Dandere General and his Lord

Chapter 101


In order to prevent him from committing suicide, Ah An's hands were tied behind his back and his body was locked with iron chains, allowing him to only make small movements.

The special food was placed in front of him. He could eat it as long as he bent down.

Of course, on weekdays no one cares whether he eats or not.

When he was first arrested, he longed for a poison that could free him.

If such a special food was brought to him at that time, he would eat it without hesitation.

Ah An silently looked at the earthenware bowl in front of him, which was a bowl of soup.

Just like the usual meals, a few vegetable leaves floated on the soup, staying there quietly.

It should be over, this is the end of Deadpool, An said to himself.

He has lived long enough, is there anything he can't let go of? Lian Yang has been gone for so long.

He wanted to lower his head, but his neck remained stiff for some reason.

Time passed by little by little, and he didn't know what he was waiting for. He vaguely felt that the sound of a wheelchair would be heard in the deep corridor of the cell.

He was just a person who had nothing to do with him, but for some reason, An always wanted to see him again.

I want to meet the man who always comes to him at night, sits in a wheelchair, looks at the bright moon outside the window, and listens to his stories silently.

Perhaps all the words I have said in my entire life are not as many as what I have said to that person in the past few days.

So, for some reason I wanted to talk to him again.

A'an smiled bitterly: What was I thinking about? It turns out that I am even more stupid than that idiot Ayang.

A familiar and regular sound was clearly heard in the cell. It was the sound of a wooden wheelchair rolling across the stone floor of the cell.

A'an raised his head and a figure sitting in a wheelchair slowly appeared in his sight. The man's eyes were looking at him over the bars of the cell.

This time he did not come alone. He was followed by two people. One was the girl Ajia who tortured him, and the other was Cheng Qianye, the lord of Jin State.

The three men opened the prison door and entered the cell.

Looking at the prisoner who was lying motionless in the dark.

"No matter what you say, Lord Zhou, we cannot let an assassin from an enemy country go easily."

The woman named Ajia said to her master: "My lord, I think what Lord Zhou said is absolutely not feasible."

Zhou Zixi seemed very embarrassed, but he still asked: "This person and I are somehow involved, please forgive me, Lord."

"He has been in the prison of my Great Jin for so long, his master will no longer trust him. Even if he is released, he cannot return to his original place. I will give him money so that he can escape from now on."

Ajia said, "He is an assassin. According to custom, even if we want to spare his life, we must cut off his wrists and destroy his martial arts skills."

"Ajia." Zhou Zixi showed a look of disapproval.

Ajia rolled his eyes in his heart, thinking that this person was hopelessly soft-hearted.

Let... me go? Ah An seemed to have only heard these few words.

His eyes couldn't help but fall on the bowl of half-solidified soup in front of him.

Cheng Qianye squatted in front of him, looked at him for a while, and then looked at the bowl of cooled soup.

Suddenly he reached out and took the bowl away.

"Ajia, do you think there is anything wrong with this?"

Ajia was a little confused. He pulled out a silver needle and inserted it into the soup in the bowl. The snow-white silver needle was instantly covered with a layer of black from bottom to top.

This time, Ajia's face really darkened. She stepped out of the cell and shouted, "Someone come!"

Unexpectedly, an enemy spy had infiltrated the prison she was in charge of, which made her feel ashamed and angry.

The jailers came hurriedly and responded to Ajia's questions.

In the cell, Cheng Qianye looked at the dazed and confused boy in front of him.

These people have had their natures wiped out since childhood, and have become murderous weapons used by their masters.

He walks on the line between life and death every day. Even if he falls into the hands of the enemy, his master is still obsessed with taking his life.

"My Lord," Zhou Zixi bowed his head and saluted, "He is just a person who is not of any importance. Just let him go?"

A moment later, Ajia entered the cell and knelt down beside Cheng Qianye to plead guilty: "My lord, it was my fault that I failed in my duty and allowed the enemy to sneak into the prison and poison me."

Cheng Qianye reached out and touched her head.

Ajia should have been a lively person, but I don't know what kind of inhumane training he went through to become the person he is now, wearing a mask all the time.

Cheng Qianye sighed: "Just follow Lord Zhou's request and release him."

Ajia stopped talking, stood up, untied the chains on A'an, and lifted him out.

Ajia's concentration was not very focused, and she felt a strange feeling lingering on the top of her head.

The lord touched there just now, and a warm touch seemed to have remained on her head.

She carried the prisoner out of the cell and laid him on a torture table, fixed one of his arms, exposing his pale wrist, and began to sharpen a thin, curved knife.

The master did not blame me, but touched my head. What did this mean? Ajia kept thinking about this.

Anyway, I don't mean to be angry.

She felt that she had always been lucky, as both of her two masters were gentle people.

If I had been born in the State of Song, things might have been completely different.

Ajia glanced at the young man who was fixed on the execution table.

This person was about the same age as her and had rare skills, but he had to endure this fate.

Ajia raised the blade in his hand and aimed it at the thin wrist.

After waiting for a long time, she seemed a little surprised that her lord did not stop her, and could not help but look back at Cheng Qianye.

Cheng Qianye was smiling at her: "Forget it, Ajia, aren't you a little bit reluctant?"

A'an stood in the sun. The noisy voices and the dazzling sunlight made him feel dazed.

He looked at the person sitting in the wheelchair in front of him somewhat at a loss.

Zhou Zixi handed him a package and said, "Let's go. Don't go back to your Song Kingdom. Go far away and live with Ayang."

An opened his mouth, but no words came out.

After a moment, he reached out his hand, took the package, and kowtowed to the ground.

