Dandere General and his Lord

Chapter 14


Cheng Qianye looked at Mo Qiaosheng who was kneeling in front of him. He was naked, with long limbs and tight muscles. Wet water droplets flowed down his skin and slipped into the tempting bath towel.

He closed his eyes, his face flushed, and even his toes were slightly curled up with nervousness, as if he was ready to be picked.

Cheng Qianye had to admit that he was deeply moved by the way he was doing, and even had an impulse to push the man to the grass and bring him to justice.

She stretched out her hand and gently brushed Mo Qiaosheng's smooth black hair, feeling the skin beneath her fingertips trembling slightly with nervousness as she touched it.

"Qiao Sheng." She looked at the man in front of her, feeling a little sad for no reason. "If you don't want to, why do you still do this?"

"I..." Mo Qiaosheng opened his eyes in surprise, and he met a pair of eyes as gentle as autumn water.

So he swallowed the word "no" in the three words "I didn't".

The master said that he hates deception the most.

He lowered his head and drooped his eyelashes: "I am just a lowly slave. I have nothing to repay the master for his kindness to me. I only have this body, which is barely clean. If the master likes it, I..."

He was interrupted before he could finish his words.

A pair of soft hands cupped his face and lifted his head.

That heavenly sound seemed to come from the deepest dreams.

"Qiaosheng, I like you very much and admire you very much."

"I never thought of treating you as an object to be used only in bed."

"You are brave, strong, and an excellent person. In my eyes, you are not only an extraordinary martial artist, but also very loyal to me. One day, you will become a shining star like General Yu Dunsu. You will become an indispensable general of my Great Jin."

"Then people will say that I had a keen eye and only used a horse to exchange for a genius."

Finally, the voice smiled and said, "But you need to stand up on your own feet first. Stop belittling yourself."

Mo Qiaosheng felt a fire burning in his chest, and this fire ignited the desire hidden deep in his humble heart.

He couldn't help but stand up in a daze.

Cheng Qianye looked at the man in front of him, slowly straightened his back, sparks lit up in his eyes, and stood up.

She felt a little proud of herself for successfully drinking a bowl of chicken soup, and couldn't help raising her glass to drink.

At this moment, the bath towel accidentally loosened and slid down from Mo Qiaosheng's waist.

Cheng Qianye spat out the wine in his mouth with a "pu" sound.

Although Mo Qiaosheng hurriedly picked up the bath towel, his whole body turned red like a cooked shrimp, and he quickly evacuated.

But Cheng Qianye still caught a glimpse of that scenery.

She rolled over in the recliner and touched her chest.

She asked herself,

For a moment, was I moved

When Cheng Qianye took Mo Qiaosheng away from the hot spring villa, the blush on Mo Qiaosheng's face had not yet faded.

Xiao Xiu seemed particularly excited. When Cheng Qianye was not around, she tried her best to find out the situation from Mo Qiaosheng.

Mo Qiaosheng kept his mouth shut and said nothing, which made Xiao Xiu feel very disappointed.

Winter came faster than expected.

The temperature is getting lower day by day.

But for the people of Bianzhou City, this year's winter does not seem as harsh as they had imagined.

The continuous flow of supplies from the Jin Dynasty calmed the hearts of the soldiers and civilians in Bianzhou. They were looking forward to the coming spring and did their best to prepare for the cold winter.

However, news of the Allied forces' continuous defeats came from the front line.

First, Beigong Hou Luzon of the left army was greedy for merit and advanced rashly, but was defeated in Pinglu. Huayu Zhilu of the middle army was ambushed in Lushan and fled in a great rout.

Originally, Li Wenguang's troops on the right had been steadily advancing and taking several cities in succession. However, Yuan Yizhi, the King of Yunnan, who was in charge of grain and grass, was jealous of Li Wenguang's momentum and deliberately delayed and withheld grain and grass, forcing Li Wenguang's troops to stop in Nanyang.

At this point, the allied forces were completely defeated, and Li Wenguang led his troops back to Liangzhou in anger.

In recent days, stragglers of retreating soldiers have occasionally appeared outside the city of Bianzhou.

Cheng Qianye ordered them to be disbanded and reorganized.

Everyone was on high alert, working to consolidate the city's defenses and prepare for fortifications, ready to face the possible counterattack by the Quanrong army at any time.

On this day, yellow sand gradually rose on the distant horizon, and a group of defeated soldiers, who looked embarrassed, rushed straight to Bianzhou in panic.

Under the protection of several generals, Weibei Marquis Hua Yuzhi ran to the city gate first and shouted, "I am Weibei Marquis, open the city gate quickly!"

After waiting for a long time, a young staff figure slowly appeared on the city wall. He smiled and bowed to Weibei Hou and said, "Weibei Hou has come from afar, and we will certainly welcome him. However, the lord is not in the city at the moment, so please be patient."

Hua Yu was furious: "Who are you? The Quanrong cavalry will arrive soon, this is not a joke, please invite the Marquis of Jinyue to come and talk."

The aide still waved his sleeves and saluted calmly: "I am Zhang Fu, a small aide, and I really can't make the decision. Please lead your troops to resist the enemy first. When my master returns from Xishan, I will prepare the army and muster the troops and horses, and will definitely go out of the city to cheer for you."

