Dandere General and his Lord

Chapter 115: The scorpion fell into the sky



Cheng Qianye heard someone calling her and turned her head.

Mo Qiaosheng was standing not far away, his usually straight back slightly bent, and he stretched out his hand towards Cheng Qianye,

His calloused fingertips trembled slightly, and he said cautiously: "My lord, what are you doing? Come to me."

The Lord stood in front of that strange aperture, frowning and staring at him with a heart-wrenching expression.

"Qiao Sheng," the lord spoke softly, the voice seemed very close yet seemed extremely far away, "You may have noticed that I am a little different from you."

"I am from another world."

Cheng Qianye looked at the scene in the other world greedily, and then looked at Mo Qiaosheng in embarrassment.

On one side is the long-lost home, on the other side is the beloved lover.

"That's my home. I..."

I want to go back.

Mo Qiaosheng felt as if his lifeline had been controlled by a master in one move.

His whole body was filled with a huge fear of losing his master.

He tried his best but couldn't utter a complete sentence.

I could only mutter a few broken words: "No, don't."

It wasn't until he saw his lord's fingers finally withdrawing from the strange light and shadow that he regained the ability to breathe.

Cheng Qianye took the dragon scale in his hand, rubbed it slowly for an unknown amount of time, and finally put it back into the box.

There are Qiao students here, there are so many people, and so many things, she can't just let them go.

She reluctantly smiled at Mo Qiaosheng: "It's okay, I... won't go back yet."

Her face was suddenly held by a pair of large hands, and Mo Qiaosheng's frantic kisses rained down on her.

His kiss was impatient and jerky, without any skill at all.

Cheng Qianye pushed slightly, and Mo Qiaosheng moved closer.

Forget it, let it be.

Cheng Qianye was in a bad mood.

But she still reached out her hand and gently hugged Mo Qiaosheng's waist. She closed her eyes and raised her face, letting her sweetheart release his emotions.

Not long after, she found that her cheeks were moist, and hot tears were dripping down her cheeks.

Cheng Qianye opened her eyes, feeling a little sad and a little funny. She stopped Mo Qiaosheng who was kissing her while crying.

"Stop crying, I'm not leaving."

Mo Qiaosheng turned away, pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Don't worry, I won't disappear suddenly." Cheng Qianye comforted, "Even if something happens, I will definitely discuss it with you first."

"Father, father." Cheng Peng's childish voice sounded outside the palace.

Cheng Qianye and Mo Qiaosheng hurriedly distanced themselves, and Cheng Peng's figure soon appeared at the door of the hall. He ran in with his short legs and threw himself into Cheng Qianye's arms.

"Father Jun, Peng'er learned five Chinese characters today and memorized an article by Mr. Zhou. Mr. complimented me." Cheng Peng's face turned red.

"Really? Peng'er is really capable." Cheng Qianye praised him without hesitation.

"Peng'er wants to lift him up high." The red-faced boy sat on his father's lap.

"You are so big, I can't lift you." Cheng Qianye said, but still picked up the boy and spun him around, causing a burst of giggles in the hall.

"What are the father and the chief concubine doing? Have I disturbed the father?" Cheng Peng said sensibly.

Cheng Qianye coughed awkwardly: "We are discussing state affairs with the chief concubine. It's over. It doesn't matter if Peng'er comes."

"Why are the circles under General Mo's eyes red? Could it be that he stayed up late like Mr. Zhou? The general must take care of himself and don't worry my father."

Mo Qiaosheng's face turned red. He lowered his head and saluted. He looked at Cheng Qianye hesitantly for a moment before leaving.

Cheng Qianye held Cheng Peng on his knees and asked, "Master Xiao's injury has not healed yet? Is it Mr. Zhou who is giving lectures to the emperor recently?"

