Dandere General and his Lord

Chapter 114: The enzyme


Cheng Qianye's army finally arrived in Bianjing in a mighty manner.

The defenders in Bianjing surrendered without a fight and opened the city gates to welcome the real master of the city into the city.

Wei Sibu and others led their own troops, occupied the royal palace, and fought stubbornly in the palace city.

Standing at the top of the city and looking at the dark army not far away, Wei Sibu gritted his teeth and said: "Go and push those people up and tie them to the top of the city. I want to see if Cheng Qianyu dares to ignore his son. Life, stepping on the corpses of his son and his mother to enter the palace! "

The soldiers took the order and left.

Zhao Jikao stood behind Wei Sibu and couldn't help but persuade him in a low voice: "Taobao, given the current situation, we will definitely not be able to arrive. Why don't we leave some room and think about how to use the prince to talk with the lord?" Some conditions."

Wei Sibu angrily scolded: "Fart, we have established a new king. If you surrender, it will be a crime of treason. Is Zhao Gong still thinking about any way out at this time?"

Han Qian saw that the two of them had an argument at this moment and hurriedly dissuaded him: "Don't be angry, Taibao. Brother Rong also said that even if the lord values the prince, he cannot give up his position as king for the sake of a son. Duke Zhao It’s not unreasonable, but we’d better not go too far and try our best to negotiate with the lord.”

Wei Sibu knew that his two allies had begun to retreat, and he was extremely angry, secretly cursing them for being stupid.

He stopped paying attention to the two of them and ordered his cronies to hold a group of people hostage on the wall.

For a moment, the armored warriors on the palace tower pushed up a row of shackled hostages.

Among this group of people were important officials of the court, as well as nobles and relatives. At this moment, one by one was being pushed and pushed to the top of the city in embarrassment. Everyone described him as haggard, with swords and axes on his body, and no dignity at all.

The banners of the Jin army separated under the city wall, and a group of elite soldiers, holding a king with a golden crown on his head and wearing a battle armor, slowly came to the city.

Cheng Qianye raised his head and looked at the hostages on the city wall one by one.

Cheng Qianye's mother, Empress Dowager Yang, was the first to shout: "Your Majesty, you don't have to worry about the remnants of this old man. Take down these traitors quickly and cut them into pieces with a thousand swords."

At this time, Empress Dowager Yang had disheveled hair and dirty clothes. She was just an ordinary old woman over fifty years old, without any of her usual grace and dignity.

She glanced at her grandson beside her, and two lines of old tears flowed down her old face. She turned her head violently and shouted to Cheng Qianye under the city wall: "The importance of the country is more important than anything else. Before the national crisis, the family ties between children and children are all important." Throw it away. As the king of a country, your Majesty must not compromise with these traitors."

"Shut her up!" Wei Sibu yelled angrily.

The soldier behind the Queen Mother drew out his sword and put it on her neck, scolding: "Don't talk!"

Empress Dowager Yang frowned and looked away.

Cheng Qianye has never had a good impression of this nominal mother.

Since time travel, they haven't spent much time together, and their concepts are very different. Cheng Qianye has never been able to get close to her.

Until this moment, she was standing at the foot of the city, with the white-haired mother on top of the city wall, a knife and ax held on her neck, but what she really cared about was the safety of her daughter.

Cheng Qianye's eyes were a little moist. The figure on the city wall overlapped for a moment with the figure of his real mother who was far away in another world.

Wei Sibu picked up the young prince and lifted him up on the battlement, "Cheng Qianyu, as the saying goes, a tiger cannot eat its own poison. Do you really care about the prince's life?"

"Father, father!" The young prince looked at the towering city wall under his feet, feeling frightened and calling his father who was not far away in a trembling voice.

"Peng'er, don't be afraid." Cheng Qianye gritted his teeth.

"I, I'm not afraid." The little boy held back the tears in his eyes and shouted forcefully, "Peng'er listened to his father and didn't cry at all!"

"Wei Taibao!" Cheng Qianye calmed down and turned his attention to Wei Sibu.

"Please calm down for a moment. We haven't reached the point of life and death between you and me, so we can still talk."

Cheng Qianye spoke slowly, and she even smiled to comfort the traitor who was on the verge of collapse.

"At this point, we have become a king and defeated a bandit. What else do we have to talk about!" Wei Sibu frowned and trembled his lips. "Unless you give up the throne, even if I lose today, I still need these people to work together." I will be buried with you.”

Cheng Qianye laughed and said, "Wei Taibao, you are speaking out of anger. No matter who you imprison, this is impossible. But as long as you don't hurt the prince and others, I may be able to spare you and those behind you." I promise you will never kill your family."

