Dangerous Fall

Chapter 224: Fan Wai Stay together (3)


Stay Together (3)

Lin You discovered that Zhan Yi started to behave a bit abnormally.

"Hey, Zhan Yi, I just heard from my colleagues that there is a nice bar near the bar street, not tonight, let's go..." As soon as it was close to get off work time, Zhan Yi, who was out of office, just returned to the office and Lin You was stunned. The son greeted him, ready to discuss the evening entertainment with the other party.

After all, the two of them don't like to watch TV series very much, and they are bored with big eyes and small eyes when they go back.

"If you want to have fun, please make an appointment with a colleague." Zhan Yi shook his head slightly, "I won't go."

"Huh?" I didn't expect the other party to refuse directly. Lin You was startled. Except when he made a mistake, after he treated Zhan Yi frankly, the other party can say that he has always been obedient to him, but he hasn't been for a long time. I heard that Zhan Yi refused so unreasonably.

Psychologically, he mumbled what's wrong with the other party, and tentatively asked: "Do you like it or do you have unfinished work?"

"En." Zhan Yi answered, sounding casually, "There is something else."

"... Okay." Without Zhan Yi's company, Lin You was also short of interest in an instant. "Forget it, I won't go anymore. I'll wait for you in the office. I'll go back together when you finish."

"No." Zhan Yi refused again, "You go home first, don't wait for me."

That night, Zhan Yi did not drive Lin You home, he took a taxi back home by himself.


Lin You discovered that Zhan Yi's abnormal performance is still continuing.

"Hey, hey, Zhan Yi, if there are no arrangements for the weekends, ask Dr. Xiao and the others to go hiking and relax?" The world has been peaceful for a while, and it's rare for them to work overtime. Lin You read the travel magazine. The thought of going out to play.

"You can just travel around." He opened the travel magazine, showed it to Zhan Yi, and clicked on the illustration above, "How about here? The scenery looks beautiful~ It's not far from here, so I stayed in the office every day? With the slightest amount of exercise, I will really be blessed if this continues."

Squeezing his belly, Lin You felt that the formerly strong figure really began to lose shape, especially the belly, which was obviously softened a lot, and it was all to blame for Zhan Yi to serve him so well.

"Hey, do you think it's okay?" Lin You asked with a look of expectation.

"En." Zhan Yi, who was holding the laptop and typing on the keyboard casually responded, and then there was no more text.

"Hey, are you listening!" Lin You stretched out his leg dissatisfied and kicked the opponent, who then slowly moved his gaze away from the computer screen and looked at him.

"How?" Zhan Yi asked.

Depend on! This bastard is really not listening!

Lin You was dissatisfied and repeated the words again, fingertips fiercely tapping on the travel magazine, "Traveling, I said going out on weekends and hiking together, okay?"

Zhan Yi's gaze then fell on the picture of the magazine.

"All right? You can call Dr. Xiao and them together."

After a moment of silence, Zhan Yi shook his head slightly, "I have other arrangements for weekends. If you want to go, please join Xiao Yu with them."


Abnormal or abnormal... Zhan Yi's performance this week is too abnormal!

Within a week, Lin You had been rejected by Zhan Yi several times in a row, and Lin You always felt for a moment whether the other party was hiding something from him.

Intimidating and temptation, Lin You used all means, but Zhanyi's patience was not covered up, no matter how he asked, the other party just didn't say it.

This bastard.

Lin You was itchy with hate, so Lin You, who was going to be suffocated within this week, could only find a way to vent by himself.

Lu Yuan was still in a foreign country, and Lin You could only meet with Xiao Yuhe, who was closer, to talk about him. The other party was also a psychology expert. Maybe he could help analyze the cause of Zhan Yi's abnormality.

As soon as he arrived at the agreed coffee shop, Lin You’s chat box opened, and he was as crazy as pouring beans.

And the other party... he devoted himself to the phone, kept pressing his fingertips on the screen, and sent messages to others.

"Are you listening to me!" After patted the table, Lin You, who had finished the narration, was very dissatisfied with the other party's attitude of "being at heart".

"En." The other party absent-mindedly put down the phone, and seeing the contented expression on his face, he must have been chatting with Chu Xuan.

"What kind of favor are you! I ask if you are listening to me!" Lin You drank a sip of iced tea to suppress his anger, "Can you be a little professional, Doctor Xiao, are you so careless when you usually consult patients? !"

"Are you my patient?" Putting down the phone, Xiao Yuhe looked at him.

"Although I'm not a patient, I asked you to come out because I asked you to help out with ideas!"

"Okay." Xiao Yuhe and Tanshou said to him, "I will give you a discount on the consulting fee, 800 per hour, pay first and then consult."

"... Damn!" The miser, "I, I'm not going to buy you a drink!"

The two argued a little bit before returning to the topic slowly. Lin You almost repeated Zhan Yi’s previous words and deeds again, "You said what happened to him, and I didn’t even ask. Say."

