Dangerous Fall

Chapter 167: 169. Mr. Yang went out for interview


The button pressed was conveyed to the two police officers guarding outside the door in the form of sound. When they heard the noise, they immediately ran in, "Officer Lin, did you finish the question so soon?"

"Well, take him back." With emotions gathered, Lin You coldly watched the other party being handcuffed and ankle chained again by the two police officers.

Can not be soft-hearted, this is what the other party deserves.

"Goodbye." Lin You said softly when the other party got up and left. The latter just stopped slightly, and then continued to walk towards the door.

After Zhan Yi left, Lin You was the only one left in the small interrogation room. He leaned back on the back of the wheelchair and looked up at the dark ceiling. The depression in his heart was really frustrating. , Closing his eyes, Lin You felt the silence of this moment, and soothed his irritated heart.

"Ayou, shall we go back?" The voice came from his ear, awakening him.

Lin You hurriedly sat up straight, only to realize that Lu Yuan had walked in without knowing when and came to him.

"Why do you feel sorry for him anymore? These are his choices." Lu Yuan really couldn't look at Lin You's lingering look.

"I don't have it, I'm just tired." Refusing to admit it stubbornly, Lin You smiled, "Thank you, Brother Lu, to send me back."

Lu Yuan pushed behind him, his wheelchair "grumbling" on the floor. As he passed the hall, Lin You glanced inadvertently, but immediately saw one.

"Brother Lu, wait a minute!" Lin You immediately stopped the wheel of the wheelchair.

"What?" Lu Yuan asked without knowing why, the latter did not answer, just narrowed his eyes and stared in one direction.

The blonde hair is still so dazzling, the blue pink baseball shirt jacket is always hung on him, and he is following the police officer's brother.

Yang Shengxiu! ! ! How come this guy is here! ! !

"Brother Lu, why did he come?" Lin You pointed to Yang Shengxiu who was talking with a police officer, and asked in a low voice.

"Oh, you said Yang Shengxiu, he was here to record his confession. After Zhan Yi was arrested, he took the initiative to come to his door." Lu Yuan explained: "Maybe the young master of the Yang family was mistaken before? In short, This time his performance was extremely positive."

"How about this?" Lin You didn't understand.

"As you know, after the arrest of the group of people involved in the armed fight, we should notify their related people."

"Well, I know about this." Generally, the immediate family members will be notified first. Only when the immediate family members can't be contacted will they choose a closer relationship person to contact.

"So after daybreak the next day, we took the police officer to go to Yang's house to notify, and then this Young Master Yang rushed over with us directly." Lu Yuan continued, "We acted very cooperatively throughout the whole process. Instead, I applied for a separate conversation with Zhan Yi."

"Talk alone? How long did it last?" Lin You secretly felt that there was fraud.

"About fifteen minutes. We were also staring at the monitoring screen during their conversation. There was nothing unusual, just face-to-face conversation." Lu Yuan said, "Although I don't know what kind of crooked idea this Young Master Yang made, but I came to report very punctually every day, and also cooperated very well with questioning, especially confessed to gun possession."

"Brother Lu, don't you think this is weird? This Yang Shengxiu is a rich young master. He doesn't entertain his life or busy with the family business. Instead, he runs here every day to cooperate with your investigations." Lin You fell into thinking, "Especially The content of your investigation also involved a lot of the Yang family’s illegitimate sources of income. On the contrary, he cooperated and confessed honestly, which is too abnormal."

"It's very strange, but he is not so honest, and his answer is ambiguous. It seems to cooperate, but there is nothing practical." Lu Yuan patted him on the shoulder, "Hey, this is not something you should worry about. As for you, go back and heal your wounds now. We will continue to follow up on the matter of the case. Don't worry."

He was sent home by Lu Yuan to recuperate, and he repeatedly told him to run around as soon as he had nothing to do. If there was any need, he called and contacted in time, and he repeatedly explained the case so that he wouldn't bother anymore.

Although Lin You responded repeatedly, but Zhanyi had already entered. How could he not think about it or care about such a big thing at all

I called Xiao Yuhe, and the main purpose was to apologize. After all, I had promised to help him track down Chu Xuan's affairs on his own hand, including the plan to find a visit to Sifeng Courtyard. The plan for the situation has all been delayed, and I don't know how long it will take to recover from this leg injury.

The other party was also uncharacteristically, and smiled and told him that it was okay, saying that he was no longer anxious about this matter, just let him rest and recuperate.

"How do you feel that there is something in your words?" The other party fell on Chu Xuan with all his heart. Why did he act so indifferently now? There must be something unusual.

Xiao Yuhe didn't hide it either, and chuckled back, "Because I have already contacted Chu Xuan."

"Huh? You got in touch? When?"

"Just when you were in the hospital, remember that last Wednesday, I didn't show up in the hospital all day? That day, I actually went to the appointment."

