Dandere General and his Lord

Chapter 99


Returned to the palace.

Cheng Qianye looked at the assassin who was tied up and thrown in front of her.

This was a very young assassin, barely a teenager.

He was hit by three arrows, blood was all over the floor, a piece of cloth was tied around his mouth to prevent him from committing suicide, he was curled up motionless, his eyes were open indifferently, there was no special expression on his face, only a bit of resigned calmness.

Cheng Qianye frowned. This man was already an experienced assassin at such a young age. There was no telling how many lives had been taken on his hands. He didn't even care about his own life and was ready to accept death at any time.

When Yao Tianxiang heard that the assassin had been caught, she rushed over to join in the fun.

"This is not considered small. When I married to Lu, I saw smaller ones." She shook her head and stretched out her hand to compare with her side. "You can't believe that a child this young can ruthlessly kill someone."

Zhou Zixi suddenly asked: "Do you know Ayang?"

The assassin's wooden expression changed. He was obviously surprised. He looked up at Zhou Zixi, then lowered his head and remained silent.

He recognized that Ayang.

Everyone present understood it.

"Take him away. I'll leave it to you to deal with." Cheng Qianye said to Ajia, then she hesitated for a moment and added, "Don't be too aggressive, save his life."

Ajia picked up the assassin with one hand and walked out.

My lord is too soft-hearted. He even wants to show mercy to an assassin.

As she led the group out, she muttered to herself,

Last time, the lord ordered the traitor to be skinned alive in public for three days, which was very decisive.

Ajia looked down at the bandage on her left hand, which was bandaged by her lord himself.

She raised her hand, which was wrapped in a white bandage, and looked at it in the sunlight.

The lord is really an interesting person.

Forget it. Anyway, Lord Zhang and I are watching her, so just be soft-hearted.

After everyone left,

Yao Tianxiang lay on Cheng Qianye's desk, watching her review the military newspaper: "Why did you let him live, Qianyu, are you soft-hearted?"

"I..." Cheng Qianye's attention was not on this. She was holding a small knife and removing the sealing wax on the envelope.

Yao Tianxiang continued, "These deadpools have been subjected to cruel training since childhood and have been repeatedly taught to be loyal. They basically have no thoughts of their own and can only be loyal to their lord. They don't even care about their own lives. Don't sympathize with them."

"Everyone has their own ideas." Cheng Qianye kept moving his hands.

Yao Tianxiang gave an example from her own life: "Just look at Ajia next to you. When necessary, she can smile when she is hurt, and she can also smile when she kills people. But she has no expression at all at other times. They have been trained to be a killing weapon, and they have no emotions of their own. It is useless for you to keep the assassin alive."

Don't you have your own feelings? Cheng Qianye took out the letter, twisted it in his hand, and fell into thought.

When she judges whether a person is good or bad, she often relies on the color that person brings.

But this time, she felt a little sympathy for the assassin because of his actions before he was arrested.

While he was bullying the little beggar, he also gave him half of his food - even though he was also very hungry.

Cheng Qianye had never seen anyone with the color of obsidian. Perhaps in the world of pure black, there was no distinction between good and evil, and all actions were based solely on one's own preferences.

"That man is interesting. Let's keep him alive for a few days."

Cheng Qianye unfolded the letter, which was a private letter from Mo Qiaosheng written to her from the front line.

Several thick pages of letter paper contained a detailed account of the various situations on the front lines.

Only at the end of the article, there is one sentence:

I haven't seen you for several months, and I miss you deeply.

The handwriting on the entire letter was neat, except for this line, where the horizontal and vertical lines were not even.

Cheng Qianye could almost imagine how Mo Qiaosheng's face turned red, and how his pen tip was unsteady as he mustered up the courage to add this sentence after his long speech.

Cheng Qianye smiled happily.

"What did Qiao Sheng write to you? Why are you laughing like that?" Yao Tianxiang asked curiously.

Cheng Qianye turned the letter away from her.

"Humph, do you think I care about you?" Yao Tianxiang rolled her eyes. "That Mo Qiaosheng is nothing but a nobody on weekdays. Do you think he can write such a good letter?"

"He only wrote one sentence, but I felt happy when I saw it." Cheng Qianye said with a smile.

Yao Tianxiang became excited: "You can't write like this when you reply to him. You must describe it in detail, express your longing for him skillfully, and write it in a vivid and vivid way, so that he will miss you madly after reading it."

Cheng Qianye took out a pen and paper and said, "Okay, okay, give me some advice. What should I write?"

