Dandere General and his Lord

Chapter 102


Cheng Qianye was very surprised when he saw Zhou Zixi coming in with the pale-faced boy.

"What did you say?" Cheng Qianye asked in surprise, "You, you want to keep him by your side?"

Zhou Zixi bowed respectfully and said, "I hope my lord will grant my permission."

Cheng Qianye almost couldn't respond.

In her impression, Zhou Zixi is a very self-disciplined and self-controlled person.

He was born into a family of poetry and literature. He has been particular about etiquette since he was young, and his words and actions reveal the sense of a gentleman.

He never took the initiative to make any inappropriate requests to Cheng Qianye.

A few days ago, Zhou Zixi came to ask her to release the boy named An, and Cheng Qianye didn't think it was a big deal.

After knowing this, A Jia sent someone to secretly follow A An, trying to find out who was behind it. Zhou Zixi did not insist on opposing it.

What made him suddenly change his mind in these few days and make such an unreasonable move, wanting to keep this assassin from the enemy country by his side

"Well, what's your name?" Cheng Qianye asked.

The thin young man bowed to the ground and replied briefly: "Dark."

He had a white bandage wrapped around his neck, his back was bent, and he lowered his head without saying a word.

Cheng Qianye looked at him and suddenly thought of Mo Qiaosheng back then.

Qiao Sheng used to be so silent and forbearing in front of her. Although he was very nervous, he didn't dare to say even a single word.

"Xiao An," Cheng Qianye tried to slow down his voice, "wait outside for a while."

A'an bowed, stood up, and walked out without saying a word.

"Zixi, what do you think?" Cheng Qianye asked curiously, "Is it just because you sympathize with him? Or is it because you think of Miss Ayang?"

Zhou Zixi's deep voice sounded: "No, it's because he took the initiative to reach out to me for help."

Cheng Qianye didn't quite understand.

Zhou Zixi was silent for a moment, then said, "My Lord, I have also fallen into the abyss. If you stay in those dark quagmires for a long time, you will become numb and lose yourself, and you may even dare not pursue the light anymore."

"At that time, you were clearly in front of me, but I didn't have the courage to fight against my fate." Zhou Zixi's eyes fell on his legs, thinking of the past that made him regretful.

"Ayang, she was just like me. She succumbed to her fate. It was not until the end, for my sake, that she decided to fight back, but it was too late."

Zhou Zixi raised his head: "This boy grew up with Ayang and had the same life as Ayang. He mustered up the courage and reached out to me. I couldn't bear to reject him."

An stood in the courtyard,

The warm spring sunshine shone on him.

He raised his arm slightly and looked at the bright light shining on his skin.

As an assassin who often lurks in the dark, he is actually not used to standing in the sun like this.

But at this moment, he wanted such sunshine to shine on himself.

Bring some warmth to his cold body and support his uneasy heart.

The familiar sound of a wheelchair sounded behind me.

Jin Yuehou pushed Mr. Zhou towards him.

An turned around, prostrated himself, and waited silently for the almighty king to announce his fate.

He looked at the blue brick floor in front of him. In the cracks between the bricks, two young sprouts happened to be struggling tenaciously.

"You, want to stay with Zixi?" The voice of Jin Yuehou sounded above his head.

Ah An's eyes were fixed on the green leaves. He heard his own answer.

"Yes. Please."

Yes, I want to stay with Mr. Zhou.

I want to live in your sunny world.


He couldn't help but look up at Zhou Zixi.

When he looked at Zhou Zixi, a beautiful golden edge appeared around the black gem.

Ah An heard the answer he had longed for.

"Okay then, you just follow Zixi from now on."

Cheng Qianye bent down and looked at the young man lying in front of him.

Ah An raised his head with an expression of disbelief.

It turns out that obsidian placed in the sun can have such beautiful colors.

Watching Ah An pushing Zhou Zixi's wheelchair away,

Cheng Qianye began to miss the sapphire that belonged to him, that bright and dazzling blue color.

She decided to write a letter to Mo Qiaosheng.


On the training ground in the Fengdu military camp, Mo Qiaosheng stood with his hands behind his back, watching the soldiers' training.

They originally set out from Zhengzhou with an army of 100,000 men, and spent several months capturing cities and territories.

They continuously recruited able-bodied soldiers and surrendered soldiers along the way, and now the number of people in the team is growing, reaching 200,000.

Yang Sheng stood beside him and said, "General, we have been here for three months and have already established a firm foothold. We are now strong and well-equipped with food and grass. When are we going to attack that old bastard Han Quanlin? The soldiers are all waiting for us."

Mo Qiaosheng: "No hurry, I have already written to the lord for instructions, I will talk about it after the lord's order arrives."

Yang Sheng pondered for a moment and moved closer: "General Mo, let me speak from the bottom of my heart. We have conquered so many cities and gained so many troops along the way. Now we have the supply from Fengdu behind us. Even if Bianjing no longer sends us assistance, it will be no problem for us to take Hanzhong."

He lowered his voice and said, "But if we continue to fight like this, even if the general has no second thoughts, I'm afraid the lord will no longer trust the general. The general must make more plans for himself."

Mo Qiaosheng glanced at him and said, "Don't worry. I have sworn to be loyal to my lord until death. My lord only trusts me and has no suspicion of me."

Yuan came running over: "General, there's an urgent letter from Zhengzhou."

Mo Qiaosheng took a look at the seal and saw the familiar handwriting of his lord.

He did not open the letter on the spot. He turned around and walked towards the camp with the letter in his hand.

Yang Sheng couldn't help feeling worried as he watched the general leave excitedly.

General Mo is extremely loyal to his lord. He is willing to risk his life on the battlefield and never thinks of himself.

