battle at Wa Palace was still vivid in his mind, Ji Fa calmed down a bit, shook his head, and said: "I... I don't know." Then he asked: "Where is this place?"

"Two miles away from Chaoge City." Huang Tianhua replied, "I don't know where Yin Shoude is. The city is empty of troops and the people are all fleeing. What is Your Majesty's plan now?"

"Uncle Tianhua, no, General Huang." Ji Fa said, "If you go to Chaoge City with your whole army and find Yin Shoude, don't kill him. Bind him to see me."

Tianhua sized Ji Fa up for a long time, feeling quite angry in his heart, he said, "You want to pardon that stupid king?"

Ji Fa burst into a fit of anger and roared, "Isn't my master doing enough for you?!"

Tianhua looked at Ji Fa as if he didn't know him, then fell silent immediately, led a group of soldiers, held up the torches, and galloped towards Chaoge.

The Xuanyuan Sword shimmered and buzzed for a long time, and finally turned into a tall man lying in a pool of blood.

He turned around, bent his body slightly, gasped for breath, tried his best to support the ground with one hand, and stood up unsteadily. He casually picked up a war halberd by the roadside, supported the ground with the halberd, and stumbled towards his palace.

For some reason, a wound appeared on his abdomen, and blood flowed out continuously. He pressed his lower abdomen to prevent the intestines from leaking out, his eyes were pitch black, and the only thing he could discern was the light of the fire on the deer platform.

The city of Chaoge was empty. When he fought bloody battles against the demons on the battlefield, the people in the city he guarded had all escaped.

The cheers of the Xiqi Army faintly came from the night sky behind: "The Hun Lord, come out and die!"

He gasped for a while while holding the halberd, and when he looked up again, there was a person standing in the darkness.

Huang Tianhua's voice was vague and distant: "Mr. Hun, I have come to avenge my parents."

"The Jia family was not killed alone..." King Zhou spat out blood, "But although it was not done by a single relative, it was the same..."

"How did you become like this?" Huang Tianhua was startled and asked in amazement.

King Zhou smiled wryly and shook his head, then took a deep breath, and said slowly, "Make way, I have no intention to kill you."

A trace of sympathy rose in Huang Tianhua's heart, and he said, "Come with me, King Wu will spare your life."

Unknown where the strength came from, King Zhou swung his halberd and said with a sneer, "Let me spare Gu's life? Let's fight!"

Huang Tianhua shuddered, and then shook off the Mo Xie sword. The blade of the sword was as cold as snow, pointing at King Zhou from afar.

King Zhou sneered, "You still don't give up?" He raised his halberd, and the power of looking at the world suddenly reappeared, and he shouted: "You are still wishful thinking!"

Huang Tianhua said slowly: "I also have a reason to fight, not because of my parents, but because of Haoran..."

King Zhou mocked: "For Haoran? What reason do you have?!"

Huang Tianhua replied: "You don't understand, come here. Although I'm just a visitor..." Immediately he shouted: "Fun Lord! Come and fight!"

Before the words were finished, King Zhou and Huang Tianhua collided suddenly!

When Haoran opened his eyes again, he found a handsome face in front of him, and those eyes were obviously carrying a teasing smile.


Haoran sat up abruptly, stretched out his hand to touch, and lost his voice: "Master!"

When I turned my head again, I saw that I was in the ruins after the decisive battle between the two islands. There were bricks and stones everywhere, chaotic rocks and fields, and the surrounding area was empty, full of gunpowder smoke. Hao Ran let out a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "I'm dead too, fortunately, Master is here, so I'm not lonely at all."

Sitting cross-legged on the rubble, Tong Tian imitated the Taishang Laojun's tone perfectly, and said with a mysterious smile: "Zhong'er, it's not that you're dead, but I'm alive."


Hao Ran was stunned.

Tong Tian asked back, "What is life, what is death? What is the root of thinking?"

"Discussing whether life itself is worth experiencing is the ultimate question we face." Master Tongtian picked a brick at random, weighed it in his hand, and said with a smile: "Why does everything exist? What is the purpose of God's creation? Will perish, where is the meaning of existence? Don’t say that it will last forever and leave a name in history; it must be known that human life is exhausted, dynasties change, countries change, and even the mainland of China cannot escape the final outcome of collapse. You come from later generations, When it is clearer than anyone else, when even the world disappears, what is the existence of the past?"

When Haoran was questioned, he felt hazy for a moment, he couldn't think clearly, and his mind was in a mess.

Tongtian laughed again: "Survival, survival, and death; it's the three idiots, and it's the process of growing from nothing to something, and from nothing to nothing. Whether you are a foolish sage or a god or a ghost, throughout your life, you will be equal." I can’t find the real solution to this problem; later generations misrepresent it as the ‘three corpses’, and the three idiots are like nightmares, have you ever questioned the meaning of your own existence?”

