Dandere General and his Lord

Chapter 108


Mo Qiaosheng raised his arm and stopped the discussion among his subordinates.

"I have made up my mind, and there is no need to say more. If the land is lost, it can be regained. Your lord is the indispensable person for our great Jin Dynasty."

"A Yuan, you stay in Hanzhong. Yang Sheng and everyone will follow me to lead the army and set off!"


The drizzle of spring rain hit Yang Sheng, and he followed Mo Qiaosheng closely on his horse, galloping on the muddy road.

The black figure in front of him was riding fast in the rain. The general seemed to want to lead them to Jiangcheng, thousands of miles away, in one day.

"General, take a rest. There is still a long way to go. The soldiers cannot sustain such a speed." Yang Sheng rushed forward and tried to dissuade him.

Without saying a word, Mo Qiaosheng galloped forward on his horse for a mile or two. Suddenly he reined in the reins, and the horse stood up with a long neigh.

He stopped his horse, raised his head against the rain, and let the cold rain hit his face.

He closed his eyes and seemed to be trying his best to control his emotions. After a while, he opened his eyes and ordered: "Set up camp on the spot."

The soldiers set up camp, built shacks, and buried pots to make food.

Yang Sheng glanced at the general sitting alone on a rock.

General Mo sat there silently, thinking silently. There was no expression on his face, but his slender fingers were twisting the pendant hanging around his neck and rubbing it repeatedly.

Yang Luhou handed over a piece of dry food and a kettle, "Brother Sheng, the general seems to be very impatient. I have never seen the general look like this."

More than just being impatient, Yang Sheng glanced at the black figure on the rock. The general was simply confused.

He has been following Mo Qiaosheng for a long time. Although General Mo is very brave in battle, he has always been very calm and never radical in big strategies and tactics.

This was the first time Yang Sheng had seen him so impetuous.

Yang Sheng walked to Mo Qiaosheng and handed over the water and food in his hand.

Mo Qiaosheng glanced at him and took the dry food, but he held it in his hand and did not eat it.

"General, Jiangcheng is still more than a thousand miles away from here. Even if we march in a hurry, it will take at least half a month. Although the enemy army is coming fiercely, my lord has many talents around him and he will defend the city without any loss. General, please still Please be patient," Yang Sheng advised.

Mo Qiaosheng looked at the food in his hand silently and nodded slightly.

"My subordinates feel..." Yang Sheng hesitated.

"You tell me."

"Today, the situation in Hanzhong is unstable. The remnant troops of the King of Han are roaming everywhere, and the neighboring state of Chu is not very friendly to us. The general personally led five thousand light cavalry and rushed in such a hurry that neither the baggage nor the infantry could keep up. Being left far behind is not a wise move.”

Mo Qiaosheng frowned and was silent for a long time, "Yang Sheng, do you still remember the days before you joined the army?"

Yang Sheng grabbed his fist. He didn't want to remember those days of struggling to survive in the mud, but no matter how long the time passed, those dark years still often appeared in his nightmares.

"Like you, I was once a slave." Mo Qiaosheng's voice sounded, "When I was almost killed by the stick of my former master Hua Yu, it was my lord who saved my life."

The Lord has a unique eye and trades a horse for General Mo, a unique genius.

This incident was widely circulated in the army, and Yang Sheng also heard about it: "My subordinates have heard about it. My lord is really wise and discerning."

"She not only saved my life, but also gave me a new life, so that I no longer have to live in a humble way. I can straighten my neck, stand up, and become a real person." Mo Qiaosheng seemed to be talking to Yang Sheng , and seemed to be talking to himself,

"She not only saved me, but she also had a heart for everyone in the world and changed the fate of countless slaves like us."

Mo Qiaosheng looked at Yang Sheng: "My lord's safety is related to the survival of thousands of people. I will never let my lord make any mistakes."

Yang Sheng knelt down on one knee and performed a military salute: "General, I understand. I will follow the general to the death to help Jiangcheng."


Jiangcheng is the old capital of the Jin State. Under the management of successive Jin kings, the city is strong and deep, and the armaments are sufficient.

It is now a major fortress for Jin State to defend against foreign enemies.

King Cheng Qianye of the Jin Dynasty personally led the heavy troops and stationed here with generals such as Cheng Feng and Zhang Fu.

Taiwei He Lanyan was also asked to garrison nearby Shan City as a side response.

Cheng Qianye stood at the top of the city and looked at the various banners that densely surrounded the city in front of him.

Not far from her feet, a large banner with the word Xiang was fluttering. General Gongsun Nian, who was under the Changshan throne of Xiang Kingdom, wore silver armor and a gold helmet, and used a caltrop spear to call out in front of the army majestically.

Wearing a bright peacock blue color, he is very eye-catching on the battlefield while riding a horse and holding a spear.

It complements the burgundy color of Cheng Feng in front of our own formation.

Farther away, Li Wenguang, the king of Liangzhou, arrayed his troops in formation. There was a dazzling red color in front of the formation. That was Li Wenguang's general Feng Su.

