Dangerous Fall

Chapter 183: 185. A three-day appointment


Do you like Italy

Lin You didn't know the intention of the other party's sudden question, but he chose to follow his own heart and answered frankly, "I like it."

Zhan Yi handed another piece of food to his lips, and said meaningfully: "Do you know? Same-sex marriage here is legal."

"So?" waiting for the other party to follow.

"Since it is an indefinite arrest, why don't you... just arrest me here for the rest of your life, how about?" Zhan Yi's eyes flashed with tenderness.

It is undeniable that when the other party looked at him affectionately and said these words, Lin You's little heart throbbed suddenly.

But the throbbing was only a moment, and soon he stabilized his emotions, lowered his head, and avoided the opponent's gaze.

"It's useless for me to say less witty things." He is happy to enjoy the harmony at the moment, but this does not mean that he will be soft when arresting people. possible."

He said so in his mouth and thought in his heart, but his hands clenched into fists unconsciously.

"It's just a joke." Zhan Yi took a sip of coffee. "Unexpectedly, Officer Lin is still as innocent as before and is extremely easy to be fluctuated, but he kept the bottom line. You Zheng team will definitely be pleased to know."

I didn't want to continue this topic at all, Lin You didn't answer, and changed the topic to talk about other topics, "You are now completely'exiled' to Italy by the Yang family, don't you? Have you regretted working for them all the time?"

"What does Officer Lin say?"

"Will the Yang family still pick you up?" This is Lin You's most concerned topic, but the other party shook his head and was not ready to answer.

Continuing to sigh, Yang Shengxiu's obsession with Zhan Yi is in his eyes, "Look at your Young Master Yang, wishing to stick to you every day and become one with you. Right now you are willing to leave the country like this and fly to this place. Italy from far away..."

"Who made me a fugitive?" Zhan Yi said bluntly.

"It's good if you know it in your heart. When Lu Yuan gets away, it's best to give up resistance and follow me obediently." Lin You glared at him, "In the end you can't escape anyway."

"You seem to care about the Yang family, especially Yang Shengxiu."

After being poked again, Lin You admitted that he was very calm, "Yes."

"Is it because of me?"

"Damn, narcissism." Lin You rolled his eyes at the other party unceremoniously, although unfortunately he was hit by the other party, but he would never admit it.

But he doesn't need to admit that the reaction right now is enough to reveal everything.

"It's very inconvenient to communicate with China in Italy, right?" Zhan Yi asked casually: "Would you like to... I will tell you something about Yang Shengxiu."

What is this bastard doing? ?

"You won't disclose information to me in vain, what conditions do you have?"

"Of course." Zhan Yi smiled, lowered his head and concentrated on cutting the fried fish steak on the plate with a knife and fork, and whispered softly: "Just as a deal. If I tell you, I will give it to you in the next three days. I am free, how? I only need three days."

Three days, in fact, the time is not long, but I don’t know what kind of medicine the other party sells in this gourd, and why he wants to be free for these three days.

Lin You did not directly refuse, supporting his chin with both hands on the table, "Okay, you want to talk about intelligence first, I have to see if it is worth the three days."

"Don't ask first why I made this request?"

"It's not necessary, it's only three days. Just fulfill your wish before going to prison and accumulate your virtues. It's hard to get in and out." Lin You counted the days in his heart, as long as he watched people from the side, Don't let this bastard run away within three days. It's okay to let the other party be so comfortable for three days. He just couldn't arrest the person directly, and he needed some time to help Lu Yuan get away.

"But I also have a request. There is a prerequisite for agreeing to your request. I can promise to give you three days, but after three days you must return home with me obediently and stop thinking about scammers." Lin You said about herself. Position.

"Okay." Zhan Yi replied simply, "If there are no other changes after three days, I can go back with you and continue to have prison meals."

"What do you mean by this? What are other changes?"

"Yang Shengxiu, it's coming tonight." He cut a whole slice of fried fish steak evenly and pushed it in front of Lin You. He knew that Lin You liked this.

"What?!" In shock, how could he care about eating! Lin You almost jumped up without being shocked by the news, "Why did he come?"

"Can't he come?" Zhan Yi asked rhetorically, half-jokingly in a relaxed tone, "There is no clear provision in Italy that says'Yang Shengxiu is not allowed to enter', right."

"You..." Suddenly thought of the'deal' that the other party had talked about with Ifer not long ago, Lin You's expression changed, "Is he here for the'deal' you didn't finish in the morning?"