Hua Yu was looking straight at the tall and solid city wall, where majestic and solemn soldiers stood, their armor shining, and their swords and spears clashing.

He knew in his heart that these were all excuses for shirking responsibility. The Jin army had the advantage of geographical location and was unwilling to take the lead, wanting their own troops to take the lead.

Although they were extremely angry, they could do nothing about it. They could only mobilize the army, lean against the city wall, and set up a battle formation to meet the fierce foreign pursuers.

The troops of Marquis Weibei had been chased all the way by the Quanrong and had already lost the will to fight. They just hoped to quickly enter the city and escape.

But he was refused entry into the city.

At this moment, with no way to retreat and pursuers in front, the soldiers were instead determined to fight to the death.

Ah Feng and his team stood at the forefront of the team to meet the first wave of enemy attack.

As a troop composed of slaves, they have always been placed in the most dangerous and difficult places.

At this moment, he was shot by an arrow and was both injured and tired.

But he couldn't retreat.


It means death.

He roared like a wounded wolf and rushed towards the oncoming enemy with his sword in hand.

His knife cut into the enemy's flesh, and the enemy's knife also cut into his body. He didn't know whose blood was splattering before his eyes.

Ah Feng felt that she could no longer feel the pain.

He knew this was a bad sign.

Numbness means death is approaching.

He raised his sword to take the enemy's attack for a brother beside him, but another flash of sword light appeared in front of him.

At this moment, he no longer had a second knife to block this deadly edge.

That's it.

At that moment, Ah Feng thought that it would be better to die on the battlefield.

Why am I still so reluctant to leave such a boring life

A shining silver spear stretched out from his side, broke through the knife light, and continued to move forward, directly piercing into the enemy's abdomen, knocking the Quanrong general off his horse.

A young general in black robe, riding his horse with spear in hand, passed Ah Feng and led a team of cavalrymen in bright clothes and armor, charging head-on towards the enemy battle formation.

The young general took the lead, unstoppable, and tore through the enemy's formation like a sharp blade.

That familiar yet unfamiliar figure was so energetic and high-spirited.

"Qiao Sheng." Ah Feng uttered a familiar name softly from his dry throat.

With the timely support of the Jin army, Weibei Hou's troops repelled the pursuing troops of the Quanrong.

The surviving troops set up camp outside the city.

At this moment, in the central military tent of Weibei Hou, Hua Yu was furious and smashed a wine glass at the feet of Zhang Fu in front of him.

"How dare the Marquis of Jinyue be so rude to me. He only allowed me to enter the city with my family and relatives. Does he regard Bianzhou as your private property?"

Zhang Fu was not angry at all, and replied with a smile: "My Lord, you have misunderstood. My Lord has always respected you, so how dare I neglect you? It is precisely because of your hard work in the army that I have held a banquet in the city to welcome you. If you insist on sharing the hardships with the soldiers and staying in this barracks, then I will have to leave with regret."

He is humble and courteous, and no one can find fault with him.

But there was no intention of giving in in his words.

At this moment, Bianzhou's military, political, and public opinion are now firmly in the hands of the lord of Jin.

Not to mention that Marquis Weibei is now only leading a defeated army. Even if he leads a powerful army of tens of thousands, it will be impossible to take back Bianzhou City, which is sturdy, well-trained soldiers and well-fed.

Beiwei Hou sighed inwardly, the words that mocked Jinyue Hou were still ringing in his ears. Now that he thought about it, among all the princes, he was the only one who got the upper hand.

Like the master, like the subject. Just looking at the stubborn Zhang Fu in front of us, we know that Jin Yuehou is also a cunning person who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger, hiding his true colors.

Marquis Weibei deeply regretted that he had made a mistake.

But he doesn't want to, and can't, fall out with the State of Jin now.

He could only swallow his anger and put on a smile to face Zhang Fu.

Cheng Qianye held a grand banquet in the newly established City Lord's Mansion in Bianzhou to welcome Weibei Hou Huayu.

At the banquet, guests and hosts drank and praised each other, enjoying themselves to the fullest.

Cheng Qianye was very impatient with this kind of socializing.

But she knew that as the lord of a vassal state, especially a young lord who had not yet established a firm foothold.

This kind of socializing is inevitable and is a necessary skill for survival here.

She picked up the golden cup with a smile and toasted Huayu who was sitting in the guest seat.

Hua Yuzhi raised his glass and said, "Thanks to my brother for coming to my aid in time, I am very grateful. I would like to toast you three glasses to express my gratitude."

Cheng Qianye has a good alcohol tolerance and is not afraid at all, he accepts all drinks.

Huayu laughed loudly, "Speaking of which, my brother is the best at teaching people."

He looked at Mo Qiaosheng who was standing behind Cheng Qianye. "This slave has been with you for a short time. He has completely changed. Today on the battlefield, I almost didn't recognize him."

Cheng Qianye glanced at the person beside him, smiled, poured a glass of wine with his bare hands, and handed it over personally.

Mo Qiaosheng lifted his skirt, knelt on one knee, took the wine glass and drank it all.


This article was first published on Jinjiang. Please try to support the original author.