Xiao Yuhe laughed mercilessly, "Seriously, you really look like a resentful woman now."

"Don't tell me anything, what do you think of this matter?" Lin You continued to suggest a little bit, thinking in his heart almost suffocated.

"I am not a fairy of Da Luo. It is impossible to tell from your brief description that he is hiding something from you." Xiao Yuhe stirred the coffee in front of him and took a sip: "But I will give you a suggestion, don't It forced him too hard."

"..." What is the difference between saying this and not saying it!

"Hey, Officer Lin, let's just say it." The other party smiled slyly, jokingly, "You are so nervous about him, are you afraid that he is looking for someone outside, so he is suddenly so indifferent to you?"

"..." He did have some doubts, even though he knew that Zhan Yi was not that kind of person.

But even though Zhan Yi is not that kind of person, it is not entirely certain that no one will come up and post up!

Zhan Yi has a handsome body and a good body. He is a vivid'walking hormone' as soon as he walks down the street! People who go out to work every day will inevitably be targeted... If there are several dramas like "hero save the beauty" because of the needs of the case, then it will be a temptation and a chance!

The more he made up for the scene, the more worried Lin You was, especially Zhan Yi's sudden change of attitude, which made him guess again and again.

After all, Yang Shengxiu is a lesson learned from the past under Zhan Yi's suit pants, and he doesn't want other'Yang Shengxiu' to appear.

Looking at Lin You's expression, you can know what the other party is thinking. Xiao Yuhe unceremoniously turned on the mocking mode, "Oh, I really guessed it? Don't you believe in Zhan Yi so much."

"I didn't..." Lin You retorted in a low voice. He didn't believe in Zhan Yi, he didn't believe in other people!

But it is true that it is a bit silly to position Zhan Yi as a "suspected derailment" based on a few refusals. In fact, this idea only stayed in Lin You's mind for a few seconds.

"Don't worry, I can tell you very clearly that Zhan Yi is not the kind of person who will cheat." Xiao Yu and Lin You's eyes looked like a fool.

"You don't need to say this." Lin You's face was slightly red, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt stupid.

"Maybe... I'm preparing some surprise for you." Xiao Yuhe said to him meaningfully, and then drank the few remaining coffee in one sip. At the same time, Chu Xuan opened the door of the cafe. Walk towards them.

"Okay, Officer Lin, I'm going on a date, so you just think about your sadness here alone~" The rising tail tone revealed Xiao Yuhe's happy mood, and the other party got up and greeted Chu Xuan.

Looking at the sweet and sweet backs of the two of them, and thinking about the way they got along with Zhan Yi in the past week, Lin You's heart is unbalanced...


What surprises are you preparing for

After saying goodbye to Xiao Yu and Lin You, Lin You's mind kept circling the other party's words.

It was very late now, and Zhan Yi sent him a text message, saying that there would be something tonight and he would come back later and there would be no more text.

It has been a long time since I was alone at home, and suddenly felt a little deserted.

Lin You had no interest in eating dinner, and Lin You climbed into bed early.

Relying on the bedside and using the mobile phone to check the electronic calendar, looking for days that might be'special anniversaries'.

Checking and checking... His eyes were fixed on a date, and his heart moved.

No, no.

Lin You suddenly woke up, maybe, Xiao Yuhe was really hit by it, maybe, how could he be so careless! I didn't even find out...

The days have been silly. If it weren’t until I opened the phone’s calendar at this moment, I found out that next week would actually be his birthday!

Xiao Yuhe's words reverberated at this moment, and Lin You's interest began to excite.

Zhan Yi... Will he really prepare another birthday present for him? !

A phone call was made to Xiao Yuhe, and the other party only answered the ring a long time later. The tone sounded very bad. "Officer Lin, can't you play by yourself without Zhan Yi at home? Do you have to come to harass me?"

"En? How do you know that he is not at home?" Lin You keenly sensed the dissatisfaction in the other party's words, and combined with the sound of the'Xi Xi Suo Suo' dressing on the phone, he realized.

It seems that he has destroyed the'good deeds' between the two, sins and sins.

The other party paused for two seconds, with a relaxed tone, "Is this hard to guess? If Zhan Yi is at home, you won't call me bored, right?"

"..." Well, that said.

Regardless of the other party's grievances, Lin You was excited to report his findings.

There was silence on the phone, and Lin You swore, "So what? It's my shit? Is this the reason why you call in the middle of the night to ruin the love between Chu Xuan and me?"

"Maybe you really got it right. What kind of mysterious gift is he preparing for me!" Lin You's tone was full of sweetness, and he wanted to say a few more words, "Doctor Xiao, you said... Hello? Hello!?"

"Beep toot—Beep toot—" The call has been hung up by the other party.

Damn, are you so anxious

After hanging up the phone, Lin You sent the most'sincere' blessing from the bottom of my heart: I wish Dr. Xiao to give up early tonight. ()