Dandere General and his Lord

Chapter 28


Mo Qiaosheng frowned and stretched out his fingers to tap several acupuncture points on himself to slow down the bleeding.

Cheng Qianye took off his clothes and bandaged him.

Mo Qiaosheng's blood-stained fingers gently held her wrist, took the cloth bandage, and neatly tied his wound.

"Master, this place is not far from the battlefield. It is not safe. Don't stay for a long time. You can walk upstream along the river, or go into the mountains to take shelter temporarily."

"Okay." Cheng Qianye nodded.

Mo Qiaosheng took off his waist knife and stuffed it into Cheng Qianye's hand. He took off the gorgeous sword that Cheng Qianye carried with him, which was more for display than practicality, and held it in his hand.

"The enemy's surprise attack temporarily dispersed our army. But I think General Yu will be able to control the situation soon and organize a counterattack. Master, just ensure your own safety and wait for General Yu's rescue."

Cheng Qianye reacted: "You, you won't come with me?"

Although after these days, she has gradually adapted to this era.

But at heart, she is a woman who grew up in a modern city. Asking her to go into this desolate wilderness to survive alone under the threat of death made her instinctively afraid. She subconsciously wanted to rely on the man in front of her who she trusted.

Mo Qiaosheng showed a troubled expression and avoided Cheng Qianye's gaze.

Cheng Qianye suddenly realized that Mo Qiaosheng seemed to be talking to her calmly and orderly, but in fact half of his body was stained red with blood. He sat on the ground, the arm supporting his side even trembling slightly.

He was too weak to stand up.

Cheng Qianye squatted down next to him, "Come, I'll carry you."

Mo Qiaosheng looked at her and moved his lips slightly, but said nothing.

"Stop being so nagging, come up quickly." Cheng Qianye said with his head tilted.

The long, blood-stained fingers grasped her shoulders.

"Just hold me up and it'll be fine." A low-pitched male voice sounded from behind.

Cheng Qianye felt his shoulders sink, and the man behind him gritted his teeth and stood up with one leg. With another effort, Fang reluctantly stood up and slowly regained his balance.

"Can I leave?" Cheng Qianye asked worriedly. She knew in her heart that with her strength, it was impossible to carry Mo Qiaosheng very far.

"As long as I'm not dead, I can leave."

As long as the master needs me, I can go, I must be able to go.

Cheng Qianye put his arm on her shoulders and supported his waist with one hand, trying to keep Mo Qiaosheng leaning against her.

"Let's go. Let's go together. You can't die."

The two reluctantly left the river bank and stumbled into the forest.

The sky gradually darkened, and the moon rose above the treetops.

In the quiet spring mountains, the shadows of the trees are dancing.

Cheng Qianye felt Mo Qiaosheng's weight leaning on her gradually increase, his pace became slower and slower, and finally stopped.

"Qiao Sheng." Cheng Qianye called out worriedly.

Mo Qiaosheng's head was mostly covered by his hanging hair.

Under the moonlight, only the smooth and straight nose bridge could be seen, sweating heavily. Her thin lips were slightly parted, and she couldn't help but breathe out puffs of mist.

Cheng Qianye found a relatively hidden place and let Mo Qiaosheng, who was in a semi-conscious state, lie on the ground.

Even though it is already spring, the mountains and forests at night are still chilly to the bones.

When Mo Qiaosheng ran in the water, his clothes were already soaked and his whole body was cold.

But Cheng Qianye didn't dare to light a fire. She thought for a while, took off all Mo Qiaosheng's wet clothes, wrung them dry with her hands, and hung them on the branches.

She looked at the unconscious Mo Qiaosheng, turned her back, took off her inner and outer robes, and kept the slightly damp outer robe on. The dry underwear gently covered Mo Qiaosheng's naked body.

When the body-warming clothes covered the cold skin, Mo Qiao woke up with a start. He felt a soft arm wrap around his shoulders, enveloping him into a warm embrace.

The lord sat leaning against the mountain wall, letting him, as a slave, lie on his legs, gently touching his hair with one hand, and tilted his head to look warily into the depths of the night.

Those eyes filled with stars are bright and moving in the night,

"Sleep well. I'll be on guard." The master's voice sounded above his head.

Unable to sleep, Mo Qiaosheng reminded himself that it was too dangerous here and he had to work hard to protect his lord.

However, there were waves of warm body temperature on the skin, and a faint fragrance was smelled in the nose.

The most reassuring voice in the world kept saying in his ear: "Go to sleep. Sleep peacefully."

He couldn't sleep, he murmured softly and slowly closed his eyes.

In this crisis-ridden night, Mo Qiaosheng fell into a peaceful sleep.

When Cheng Qianye woke up, it was already dark.

She sat up from a pile of thatch and branches, wondering where she was.

She was covered with a white undergarment, which slipped onto the soft thatch beneath her as she stood up.

Cheng Qianye found that he was well hidden among some obstacles made of thatch and branches.

If you were looking from the outside just now, you would hardly be able to tell that there was anyone sleeping inside.

When did I fall asleep, where was Qiao Sheng

Cheng Qianye looked around and saw no sign of Mo Qiaosheng.

There was a leaf in her hand, and the green leaf held a rhizome-shaped fruit.

The fruit was about the size of two fists, with some yellow mud and roots on the surface. When you cut it open, you will find white flesh inside. When you taste it, you will find that it is crispy, moist, and slightly sweet.

