Dandere General and his Lord

Chapter 58


Cheng Qianye, Yu Dunsu, He Lanzhen, and Xiao Jin were talking about military affairs while walking towards the meeting hall.

On the road outside the door, two figures, one red and one black, knelt down and saluted. Cheng Qianye caught up with the first two steps and reached out to support the two of them.

"Cheng Feng." Cheng Qianye said the name clearly while biting the words, then entered the room with a smile, "Why are you here? Are your injuries healed?"

She called everyone into the room and ordered Biyun to serve tea to everyone.

Cheng Feng stepped forward to salute and asked Ying to join the expedition.

"Do you want to go out with the army?" Cheng Qianye turned around, sat down on the chair, and looked at Cheng Feng who was kneeling on one knee in front of him.

The bridge appeared before his eyes, just like the clear sky in summer, both clear and full of enthusiasm.

As for Cheng Feng, the red wine poured out in autumn always has a bitterness and sadness.

At this moment, he was kneeling on one knee in front of him, with no emotion on his face.

But Cheng Qianye clearly saw that he was immersed in a strong sadness, and even Xiao Mo behind him became depressed due to his infection.

Cheng Qianye frowned: "Are you asking for a military expedition, or do you want to die for the country?"

Cheng Feng was stunned for a moment and raised his head.

"You and General Yu, not only can't lead troops on expeditions in the near future, but don't even think about going to the school field for training. Just rest and recuperate until the military doctor approves." Cheng Qianye took the tea handed over by Biyun and drank it. One mouthful.

"But I have one thing that I really want to entrust to you." She put the tea cup on the table, looked at Cheng Feng, and said, "I want you to be the Sikou Zuoshi, responsible for commanding the law enforcement in the palace and the people around me. Guard Division.”

Cheng Feng raised his head in surprise, opened his mouth slightly, and was almost speechless.

"Recently, perhaps because we defeated the Quanrong on our own, many envoys from other countries have come to see us. The people in Bianzhou City have become complicated."

"Lv Yao is working hard to temporarily renovate the former city lord's palace to use as my palace. Xiao Sikou has many things to do in Cebu and has other important tasks. So I need someone as Sikou Zuoshi to be responsible for the palace guard and my close guard. Things."

"Are you willing to shoulder this important responsibility?"

Cheng Feng stared at Cheng Qianye for a long time, turned away, controlled his emotions, and said softly: "How can I hold such an important position?"

Cheng Qianye straightened his clothes, stood up, and supported him with both hands: "What this position requires is not a prominent life experience, but absolute loyalty to me."

She patted Cheng Feng on the shoulder: "Cheng Feng, I need you and trust you. My safety will be entrusted to you in the future."

Cheng Feng lowered his head, and for a long time, he silently and firmly performed a military salute.

Once, Chu Yezhi often said to him: Chu Feng, you believe me, I treat you like a younger brother, and I will protect you in the future and never let you be hurt again.

But at that time, he always felt uneasy and lived in fear all the time.

Now, what Cheng Qianye is saying is: I need you, I trust you, you stand up and follow me, we will overthrow this system together, and I will let you see a better world.

At this moment, he felt extremely peaceful. No more fear.

He will stand as an independent man, straighten his back and follow in his lord's footsteps.

Be trusted and expected.

For the sake of the master, but also for myself.

Work hard for a world we all want to see, and do our best, no matter what.

"Those of you here, including Zhang Fu from Jiangcheng, are my most trustworthy and capable team members now." Cheng Qianye gave everyone a seat.

"The siege of Bianzhou this time made me see a big shortcoming of our army. Please help me take a closer look at it."

Everyone present felt excited and passionate because of being recognized by Cheng Qianye.

We are the Lord's confidants.

Everyone sat upright and listened.

"In the future, in the very near future, we may have to fight a lot of wars."

Cheng Qianye stepped in front of the map hanging on the wall and stretched out her hand.

"We now have Bianzhou and the surrounding Gaoyang and Yongqiu."

Her white palms expanded outward: "In the future, our land will become larger and larger, and the battles we face will gradually expand from thousands to ten or twenty thousand people now. For example, tens of thousands of people guarding Bianzhou We may have to face group battles, or even larger-scale legion battles involving hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people.”

"We can no longer recruit troops at short notice and train in a hurry like this time. We can win in danger by relying on a moment of courage."

"I always think about how we can have better control over our country's military and civilians. I want all adult men in military households to have basic military qualities. Once the country is at war, they can be ready at any time. levy."

Xiao Jin stood up and clasped his fists: "I have a plan that I have been pondering in my mind for many days, and I would like to ask you for your advice. We can add the post of county captain under the county magistrate in all counties and counties in Jin Dynasty, and order him to take charge of the military affairs of the county. All military households within the jurisdiction, as long as there are adult men in the family, are required to serve in the military for one month every year, half of the month for military training, and half of the month for county labor service. "

"In this way, whenever there is a war, the soldiers recruited will no longer be inexperienced recruits. At the same time, the county's city defense, water conservancy, and construction manpower will also be available. Farming will not be overly affected during the January period of the year. ”

Cheng Qianye clapped his hands: "Wonderful, this is what I want, but I didn't expect it to be so detailed. Xiao Sikou is really a genius. If I'm going to fall asleep, I can hand you a pillow right away. Just do it like this, implement the change, and you can prepare it as soon as possible Show me a detailed statement."