Zhan Yi smiled without saying a word, looked out the window, and said meaningfully: "Who knows."

I really want to poke the fork in my hand on the opponent and let him bleed.

Lin You lost his temper because of his neat appearance, "Is there anything to hide? Who doesn't know you are such a mess."

"Ayou." Retracted his gaze and looked at the other person, "I have already told you Yang Shengxiu's information."

"Three days." He lowered his head and began to use a fork to stick the plate of fried fish steaks that had been cut. Lin You seemed to be really venting his anger, making a lot of movement. "I'll give you three days. Whatever you want Give it to me, of course there is one more!"

Suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed the fork at the opponent's face. If you stretched out your hand further, you would definitely be able to poke the fork directly into the opponent's skin, "Zhan Yi, listen to me."

The latter was also startled by the sudden action, but fortunately he recovered quickly, "You said."

"Although I gave you these three days, I didn't want you to break the law and discipline, but also gave me a little bit of restraint. I will stick to you for these three days!"

"Is it the one that fits the body around the clock?"

"Don't be smiling with me here, just wait." After the angrily announcement, Lin You began to bow his head and eat.

Zhan Yi didn't speak any more, just sat on the opposite side of the table and watched him eat quietly, and kept cutting up food for him in advance to facilitate his eating.

The game with food made his mood a little better. Lin You, who was a little angry, didn't care whether Zhan Yi was full or not, he directly and unceremoniously killed Zhan Yi's share. , Stuffed all the meals for two people into his stomach.

Starve you bastard.

There was still a little bit of anger in his heart. It is said that he had not eaten normally for several days because of the busy pursuit of the past few days. Either casually eat some snacks to cushion his stomach, or sacrificed to the police station. The most common big killer-instant noodles of various flavors to meet the needs of the stomach.

That kind of thing is not incomparable with the food right now!

"Is it enough? Do you want some more." Zhan Yi asked with concern while feeding.

"Do you think I am a pig?" With food stuffed in his mouth, Lin You glared at him, the bulging appearance was very cute.

Admiration was revealed in his eyes, and Zhan Yi was unconsciously attracted. He stretched out his hand to squeeze the bulging cheek, but was slapped away by the latter, showing no mercy.

Swallowing the food in his mouth, Lin You said angrily: "The ones who use less hands and feet take advantage."

"There is residue at the corner of your mouth." Zhan Yi touched the place where he had just been hit. The other party didn't start lightly. At this moment, the back of his hand was slightly red, "I just want to wipe it off for you."

"You don't need to bother, I can solve it by myself." Without letting go of the left and right hands holding the knife and fork, he stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, even pursing his lips.

Suddenly, Zhan Yi was speechless. He picked up the coffee cup on the table and drank. The half of his face that was hidden by the white porcelain cup could not see his expression, but his eyes were fixed on Lin You's pink tongue licking the corner of his mouth. Know what is thinking.

It was another struggle. In the spirit of "food cannot be wasted", Lin You and Hesai responded to the "CD Action". After the second hour of the meal, he finally wiped out all the food. .

"Have you eaten?" Seeing that the other party put down the knife and fork in his hand with a satisfied expression, Zhan Yi asked.

"Yeah." Replied casually, the hand under the table stroked the deeply satisfied stomach, and even his stomach was swollen out a little bit. When he was full, he felt sleepy. Lin You only felt that his eyes began to start. He became sour and yawned twice.

Zhanyi saw that look in his eyes, and he couldn't help but laugh, "If you like the food here, I can bring you tomorrow, why bother to eat so much? You sit and digest first, don't worry. Get up, save the trouble and throw up again."

"Yeah." Still only responded, not because he didn't want to reply, but he felt that he had already eaten his throat while eating, for fear that the rice would fall out of his throat if he said too much. If he vomited after eating, That shame can be lost.


It's embarrassing, but when things come, Lin You can't control himself, especially when he vomits.

He had suffered from stomach problems when he had been in the police for a few years. Once he did not eat regularly, he would suffer severe pain. Right now, he was busy investigating the case and neglected to eat on time. What's more Nutrient-value junk food, now that he eats so suddenly, he eats Hesai directly until it explodes, but his stomach, which hasn't been eaten normally for too long, is suddenly overloaded.

On the way back, the stomach was already churning and it was very uncomfortable. After returning to the hotel with Zhan Yi, he couldn't control himself even more.

"Zhan Yi... the bathroom, I want to go to the bathroom." Sweat oozes from his uncomfortable forehead, and his lips begin to turn pale. ()