Dandere General and his Lord

Chapter 34


Cheng Qianye and Yao Tianxiang returned to the princess's mansion hand in hand, surrounded by a group of beautiful maids and slaves who came forward to serve them.

Two maids with pretty faces and affectionate eyes deftly took off Cheng Qianye's complicated outer robe and changed him into comfortable casual clothes.

Liu Lu and Chun Xin also followed behind, serving tea and water.

Liu Lu took off Cheng Qianye's golden crown with her own hands, loosened her hair, and skillfully massaged her scalp with her ten nimble fingers. She then combed her hair again and inserted a light jade hairpin.

"The collar of your inner garment is so high, it must be uncomfortable to wear. Now that the weather is getting warmer, do you need Xin'er to sew a few new clothes for you?"

Cheng Qianye did not comment, sat down comfortably next to Yao Tianxiang, and took the tea brought to him by Chun Xin.

Liu Ye knelt beside her knees, clenched her fists and gently massaged her legs.

Chun Xin smiled and asked, "My Lord, you are tired today. Would you like Xin'er to sing a song to relieve your fatigue for you and the princess?"

Cheng Qianye looked at him for a long while, then suddenly laughed for no apparent reason: "Go ahead."

Chun Xin didn't put on any makeup, just had a bare face. She cleared her throat, swayed her body, and sang a song "Yu Shu Hou| Ting Hua".

The voice was enchanting and moving, penetrating into people's hearts and lungs, and evoking the most instinctive desires in the human body.

"She stood in front of the window, not wanting to enter, but came out from behind the curtain with a smile to greet me. Her face was like a flower covered with dew, and the flowing light of the jade tree illuminated the backyard."

Cheng Qianye squinted his eyes, tapped the rhythm with one hand, and touched Liu Lu's head with the other. Liu Lu raised her face, her eyes full of admiration, and stared at Cheng Qianye shyly.

Mo Qiaosheng stood quietly behind Cheng Qianye. Looking at Cheng Qianye's hand touching someone else's head, he felt an inexplicable anger rising in his heart.

I really want to twist that head off.

He was startled by the idea that suddenly popped into his mind.

Are you too spoiled

Mo Qiaosheng closed his eyes for a moment and scolded himself harshly in his heart.

Your master has been gently with you for a few days, and you have forgotten your own identity and dared to have such outrageous thoughts.

The master... is not someone you can just dream of having all of yours. You can't even serve the master like them... like this.

He clenched his fists behind his back and almost wanted to slap himself a few times.

However, his eyes couldn't help but stick to that white palm.

Only he knew how soft those hands were, with a breathtaking warmth, and how they had touched his head and patted his shoulders countless times, making his scarred body and mind tremble gently in such tenderness.

Mo Qiaosheng felt uncontrollably sad.

What's wrong with me

He lowered his head and clasped his hands tightly behind his back.

"What kind of tune is that? It's terrible." Yao Tianxiang closed the tea bowl and said, "Change the song, sing 'The Case of the Chopping of the Beauty'"

Cheng Qianye laughed and patted Liu Ye, "Go ahead, dress up and act with him. Sing for the princess."

Cheng Qianye took Yao Tianxiang's hand and asked her to sit closer to him.

Everyone knew that the couple had something private to say, so they wisely stepped back a few steps.

Here, Liu Ye began to sing: "Just now I was in the Golden Palace, and I went to pay my respects to His Majesty. I went to the harem with the princess, and the Queen Mother smiled as soon as she saw me."

"Tianxiang, you are not afraid anymore," Cheng Qianye turned sideways and whispered to Yao Tianxiang's head, "I am afraid that I will not keep my promise. I am afraid that I will be homeless in the future."

"You need something from me now, so you'll naturally say all kinds of nice things. How can I trust you?" Yao Tianxiang glanced at her, "When we get to your Jin State, I'll be all alone, so how can I know what kind of face you'll turn into."

"Tianxiang, what I said before was indeed to coax you. There are not only interests between people... but also emotions," Cheng Qianye took her hand and squeezed it gently, "all kinds of emotions - family, love and friendship."

She looked directly into Yao Tianxiang's eyes and saw that this seemingly strong and unrestrained woman was deeply afraid of an unknown fate.

"Although we can't be husband and wife, we can be friends."

"The love between friends is not necessarily shorter than the love between husband and wife."

"In this era, there are very few women like you who dare to love and hate, who have the courage to break free from the shackles and face their own hearts. After spending these days together, I like you from the bottom of my heart. I want to be your friend, please believe my heart."

Yao Tianxiang glanced at her several times and broke free from her hand. "Alright, alright, you're suddenly so cheesy."

"Who wants to be friends with you? I'm just doing it for myself." Her face turned slightly red.

Liu Lu's babbling opera voice floated over: "I have to be ruthless when I am riding a tiger, even if it means punishing me."

Yao Tianxiang's gaze passed across the courtyard and saw a young man with a handsome figure under the big banyan tree in the yard. He was wearing the clothes of the lowest servant and was sweeping up the fallen leaves with his head down.

That was the man Yao Tianxiang loved the most, but he was just a lowly groom and could never be a match for her who was so high and mighty.

Yao Tianxiang thought of those beautiful nights, when beads of sweat dripped from the man's naked upper body. Every time was like the last meeting. He tried his best, let out a low roar, and went into the abyss of happiness with her.

Who wants to condescend to those old men and live a moldy life all their lives? I want this man, even if it is for him, I will take this gamble this time.

It's getting dark and the lights are coming on.

Mo Qiaosheng tidied himself and walked towards Cheng Qianye's bedroom.