She spread her hands, as she usually did when discussing with these old ministers in the main hall, with a relaxed attitude and a kind expression, as if she was not talking about a serious crime of treason, but some minor disputes between the monarch and his ministers.

"I swear in the name of the Lord of Jin that I will never deceive you."

After she said this, her eyes scanned the many generals behind Wei Sibu, and her voice gradually became colder.

"The Wei clan is our century-old prosperous clan in the Jin Dynasty. Your body, Taibao, is related to the lives of many young nephews and nephews in your clan. Do you really have the heart to let the blood of your entire clan be shed with you? These things behind you Soldiers, there is no family without a wife and children, how can you all bear to see your relatives die beside you because of the mistakes you have made? "

The soldiers behind Wei Sibu looked at each other, and their expressions darkened.

"Don't believe what he says. He is coaxing us to surrender. None of us can escape!" Wei Sibu shouted, "Cheng Qianyu, if you don't want these people to die, retreat first and withdraw fifty miles outside the city. Otherwise, ,if not!"

Wei Sibu looked around, grabbed Concubine Xu's collar, pulled out a waist knife, put it on Concubine Xu's white neck, gritted his teeth and said: "I will take my life first, and let you see if I dare Dare to take action!"

Concubine Xu had already cried with tears on her face. She looked at Cheng Qianye on the horse and wanted to ask her to save herself and her only son.

But in the end, she bit her red lips and said nothing. She just turned her face away, closed her eyes tightly, and let two lines of clear tears flow silently into her white neck.

"Mother concubine! Mother concubine!" the prince shouted in a hissing voice, twisting his body and trying to pounce, but was restrained tightly by the soldiers behind him.

Xiao Jin struggled to stand up and said: "Wei Sibu, Concubine Xu is just the lord's concubine in the harem and cannot have any effect. If you don't operate on me first, maybe the effect will be better."

"Yes, I should start with Mrs. Xiao first, so that the lord knows my determination." Wei Sibu heard the sound and put the knife on Xiao Jin's neck.

Xiao Jin's arm was injured by the jailer in prison, and half of his clothes were stained with blood, but he stood up straight without fear, stared at Wei Sibu coldly, and then died.

Wei Sibu laughed loudly and waved the steel knife: "It's a pity that Mr. Xiao, a young and talented man, passed away earlier than me!"

The knife in his hand failed to fall,

A bloody sword pierced his back and came out through his chest.

Wei Sibu looked down at the sword blade on his chest in disbelief, then slowly turned his head.

Behind him, Feng Chang and Zhao Jikao held the hilt of the sword and looked at him fiercely and said: "You rebellious minister and traitor, I will kill you today on the order of my lord!"

When Wei Sibu fell off the city wall, he still heard his closest friend in the past, raising his arms in a righteous manner and shouting, "The leader of the thief has been killed, the rest of you should quickly put down your weapons, follow me to rescue the prince, and welcome the lord!"

Bianjing Rebellion,

The Lord of Jin quickly calmed him down with his thunderous skills.

Although Cheng Qianye did not want to see too much bloodshed,

But on this spring day, the blood of those who were beheaded in Bianjing City's West City still inevitably soaked the entire market.

Although in addition to the principal culprit, the accomplices with minor crimes were treated leniently by the lord, after this incident, many long-established aristocratic families in Jin gradually declined and withdrew from the stage of history.

The rising Xingxin gentry and those students who passed major examinations gradually became the backbone of the imperial court.

From then on, Cheng Qianye firmly controlled the military and political power of the Jin State and was able to implement his new policies more freely.

She first officially abolished slavery nationwide and strictly prohibited slave trading.

Any slave who escaped to Jin from other countries could become a formal citizen of Jin as long as he went to the government office to register and settle down, and he could also be allocated a small piece of land for living.

At the same time, she appointed Dong Bowen as the chief agricultural officer, and began to pay more attention to agricultural development. She revised it with reference to the "Tian Law" of the Song Dynasty and promoted it nationwide.

The benefits brought by this series of policies have not yet been realized by the Jin soldiers who have just returned to Bianjing.

These veterans who have been fighting for a long time and have made great achievements are happily counting their military achievements and lining up in front of the military secretary to receive their titles, fields, bounties and homesteads. .

"One hundred acres of land, one hundred acres of land, hahaha. When I get back, I'll ask Mrs. Wang in the lane to find me a wife."