These people once fought side by side with Cheng Qianye to resist foreign humiliation.

He is a general whom Cheng Qianye admires very much.

But now, they have become enemies, and Cheng Qianye will have to crush these bright gems with his own hands.

Cheng Feng led the army and had tentative contact with Gongsun Zan, but there was no winner.

He rode back to the city amid the sound of gold.

Entering the inside of the city gate, his soldiers came forward to meet him and took the spear in his hand and the strong bow on his back.

Xia Fei felt a little itchy in her heart and asked Cheng Qianye: "Master, let me go and experience the power of Feng Su."

Cheng Qianye reached out and pulled her: "You are my personal guard, it is not your turn to fight yet. We just need to test the enemy's strength and hold on to the city."

Zhang Fu climbed onto the city wall at this time: "Lord."

Cheng Qianye looked at his face and knew that the situation was not good.

"What happened again?"

Zhang Fuping retreated from the crowd, approached Cheng Qianye, and whispered: "Something happened in Bianjing. The rebellious party Wei Sibu entangled a group of conservative ministers in Bianjing to spread rumors that the lord defeated Jiangcheng, and took advantage of the chaos to raise troops. For treason, Master Xiao Jinxiao has been detained, and the prince, concubine Xu, the queen mother and others have been detained. "

"What!" Cheng Qianye was shocked. There was a strong enemy in front of him, and there was chaos behind him.

Suddenly, the country fell into such a predicament of internal and external troubles.

Something happened to the prince, Concubine Xu, and Xiao Jin.

She fell down, and Xia Fei hurriedly caught her from the side.

Cheng Qianye felt her mind was in chaos. She looked around. Zhang Fu and Xia Fei looked at her with worried expressions.

The soldiers nearby on the city wall turned their heads in confusion.

Cheng Feng and other generals who had just gone to war were walking towards her along the horse slope of the inner wall.

Cheng Qianye knew that as the lord, she had to be stable at this time and must not panic.

She took a breath, calmed down, and spoke loudly: "Except the city guards, gather all the military officials above Zuo Shu Zhang to discuss matters in the tent."

In the large tent of the Chinese army, most of the generals and counselors in the army were gathered.

After hearing the news about the civil unrest in Bianjing, there was a lot of discussion in the tent.

Bianjing was the capital of the Jin State and their last retreat. If Jiangcheng could not be defended, they could have retreated all the way back to Bianjing where the city was strong and the grain and grass reserves were sufficient.

Now Bianjing behind them was occupied by rebels. Those rebels and traitors even detained the prince and the queen mother for evil purposes.

Now, with tigers in front of them and hungry wolves behind them, they are trapped in a siege with no way out.

People were panicked for a while.

"Don't panic too much." The Lord's calm voice sounded clearly.

The big tent became quiet.

"Now that things have happened, panic is meaningless. Now we have only one way, which is to face all this. We have soldiers in our hands, food and grass, a strong city to defend, and reinforcements that are coming. We have not yet reached the critical point. When you’re in a panic.”

The Lord sat upright in front of the tent, his expression was calm, his voice was slow, and there was no hint of panic.

The ministers were affected and gradually settled down.

The lord is not messed up at all.

The Lord must have a good plan.

Yes, before we panic, there were once only more than ten thousand people. Faced with the siege of the Dog Rong army, didn't the Lord also use slaves to defeat the enemy

Believe in the Lord.

Believe in the Lord.

"As long as General Mo's army arrives, cooperate with us inside and outside, and attack the enemy from a flank, we will be able to break the siege of Jiangcheng." A young general said.

General Mo Qiaosheng, who is now the chief concubine, is a god in military warfare and has repeatedly performed extraordinary feats. He has become a role model for the younger generation of generals in the Jin Dynasty.

"Yes, there is also General Mo. We have been guarding here for half a month. General Mo will arrive soon. After the enemy troops are retreated, we will return to Bianjing and cut the traitors into pieces!"

"The crime of rebellion is unforgivable and they will be torn into pieces!"

People's hearts temporarily calmed down.

Zhang Fu and Xia Fei looked at each other.

Logically speaking, Mo Qiaosheng's army and horses should have approached Jiangcheng, but so far no news has been received. Could something happen

Zhang Fu thought uneasily in his heart.

The Lord has great trust in Mo Qiaosheng, could he also add insult to injury at this time


Mo Qiaosheng was driving all night on a muddy mountain road. The flash floods caused by the spring floods washed away the roads along the way, which delayed them a lot of time.

He heard the news that his lord was defeated in Jiangcheng and Bianjing was controlled by rebels.

Regardless of whether the news was true or false, it made him upset and anxious.

He just wished he could spread his wings and fly to his lord's side.

Suddenly there was a shout in the dense forest, and a sharp arrow shot through the air, hitting Mo Qiaosheng in the chest, and shot him off his horse.

Ambush! Mo Qiaosheng said something bad, he heard Yang Sheng and others calling his name.


