Dangerous Fall

Chapter 29: 29. Relive dreams


His eyes never left Lin You from the beginning, and he was the first to discover Lin You's abnormality.

"Lin You? Lin You?" Zhan Yi called to the other party but couldn't get any response. He frowned, and immediately knelt down and got closer to see the other party's situation. Lin You's face was pale and bloodless. Eyes are open, looking forward, but his eyes are dizzy, unable to find any focus.

Even though his reaction was slow, Lu Yuan realized something was wrong at this time, and hurried around from the back of the wheelchair to the front. When he saw Lin You's situation, he couldn't help taking a breath, and immediately wanted to push Lin You to the doctor. , Has not pushed the wheelchair, but is already one step ahead by Zhan Yi.

I saw Zhan Yi's indifferent and arrogant expression finally collapsed at this moment. Some, but a deep worry, made a decisive decision. He raised Lin You's arm and let it cross his neck, and then his hands were separated from Lin You's armpits. Passing through under the knees, he directly hugged the princess into his arms.

"You!" Lu Yuan just said, he immediately received Zhan Yi's stern gaze, which made his hair stand on end.

"Oh, your goal has been achieved?" Zhan Yi said abruptly as he passed Lin You and Lu Yuan, "You better pray that he is okay."

Zhan Yi's tone is very plain, but the thick warning meaning is self-evident, making people shudder.

Seeing Zhan Yi holding Lin You's back and disappearing quickly, and then looked down at the empty wheelchair, Lu Yuan had a feeling unexpectedly.


That's how it should be.

It was a bit ironic to say that this unpleasant conversation started around Lin You, and finally ended in Lin You's physical discomfort. The quarrels seemed to have not changed anything.

Lu Yuanzai just pushed his empty wheelchair and wandered in the garden for a long, long time. He suddenly felt that he would not go back. He didn't know the reason. Maybe he was afraid of facing Lin You who remembered everything when he returned to the ward. Or is it the Zhan Yi who is by his side now

Lu Yuan himself didn’t know which one was the reason, or whether it was both. In short, he stayed in such a slap-sized garden for two full hours, until the patients who went out for a walk one after another left. Until there was no one else in this small garden, he slowly walked towards the building of the inpatient department.

He temporarily placed the wheelchair in the corner of the lobby on the first floor. Lu Yuan walked very slowly, and he did not choose to take the elevator. He just climbed the stairs to the top floor of the sixth floor, and finally stopped at the door of Lin You ward. forward.

Looking in through the small window at the door, the curtains are closed, and the lights are not turned on, so the dark area is not clear at all.

Didn’t you come back? Still asleep

Lu Yuan guessed in his heart, slowly pushing open the door of the ward with light movements.

"Brother Lu." The moment he stepped in, Lin You's voice rang abruptly.

"Ah, Ayou, you haven't slept yet." Lu Yuan was startled, and soon adjusted his emotions, "Why don't you turn on the lights? How is your body? What did the doctor say?"

"Don't worry, the doctor said it's normal, the lights... don't need to be turned on, I'm going to sleep." Lin You said.

The atmosphere was a little embarrassing. After a pause, Lu Yuan still asked: "... Where is Zhan Yi?"

"Go back." Lin You answered every question.

Two people were sitting in the middle of the room, the other was standing at the door, not far away, but they couldn't see each other's expressions in this dark room.

"Um... what, Ayou, take a good rest, I'll go back first."

"Wait for Brother Lu." At the moment Lu Yuan twisted the door handle, Lin You spoke.


"..." Lin You was silent for a moment, and then spoke: "Thank you, Brother Lu, thank you very much."

"What is there to thank you for? It's all colleagues who should help each other."

"Well, yes, colleagues should help each other..." Lin You's voice suddenly became relaxed and he said: "A good colleague forever."

Bid farewell to Lin You, walking on the road, Lu Yuan still couldn't help but think about whether Lin You's last words were out of gratitude or had no meaning

Lu Yuan thought to himself, what he wants to do is not just a good colleague forever...


[Yeah, Lin Da warned that he woke up? Can you sleep well? Um? ]

[Look at the current situation, Officer Lin, this is not in your bureau, this is my site. ]

[Officer Lin, don't expect that someone will come to the rescue, because the moment you step into the Ginza, everything is out of your control. ]

[Leave it to you, don’t keep alive, the old rules, give me the video. ]

[Humph, goodbye, Officer Lin. ]

Time seems to turn back to a certain moment all of a sudden...

It was darkness, and that boring voice was talking in a strange tone of yin and yang, buzzing like flies, making people's heads big.

