Dangerous Fall

Chapter 123: 123. Tattoo


With his heart beating wildly, Lin You moved everything swiftly and started to return to its place. He opened his mouth and responded repeatedly, "Oh, oh, okay, here it is."

Putting the files, closing the drawers, unlocking the locks, putting the keys, and arranging the desk, Lin You took only half a minute or so to get down a series. In a hurry, Lin You accidentally knocked over the chair and made a loud noise.

"Mr. Lin You?" The little girl in the maid costume heard the noise outside the door, and immediately asked: "Excuse me, what's wrong with you? I heard the noise, you..."

"It's okay, it's okay!" Lin You answered, leaning over and opening the door.

"Mr. Lin You, what was the sound just now?" The maid costume girl looked inside through Lin You, looking at the chair that had fallen on the ground before she could lift it up, "Ah, this chair..."

Lin You smiled embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, I just ran into it by accident."

The maid glanced at him suspiciously, "What was Mr. Lin You doing just now? Why did he bump into the chair?"

Obviously, the panic of the chair that had been knocked down after a long time had opened the door aroused some suspicion in her.

Lin You scratched his head, "When I was waiting, I saw that Mr. Sifengin had a lot of books here, so I wanted to read it, but I didn't want all the original Japanese editions, so I gave up..."

"When you called me outside just now, I was stepping on a ladder to put books." Lin You added an explanation, pointing to the ladder he deliberately moved to the side, which was used to collect books from high places. "So I was delayed for a while. I was worried that you would wait for a long time. I accidentally knocked down the chair. I'm really sorry."

I don’t know if the other party believes it, the little girl in the maid costume swept the room and put the refreshment on the desk, and gave her a meaningful look, "It turns out that this is the case, then Mr. Lin You should be careful next time. Yes, and, with the master’s permission, it’s a bit rude to do so."

Lin You was a little hairy when he glanced at it. It seemed that this tender and sweet-looking maid girl was not what she thought, but just a silly white sweet.

Sure enough, how can someone who can do things next to Nagi in Sifeng Academy be a simple character.

"Yes, I'm really sorry, I will pay attention next time." Lin You just didn't notice anything. "Then, what about Mr. Sifengyuan? Why haven't you seen it yet."

"Oh, Mr. Sifengyuan is still working out upstairs. You may need to wait a while. It seems that it will take an hour to finish. Mr. Sifengyuan asked me to bring you some refreshments. You can use it first. Go ahead and wait patiently for a while." When the little girl in the maid pretends to speak again, she has restored the sweet smile in front of her, as if the vigilance just now was just Lin You's illusion.

"Oh, okay, thank you." Lin You took the tea from the other party and was about to drink, but saw a small section of tea stalks floating in the center of the cup, and the tea drinking stopped.

The maid disguised as a little girl took a look and smiled brighter, but Lin You always felt that there was something else in that smile.

"Oh, the tea stem is standing up. It seems that you will be lucky soon. This is a symbol of happiness."

"There is still this saying?"

"Of course, this is what Mr. Sifengin said to me. You are so lucky. You will surely be lucky right away."

"Then I will lend you good words." Lin You smiled at her.

I hope it can really be as this maid costume girl said.

Lin You couldn't relax at the thought of what he was going to face tonight, and couldn't take a wrong step.

Lin You looked down at the floating tea stalks in the teacup, shook the quilt twice, and the tea stalks slowly sank to the bottom.

"Then you can take some refreshments here for a break. Please also pay attention to this call. Mr. Sifengyuan just ordered it. When he finishes working out, he will call the study to inform." The maid pretends to go to the desk , Pointed to the fixed phone above, "You don't need to answer it. When the phone rang, just go to the third floor and find Mr. Sifengyuan."

Lin You listened to what the other party meant, why? Is this maid pretending to be leaving herself here

Lin You was thinking about the hidden meaning of the words, the other party had already said as he thought, "Mr. Sifengyuan just told me, let me explain it to you before you can leave work, and I am going to leave. NS."

The maid pretended to be a little girl speaking, but there was no joy of coming home from get off work in that tone, and it was full of reluctance.

"Hey? When I go to the third floor, where should I go?" Lin You asked.

Sifeng Academy Nai made such an arrangement and made it clear that she had already started to drive away unrelated personnel, no wonder she was so late to show up, for fear that she didn't want to let the maid pretend to be a little girl.

That's okay, after the maid pretends to leave, he still has some time to continue the search.

The pile of letters just now made him particularly concerned, and he had to take them apart and take a few to get them back.

"Go up the escalator just now, and when you reach the third floor, you can count to the third one on the right hand side. That's the one with a "chrysanthemum pattern" engraved on the door."