Xiao Yuhe said that the main reason he contacted Chu Xuan was because of the Yang family.

The big boss caught in the anti-pornography case has already had an impact on the Yang family’s business. It hasn’t been a month since Zhan Yi was arrested and imprisoned for “holding illegal firearms and participating in crowd fights”. The Yang family's business has completely entered a semi-paralyzed stage.

In Xiao Yuhe’s narration, Lin You can be said to understand the reason why Yang Shengxiu entered and exited the police station many times before and after running. It turned out to be a lot of evidence from the police. It was known that this was completely sold by Sifeng Yuan Nai, so far, the Yang family had completely broken with Sifeng Yuan Nai.

"I knew it would be a good thing for that kid to run to the police station so diligently. It is false to dare to confess to the police, but to snoop on intelligence is the truth." Lin You never thought that the other party would be a good citizen who had awakened, so he was late. Er hung up the phone and wanted to talk to Lu Yuan about the situation and let him stare a little bit.

"Don't really think that he is just a rich young master, his brain is also very bright." Xiao Yuhe reminded.

"Then what?"

"Then..." Xiao Yuhe continued to tell about Wednesday's events.

Now that the reason for the imprisonment had been investigated, the Yang family naturally had to take the initiative to negotiate, and the Sifeng Yuan Nai in the province would do something unpredictable.

It’s just that Yang Shengxiu runs to the police station day and night, and Zhan Yi, who manages the business, enters the station again. Yang Xun, the patriarch of the Yang family, also happened to be out of the country to negotiate. In the end, the candidate who went to the negotiation fell into On the old man Yang, who had already entered the stick dynasty.

"Father Yang went out in person?" Lin You was a little surprised. After all, the old man Yang is not too young. He remembered that at the beginning of the year, he saw the Yang family celebrating the 80th birthday of the old man in the newspaper. A very grand news report was organized.

"Isn't it? Negotiating with Sifeng Academy must be a heavy task. The Yang family has no one to come forward at the moment, so I can only help Mr. Yang to come out again to preside over the overall situation." There is really no way. As for the matter, they can only use the phone to inform Mr. Yang who is still on vacation to take care of the elderly.

Old man Yang is also a man of temperament. Knowing that he was also furious after this time, he took the opportunity to return that night.

"Have you followed?"

"Yes." Xiao Yu and Ying responded. After all, Mr. Yang is old. If he gets irritated by another stimulus at the negotiating table, it won't be good for him to be anxious and have an accident. As the personal doctor of the Yang family, Naturally, he was called to follow, "That is, on Wednesday, at the agreed place, I met Sifeng Yuan Nai, and Chu Xuan accompanied as the translation secretary."

"How are you talking about?"

"Oh, it's still in harmony. The purpose of this Sifengyuan Nai is to bring down the Yang family in a town and highlight his abilities. See what he means, he wants to formally establish a foothold in our city C with his own strength. After all, I was invited by Yang Shengxiu at the beginning, and during the period I was taken care of by the Yang family a lot.” Then, Xiao Yuhe talked about the details of commercial negotiations, which were all serious business, and Lin You was not very good. Interested, "Anyway, this Sifeng courtyard has a white-eyed wolf, making Grandpa Yang very angry."

"Yang Shengxiu, is this kid like raising a wolf?" I didn't expect that the shrewd kid would have been so brutally pitted one day, but the Yang family was miserable this time, and his vitality was severely injured.

"That's also self-blame. In short, this is probably the case. Sifeng Yuan Nai and Old Man Yang had a private conversation for a long time, but Chu Xuan and I were both distracted, and I didn't hear the content." Xiao Yuhe said. At the time, the ending sounded upward with a touch of satisfaction.

"You also took this opportunity to catch and communicate with Chu Xuan?"

"Yeah." Xiao Yuhe replied, how shy to hear it, Lin You at the other end of the phone almost laughed.

"It's all right, it's fine if you get in touch." Lin You didn't forget the warning from the person in charge: "Speaking of... Dr. Xiao, you still have to be mentally prepared, in case he is involved in the case, we..."

"Don't worry, I know in my heart that if he really commits a crime, I will also persuade him to surrender and strive for leniency." Xiao Yuhe interrupted him, "Anyway, I have been planted in my life, no matter what. I have recognized him for so many years."

"Well, I hope he doesn't know it at all." Although this possibility is almost zero, he still blessed the other side silently in his heart.

Although Dr. Xiao is stingy, greedy, vicious, and evil, he is undoubtedly a good person. He also hopes that the other party and Chu Xuan will not follow in his and Zhan Yi's footsteps.

The next thing depends on the good fortune of the two. To be honest, he doesn't have any energy now, and he is still thinking about that stinky bastard Zhan Yi. ()