Daji and I Are Fighting Over A Man

Chapter 9: Cannonball punishment


King Zhou put his fist against the assassin's throat, Jiang Huan didn't dare to hide any more, closed his eyes and said, "I saw Empress Daji and that Simo together...in the same place..."

Daji laughed suddenly, King Zhou threw the assassin on the ground, turned around and sat on the dragon bed, and let out a long breath. After Daji laughed, she leaned half of her body up, rubbing her chest repeatedly on King Zhou's arm, and said softly, "Do you believe in your ministers and concubines?"

King Zhou was noncommittal, snorted coldly, and Daji said again: "The concubine didn't dare to take care of the king's affairs, but I thought that I couldn't find it everywhere, as if flying with wings, even if I wanted to confront him, I would..."

King Zhou said: "Hao Ran is determined not to do this. I believe it alone." The words only made Daji's teeth itch with anger, and Daji's eyes rolled a few times. Go to the middle palace."

King Zhou shook his front lapel with one hand, took the Tianzi sword casually, stepped out of the Shouxian Palace, and finally turned his head and said: "The assassin will keep it, and he will be executed tomorrow in front of the Meridian Gate, so as to scare the Sangong." Daji went straight to the main palace.

Daji caught up with him in a few steps, took King Zhou's arm, and said softly: "The car is cracked lightly. The concubine has a plan called Pao Lao. It is to use a hollow copper pillar to burn red with charcoal fire, and then press people on it..."

Daji kept talking along the way, but King Zhou just had a livid face. In a blink of an eye, he had arrived at the Shouxian Palace. The deacon in front of the palace saw King Zhou coming and was about to sing, when King Zhou swung his sword, and the scabbard turned into a black shadow. It flew out and hit the deacon between the eyebrows, knocking him unconscious on the ground. Daji clapped her hands and applauded in a low voice, hurried forward to get the scabbard, knocked down several palace servants along the way, and arrived outside Queen Jiang's bedroom without a sound.

It was just dawn, and all the maids had already been dispatched, but Empress Jiang stayed up all night, sitting on the couch with Concubine Huang, talking in a low voice, her face was full of sorrow, the lights shone in the hall, and Daji pulled Zhou straight away. The king and the two stood behind the screen, and the voices of Empress Jiang and Concubine Huang could be heard faintly. Just listen to Jiang Hou worrying:

"If the king finds out..."

Concubine Huang hurriedly took over the conversation, and said: "Sister, my brother Dao Na Daji is a formidable lord, but also has a careful mind, you will never be able to cure her crimes with ordinary palace rules."

Jiang Hou sighed, and said: "I don't know that the king was so dazzled by the evildoer that he didn't come to the court for half a month, and the ministers talked a lot; if we can get rid of Daji and keep Chengtang Jiangshan, even if the king smashes me to pieces It is not a pity to die, I am afraid that before the evildoer is eliminated, the wind will leak out..."

Concubine Huang said: "Daji is a weak woman who has no strength to restrain a chicken, so she can easily catch her with her hands. Only that Simo is inseparable from the king. It is tricky."

Jiang Hou said: "There is no need to kill him, but the palace people said that the king stayed in the imperial study room at night because he had thoughts about that kid. If I knew it, I would not keep him in the palace; I would rather believe that the king will not favor only one man." , to do such a dirty and dirty thing.”

Hearing this, King Zhou behind the screen was furious. He was about to overthrow the screen, but when he cut Jiang Hou and Huang Fei with a sword, he was held back by Daji. Now that Jiang Huan has been sent away, I can only rely on God's will. If I am caught by mistake, I have to deny it to the death. …”

Before the words were finished, Empress Jiang knew it was too early, so she hurriedly changed the subject, leaned over and asked in a low voice: "Wu Chengwang really left the palace?"

Concubine Huang said: "There is absolutely no falsehood, my brother went to Xuanyuan Tomb, and wiped out the nest of foxes reported by the emperor's uncle..."

When Daji heard this, she felt dizzy and fell down immediately. King Zhou hurriedly stretched out his arms to embrace Daji, and then heard Huang Fei continue: "The broken general of Yin went to Lishan to move the jade statue of Nuwa Empress back to the palace, for the king and that Si Moxian to play with..."