Xiao Jin lowered his head and said humbly: "I happened to have an idea with my lord. I have been thinking about this matter for a long time and it is not perfect yet. When my lord asked me about it, I felt happy for a moment and responded in a hurry. Fortunately, my lord is not surprised."

Cheng Qianye looked around at the crowd, switching back and forth between He Lanzhen and Yu Dunsu.

"General Helan, after General Yu recovers, you will entrust the defense of Bianzhou to him. You will be responsible for implementing this strategy. Your Helan family has good military training. In this battle, the soldiers of the Helan family made great achievements. , It’s eye-catching. I hope you can train all our Jin army to be such warriors.”

He Lanzhen was excited and stood up to salute: "I will live up to my lord's trust. I humbled myself to supervise this matter personally. He also wrote a letter home to Jiangzhou, asking my uncle, the doctor, He Lan Yan, to refer to my Helan family's military training methods, and personally signed it. This simple and easy-to-understand military strategy is distributed to the defense posts of each county. I swear to the Lord to train an invincible army of Jin warriors."

After everyone dispersed,

Mo Qiaosheng followed Cheng Qianye along the long corridor towards the dormitory.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the road is covered with mottled shadows of the railings.

The two walked in silence for a while, and then Cheng Qianye said, "Did Cheng Feng encounter something today?"

Mo Qiaosheng had become accustomed to his master's keen insight. He briefly described what he had seen and heard today.

"An envoy from the Song Dynasty?" Cheng Qianye snorted, "I remember."

She hooked her fingers, and Mo Qiaosheng came closer.

"Is that person coming to see me tomorrow? You first find a few soldiers and wait for him in the street. As soon as he comes out, cover him with a bag and beat him up."

Mo Qiaosheng opened his mouth in surprise. In his mind, the master had always been gentle and gentle, but he never expected that he also had such a side.

Cheng Qianye patted his chest with the back of his hand: "What are you doing? There is nothing to be afraid of. We are in our own territory now. We can do whatever we want except killing him. This is the best way to relieve anger. This is what I hate the most. Scum. Old, ugly and perverted.”

Mo Qiaosheng smiled. For the first time, he felt that his master was no longer such a lofty and unattainable man in the clouds, which made him feel a sense of closeness to him.

"What about yourself?" Cheng Qianye put away his smile, "We will go on an expedition in the next two days."

She turned around and sat down on the railing, leaning against the bright moon and cool breeze.

"Do you know what I'm trying to say?"

"My lord wants me to love myself, not to show off my courage, and to win and come back safely." Mo Qiaosheng looked at Cheng Qianye who was sitting on the railing, knelt in front of her on one knee, and looked up at her, "I remember it all , I will definitely do it.”

"Qiao Sheng, those who are good at fighting have no great reputation. Do you know the meaning of this sentence?"

Mo Qiaosheng was a little puzzled.

"A true victorious general fights steadily, takes his time to attack the city and exterminate the enemy, and strives for progress while maintaining stability. Occasionally, the opportunity arises. Those battles that rely on soldiers to move dangerously and win through cunning and deceitful tactics are actually helpless actions."

Mo Qiaosheng listened carefully.

"They may not have enough troops, or they may not have enough support, or they may be urged by the domestic lord to take the risk as a last resort. Although they won and gained fame, many of them could not go far. Just one mistake and their lives would be lost. , no matter how great the achievement is, it is just a piece of legend and is useless. "

Mo Qiaosheng raised his head and looked at the man sitting under the bright moon. He suddenly understood everything. The master had been working hard day and night, working tirelessly to increase grain production and improve the military system.

It turns out it was all for me. For me who will go to the front line.

He suppressed the tears in his eyes and heard the voice of his lord,

"My general, you don't have to think about unnecessary things like them. I will be your solid backing. Whether it is food, grass, or soldiers, I will try my best to provide you with a steady stream. You only need to steadily provide Just go forward, you know?”

Mo Qiaosheng reached into his arms and took out what he had been tugging at.

He clenched his fists and rubbed them without opening his palms.

"What?" Cheng Qianye smiled.

Mo Qiaosheng thought about it for a long time and finally slowly opened his palms.

In his broad palm lay a small black ring.

"Is this for me?" Cheng Qianye's eyes lit up.

What a coincidence, he actually knew how to give this.

Mo Qiaosheng's face turned red, "This is Mo Fei. I've been looking for it for a long time, and when I saw it had an ink character on it, it just... just like me..."

Just like I am with the master.

"Put it on for me." Cheng Qianye stretched out his hand.

Mo Qiaosheng looked at the hand stretched out in front of him, and the white skin glowed like jade under the moonlight.

His arm, which could lift a thousand kilograms of heavy objects, suddenly became unable to lift this small ring. With trembling hands, he put the dark blue ring on the white and tender finger.

Cheng Qianye raised his hand and looked at the dark blue ring on his finger through the moonlight.

Under the moonlight, Mo Fei revealed a faint blue light.

"It's so beautiful. I like it very much. Thank you, Hashio."

"Hey, I haven't cried yet, why are you crying?"

Cheng Qianye rubbed Mo Qiaosheng's face and gently kissed his forehead.

"I will come back safely, my general."