Dangerous Fall

Chapter 180: 182. Lu Yuan who can't break free


"There is something harder."

Zhan Yi said such a sentence thoughtlessly, Lin You also immediately thought of what kind of blush on his face, don't turn his head, and yelled in a low voice, "In the crowd, can you pay attention? Influence? Do you want to be embarrassed and thrown abroad!"

This bastard! How does the brain circuit grow? He played a yellow accent when playing in front of so many people!

Zhan Yi chuckled, "Where did you think of it?"


Lin You was startled and heard the other party continue to say with a deeper smile: "I'm talking about this, why are you blushing?" Then, Zhan Yi patted his arm with a joking expression.

… The other Jedi did it on purpose!

The small interaction between the two continued. Suddenly, the eyes of a few people around them turned away from them. They looked at the door with fear and stood up straight at the same time.

Before turning around to see what happened at the door, a low-pitched, magnetic male voice came into his ears first, "Lucky~ why is it so lively here today?"

… Is it possible that the Chinese language is now popular all over the world

Lin You, who had just been rescued, had not had time to settle the old account with Zhan Yi. When he looked back, he saw another tall and handsome exotic man. He was definitely more than 1.95 meters tall by visual observation, maybe two meters later. Although he was wearing a black suit, the muscles under the clothes seemed to contain infinite explosive power, but they also swelled up the clothes, which looked extremely strong. The fluent Chinese just now came out of his mouth.

This is not what surprised Lin You the most. What is even more surprising is that this handsome Italian boy who is nearly two meters tall actually hugged Lu Yuan in the pose of a princess in his arms. Of course, Lu Yuan is not. What petite little princess is naturally struggling, "Hey! Can you speak Chinese? Let me go!"

"Brother Lu!" Lin You wanted to rush over but was hurriedly held back by Zhan Yi.

Because Lu Yuan was thrown out by those security personnel before, it was a bit miserable. His knees, arms and other places had various degrees of abrasions, and even his face was slightly broken. The lenses of his glasses were even worse. One piece was broken and the frame was deformed and hung on the bridge of his nose. His height of more than 1.8 meters was already considered to be tall, but at the moment he was held in the arms of the Italian man, but it contrasted with weakness, especially in general. As if he couldn't get rid of after struggling, his suffocated face flushed and looked very pitiful.

Sure enough... There is no harm without comparison. In contrast, how could Lu Yuan seem so petite.

"How can you treat such charming beauties so violently? It really doesn't conform to aesthetics at all." Pressing Lu Yuan, who was struggling in his arms, looked like rubbing the other's head as if he was comforting a bomber. The furry cat.

"Sir! Would you please let me go?" Lu Yuan waved away the opponent's hairy hand, and his nails accidentally scratched the opponent's arm to draw a red mark.

Lu Yuan, who has always been gentle and elegant, will always be the elegant image that does not change at all. Even if he is angry, he will be depressed. Now this is the first time Lin You sees Lu Yuan who has blown up his hair. He is stunned to see him. Forgot to step forward to help.

"What did I warn you about before? Everything has to be beautiful, you are still too violent." The tall Italian man murmured helplessly, still taking advantage of the person in his arms.

It's just the other party's words, I'm afraid it's not for the group of security personnel to listen to, right

The group of security personnel didn't understand Chinese at all, but the Italian man's accusatory tone was very standard Chinese, which really gave Lin You a feeling that the other party was just comforting Lu Yuan in his arms.

Not to mention... If you want to talk about aesthetics...

Lin You looked at the man who hugged Lu Yuan and the little girl in a speechless manner. An old man who was nearly two meters tall held another princess, who was over 1.8 meters tall, in his arms, even though Lu Yuan was long. No matter how elegant and beautiful, this scene is very eye-catching, how can it not be called aesthetics

"Bring a medicine box. In order to apologize deeply, I will personally apply medicine to this delicate little cute. It's all broken. It's so pitiful. You are too heavy."

Sweet, delicate... cute

This adjective almost didn't disgust Lin You, and Lu Yuan, a tall man, is definitely not in the category of "little and cute"! At this moment, Lin You has deeply doubted, is there a problem with the aesthetics of this handsome Italian man

The security personnel looked at each other, and they seemed a little at a loss who could not understand the language, but it could be seen that facing this man who did not know where he came from, their expressions were more fearful and respectful. .

"Huh? Why don't you move? What are you doing stupidly?" The Italian man looked up dissatisfied, and the brawny men who looked at were so scared that they shrank and couldn't help retreating.