Now even King Zhou was about to faint, but Empress Jiang lamented leisurely, crying: "When did the king become such a person..." King Zhou was so angry that he stopped thinking about it, so he hugged Daji After leaving the main palace, he murmured to himself: "You just refuse to admit it until you die. Since you have the support of Dong Bohou, why should you be afraid of the lonely? You have to kill all the lonely people before you..."

King Zhou left Shouxian Palace and immediately ordered Elai to arrest Empress Jiang. Concubine Huang slapped her two hundred times, without even giving a reason, and sat on the couch, staring blankly at Daji in a daze.

After a while, Dajifang woke up faintly. Previously, the fox demon turned the three souls and seven spirits into a wisp of green smoke, and flew to the old lair of Xuanyuan Tomb to investigate. He saw that the son and grandson of the fox were dead and scorched, and there were even descendants who were smoked to death by the flames. The precious furs of the few little foxes were stripped away by the soldiers, leaving a pair of bloody skeletons exposed in the tunnel. Wandering souls and resentful ghosts flew towards Chaoge, crying loudly, heartbroken.

After a stick of incense, Daji couldn't hold on any longer, so she had to return to her place in a daze, with tears in her beautiful eyes, and she was so sad that she looked at King Zhou for a moment, feeling all hope was lost.

King Zhou didn't know what was going on, he just thought that Daji was suffering from being wronged, so he said in a deep voice, "I told Gu again about that cannon fire just now."

In the early morning of that day, the huge copper pillar that Daji said was cast outside the Meridian Gate, and it was burned red with dry firewood. The courtiers were discussing a lot, not knowing what the thing was for. King Zhou ordered all the officials to wait for three full hours, and when the sun was in the middle of the sky, he brought Daji to the court and glanced at the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty. The man came out and pushed him in front of the Nine Halls.

When the officials saw it, they were so frightened that they lost their minds. Who were those people? The first person on the left has been beaten beyond recognition, and he can't recognize his face. He should be the assassin Jiang Huan; The mother of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, the Queen Jiang of the Royal Palace!

Why are these three people involved in one place? ! Bigan didn't ask the reason immediately, he knelt down mournfully, and said: "Your Majesty! What happened today! The Lord of the Six Palaces will be imprisoned in the Nine Halls for questioning!"

Hundreds of officials knelt down, mourning unceasingly. Uncle Bigan said again: "Jiang is the daughter of Jiang Hengchu, Marquis of Dongbo. Jiang Hengchu guarded the northern border. He has made meritorious deeds. Even if we Shangtang state laws and ancestors' family rules, we can't do it." To punish the queen, the king must not be deluded by Daji's demonic words!"

Immediately, the civil servants and military generals shouted wildly again. King Zhou didn't want to go to the palace, but before he opened his mouth, he was blocked, and his anger surged up uncontrollably, and he shouted: "Shut up! This will let you see clearly The true face of a person!"

Immediately, the assassin Jiang Huan was asked to explain the assassination case last night in detail. All the officials heard it in a cloud of mist, as if they were dreaming, and even the sound of exclamation was omitted. Waiting until everyone in the nine palaces was speechless, Empress Jiang bowed her head in silence, and King Zhou said again: "Si Mo Haoran is nowhere to be found now, but fortunately Daji is safe and well, and she is accompanying the king. I have neglected political affairs a while ago, but you are here today." I heard it with my own ears... ”

Bi Gan straightened up half of his body and shouted, "Your Majesty, don't make a premature conclusion! There are many doubts in this matter, and the old minister is puzzled. Since this assassin was sent by Empress Jiang to assassinate Daji, why should he offend His Majesty? Your Majesty is both civil and military. Is it possible that Empress Jiang knows nothing about fighting lions and tigers with her hands?"

What Bigan said was really suspicious, and the officials whispered to each other again, but King Zhou didn't care so much at this time, Jiang Huan confessed it himself, and listened to what the Queen and Concubine Huang said, how could there be any falsehood? Immediately said: "Even if she didn't assassinate Gu, she would be reasonable if she wanted to kill the people around Gu?!"

Before the words were finished, Empress Jiang knelt up straight, turned her head and screamed at Jiang Huan, "Rebel! Who taught you to frame me!" As soon as the mother of the country said a word, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty were quiet, King Zhou had already expected Empress Jiang would say this, and sneered: "Are you going to deny it to death? Come on! Drag the assassin out and burn him!"