Yang Shengxiu? Is this Yang Shengxiu

There was a smear in front of him, and I couldn't see the person speaking at all, I could only hear the other person's voice, but such a name suddenly popped out in Lin You's heart.

Subconsciously, Lin You wanted to fight back, but it was a pity that he opened his mouth, but couldn't even make a sound. His mouth was like dumb acupuncture points, and he could only make a weak voice of "Uhhhhhhhh". *.

What, what's going on? Am I in the hospital? Why now...

Lin You moved around, but suddenly realized that his body was also very stiff, like being tied up tightly by something, no matter how hard he struggled left and right, it was a futile effort.

Can't see but can hear, can't move but conscious.

Where is this

Lin You thought to herself in her heart, somehow, she only felt that the situation at the moment was extremely familiar, as if it was... I had experienced it before

Just as he was thinking about it in his mind and trying to remember, the whip cut through the air and let out a scream. Before Lin You was aware of the danger, it was already a "pop", and it fell on him severely. .

"Hiss..." Lin You took a cold breath. If it wasn't for the loss of her throat, she would have to exhale in pain. The hot pain spread from the hit part, Lin You felt that all of her skin was covered. Paralyzed.

"Officer Lin, hehehe..." Someone spoke to his ear, the voice sounded very gloomy, and the smile was wretched, it was no longer the yin and yang voice.

The other party was really close, and the slightly hot breath sprayed on Lin You's cheek along with the sound, making him feel sick.

"You like it, don't you?" The other party opened his mouth again, and then another whip with the sound of the wind burst through the air, and it hit the skin with a "pop".

who is it

Who the hell is it

Lin You shouted from the bottom of his heart, but couldn't make any resistance, letting the other party swipe the whip in his hand all of a sudden, and beat him fiercely.

It was almost a ruthless torture, and in just a few minutes, it had already left him unconscious and unconscious.

"Officer Lin, I really admire you more and more, I can endure without saying a word for so long..." The other party stopped his hand without admiring, but the cold voice made people hear the voice, "Well , Let’s change the way of playing? Huh? Go, power up this stuff, and I’ll entertain Officer Lin well."

Who is he talking to? Are there anyone else present

Lin You thought weakly. The next moment, he heard the third voice rang. The voice was very familiar. The words revealed a cowardly and fearful temper, "This... This is not so good... I think it's better to give it to him directly." It's a happy one, it's over soon..."

Such a familiar voice, I seem to have heard it somewhere...

Lin You thought in his heart, the conversation between the two continued.

"You know what a shit, don't talk nonsense, go find what I said and do it!"

"But… "

"If you talk nonsense, get out and I'll do it myself!"

I remembered!

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in Lin You's mind, and the cowardly voice drew an equal sign on a person in his mind.

It's the informant!

That's right, it's him...

Just as I remembered this moment, a conductive metal object slammed into his body, and a huge current passed through his body for a while, causing his body to suffer severe pain and his eyes were blurred, and his brain was once again chaotic. , Seeing it was going to faint.

"Do you like this Officer Lin? Don't pretend to be dead. The electric current I adjusted can be withstood by the human body." The other party said, reaching out and patting Lin You's face, "I see how long you can hold on, don't let me be too Disappointment, I still have a lot of small toys I want to share with you."

Lin You didn’t know how many times she fell into a coma under this kind of torture, but she was forcibly awakened by cruel methods every time. Her body no longer felt her own, and the pain began to become numb, as if there was no one. At the end of the torture, Lin You's brain began to function more and more sluggishly, and the only thought that existed now was: Let's end it all.

At the moment when he felt that he could not hold it, even breathing began to become difficult, gunshots appeared in his ears without warning.

Is it an auditory hallucination? He thought, but he couldn't think more.

"Bang." There was another gunshot, this time very close, as if not far away from me.

"Yes, who is it?" The person who had been torturing him suddenly became panicked.

Who is here

This is what Lin You thought in his heart. It seemed that there was a door pushing, which was very slight, but it was extremely sweet in his ears.

Then, a white light pierced his eyes that had been in the dark. The white light grew bigger and bigger, and finally the world before him became pale. Lin You could no longer hear other sounds, only saw a black one among the white light. The figure is approaching towards him.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." After the figure approached, he took Lin You into his arms, and said in a low voice, his tone was nothing but pity and regret, "Sorry, I'm really sorry..."

who is it

Lin You wanted to ask, but when it came to his lips, he said, "You caught up, otherwise..."

"Nothing else." The other party stopped what Lin You wanted to say, took his hand, and branded a deep kiss, "It's all over, I'm here." ()