Dandere General and his Lord

Chapter 117: Terrified



In the twelfth year of the Tianqi reign, Cheng Qianyu, the founding emperor of the Jin Dynasty, passed away.

Crown Prince Cheng Peng succeeded to the throne and changed the country's name to Jinyuan.

The whole country was in mourning, and heaven and earth were in grief.

As the eldest princess, Cheng Qianye sat in mourning clothes in a carriage, followed the white funeral procession, and attended her own funeral ceremony.

It's really special to bury yourself. Cheng Qianye touched his chin and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Sometimes it is only until the moment of a person's death that we can see what kind of person he was in his daily life.

Now it seems that at least in the eyes of her subjects, she is still an emperor worth remembering.

Countless people from the city of Bianjing came to pay their respects spontaneously. For a moment, the cries reached the sky, and paper money fluttered in the air.

The snow-white sacrificial shed built by the people stretched more than ten miles outside the city.

Cheng Qianye lifted the curtain of the carriage and saw countless people along the way beating their chests and stamping their feet, crying loudly, reluctant to see her, the king of a country, leave.

Cheng Qianye was deeply moved by the people's actions. Looking at the spiritual flags flying in the sky, she reviewed her actions over the past ten years.

Ever since the Five Kingdoms invaded Jin twelve years ago, no one has been able to stop Jin's march to conquer the world.

After Guannei Hou Moqiaosheng married the princess, he did not live in Kyoto as everyone imagined, but continued his military career of fighting wars in the south and the north.

He and Yang Sheng divided their troops into two groups, destroyed Luzon and Li Wenguang in the north, and drove the Quanrong general Wei Mingshan all the way into the depths of the desert.

Now, more than ten years have passed, and the situation in Mobei has changed. With the gradual rise of the Khitan tribe in the northeast of the grassland, the influence of the Quanrong tribe has become increasingly insignificant.

While Mo Qiaosheng was on the Northern Expedition, General Yu Dunsu led his troops southward, destroying small countries such as Lu and Han in the south along the way, forcing King Chu An of Chu to surrender his entire country, and Yuan Yizhi of Yunnan was beheaded.

It was not until three years ago that Yao Shun, the new king of Weiguo, the last country in the Central Plains, submitted a letter of surrender and surrendered.

The State of Jin finally realized its dream of sweeping across the world and unifying the Central Plains, becoming the true overlord of the world.

Unable to bear the complicated government affairs, after the prince came of age, Cheng Qianye arranged everything and faked his death to escape from the world.

She restored her status as the eldest princess and planned to live a carefree life for a few years with her husband who had returned from the front line.

This matter needed to be kept extremely secret, so Cheng Qianye couldn't tell everything even to his close friends of many years.

Cui Youyu, Yu Dunsu, Dong Bowen and others were so grief-stricken when they heard the bad news that several important officials in the court burst into tears in the mourning hall.

Until today's funeral, Imperial Censor Zhou Zixi was still seriously ill in bed due to excessive grief and was unable to come to see him off.

"I'm sorry, everyone." Cheng Qianye silently apologized in his heart, "Being an emperor is hard work, and I've been too tired these years. Now that everything is on track, let me enjoy myself and live a life of drunkenness and dreams. You keep working hard, and I, your spirit in heaven, will silently cheer you on."

Little did they know that at this moment in the grand funeral procession, the newly appointed Chief Justice Deng Yan was looking at the coffin at the front of the procession with his brows tightly frowned.


"What did you say? Do you know what consequences you will have if you say such things?" Zhou Zixi, who was lying in bed, propped himself up and pointed at the person in front of him with trembling arms.

Deng Yan was originally just a minor official in charge of criminal justice in Zhengzhou.

It was Zhou Zixi who valued his talent in criminal law and promoted him all the way to the position of Tingwei, one of the Nine Ministers.

Deng Yan bowed solemnly and said, "If I were not certain, how could I dare to say such rebellious words in front of you, my Lord."

"My lord, my lord..." Zhou Zixi's face was pale and he could hardly speak. He simply couldn't believe what Deng Yan said, "Could it be that my lord really didn't die of illness, but was murdered by a villain!"

"Based on my years of experience in managing the prison, Concubine Xu, Prime Minister Zhang, General Mo, Cheng Feng, and..." Deng Yan clasped his fists and bowed to the south, "these people's cries are fake and not mournful. Since the day the late emperor passed away, none of them have truly wept for the late emperor's passing."

"Impossible, impossible." Zhou Zixi's eyes were confused. "They are all the people the lord trusts the most. I don't believe they will betray the lord together."

Yu Dunsu, who was sitting next to him, said, "Master Zhou, don't say you don't believe it. I don't believe that General Mo and General Cheng would do such a thing. But you and I both know that the Lord's illness is indeed very strange. There must be something wrong with one of the people that Master Deng pointed out."

Zhou Zixi and Yu Dunsu exchanged glances.

The Lord's illness came very suddenly, and he passed away suddenly. Even important officials like them could not see the Lord's burial. Now thinking about it, it is really unreasonable.

What is even more puzzling is why the lord's confidants, who had been loyal and devoted to him for many years, collectively betrayed him overnight

"We must find out the truth. Even if I risk my life, I can't watch my lord die in vain." Zhou Zixi said gritting his teeth.

Deng Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He felt secretly excited. With the support of the Left Prime Minister Zhou Yushi and the Duke of Anguo Yu Dunsu, he was confident that he could solve this, which might be the biggest shocking case since the founding of the State of Jin.

But what Deng Yan could never have expected was that Lord Zhou and General Yu, who were still filled with righteous indignation at this moment, immediately changed their stance completely after being summoned to the Princess's Mansion by Her Royal Highness the Princess.

Lord Zhou said to him with a look of wandering in the sky: "Don't check it, the master is really dead, it is absolutely true."

General Yu patted his shoulder, shook his head, and walked away unsteadily.

"There is a problem. There must be something wrong with this princess mansion. I must find out the truth." Deng Yan looked at the princess mansion where roses were popping out of the wall and swore secretly in his heart.

At this moment, he did not know that he was encountering the biggest unsolved case in the entire history of Jin State.

The author has something to say: I will start a new article tomorrow, please bookmark it. Please rate this article after it is finished.

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Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 24699330 14 bottles, ~ Guxi 10 bottles, Xiangji 3 bottles

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