Dangerous Fall

Chapter 162: 162~164. Negotiate deals


At eleven o'clock in the evening, two kilometers outside the small forest in the western suburbs, a black van was parked by the road. There was no driving light. The black body was so integrated with the night, it was very hidden.

In the car, Lin You, Lu Yuan, Xiao Yuhe, and two criminal police officers gathered around them, making the final preparations.

"Are you ready?" Putting the air duct earphones on for Lin You, he tested it in a low voice, "Hey, can you hear me clearly?"

"No problem, the equipment is normal." Lin You nodded, adjusted the volume on his own, hiding the earphone cable in his clothes, and asked Lu Yuan to bring the communication equipment to Xiao Yuhe who was aside quickly.

"It's really high-tech." Xiao Yuhe became extremely interested in the air duct headset.

"That is, this is a special equipment for police use. You have to return it when you use it." Lin You didn't forget the little temperament of Xiao Yu and the Cai fan, and reminded him: "Don't think about pretending to be secretly."

"Am I that kind of person?" Xiao Yuhe was extremely dissatisfied.

"You are." Lin You replied with a smile, not giving the other party any face.

"Okay, you are right. So, Officer Lin, when will you settle the money for my "Xuantie Infusion Stand"? I have been owed for a few months. , A little man who regards money as his life, this money has made me worry about not sleeping well for months."

"I'm wrong, what do you want from Doctor Xiao? I won't be scared of these broken headphones, so, can we not mention the infusion stand?" When I heard the'Xuantie Infusion Hanger' these several The words hurt his head, and Lin You hurriedly raised his hand to surrender.

"Okay, the task is about to be carried out soon, but you are still in the mood to play." Lu Yuan looked at the two people who didn't care about it, and was worried.

Lin You smiled, "Don't worry, Brother Lu, it's okay."

"You take a good hold. If something really changes, remember to report it to us as soon as possible. We will ambush at the periphery of the grove in a while to ensure your safety."

During the conversation, a taxi came from a distance with its headlights on, stopped steadily next to the van, and turned on the double flash.

"Okay, the person who will pick you up to the grove is here, so you can get in the car." Lu Yuan stretched out his hand and opened the door for Lin You, and repeatedly urged: "Remember, don't be reckless."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of him." Xiao Yuhe said from the side.

"Then trouble Dr. Xiao."

"Brother Lu, don't worry, I won't be fooling around with my own life. I'm not a fool, so I'm sure I won't be reckless." What is the feeling!

"You really are not a fool. A fool knows to avoid it when he finds danger. You are not as good as him at this point. You are a stunner who doesn't care about it." Xiao Yuhe definitely still remembered the hatred just now, and said. The words are not soft at all.

"Xiao Yuhe, I think you are very impetuous tonight, don't you want to fight?" Lin You is gearing up.

"Yeah, Officer Lin is planning to bully the three good citizens in front of his colleagues?" Xiao Yuhe was also unwilling to show weakness.

"Okay, okay, you guys don't make trouble." Lu Yuan, who was on the sidelines, looked helpless, "Hurry up and call you two, walk around, get in the car, and get in the car. It's almost the appointed time."

In fact, they all know each other, this is just their ridicule behavior to relieve tension.

As soon as he climbed into the taxi, Lin You was stunned. The driver was not someone else, but his immediate boss, Team Zheng!

"Hunboy, what do you look at, haven't you seen me?" Team Zheng raised his hand to adjust the rearview mirror while sitting in the driving seat, and glanced at Lin You in the back row from the mirror, "Really, let you be at home. You can also cause something like this to me if you take a break, so how can you say it?"

Lin You smiled embarrassedly, "Team Zheng, I am also helpless when this case comes to my door. God knows how I always pay such shit luck."

"You kid, listen to me." The car started, "I will give you a death order tonight. I don't care how many gangsters are, how fierce they will be, and no matter what means you plan to use, there is only one point, anyway. , You are not allowed to hurt me anymore, have you heard? After the business tonight is over, at 8:30 tomorrow morning, report me to the police station on time, with arms and legs intact!"

"Yes!" The suspension of work for nearly two weeks is finally over.


From the moment he stepped into this small forest, Lin You’s right eyelid has been jumping non-stop, and his mood is a bit heavy. He can’t tell why, nor is he superstitious. In short, he has a bad premonition. .

"Are you okay?" Sensitively aware that the mood of the person next to him is not high, he asked with concern, "Officer Lin, we are going to go deep into the enemy next, don't lose the chain at the critical moment."