Cheng Qianye happened to be hungry, so he used the knife he carried with him to cut the rhizome into several pieces and gnawed it while waiting for Mo Qiaosheng.

Where did Qiao Sheng go? He was so seriously injured, but he got up early in the morning and did so many things.

It's a good thing he's still here in such a wilderness, otherwise I might starve to death and be trapped here.

Cheng Qianye, who cannot distinguish between east and west and grain, has no skills to survive in the wild.

After a while, the grass and trees parted, and Mo Qiaosheng's figure appeared.

He was wearing his half-dry black clothes and holding a container folded out of a broad leaf in his hand, which contained a pool of water.

He saw Cheng Qianye woke up and smiled. Kneeling on one knee in front of Cheng Qianye, he held the water in both hands.

Cheng Qianye took his hand, drank a few mouthfuls of water in one breath, and sighed comfortably.

"Have you eaten Qiao Sheng?" she asked, raising the white pulp in her hand.

have eaten. I'm not hungry. You cannot lie to your master.

While Mo Qiaosheng's head was still spinning between these three choices, Cheng Qianye had already held his fingers and put the fruit pulp into his hand.

Mo Qiao twitched his hand, but Cheng Qianye squeezed it tightly.

"Why is it so hot?"

Cheng Qianye squeezed Mo Qiaosheng's hand to prevent him from avoiding it. The other hand reached out and touched his forehead.

The skin on his forehead was frighteningly hot.

"You have a fever? The fever is so severe!"

Cheng Qianye looked at Mo Qiaosheng, whose face was flushed, and his mood became complicated.

She knew that she liked this man very much, but in her subconscious, she always put herself on a high level and felt that she was the one who gave and gave.

At this moment, she suddenly realized that the sacrifices she thought she made were just trivial things based on her superior status.

But Mo Qiaosheng tried his best to treat her, gave up everything, and even put her in a position that was more important than his life. Even though he didn't fall in love with himself.

She pulled Mo Qiaosheng and asked him to sit on the pile of thatch where she was sitting. She pressed his shoulders and forced him to lie down and rest.

"Master." Mo Qiaosheng struggled.

"Lie down. If you get up, I will be angry."

Cheng Qianye used the remaining water to wet a handkerchief and covered it on Mo Qiaosheng's hot head. Cover him lightly.

She sat cross-legged next to him, used a knife to peel off the remaining fruit skin, cut the white flesh into small pieces, and fed it into Mo Qiaosheng's mouth bit by bit.

"Eat quickly," she said.

Mo Qiaosheng's eyes moved back and forth, and he turned his face away from the inside of the mountain wall.

Cheng Qianye stretched out her hand and gently touched the hot head. Under her palm, the eyelashes of Mo Qiaosheng's closed eyes could not help but tremble, and the skin around his eyes and the tip of his nose were slightly red.

What a contradictory character. He is obviously such a strong man, but yet he loves to cry so much in front of me.

Heartbeat always happens in an instant, catching people off guard.

But Cheng Qianye was not prepared to avoid his inner emotions.

I really like him, he is so cute, it makes my heart flutter.

Cheng Qianye looked at Mo Qiaosheng's slightly panting face. Those pitiful and lovely clear tears kept coming out of the thick eyelashes and rolling down over the red tip of his nose.

Cheng Qianye bit her lip and really wanted to kiss him and tell him loudly that I liked him and that I had a crush on him.

But then Cheng Qianye's heart dropped again, and she sighed in her heart.

Although he was loyal to me, he didn't like me.

When Xiao Xiu was madly in love with Cheng Qianyu, once she saw her lover's face, a pink light would shine from the depths of her soul. That is the symbol of emotion.

The pure, gem-like blue around Mo Qiaosheng made Cheng Qianye feel a sense of loss for the first time.


This article was first published in Jinjiang. I hope readers who like it can come and support me. Thank you.

The author has something to say: Let me tell you in advance, it will be updated at 11 o'clock tomorrow night. Don't wait for me, little cuties, go to bed early.

La la la, here is the time of my friend’s tweet:

"The Demonic Monk Always Covets Me" by Wuwangzhichuan

Zhou Xiaochan traveled through time and space into a Buddhist novel with a male protagonist.

In the article, Fuzi Yunyuan was poisoned by the strange poison of the devil world in order to save young master Cang Wu.

So, bathed in his holy light like the snow lotus of Tianshan Mountain, the heroines willingly sacrificed their lives for him one by one, and for fear of tarnishing each other, they did not leave their names after the incident, but silently formed a group to follow behind to protect him...

But halfway through, the author suddenly made a surprising turn.

It is said that Yunyuan is not actually a charmer, but he has the blood of half a charmer. Any woman who has been close to him will go crazy for him. And in the finale, the male protagonist turned against him and was ruthless, not only killing Those women also released the erotic demons trapped in the Absolute Realm and led them to destroy the Qingxu Realm.

She was dressed as a girl with a special physique and died trying to detoxify the male protagonist, but she still felt that she died a worthy death.

Yunyuan: "Female donor, you have a special physique. Come with me back to Cangyun. There is a string of South China Sea Buddhist beads there that can cover your physique."

Zhou Xiaochan: "Master Yunyuan, you are going to die. You should think about yourself first. I won't bother you."

Yunyuan: "..."