"You only have one hundred acres of land, but you are so happy. Our leader, Mr. Yang Luhou, has already become the fifth prince. The matchmaker who came to propose marriage almost broke the threshold of his house. His godmother said that there were too many people asking for flowers. "

Mo Qiaosheng left the military camp and was preparing to walk into the palace.

I saw Yang Sheng's famous "Six Monkeys" happily handing out red posts everywhere.

Seeing him coming out, Yang Luhou walked over nervously under the push of his brothers, "The eighth day of next month is the day when the villain gets... a wife. I wonder if the eldest concubine has time to reward... a favor." "

Mo Qiaosheng took the wedding invitation from his hand and nodded with a smile.

When Mo Qiaosheng walked away, Yang Luhou took a long breath, touched his chest and said, "The chief concubine actually laughed, which scared me to death. I should get used to his usual fierce look."

Mo Qiaosheng walked into Chaowu Hall. There was no one else in the hall at the moment.

The Lord sat alone at the desk, rolling a table full of gems to play with.

Mo Qiaosheng took out a small brocade box from his arms and held it in front of Cheng Qianye.

"I got this by chance after I regained Nanzheng. My lord, let's see if you like it."

"Well, what is it?" Cheng Qianye opened the lid with interest.

She was stunned.

Lying quietly inside the box was an oval-shaped sheet that looked like gold but not gold, and looked like jade but not jade.

What surprised Cheng Qianye was that this scaly gem emitted a very dazzling seven-color light in her eyes.

Since coming to this world, she has only seen this kind of light in living people.

"What is this?" Cheng Qianye carefully picked up the contents of the box.

I feel that there is a subtle connection between the thing in my hand and my own system.

"I heard it's called Dragon Scale." Mo Qiaosheng answered casually.

But he immediately noticed something was wrong.

The dragon scale twisted in the Lord's hand gradually glowed with light.

The light gradually gathered and became more conspicuous, standing in front of Cheng Qianye's eyes, like a vertical eye, slowly opening.

Cheng Qianye stared blankly at the slowly expanding circle of light in front of him.

Some images vaguely appeared in the aperture. It was a small building that Cheng Qianye was very familiar with. It was the room where she had lived since she was a child.

Clusters of roses bloom outside the slightly older windows in the house.

A young man with a similar appearance to her was looking blankly at the countless photos on the table with half of the figures missing out of thin air.

"Chiba, Chiba. Where did you go?" The man grabbed his hair in pain.

"Brother." Cheng Qianye murmured.

Unknowingly, she had been living in this world for several years, and she gradually got used to everything here.

Those past lives seemed like a world away to her.

Cheng Qianye looked at his brother's familiar face, felt sad in his heart, shed tears, and stretched out his hand toward the circle of light.

The author has something to say:

Thank you little angels for voting for me~

Thank you to the little angels who threw [landmines]: 1 piece for Chao Wu, 1 piece for 23404468, 1 piece for Skin Boy, and 1 piece for the true male god in my dreams

Thanks to the little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: clue_moon 75 bottles, Jianjii 50 bottles, Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea 33 bottles, Zanlu Linjin 30 bottles, Pihai 20 bottles, I want to lift high 20 bottles, Ah Ying Ying Ying Xue 20 Bottles, 12 bottles of Mi Xiaocha, 10 bottles of a plump taro, 10 bottles of Jian Xiaoyan, 10 bottles of Liuyunzhi, 10 bottles of Waiting for Time, 10 bottles of silly flowers, 10 bottles of Zhangjia’s little brother named Ling, 10 bottles of light 10 bottles of tea to send lovesickness, 9 bottles of berry taro, 8 bottles of Zhang Baishu, 8 bottles of Unable to Display, 6 bottles of Rabbit Tea, 5 bottles of Maple Dance, 5 bottles of Dizzy Dizzy, 5 bottles of Silent Whisper, 5 bottles of Frost Leaves Sky, and Sherry Dew 4 bottles, 3 bottles of Dragon Slaying Knife with Wig, 3 bottles of Yoyo, 3 bottles of Living Room Khaleesi, 2 bottles of Xu Xiaoyue, 2 bottles of Sugar Orange, 1 bottle of vivi, 1 bottle of Dog King’s Husky, 1 bottle of Frost Destroys the Plants, 1 bottle of Yuesui, 1 bottle of Only the True God in Dreams, 1 bottle of 25504166, 1 bottle of Liyan Sauce, 1 bottle of 22019912, Oh! 1 bottle of Hanzhi, 1 bottle of Yokai in Yahara, 1 bottle of Sur, 1 bottle of funny naughty paper, 1 bottle of Autumn Wind and Muyu, 1 bottle of Yoshimitsu Kataha, 1 bottle of 20269043

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^