Jiang Huan knew he was going to die, so he closed his eyes and let the Imperial Forest Army drag him out of the Meridian Gate. When he touched the red-hot copper pillar on his back, he let out a heart-piercing scream. A pair of bloody human bones, when the blood meets high temperature, it emits green smoke, and finally the stench evaporates, burning a large living person to ashes.

The faces of all the officials turned pale in shock, not knowing that this thing was actually a torture tool, and the timid ones trembled with fear, but Mei Bo seemed to be awake in court, and shouted: "Foolish Lord! You are inhumane! Listen to slander, and covet Daji's beauty That's all, the temptress is not a problem. It's a pity that you favor the villain, walk the way of meddling with a man, treat Liugong Fendai as nothing, listen to those dirty words during the day, and do those obscene things at night! You messed up the emperor Shishen, the ancestors of the Shang Dynasty, you will be cast aside by heaven and earth! Under the Nine Springs..."

Mei Bo yelled like thunder, and King Zhou was hit hard again. Haoran's whereabouts were unknown, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead. He wanted to scare Mei Bo and all the officials into silence in front of the nine palaces, but he didn't guard against this incident. The big scandal was exposed on the spot, and he was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, and he said bitterly: "The rebellious minister is so eloquent! I dare not punish you for your crime!"

King Zhou had given detailed instructions to his cronies before, so he wanted to scare Mei Bo, but as soon as he opened his mouth in the nine halls, the guards understood and dragged Mei Bo towards the red copper pillar.

Mei Bo was also stubborn, and did not beg for mercy. His feet were dragged to the ground, and he continued to insult "faint king" and "faint king". .

Just listen to King Zhou angrily said: "Since ancient times, the sages have three precepts. One is not to distinguish right from wrong and judge crimes arbitrarily. You can be convicted! You have seen with your own eyes the lonely petting and trusting villains, and having sex with men! You have heard with your own eyes that the lonely sent Yin Ruibai to Lishan, and brought the jade statue of Nuwa back to the palace for molestation!"

"So ignorant of right and wrong and twists and turns, insisting that Gu is filthy, spreading rumors, insulting Gu in front of the Nine Palaces, if Gu can't punish you, you can cure Gu, what is the reason!!!"

"As a foreign minister, Kui Ye broke into the Shouxian Palace without permission, violated the palace discipline, ignored your own faults, and instead fell into a solitary life of inhumanity and violated the three precepts. You really think that you will not succeed if you are alone!"

The emperor was angry, and there were thunder bursts in the sky. King Zhou almost wanted to spit out decades of anger at once. It's a faint king! Have you ever thought about being alone..."

While speaking, Mei Bo had been dragged to the copper pillar, completely forgot about his previous insults, and plausible direct remonstrance, five feet away from the copper pillar, his hair was already curled and scorched by roasting, and he opened his eyes wide, looking at In front of the dragon case in the nine halls, the emperor of Shang who ruled the world.

Before King Zhou finished speaking, there was a "Dang" sound outside the Meridian Gate, which was deafening, but it was the golden gong that sounded itself, covering the anger of the emperor. The sound of the gong kept buzzing in my ears, and someone whispered again: "You are not alone."

Daji almost couldn't control herself, she screamed, a tall man was standing outside the Meridian Gate, walking slowly, his clothes were ragged, his sleeves and trousers were torn in half. However, he is majestic and dignified, with a dignified look between his brows, who else is it if he is not Haoran? !

King Zhou's anger disappeared for a moment, he stared blankly at the figure approaching the hall, and was about to wave Haoran to enter the hall, but Haoran stopped in front of the cannon pillar. Looking up at the huge three-story high stove, he sighed. Throwing the gong and hammer in his hand, he knelt down slowly and said:

"Hao Ran implores Your Majesty to spare this outspoken Mei Bo."

Mei Bo felt that his breath was stuck in his chest, and he could not accept this pleading no matter what, he shouted: "The traitor! The pet of the emperor! I only ask for death! But please be vigilant, the king, I—death is not a pity!!" After all, he broke away from the guard, turned over and rushed towards Pao Lao!