"Protect the general!"

He felt someone carrying him on his back. Before he fell into coma, Mo Qiaosheng reluctantly said: "Yang Sheng, rush to Jiangcheng for me..."

The enemy army was a Han army swarming here, with twice the number of their advance troops.

Enemy troops were ambushing on both sides of the road, catching them by surprise.

Fortunately, the cavalry led by Mo Qiaosheng were elite troops who had been tempered for many years. Although they were suddenly attacked and the general was injured, they still responded quickly and formed a formation to protect Mo Qiaosheng. They withstood the enemy's attack and retreated all the way to a hill. On the post, guard according to danger.

Yang Sheng frowned as he looked at Mo Qiaosheng who was placed unconscious on the ground.

"How is the general's injury?" he asked the accompanying military doctor.

The military doctor had just pulled out the sharp arrow from Mo Qiaosheng's chest and bandaged the wound.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and shook his head: "Fortunately, my heart was not hurt. But I can't move easily, otherwise my life may be in danger."

Yang Sheng took out his sword and gritted his teeth as he looked at the chaotic enemy troops surrounding them at the foot of the mountain.

"The stragglers dare to stroke the beards of our troops. I will tell you that there will be no return!"

He shouted: "Yang Luhou, take care of General Mo. The rest of the brothers will rush down the mountain with me and kill this grandma's bear!"

The author has something to say: Before the beginning of this article, I mentioned in my previous article that it was just a short novel.

I feel that the content I originally envisioned has been carefully written out. I have obviously started to wrap it up for half a month, but I didn't expect that the little cuties would feel that it is not finished yet.

It can be seen that you all have true love for me, and I love you too.

I will try my best to write the ending I envisioned according to my own ideas.

The following is an automatic thank you from the system for helping

Thank you little angels for voting for me~

Thanks to the little angels who threw [landmines]: Why am I so beautiful 1 piece, Nuanyang Qingxin 1 piece, Old Aunt 1 piece, Hahahaha 1 piece, Bu Bu 1 piece, sc30 1 piece, 32143934 1 piece, Chao Wu 1 piece

Thanks to the little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 150 bottles of Venetian Leaf, 70 bottles of SC30, 60 bottles of Social My Sister, 55 bottles of Cheng Zhiqi, 51 bottles of Ah Lijia, 50 bottles of Inkbottle Sky, 48 bottles of Do You Want to Eat Zongzi, 40 bottles of Half Side, 40 bottles of Yan Wuyan, 33 bottles of Huaman, 30 bottles of Meowabo, 30 bottles of 22632224, 27 bottles of Huajianjianying, 23 bottles of Stella2008, 20 bottles of Yangyangqiyangyang, 20 bottles of Shanghaojiajia, Ai There are 20 bottles of cute lotus, 20 bottles of Jishiyue, 15 bottles of Youjun Chengshuang, 13 bottles of sugar, 10 bottles of ghost animal scum, 10 bottles of fish-loving cats, 10 bottles of mayoca, and pigs. 10 bottles of cute baby pill! 10 bottles, 10 bottles of roasted sweet potato, 10 bottles of Yanzi, 10 bottles of Soufflé, 10 bottles of Yuxiu Dada, 10 bottles of Bailihu, 10 bottles of Caixiao, 10 bottles of Zhangjia Xiaoge Mingqiling, 10 bottles of Pai Pai Pai , Jian Xiaoyan jan 10 bottles, dizzy halo 10 bottles, Xian 10 bottles, absurd guest 10 bottles, alive 10 bottles, four fruit soup 10 bottles, Beiluo Wushuang 10 bottles, Lin Feng 10 bottles, Tong Mobai 10 bottles, Rabbit and 9 bottles of Koala Wants Revolution, 8 bottles of 23413453, 7 bottles of Wandering Gushi, 7 bottles of Zi'er, 6 bottles of Shenzhou Zhuojiu, 6 bottles of Rabbit Tea, 5 bottles of Ye Lan's words, 5 bottles of Chen Eucalyptus, 5 bottles of Xiaojiu, 5 bottles of Lingfeiling, 5 bottles of Chenchen, 5 bottles of Yishu, 5 bottles of Wuyanye, 5 bottles of 23330555, 5 bottles of Qingzheng, 5 bottles of Xinxin, 4 bottles of 18106078255, 4 bottles of Give a Chestnut, 3 bottles of Yigui Bottles, 3 bottles of artemis, 2 bottles of Encounter by chance, 2 bottles of Whispering in the Spring Rain in the South, 2 bottles of 31010675, 1 bottle of Grinding Bear, 1 bottle of frost destroying vegetation, 1 bottle of armored snail, 1 bottle of Ling Yin, 1 bottle of Xingluo , 1 bottle of Sashasugui, 1 bottle of Why am I so good-looking, 1 bottle of novel harvester, 1 bottle of 23092241, 1 bottle of mushroom, 1 bottle of s, 1 bottle of dududu, 1 bottle of bald little monk, 1 bottle of vivi

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^