To Yang Sheng, his lord was just a vague, high-ranking king.

General Mo is the only one Yang Sheng respects, trusts, and will follow until death.

Most of the soldiers in the army thought the same.

Not only had half of them never seen their lord, they didn't even know where the capital of Jin was.

Could it be possible that the lord who sits high in the temple would be like the general thinking, trusting this man with great military achievements and commanding a large army wholeheartedly without any suspicion

Mo Qiaosheng returned to the tent and asked the rest of the people to leave.

He carefully opened the envelope in his hand and took out the letter.

A small piece of thin letter paper fell out from the edict that was officially stamped with the seal.

Mo Qiaosheng picked up the letter paper, and the master's familiar handwriting appeared on the paper:

I get angry when I think about that old bastard Han Quanlin. I always remember that he once bullied my favorite person. Qiao Sheng, you should beat him up, and make him cry and scream, so that I can vent my anger.

I miss you every day, and I can't sleep every night. I really want to kiss you, kiss your eyebrows, kiss your eyes, kiss every inch of you. When you come back this time, I will definitely bully you severely to let you know how much I miss you these days.

Mo Qiaosheng read the page of letter, which was written in a completely awful way, over and over again, and then folded it up carefully.

He took out a wooden box with a copper lock from under the bed and opened it. Inside was a thick stack of various letter papers, all in his master's handwriting.

Mo Qiaosheng put the letter in his hand in and rubbed it gently.

The lord often wrote him private letters like this, some of which were very literary, while others were simple and straightforward like this one.

Sometimes they were so erotic that his face would turn red and he would feel hot and uncomfortable just by reading them.

Sometimes the master only recorded some daily trivialities, which made him feel as if he was back with the master. The fragmented words were like rain and dew in spring, nourishing his longing heart.

Mo Qiaosheng pondered over it, considered it for a while, and then with a red face he picked up the pen to write a reply.


Cheng Qianye led the navy, together with Yu Dunsu, Zhou Zixi and others, and boarded a tall ship, sailing on the canal from Zhengzhou to Bianjing.

The boat travels thousands of miles, and the waves are rippling.

Cheng Qianye was walking on the deck, enjoying the river breeze while opening the letter from the State of Song.

A Jia stood beside her, but his eyes were fixed on A An who was pushing Zhou Zixi's wheelchair on the balcony with concern.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Qianye said as he read the letter, "Just say whatever you want to say."

Ajia held it in for several days, and finally couldn't help but speak: "My Lord, this is too much. You actually agreed to Lord Zhou's ridiculous request and kept an assassin who once tried to assassinate him by his side?"

Cheng Qianye: "It's okay, Zixi didn't make a mistake, just trust him this time."

"But my lord, even if that deadpool of Song changed his mind and joined Lord Zhou, his master Jie is still here. I know people like him best. They have been controlled by their masters since childhood, and it is difficult for them to change their deeply rooted thinking. If his master contacts him secretly, there is no guarantee that he will not succumb again."

"You don't have to worry about Jie anymore." Cheng Qianye finished reading the letter and handed it to Ajia. "I wrote a stern letter to Duke Xiang of Song, and he replied to this. There seems to be a box with the letter."

She waved her hand and asked the servant to bring a wooden box.

Cheng Qianye pinched his nose and avoided his eyes: "Take a look, is it that Jie?"

Ajia opened the box, and a pungent smell of blood rushed to the sky. Inside the box lay a hideous human head.

It was Jie who attempted to assassinate Cheng Qianye outside the teahouse last time.

This man is fierce, strong, skilled in martial arts, and elusive.

He was able to escape from the combined attack of Cheng Feng and A Jia. He was able to sneak into a heavily guarded prison with the intention of killing people. He was also able to escape from the close pursuit of A Jia.

But he will always be just a pawn.

He once said to An: A Deadpool without value would lose the reason to live.

Now, these words are also applicable to him.

"For his master, since I have discovered him, it is worthwhile to use his head to quench my anger." Cheng Qianye glanced at the bloody head, shook his head, and ordered the servant, "Bring it up to Lord Zhou to have a look. This man originally designed to cripple Lord Zhou's legs, and now he will pay with his life."

Arsenal shut up and said nothing.

Cheng Qianye sat down on a chair and spread out his clothes: "Whatever you want to ask, just ask it all at once. It's so uncomfortable to hold it in."

Ajia's face inexplicably turned red, and he muttered quietly: "I just feel that entrusting Zhengzhou to that surrendered general is a bit..."

Before leaving Zhengzhou, after some selection, Cheng Qianye entrusted the task of protecting Zhengzhou to Gan Yanshou, the former governor of Qi County.

Gan Yanshou could hardly believe it when he received the appointment.

Before leaving, he knelt in front of Cheng Qianye and said, "I am a surrendered general. Why did my lord entrust such an important place as Zhengzhou to me?"

Cheng Qianye helped him up: "You are already a minister of our Great Jin. Over the past year or so, you have made many military contributions to our Great Jin. I have seen it all. Why can't I entrust Zhengzhou to you?"

"Mo Zuo Shuzhang also recommended you. He said that you are steady and good at defending the city. If he had not taken advantage of the geographical advantage and your isolated state, it would not have been so easy to flood Qi County even if he had twice as many troops as you. I feel relieved to leave Zhengzhou to you."

Gan Yanshou was almost choked with sobs, and the golden edges around his body blinded Cheng Qianye's eyes: "Thank you for your kindness, my lord, and thank you for your support, General Mo. I will defend Zhengzhou well and will never let you down."

Thinking of this, Cheng Qianye laughed and patted Ajia on the shoulder: "Don't worry, your lord will not make a mistake."

The author has something to say: In addition to the main CP, I will not write about other CPs.