"I said..." Lin You wanted to start again, but was still pressed tightly in place by Zhan Yi, a little annoyed, "What are you doing!"

"Don't be troublesome." Zhan Yi blocked his behavior.

"What do you mean by this?" Lin You glared back at the other party, lowering his voice: "What does it mean to be trouble-free? That's my colleague!"

"I know, just watch it quietly first, don't mess with him first." In order to prevent him from rushing to the fight, Zhan Yi stretched out his hand to stop the opponent's neck from behind, and put his chin on the opponent's head. Imprison the other person in your arms and prevent him from running around, "You take a quiet look at the situation first, don't worry."

"Damn, you're dead, what are you doing!" Lin You only felt a little more oppressive in his head and was very uncomfortable. He wanted to reach out and pull the opponent's arm, but couldn't move at all, so he simply shook his head. The other party was not moved at all.

"Prevent you from being too impulsive." Zhan Yi replied faintly, his eyes continued to focus on the handsome Italian guy.

Under the repeated urging of the handsome Italian guy, the senior managers on the side eased from shock, jogging on high heels and leaning forward, exchanging a few words in Italian while stepping on the speed. Lin You's steps "tatata" ran away, and Lin You was trembling, right? How could she run so fast!

"Come on, cutie, don't mess around, let's go and sit on the sofa." The Italian man hugged Lu Yuan and walked towards the sofa in the lounge area in the hall. The six security personnel looked at each other, and it was immediately. Following the movement, the six people stood far away from their positions, forming a more perfect protective encirclement, guarding the men in it for protection.

It seems that the identity of this person is not simple, maybe this private hotel is his property

Lin You also followed closely, and this time Zhan Yi did not stop him, silently following him.

"Little cutie, don't move, be careful of the wound. After a while, they will bring the medicine box. I will help you with the dressing. Hey, don't move."

Concerned Xihan asked warmly, the two sitting on the sofa in the hall were also uneasy. The handsome Italian did not let Lu Yuan go so easily. He directly turned the other side in his arms and let the other side sit steadily. On his lap, pretending to be intimacy, watching that expression is almost bubbling with happiness, his eyes kept flashing intoxicated and obsessed.

Little did they know how terrifying the so-called "ambiguous intimacy" interaction between these two people looked like.

What kind of development is this, this now? Why does Lin You feel that he can't see the current development situation more and more? ?

The rapid sound of high-heeled shoes hitting the ground returned again. The senior manager hurriedly carried two large medicine boxes one by one, placed it gently in front of the sofa, and stepped aside respectfully. Waiting for the next instructions.

Waved, looking like he didn't want to pay attention to the other party, the handsome Italian man waved him back, pressing the landing far to prevent the other party from moving, and took one of the medicine boxes on the coffee table with his arm.

"Come on, let's get medicine, be good, cute, I don't want to hurt you."

Obviously he was tall, but in front of the foreigner, Lu Yuan was really like a child. He was forced to take medicine on the sofa of the restaurant. No matter how many times Lu Yuan asked to come by himself, the other party ignored him. , But I have to personally serve.

Compared with the "intimate" and weird interaction between Lu Yuan and that foreign friend, Lin You and Zhan Yi are much colder here.

Sitting side by side, looking at each other speechlessly, the two of them didn’t mean to speak first, so they kept silent. It was expected that the atmosphere of violent swordsmanship did not occur at all. The criminal police and the fugitive, two people with such opposite identities, were at this time. Actually produced a kind of mysterious harmony.

The main reason is that the current area is sensitive, and it is really not convenient to expose one's identity, so I can only suppress the inner feeling of twisting the other party back to the country, and wait and see the changes.

Zhan Yi obviously also knew the situation, so he showed a sense of comfort without the slightest nervousness, and even directly reached out his hand and half-wrapped Lin You in his arms.

It's just that Lu Yuan is here...

Lin You looked at the other side sympathetically. He was still struggling uselessly in the arms of the Italian man, but it seemed that the other side was not malicious, and the technique of bandaging the wound appeared very skillful.

The six security personnel and the front desk staff, under the command of the senior manager, disappeared automatically, leaving only the senior manager who was still busy serving tea and pouring water.

"Okay, don't get wet these days. Well, if you can, please let me take good care of you these days, as compensation." Putting down the medical drugs in his hand, this handsome Italian man insisted. Lifting Lu Yuan's hand, he looked at him affectionately, with a look of idiot Han, which made people feel ashamed.

Isn't this, this person looking at Lu Yuan

Lin You suddenly came up with such thoughts, and he was shocked. ()