Cheng Peng nodded and said: "Well, Erchen just went to visit the Taifu. His injury has improved. He asked Erchen to tell his father that he has been back in the past two days. Mr. Zhou has told Peng'er many historical stories recently. , the child also likes him very much. But brother Zhou Ming who is with Mr. Zhou seems to be not very happy today. He said that Mr. Zhou stayed up until midnight yesterday, fearing that he might not be able to bear it physically. "

The young prince sat on Cheng Qianye's lap, and the crisp children's voice echoed in Chaowu Hall.

Cheng Qianye listened silently,

If she had been given this dragon scale a few years ago when she first came to this world, she would have returned to her own world without hesitation.

But now, so many people have gathered together because of her. Zhou Zixi, Xiao Jin, Zhang Fu... each of them is still working hard for the ideal they set together.

In the vast land of this country, there are countless people and soldiers, petty officials and courtiers. They all stick to their positions and work conscientiously to do their best to realize the expectations for the future in their hearts.

These little bits of hope, like stars in the sky, gathered from all over the country and converged into the hands of the king of Chaowu Hall.

Cheng Qianye held the thousands of silver rays in his hands, leading the giant ship of Jin to sail towards the light of hope.

At the beginning of this giant ship, how could she, the captain, give up all the responsibilities tied to her, abandon her subjects, abandon her country, and go back to her original world

What's more, there is Qiao Sheng.

Cheng Qianye closed his eyes and reached out to rub the box containing the dragon scales.

I'm sorry, brother.

I'm sorry, Mom and Dad.

I can't go home yet.

I hope that one day in the future, after I have arranged everything here, relieved of the responsibilities on my shoulders, I will have the opportunity to come back to you.

That night, although Qiao Sheng took the initiative to come over to accompany her, Cheng Qianye still slept uneasily. She had recurring dreams about her childhood.

In the garden full of roses, my little self and my brother played and chased each other around their mother's lap.

In the middle of the night, Cheng Qianye woke up from his sleep. The moonlight outside the window was like water, pouring into the bedroom.

The pillow was empty, and the person sleeping next to her was gone.

There was a black figure squatting on the floor in front of the bed. The man was sitting in the moonlight, looking up at the night outside the window.

The pale moonlight hit his chiseled profile, creating a beauty of collision between light and shadow.

Cheng Qianye quietly sat up and looked at the back silently. Qiao Sheng did not cry, but she vaguely heard the sound of the crystal tears breaking on the ground.

Cheng Qianye's heart was tangled.

There is not only a burning love between her and Qiao Sheng, but also a mutual responsibility.

But now, she is in a dilemma, not knowing whether she can make the promise of staying together for the rest of her life.

"I just had a dream." Mo Qiaosheng seemed to know that she had woken up. "In the dream, I became a slave again. Everyone around me told me that there is no Jin State in this world. Lord. Everything I have now is just a big dream."

"After I woke up, I was in a trance for a long time. I didn't know which world was real." Mo Qiaosheng's low voice sounded a little sad in the dark night.

"My lord, no matter who you are, you are my lord."

"I can't live without my lord."

He stood up leaning on the edge of the bed and stared at the person in front of him: "Please don't leave, please."

In the silent night, the only sound left was the gentle breathing of the two of them.

Cheng Qianye knew that Mo Qiaosheng was waiting for her answer.

"The man you met today is my real brother."

"My lord's...brother?"

"In addition to my brother, Gao Tang in my family also loves me very much."

"My lord, does he have another high position?"

"Qiao Sheng, have you found any news about your family these days?"

"Not yet."

"But in your heart, you must have an inseparable concern for them, right?"

Mo Qiaosheng was silent.

"It's the same for me. Since I came here accidentally, I haven't been thinking about my relatives all the time." Cheng Qianye stretched out his hand to him and pulled him to sit down next to him. "I'm sorry, Qiao Sheng. I I know I've made you sad, but please give me some time to think about it calmly."

In Zhengzhou City,

Standing in front of Yao Tianxiang was her nephew Yao Shun, who had come all the way from Bianjing to visit her.