Hao Ran nodded slowly, "Yes."

Tong Tian smiled knowingly, and said: "We can't live to experience death, because death itself is not part of the process of living. Only by breaking free from this shackles can we get the answer. However, the instinct of survival limits each of us, and we can live well. , who would seek death?" Xuan stuffed a round bead into Haoran's hand, and said mysteriously: "I've said too much, this is a secret, and you don't understand it. Go, you still have to clean up the battlefield. "

Fang Haoran recalled the past, and said in surprise: "Then Nuwa..."

Tong Tian smiled and said: "Nuwa has already solved it, you should go to your own affairs. When you come back here, Master has something good for you." After speaking, he threw the brick and blinked. Asked: "Apprentice, do you like to come straight or sideways?"

Haoran didn't know, so he went in and asked suspiciously, "Come sideways?"

Tong Tian laughed loudly and said, "Wake up!" Immediately, he picked up the brick in his hand and took a horizontal shot!

"Wow! Wait!"

Haoran only felt the world spinning, and woke up with a buzzing sound. Suddenly he realized that the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand had gone to nowhere, he hurriedly sat up and looked at the purple round bead in his hand, twirling around, he didn't know what it was.

"Master!" He looked blankly, but he couldn't see the leader of Tongtian, only Chaoge City was like a giant beast in the darkness, quietly lurking in the night before dawn. In the depths of Chaoge City, there was a shout of a great victory, and he hurriedly got up and ran towards Chaoge.

He ran across the endless wilderness, passed the torches lined up by the Xiqi Army, and rushed into the gate of Chaoge. He spent all his energy in this running, and finally slowed down and stopped at a road in Chaoge City. In front of a dead body.

Huang Tianhua lowered his head, bent his knees, but did not kneel down. A halberd pierced his chest to support his body. Haoran choked with sobs and stretched out his hand to touch, the half of his face that had been destroyed was already cold.

Haoran put him on the ground, kissed his lips lightly, then turned around, and ran towards the fire at Chaoge Palace.

Haoran's footsteps echoed in the empty royal city, he walked slowly into the Meridian Gate, reached out to touch the scarred golden gong, walked past the collapsed stone pillars in front of the Meridian Gate, and walked into the nine halls, where the A memory of Simo.

He walked towards the Shouxian Palace, flew away from the peony garden, and flew to the burning deer platform.

Countless flames and flying ash flew in front of him, Hao Ran stopped at a high place, looked at the tall man standing on the top of the deer platform, then walked forward, and gently hugged the fallen King Zhou.

There was raging fire all around, Yin Munde's blood stained Haoran's neck, he leaned on Haoran's shoulders, let go of his hands, lowered his head, and said intermittently: "Gu...knows that you will... come." Then he stopped breathing.

Haoran said softly: "Your Majesty, follow Haoran, everything is over."

The Lutai collapsed suddenly, and a meteor pierced the night sky, bringing a new dawn.

Tens of thousands of people stood densely outside the city, watching the changes in Chaoge City with bated breath. There was a loud noise, and countless ashes flew into the sky.

"That's Yin...is that Hunjun? He's dead?" Ji Fa lost her voice. Looking at the collapsed Lutai.

At the very front of the city wall, there was a person standing at some point, holding the Xuanyuan Sword with both hands. When the Xuanyuan Sword appeared, an extremely powerful shock and deterrence spread to everyone's heart.

In an instant, the golden light broke through the sky, and the mixed energy passed down to the ancient world oppressed every mortal.

Immediately, the sound of weapons falling to the ground within the Xiqi army rang out, and the soldiers knelt down one after another. The wilderness outside Chaoge City was actually full of people kneeling!

Jiang Ziya, Yang Jian, and Shen Gongbao all got off their mounts and knelt down on the ground.

Ji Fa respectfully knelt down towards Hao Ran on the city wall.

When Xuanyuan sword comes out, the whole world surrenders.

Haoran looked at the crowds of people, and said after a long time: "Ji Fa, King Wu. You are destined to become a king, and from then on you will rule Shenzhou, Xiqi, and Chaoge will be unified.

Ji Fa said: "Disciple respectfully listens to Master's instruction."

The first ray of morning light turned from the end of the sky, which was the same color as Xuanyuan Sword's gilded sword light.

"As a king, you must value the lives of all people, and you cannot make martial arts."


"The country, the country, and the country are all dead things, and the foundation of the country depends on the hearts of the people."


"The king's way is not a sword, but on your body." After Haoran finished the last sentence, he said softly:

"Disciple, master is gone, don't read."