Dangerous Fall

Chapter 139: 139. The battle for mobile phones


Bend his knees, kicked, and jumped up, Lin You moved swiftly like an arrow from the string, pounced straight towards Zhanyi.

With his arms out, his five fingers spread out towards the mobile phone that was held high.

Zhan Yi stood in place, looking calmly at Lin You, who was rushing toward him with "enthusiasm". He didn't react too much. He seemed to be waiting for the other person to throw his arms and hug him, with an unconcealable smile in his eyes. .

Near, near...

Thinking in his heart, Lin You only had the phone in his eyes at the moment, and saw that his fingertips had touched the cold phone case.

It seems that one blow will win.

I was sure that I would be able to get the phone smoothly. I didn't feel proud for a second. In the next moment, the situation had already changed tremendously during the slight movement of Zhan Yi.

The movement was not large, but he turned slightly sideways, and the upward and high gestures shifted by half a minute, which had already escaped Lin You's grasp.

Depend on!

Lin You secretly cursed "misconduct" in his heart, and kept on working hard.

The moment his body fell from mid-air, he bends his knees and cushions the bottom, kicking hard to bounce up again. This time he bounces higher and flies faster.

Be sure to grab it!

"The jumping ability is really good." Zhan Yi commented lightly as he dodged: "Unfortunately, he was too impatient and charged too hard. The judgment of the direction of the impulse was biased, and the stamina was obviously insufficient."

Huh? This bastard is still calmly commenting? !

owe! teach! Training!

Lin You hated it so much that her posterior molars were itchy, and suddenly she felt that her attacking movements were too gentle? Actually let the other party have a leisurely and elegant comment on him!

owe! beat!

"Stop talking nonsense." It's really easy to get distracted when dealing with language. Now he has only one goal, to take down the phone, "Hand over the phone to me!"

In other words, the original owner of this phone seems to be him, right? ?

Why does this scene make him look like a villain who snatches a cell phone

Zhan Yi chuckled, retreating two steps away from Lin You. This time, he didn't even hide, "Are you sure you want to keep going like this?"

Have a chance!

Watching the other party patronizing and talking while standing motionless, Lin You hurriedly seized the opportunity. In order to make the other party stand still and not move, he still interfered with the other party. I."

"Return to you, but not now." As he expected, Zhan Yi didn't move his position when he answered, and stood straight there.

Definitely get it!

Lin You will have already jumped up again.

Thinking it was an opportunity, Lin You, who flew past, stretched out his hand, and later realized that there was indeed a deviation between imagination and reality...

It's been calculated again...

Looking at Zhanyi but looking at her own eyes with a smile, Lin You had no doubt that the other party silently expressed only one word-stupid.

He thought that if the opponent didn't hide, he didn't react and couldn't hide. Well, it turned out that the opponent had already calculated his pounce and grab distance, knowing that he would definitely not be able to grab it.

Once again, he wiped the metal case of the phone with his fingertips, and Lin You steadily fell back to the ground.

Sometimes Lin You really wants to pry the other person's head and study what the structure is inside. How can he plan every step so carefully


I can't beat my physical strength, and I feel worried about my IQ at the moment.

"It's useless." Zhan Yi looked at him with a smile in his eyes, "Ayou, don't waste your effort."

"If you have the ability, don't hide." After several battles, I grabbed it. The physical strength consumed by the continuous jump made Lin You feel a bit sore in his legs, and he really was a little negligent in exercising.

"Don't hide? Okay." Zhan Yi looked indifferent, shook his phone, teasing deliberately, "It's just... Can you get it if you don't hide? Is this height difficult for you?"

"Zhan Yi! Your uncle!" I was thoroughly stimulated, and Jie Ren hasn't revealed his shortcomings. This bastard kept taunting him for his height, is it endless

A few steps forward, the euphemistic snatch was transformed into a more direct physical attack without any warning. He raised his leg and only took the opponent's lower body.

"Oh, it's so cruel? You have to think about your future "happy" life, don't be impulsive." Skills, pressed Lin You's raised knee and pressed it back, the other party deliberately increased some thought-provoking words. "If it's scrapped, what will you do in the future."

His face turned red, "Consider a fart! Who is rare?"

Kick again!

Be blocked again.

"I can understand that you are afraid of not getting it, so do you want to destroy it?" Zhan Yi was ridiculing and attacking, Lin You who blocked Lin You had nothing to say, his hand pressed Lin You tightly and lowered his voice. Full of magnetic temptation, "rest assured, it is yours."

Lin You, who was blocking these words, suddenly didn't know how to pick it up. He wanted to take a break and then continue to snatch.