"It's okay, it's just a bit of a bad premonition, maybe I'm too worried."

"Officer Lin, your mental quality is not good. I haven't met with the gangster yet. On the contrary, I frightened myself and came here. There will be nothing wrong with walking." Xiao Yuhe did a simple reassurance. .

The two quickly met the group of gangsters, but they didn't expect that Lin You's hunch was so effective, and the speed of realization was so fast.

The group of people also drove a van. Lin You and the others felt that the road in the grove was very narrow and difficult to walk, but they could drive in accurately in this dark night.

The car stopped in a clearing in the middle of the woods, at the place they had agreed upon. Five people got out of the car at once. Among them, one of them handed Lin You a photo that night, pretending to be "Li Yinghao" and then like a neighbor aunt who claimed to be. "Brother Li Yinghao" man.

At this moment, he is pressing a man who is tied up and is not tall, which fits the language of Sui Bianqi very much. Don't think about it, this must be the real Li Yinghao.

"Unexpectedly, there are times when the slips are also keeping promises. It's not bad. We also talk about loyalty in the road. I think we can talk about a deal peacefully." One of them took a few steps forward, opened his mouth, and took out a shining one. Knife, gestured beside Li Yinghao, "Of course, you don't have the right to refuse, you must do what I tell you to do, otherwise, this kid's life will be... hehehe..."

A weird laugh was irritating, and Lin You frowned, "Let's talk about your purpose, and how did you let him go."

However, the vigilance of this group of gangsters is really low enough, but when they see only the two of them appearing, they really think that they are just "going alone", and there is no doubt whether there are police lurking around.

The IQ of this group of gangsters really didn't arouse Lin You's nervousness at all. They were not afraid of the other party at all. Maybe they talked a few words, and they used their mouths to persuade the other party to surrender obediently.

"Our request is very simple. We have an appointment with the Yang family. You should be familiar with the Yang family, right?" The man just continued to speak, "They are also fat dogs. Brother’s site is now on, so I don’t want to inquire, who is the leading supplier in City C! The drug business in District A and District C are all..."

As soon as the other party talked about the important point, he was interrupted by the fake Li Yinghao, "Ahem, my third child, your nonsense is a bit too much, but for the important point, have you forgotten all the instructions of Brother Qiang? Stop talking nonsense, Do more."

Brother Qiang

Lin You instantly thought of the news that Zhan Yi had confessed when he came to see him last night. The strong brother in their mouth is definitely the drug supplier in District A and District C of City C. That’s right, but they didn’t expect them. He hadn't acted yet, but the opponent's subordinates came to the door first, just to catch it all.

At the moment, it seems that this is a disaster caused by the seizure of drug sales channels, but, what is the Yang family in the other party's mouth

Is it referring to Zhan Yi? Speaking of, the other party is not suspected of being in contact with the escrow business of Yang’s drug products, and told him a lot of hackneyed remarks last night.

Although drug trafficking is wrong, from the current situation, Lin You is not surprised why their business channels were robbed by others. Turn your mind, where are they Zhan Yi’s opponents? They are not at a level at all. of.

"In short, our strong brother has spoken, we want to wipe out the Yang family's prestige, and give them a bit of color." The other party is back to the truth, and said the transaction content, "Aren't your police always investigating drugs? It just so happens that I also give you this opportunity to provide evidence of the Yang family’s crimes by spoofing, and you will be responsible for catching it all at one go, and win-win cooperation. How about this deal? After the event is over, you will walk through your Yangguan Road, and I will cross my single-plank bridge between each other. The water in the well no longer invades the river."

Are these people here to be funny? Really silly...

So even those who threatened to assault the police, expected the police to release them in the end

I made a foolish mistake just now and confessed his drug-related behavior to the beginning. Do you really think you can run away? Thought it would be okay to confess the Yang family

It's too naive, yes, the police are happy to listen and arrest people, but after arresting the Yang family, none of them can escape.

From this point of view, Zhan Yi is not as clever as he is. At the very least, when the other party confesses other people's gang-related news, he can protect himself properly. To this day, the police are still in a hurry because they find no evidence. .

The same drug resellers are also using the police to eradicate each other, but how come the gap is so big.

Lin You and Xiao Yu looked at each other, and both saw the smiles in each other's eyes.

"We asked the manager of the Yang family to come over. After a while, you will be waiting in the van, and you will also be your personal identification. I will let you leave after the incident."

What? The person in charge of the Yang family will come over soon? !

I don't know... Could it be Zhan Yi...

Damn, don't be that bastard! ! ! ()