"Be careful on your journey and live well." Zhou Zixi said.

A day or two later, the girls' school established by Yao Tianxiang in Zhengzhou officially opened.

Cheng Qianye, along with Cheng Feng and other guards, went with Zhou Zixi to congratulate.

Zhengzhou has always been a prosperous commercial city, with merchants from all over the world gathering here, and the local customs are relatively open.

In addition, the girls' school was established by the lord's wife herself, which meant it was officially recognized by the government. Therefore, there were quite a few students who registered on the first day.

Yao Tianxiang had the experience of Bianzhou before, so she had already made sufficient preparations and seemed to be familiar with the situation.

"Tianxiang, we are about to go back to Bianjing. Do you really plan to stay in Zhengzhou?" Cheng Qianye held Yao Tianxiang's hand. She was reluctant to leave this close friend.

"Yeah." Yao Tianxiang looked at the lively scene in front of her, squeezed Cheng Qianye's hand, and smiled and said, "I'm not with you, so you have to be careful. Ajia is a reliable girl. I feel more at ease with her knowing the inside story."

Cheng Qianye felt a little guilty.

Mo Qiaosheng now occupies Fengdu, preparing his troops and aiming his sword at Hanzhong where Han Quanlin is.

When she returned to Bian Jing, she was planning to attack the Song and Wei countries.

Tianxiang was a princess of Wei State after all, so she must have been in a dilemma at this moment. She had no choice but to avoid him and chose to stay in Zhengzhou, far away from the battlefield.

After coming out of the Girls' School, Cheng Qianye and Zhou Zixi got in the same car.

"Tianxiang's girls' school is doing well." Cheng Qianye opened the curtains and looked at the lively scene outside the car. "Zixi, should we also open some schools?"

"My Lord, are you referring to the Imperial College?" Zhou Zixi replied, "Now that the capital has been moved to Bianjing, the Imperial College should indeed be run well to provide a place for the children of the nobles in the capital to study."

"No, no, I'm not talking about the Taixue, a central public school that only a small number of people can attend." Cheng Qianye gestured, "I think we should encourage the private sector to run more private colleges."

"Zixi, you see, as our territory grows, we need more and more officials to manage it. But how can we find these talents? I don't like the current way of selecting filial and honest people. All the people selected are children of nobles, and it is impossible for people from poor families to succeed. I hope there is a system that can encourage a large number of private schools in the local area, and then we can hold a unified and regular examination to evaluate these students."

Cheng Qianye looked at Zhou Zixi and closed his palm. "Do you understand what I mean? This way we can tap into all kinds of talents from all over the country, and power will not be concentrated in just a few aristocratic families. Even the cultural quality of the people may be improved as a whole."

Zhou Zixi's eyes lit up, and he followed Cheng Qianye's train of thought: "My lord, this idea is really a policy that will benefit all people. If it can be done, our country will have endless talents. Let me think about it carefully and report back to my lord."

Cheng Qianye's idea was recognized by Zhou Zixi. He was very happy and patted him on the shoulder and was about to continue speaking.

Suddenly, Cheng Feng's scolding voice was heard. There seemed to be some commotion ahead, and the convoy stopped.

Soon, Cheng Feng reported through the car window: "My lord, please be at ease. Nothing serious has happened. It seems that Ajia is chasing the assassin."

Cheng Qianye lifted the curtains.

Ajia came over carrying a bloody man. She put the man on the ground and said, "The murderer is that Jie. I'll go after him."

Cheng Qianye jumped off the carriage, and lying on the ground was the young man she had let go a few days ago.

At this time, the young man was pale, with a cut on the side of his neck, and blood staining half of his body red.

He was still conscious, with his eyes slightly open, looking at Cheng Qianye and Zhou Zixi who was coming down from behind her.

"What's going on?" Cheng Qianye frowned.

"Perhaps his master won't let him go." Cheng Feng squatted beside the young man and bandaged his wound. "The wound is not serious. He may be able to be saved if he is taken back."

An opened his eyes.

Find yourself still alive.

He moved slightly and felt dizzy.

"You've lost too much blood. You can't move." A gentle voice sounded beside him.

Ah An turned his head and his vision gradually became clear.

This is a bright room. The sunlight shines into the room through the window bars and onto the wheelchair in front of the bed.

There is a person sitting in a wheelchair.

"I'm sorry." The man said, "We let you go because we wanted to see if we could catch your master Jie through you."

"I thought if they didn't contact you, I would really let you go, but I didn't expect that he would want to take your life without hesitation."


The man apologized word by word.

A strange feeling arose in Ah An's heart.

Isn't it normal to use him? He is just a chess piece that can be used.

The master often said that when he is no longer of any use, that is the end of Deadpool.

This seemed to be the first time he had received an apology from someone since he was a child.

"You should take good care of your injuries. When you are well, I will send someone to take you away. This time, I will really let you go." The man said in a gentle voice, "Do you want to go somewhere? If not, I can send you to Chu State or Liangzhou. It is far away from Song State and you can live in peace."

Even though this was once an assassin who wanted to kill him.

Zhou Zixi still felt upset, so he cooperated with Ajia to take advantage of the young man who had begun to trust him.

He finished speaking slowly, turned his wheelchair and prepared to leave.

But he found that his sleeves were hooked by a few pale fingers.

Zhou Zixi stopped and looked at A'an lying on the bed.

Ah An opened his mouth, and this time he finally said, "I... I don't want to go to Chu. Can I... stay with you?"

The author has something to say: Today is my birthday and a few guests came, so I wrote it a little late.

Wish me a happy birthday, and I hope I can improve my hand speed soon~~~