In the past few days, he slept on the footstool in front of his master's bed to keep watch for his master.

In the dark night, guarding his sleeping master alone was the happiest thing for him in this dangerous situation.

As soon as he reached the door, Liu Lu and Chun Xin stopped him.

"You are not needed here. The Prince Consort said that the two of us should serve him tonight."

Mo Qiaosheng's face darkened and he stood still.

"Hey, don't you understand what people are saying?" Chun Xin looked him up and down with disgust. "You are thick-skinned, so tall, and ugly, and you shamelessly cling to the Prince Consort all day long. Don't you think about your own character? You are not fit to serve tea or water."

The figure in black stood silently in the deep shadows of the night.

"Didn't you hear me telling you to leave?" Liu Lu pointed her finger at Mo Qiaosheng's chest. "You shameless, lowly thing. Do you think a slave can monopolize the love of the Prince Consort?"

"Ouch!" He suddenly screamed, "It hurts, it hurts, it hurts so much! Let go! Let go now!"

Mo Qiaosheng clamped his wrist, and his eyes in the darkness revealed a fierce light.

"What are you doing?" A gentle voice interrupted them. Cheng Qianye walked over leisurely.

Mo Qiaosheng let go of his hand.

Liu Lu flew to Cheng Qianye, tears in her eyes, her body limp, "My Lord, look at what he has done. My hands are almost broken, and I won't be able to sing tomorrow."

As he spoke, he stretched out his jade-like wrist pitifully, on which were five purple handprints.

"Oh, it's all swollen, it's so pitiful." Cheng Qianye held his wrist and blew gently.

Liu Lu glanced at Mo Qiaosheng with pride. Mo Qiaosheng lowered his hands and lowered his head in silence.

"Go find a doctor and get some medicine." Cheng Qianye put down Liu Lu's hand, "It's getting late, go back and rest early."

Then, under the surprised gazes of Liu Lu and Chun Xin, she walked to Mo Qiaosheng, touched his lowered head, took his hand and walked into the house.

Before closing the door, Cheng Qianye turned around and said to the two people who were unwilling to give in: "I will teach him a lesson later. Ah, don't be angry, go back."

That night,

In front of Wei Henggong Yao Hong,

A housekeeper in the princess's mansion stood with her head bowed and her hands hanging.

"You said he only used that slave as a pet? Are you sure?"

The lady crossed her arms and saluted: "In reply to your words, sir, it is true. The Marquis of Jinyue is a very absurd man. Several times, he was seen torturing the slave until he cried and fell out of the house. He is really pitiful."

Yao Hong sneered: "Such a talent, but he doesn't know how to cherish it, and only uses it as a plaything for pleasure in bed. It seems that Jin Yuehou is just a womanizer, with no ambition, and there is no need to be afraid of him."

He thought for a moment and added, "Liu Lu and Chun Xin still couldn't get close to him?"

"The Marquis of Jinyue likes the two young masters very much, but that slave Mo Qiaosheng is very cunning. He can pester the Marquis every night to favor only him." The lady hesitated and said, "Even on the night of his wedding with the princess, the Marquis still had a separate room with him when he was out, and... he called for water twice. From time to time, there were cries and begging for mercy in the room. It was simply unbearable to hear."

"Is it possible that he and Tianxiang are not actually husband and wife?"

"That's not the case. The Prince Consort and the Princess have a harmonious relationship. The couple dismissed everyone this afternoon and locked themselves in their room. They didn't come out until several hours later. It seems that they have a tacit understanding and don't interfere with each other."

Yao Hong nodded: "No one can stand Tianxiang's temper. After getting married, will she still have any relationship with that groom?"

The housekeeper nodded.

"As a princess of a country, there are so many talented men who like her. It would be fine if she just picked any one of them as her lover, but she chose a lowly groom. It's really embarrassing for me." Yao Hong frowned. "In a few days, find a chance to get rid of that groom to avoid more trouble."

At this moment, in Cheng Qianye's bedroom, the candle was extinguished and the moon was shining through the window.

Mo Qiaosheng held his sword in his arms, lay on the footstool in front of the bed, and slept with his clothes on.

Cheng Qianye lay on the edge of the bed, with half of his black hair hanging down along the bed.

Her chin rested on her arm, and her clear eyes looked at Mo Qiaosheng below in the darkness.

"Are you really not going to sleep up here? Wouldn't it be uncomfortable sleeping there?"

"With the bedding and pillows given by the master, I am already very comfortable and have no discomfort at all."

Fortunately, it was dark, Mo Qiaosheng thought, so he didn't have to worry about his master noticing if he blushed.

"Qiaosheng, get ready. The princess and I have discussed the details today. We will leave on the day of the middle of spring."

"Princess, are you coming with us?"

"Yes, Tianxiang is going with us. She has secretly sent a letter for me a few days ago. General Helan and Xiao Sikou will bring the navy to the border to meet us."

"Even if I risk my life, I will definitely escort the master and the princess back home safely."

Cheng Qianye lowered one arm and stroked Mo Qiaosheng's hair. "I don't want you to risk your life. We all need to go back safely. Okay?"

As the night deepened, the master's hand kept touching his head, and gradually became still.

Mo Qiaosheng stared at the half-glowing face that was exposed on the edge of the bed in the moonlight. He carefully lifted the drooping arm and gently lifted it back to the bed.

The jet-black hair fell down again, tickling his face and reaching deep into his heart.

After a long time, he raised his stiff arm, gently picked up a strand of black hair, and kissed it on the lips as if possessed by a ghost.


This article was first published on Jinjiang. If you like it, please support the original version.

The author has something to say: This plot is based on "Three Kingdoms" for entertainment