"Okay, I see." Lin You wrote down in his heart.

Before leaving, the maid pretended to be a little girl repeatedly instructed Lin You in soft words to just wait patiently and let him not run around.

When the other party left, Lin You sat on the seat in the house, leisurely began to eat tea, took out the time of his mobile phone staring at the screen, and quietly waited for ten minutes to pass before he set off again. Two search operations.

The target pointed directly at the letters in the drawer. Lin You unpacked, took photos, and put them back swiftly. Too many letters were unrealistic to be photographed one by one. Lin You picked up the letters in different months according to the date on the envelope and found that

After taking a picture, he directly packaged and uploaded the photo clues to the mailbox, filled in the receiving address, compiled the text description, and set up a scheduled sending.

If you can't come back, then these clues will be sent out regularly.

After repeated confirmation, after doing all this, he carefully deleted the archive in the phone to prevent Nai Sifeng Yuan from seeing it for a while.

Except for those letters, there was nothing else to discover. After closing his hand, Lin You sat back on the chair, and when he was thinking about taking a risk, he slipped to the next room to have a look, the phone rang suddenly. Up.

It's a coincidence that this time is stuck...

Obviously he just finished searching, not a minute after sitting down...

Lin You stared at the beeping landline for two seconds, and then walked out.

Going up the stairs to the third floor, following the instructions of the maid girl, Lin You stopped at the third door on the right hand side and scanned the carved patterns on that door.

It seems that this is the place. This should already be the personal gym of Sifeng Yuannai.

Lin You thought, stood outside the door and took the translator first, then knocked on the door of the room.

"Boom boom boom."

Lin You tapped lightly, "Mr. Sifengyuan, I'm here."

Pushing the door straight in, the scenery behind the door is not as full of fitness equipment as he expected, but a tatami that occupies half of the room.


Wait a minute, didn't the maid pretend to be in the gym before she left? Why has this place become a bedroom

Did you go to the wrong house

After Lin You quit a little bit, he looked at the "chrysanthemum pattern" pattern on the door to make sure that he really didn't go wrong.

"Mr. Sifengyuan? I'm here, are you here? Mr. Sifengyuan?" Lin You whispered the name of the other party, looked around the indoor environment, but didn't rush in, he always stayed at the door and watched.

Wait a moment, if you listen carefully, there seems to be a sound of water droplets

The sound coming into his ears inadvertently attracted his attention, "Mr. Shikaedin? Are you inside?" The sound seemed to be coming from behind the tatami.

There was still no reply, and he discerned it for a while. Lin You was sure that he had heard it right. The sound of the water drop was indeed coming from the paper door behind the tatami mat. It sounds like there is still some distance. feel.

Lin You decided to find out, took off his shoes, and finally stepped in and stepped on the tatami.

"Mr. Sifengyuan, are you there? Excuse me!" Lin You said as he approached the paper door.

Standing by the paper door, I pressed my ears to listen to the movement. At close range, the sound of water became more pronounced. Perhaps Sifengyuan Nai was within it.

Lin You straightened up and stretched out his hand to cover the paper door. When he was about to pull it open, the door opened by itself first. With a "crash", he was shocked, and he took a half step back. The chin is directly opposite, the chin of Nai from Sifengyuan.

Lin You took another two steps back and looked at each other.

She was damp and her hair drenched casually. Sifeng Yuannai had apparently just taken a shower, bare feet, and a large bathrobe wrapped around her body. She tied her waist with a belt. His chest was loose and loose. A large area of skin is exposed indifferently.

It seems that there is no mystery behind this paper door, it is just an ordinary shower room.

His gaze swept across the opponent's chest and stopped, and he actually got a tattoo on that skin.

It was a pity that the loose bathrobe was half-covered, so that he only knew that there was a large tattoo, but he couldn't tell what was tattooed.

If he remembers correctly, those black guys in Japan got these tattoos the most, right? Moreover, it is said that the large-scale black gangs have their own dedicated tattoo masters. Isn’t it the identity of the Shifengin Nai, who is also a member of the many black gangs in Japan

"Mr. Sifengyuan." Lin You took the initiative to say hello, "I'm here as agreed."

Sifeng Yuan Nai didn't worry about him. She straightened her face and hair, walked barefoot on the tatami, stopped in front of the large wooden cabinet by the wall, opened the drawer, and took out a black box, which was a translator.

Taking him slowly, Sifeng Yuan Nai looked at him, opened his mouth, and directly cold the blood of Lin Youwen, and froze in place.

"Secretary Lin, did the evidence search go well? Seeing you have been busy for a long time, you should have gained a lot." ()