Yao Tianxiang whispered in her ear: "You should write something like: embracing the soft jade lamp, gently pushing the person away, wanting to refuse but also welcoming, ..."

In Mo Qiaosheng's central army tent, adjutant A Yuan came into the tent.

"General, this is an urgent message from Zhengzhou, eight hundred miles away."

Mo Qiaosheng took the letter. On the front of the envelope were written the words "Personally addressed to Zuo Shuchang". On the back, the wax seal was the lord's personal seal.

He hurriedly opened the envelope, took out the letter, took a look at it, and closed it again with a snap.

He coughed twice and said, "It's nothing, Yuan, you can leave now."

Yuan left the account, wondering if something big had happened in Zhengzhou. The general's face had turned red with anxiety.

Mo Qiaosheng looked around and confirmed that there was no one in the tent.

Just now, I carefully unfolded the letter paper, and saw that the first sentence was a erotic poem adapted from the Romance of the Western Chamber:

The general's tears are like pearls. I welcome you with tears. Your soul flies up to the palace. This is a scene worth a thousand gold coins...

Mo Qiaosheng blushed and his heart beat fast. He wanted to stop reading but couldn't bear to do so. He had to endure the shame and read it carefully twice.

"My Lord... Really." He closed the letter and held it against his chest, feeling his entire body getting hot from the inside out.

Under the attack of the three armies of Mo Qiaosheng, Li Wenguang and Chu Anhou,

The Quanrong were defeated step by step. The Empress Dowager of the Quanrong had no choice but to abandon Haojing with Emperor Shun of Yuan, cross the Yellow River and flee far north.

It is said that when crossing the river, there were not enough boats, and the palace soldiers scrambled to get on the boats. They pushed each other and many people fell into the water and drowned.

Even after the boat was fully loaded, there were still countless Quanrong people who could not swim clinging to the edge of the boat. The soldiers on the boat could only use their swords to cut off the fingers of those who were clinging to the edge of the boat.

After the boat started, the severed fingers that fell in the cabin had to be picked up by hand and thrown into the river.

For a moment, the river was blocked by corpses and the blood dyed the river red.

The scene was so tragic that it frightened anyone who heard it.

Li Wenguang took advantage of the momentum and made rapid progress, regaining the lost land in his old nest, Liangzhou. From then on, he no longer had to wander around, borrowing land, and now dominated the northwest region.

The Chu State's Chuanhou annexed part of the land of its former neighboring state Wei, and gradually became the overlord of the south.

Mo Qiaosheng's army marched westward, passed through Hangu Pass, passed through Shimen, and occupied the Fengdu area.

In Zhengzhou city.

Cheng Qianye stood in front of a huge map, looking up at the red marching line.

That was the route Mo Qiaosheng had taken, and Qiaosheng was already so far away from her.

"Why didn't the lord order General Mo to occupy Haojing? Instead, he marched westward?" Zhou Zixi was puzzled.

"Haojing is the capital of the emperor." Cheng Qianye raised his head and his eyes fell on the former capital.

"Although the emperor is dead, this city has a different meaning for the people of the world. Our Jin State has certainly become much stronger through this battle, but now that many heroes have risen up in the world, there is no need for us to rush to make ourselves the target of public criticism."

Zhou Zixi followed Cheng Qianye's gaze and said, "It turns out that besides Fengdu, what the lord really wants is..."

The two people's eyes converged on one place.


"Yes, I want Han Quanlin's Hanzhong."

Zhou Zixi walked out of the hall, feeling vaguely excited.

The lord has great ambitions in his mind, and his plans and expectations for the country are more far-reaching than anyone else.

And between the king and his subjects, they actually had such consistent goals and dreams.

He has followed his lord to the present day, and has watched as, with everyone working together, the country has gradually become what they wanted it to be, and it is even better than they had imagined.

Today, Jin has become a powerful country that dominates one side and has real strength to compete for the Central Plains and the ability to realize their dreams.

Perhaps, Zhou Zixi is standing at a node in time at this moment, watching the beginning of a prosperous era.

How lucky I am to have met such a wise ruler, Zhou Zixi thought as he sat in his wheelchair.

For us ministers, different lords bring completely different destinies.

He slowly walked out of the palace and came to the cell.

In the dim cell, the young assassin was hanging.

Ajia stood in front of the assassin who was about her age, pointed at the torture instrument in her hand, and sighed.

"You still don't want to say it? You followed a master who doesn't care about your life or death. What's the point of being so stubborn?"