After stepping back for a short distance, Lin You blushed and moved again without kicking. He switched to the previous snatch mode again and launched the Nth round of attack.

This time, Zhan Yi still didn't hide, still standing still looking at him.

The same method used twice won't work.

I chuckled in my heart. Lin You, who had suffered a loss, has already calculated it in my heart. With a glance, I have already calculated the distance between the two of them. The other party is definitely in his own. Within the attack range.

You can't run away this time!

Lin You thought to himself that for the sake of safety, he even deliberately got closer.

As he jumped up and rushed forward again, his face was full of "smiles", and he was still muttering words, "Hand over your phone to the honest girl!"

When Lin You's toes jumped completely off the ground, Zhan Yi also moved.

Oh, I guessed it a long time ago, it's useless to hide!

Feeling proud of himself, he planned the attack range first in order to prevent Zhan Yi from retreating and dodging, regardless of whether he retreated half a step or one step, he couldn't avoid it.

Lin You smiled at the corner of his mouth, and his figure began to fall. Zhan Yi also smiled at the corner of his mouth, unexpectedly not retreating but advancing instead.


What's happening here

The distance that had been deliberately shortened in order to prevent the opponent from escaping at this time, with Zhan Yi's further approach, approached Lin You in a panic.

Lin You didn't doubt at all, even completely sure, when he fell back to the ground, this foot would definitely step on Zhan Yi severely, maybe under the collision of the two, they would each fall to the ground. What an embarrassing fall would be like.

It happened in just one second, Lin You didn't have too much reaction time at all, jumping up, approaching, falling, and then...

"Ah!" With a soft cry, Lin You's whereabouts did not step on the opponent as he expected, or to be precise, before stepping on the opponent, he was stopped by interception midway.

"Shhh, do you want to noisy the people in the room?" A close voice rang in his ears. At this time, Zhan Yi surrounded Lin You in his arms in a hug gesture.

"Let me down, let me down!" Although he lowered his voice in order to avoid disturbing everyone in the house, the excitement was not hidden.

"Don't move." The opponent's feet kicking back and forth in the air made Zhan Yi a little bit unable to hold him, "Do you want to be thrown."

Want to be thrown

Isn't this obvious

Only people with broken brains will want to be thrown!

The struggle came to a halt, Lin You stiffened all over the opponent's arms, "You let me down."

After all, he is a 178-year-old man anyway, and his weight is also a leverage. Lin You is quite worried about himself. Whenever the other party can't hold him, he will just let go and give him a free fall. My dog biting mud experience.

Zhan Yi didn't move, and continued to hold the other person, with emotion, and said: "Only at this time are you obedient."

"Hey, can you let me down first?" Lin You moved slightly again, in order to avoid being thrown, she didn't dare to make too much movement.

"Listen to me quietly first." Zhan Yi's attitude is also very tough, and he will never let go before he finishes.

"You said." Lin You can only calmly wait for the other person to follow, but this posture is really... suffocating.

"Mobile phone, I will return you." Zhan Yi opened his mouth and pointed out what Lin You cares most at the moment.

"Okay, let's get it then." Lin You put his hands in front of the opponent, palms facing up in a begging posture.

"But not now." Zhan Yi added slowly: "I can't let you hold such a dangerous thing."

"Where is the cell phone dangerous!" Lin You retorted, opening her mouth.

"In your hands, under the current situation, it's very dangerous." Zhan Yi relentlessly dismantled. "You are too easy to be emotional. Maybe an "excited" disregarding it will start holding a mobile phone to collect evidence. Taking pictures, this kind of mindless behavior is very dangerous."

Being poked at the most cruel question, Lin You mumbled retort, "I won't."

"You can."

Well, it’s actually a bit hard to refute what the other person sees so thoroughly, because in fact he is a bit like what Zhan Yi said, in fact, he himself is not sure if he is really in a state of excitement. What will do these.

"So I will hold this phone for you." Zhan Yi continued.

"But..." Lin Yougang wanted to fight for a few more words, a harsh and familiar cry came from the far side of the corridor, directly interrupting what he wanted to say.

"What are you doing!"

Maintaining the posture of hugging and being hugged, the two turned their heads in sync to look at the sound source.

Looking at the voice-producing person, it was Yang Shengxiu.

"Your Young Master Yang is here, can you let me go?" Lin You said in a low voice, without forgetting to say: "You promised me the phone. Give it to me afterwards. Don't lie to me."

He was really a little worried now that Zhan Yi would not show him any missing scenes that would disappear if he didn't agree with him.

"No." Zhan Yi said. Before Yang Shengxiu rushed to the two of them, he slowly put the other party down. After the other party stood firm, he slowly released his hand and put Lin You's phone back into his pocket. . ()