"What do you mean, do you want to return to the Kingdom of Wei to inherit the throne of the crown prince?" Yao Tianxiang pursed her red lips and slightly raised her beautiful eyebrows.

"Yes... yes, I hope that my aunt will help my nephew." Yao Shun felt a little scared but also excited in front of this aunt who had been in awe of him since he was a child.

He was the third least favored child around Yao Hong. He had no ability to compete for the crown prince's position, so he could only be used as a hostage and sent to the enemy's country.

But a few days ago, news came from the country that the eldest brother died unexpectedly of illness and the second brother was reprimanded by his father. In addition, the Prime Minister of Jin State, Zhang Fu, encouraged him very much and was willing to strongly support him in returning to the country to compete for the position of crown prince. His timid heart couldn't help but become hot.

"Shun'er, you have to think clearly. If you are in the Jin Kingdom, my aunt can still keep you safe." Yao Tianxiang said slowly, "If you want to return to the Wei Kingdom, the position of Prince Wei is not so easy to sit on. The Wei State is not only in turmoil in the court, but also surrounded by powerful enemies. You have lived in Bianjing for these days, and you should have a deep understanding of the power of the Jin State. "

Yao Shun's excitement continued: "It is precisely because the Jin State is so powerful and with the support of the Jin State, my nephew is more confident. Zhang Xiang promised his nephew that he would fully support his nephew in becoming the prince. "

Yao Tianxiang closed her eyes, waved her hand and said, "If that's the case, then you can go back."

When Sima Tu entered the house, he passed by Yao Shun.

He looked at the back of the figure who left happily, and asked doubtfully: "Why did the third prince come to Zhengzhou?"

Yao Tianxiang waved his hands impatiently: "Don't pay attention to him, these brothers are generally idiots. The neighboring countries have become so powerful, and a group of people are still just fighting for their own interests."

Sima Tu consoled him: "The current situation is beyond our control. Besides, King Wei never cared about the relationship between the princess and her brother and sister, so why should the princess worry about them?"

Yao Tianxiang smiled bitterly: "That's right, why should I bother myself?"

"Princess, come and take a look at this." Sima Tu wanted to make Yao Tianxiang happy and took out a letter from his arms, "General Mo wrote me a letter."

As expected, Yao Tianxiang's attention was diverted: "What letter did Qiao Sheng write to you? He doesn't know how to make Qian Yu happy?"

Sima Tu smiled and unfolded the letter: "The chief concubine seems to be extremely anxious recently, always worried that the Lord will abandon him and ignore him."

Yao Tianxiang became excited: "Why is he worried about this? Could it be that Qianyu fell in love with someone else and had a new love? Just reply to him and say this... "

Mo Qiaosheng received Sima Tu's reply,

He fastened the doors and windows and nervously opened the letter that was so important to him.

"First, when you are deeply affectionate, you should not be too rigid, verbally express your true feelings, and follow the temptation."

Speak your heartfelt feelings, speak your heartfelt feelings orally.

Mo Qiaosheng felt that this matter was even more difficult to understand than the most obscure military formations. With a red face, he gritted his teeth and recited sentence by sentence the so-called must-haves for deep love and affection that Sima Tu had copied to him. Use sweet words.

"Secondly, relive the night when we first met each other, recall the deep love, and enhance today's friendship."

Mo Qiaosheng's heart suddenly changed. It was the first time, the first time with the lord...

He covered his forehead and remembered the ridiculous first time with his lord in Weiguo.

The author has something to say: Cheng Qianye: I'm sorry, brother, I really have nothing to do with this little goblin, so I have to abandon you first.

Thank you little angels for voting for me~

Thank you to the little angel who threw [landmine]: 1 piece for 34623774, 1 piece for staying up late to chase articles and becoming a dog, 1 piece for skinny boy, and 1 piece for Chao Wu

Thank you to the little angel who threw the [grenade]: Yan Wuyan 1

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