Dangerous Fall

Chapter 52: 52. Be a big prostitute


It’s useless to worry about the case. Instead, things will go wrong. The most important thing now is to secure the hospital’s position and wait for the poor young man to wake up quickly for questioning. As for the bar street, in order to avoid rushing into trouble. , It is not easy to observe directly, so I can only go through unannounced channels.

"Okay, the current arrangement is like this, and they will return to their posts! If there is news, let me know as soon as possible." The team leader made the following arrangements, placing every colleague in the anti-prostitution group in their most suitable positions. Except Lin You.

"Group leader, you haven't arranged for me yet." Lin You hurriedly leaned in with a look of expectation.

"You..." The team leader gave him a meaningful look, but he didn't know why, but his hair was upside down.

"What, what's wrong?"

"You go home." The team leader took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket and shook one out.

"What?" Lin You was taken aback, wondering if he had misheard, "Don't, let me follow the task!"

"I didn't say not to let you follow the task, don't worry."

"Then my task? What is it?" Lin You looked dazed, waiting for the other party to follow.

"Your task is even more difficult. Go back and change your clothes. At ten o'clock in the evening, come to Exit A10 of the parking plaza in front of the entrance of Bar Street. I will wait for you there." The team leader said, not forgetting to say: "Remember , Dress up, don’t waste your good skin."

Wait, what do you think...

"Group leader, aren't you planning to let me be a bait to go to the bar to *other people?" Lin You looked embarrassed. How could this routine be so similar to the *fishing plan he put forward in the last case.

"*? Is it plausible!" The group leader frowned.

"It's fine if it's not..." Lin You thought it was because he had misunderstood it.

Unexpectedly, the group leader smiled mysteriously, "*Naturally not, but you have an arduous task and you have to act as a prostitute."

"Prostitution, client?!" Lin You was shocked.

Prostitutes and *, this is just a different statement! Is there no difference in what you actually do? Not all idiots!

"Stop talking nonsense, go back and change clothes for a meal. I'll see you at ten o'clock, and I'll tell you the details when you arrive." The group leader waved impatiently and drove Lin You away.


When I drove home, I saw that the lights in the room were on as soon as I walked in. I was shocked and wondered if Zhan Yi was back? Hurry is to shout.

Unfortunately, no one responded.

Walking into the house, Lin You searched house by house, but did not see Zhan Yi’s shadow, but found a beautifully packaged dinner on the kitchen stove. He reached out and touched it. It was still hot. A note.

Lin You picked it up and looked at Zhan Yi's handwriting, with only a brief sentence on it.

[Remember to reheat it before eating it when it's cold. ]

"It's troublesome, it's really yours, so I didn't even say hello..." Lin You curled his lips, crumpled the note into a ball, and threw it into the trash can, but did not refute the other party's kindness. , Hold the hot meal and enjoy it on the dining table.

After eating dinner, Lin You stretched out, looked at the time, it was almost the same, immediately went to wash briefly, and began to dress up.

Follow the team leader's arrangement, not to be blinded by this good bag, and to be a prostitute at night* too!

I was changing clothes, but the phone rang.

I thought it was the team leader who called to remind him of the time, so he pressed the answer button and just put it to his ear, but Zhan Yi's voice came out.

"have you eaten?"

"I said Comrade Zhanyi, can you be a little bit, is it interesting to go through the empty door every day?" Lin You is a typical example of getting cheap and selling well.

Zhan Yi chuckled lightly and didn't answer.

"It's okay, I won't talk to you anymore. I rushed out and hung up." Lin You halfway through the change of clothes, most of her body is still bare, a bit chilly.

"Going out? Got a task?"

"Hmm." When the words came to a halt, Lin You was a little defensive when he thought of the relationship between the other party and Yang Shengxiu, especially now that the main target of his investigation is Ginza, which is Yang Shengxiu. He coughed slightly and said something foolishly. : "Confidentiality, I'll hang up if it's okay, don't call anymore, I don't have time to answer the phone."

After all, without waiting for the other party to question, he hung up the phone decisively.

Not to mention, the feeling of just hanging Zhanyi's phone is pretty cool.

Speeding up, after Lin You changed his clothes, he combed through the mirror again and made sure that his image was very appropriate. Then he went out. When he drove to the bar street, the group leader had obviously been waiting for a long time. Cigarettes are almost burned out. Wearing a black trench coat and combed hair, he looks like a successful person at first glance, with a baby face next to him.

Don't say it, although the baby face has a baby face, it is actually quite eye-catching after such a dressing.

"It's okay, I didn't have it this time." The group leader said, looking up and down Lin You's appearance, "It looks like a dog, not bad."

"Are you complimenting me or hurting me?" Lin You scratched his head and smiled, not thinking about it at all.

"Since the people are all here, let's just talk about it briefly." The team leader twiddled the cigarettes on the trash can on the side and tidied up the instrument. "I don't need to say more about the purpose of asking you to come?"

Both of them nodded, expressing their knowledge.

"Then let me just talk about the main point. I have been in our anti-pornography team for many years, and I know many bar owners. I also know that their bosses are guarding against me. As long as I show up, their buddies will definitely notify them as soon as possible. , And pay attention to my actions throughout." The team leader smiled bitterly, and the honor of such a special treatment was really helpless, but he didn't care, and continued to talk about the plan, "This is the reason I am looking for you."

As soon as the group leader said this, Lin You immediately agreed, "Group leader, I understand, you want to take care of your plan. Since they pay attention to you, it is better to let them focus on you. This way It’s good for me and Wawa to check it out."

"Very clever, it seems that I didn't find the wrong person." The team leader glanced at Lin You, his eyes were full of appreciation, "Yes, I just meant it, you just came to our anti-prostitution team, no one has seen you , Wawa has been sitting in our office here, clerk, no one has seen him. Compared with those who always deal with bars, you two are the most suitable. Also, you have good looks and conditions. Go find some old acquaintances. The rich sisters chat, they should also be able to draw out a lot of useful things."

Lin You smiled bitterly in his heart. He just came to the anti-prostitution team, but that doesn't really mean that no one knows him!

This is not the first time he has done fishing law enforcement. In the last case, he dressed up and went to the Ginza bar to fish for a man. This time, he came back as a prostitute...


Lin You only prayed that it was almost a month since the last time, hoping that no one can remember him in a hurry.

"Okay, that's the general arrangement. Are there any questions?" the team leader asked, "If there is no problem, we will start from the Queen's Bar today, and Ginza will check it out tomorrow."

When I heard that the first thing I went to was the Queen's Bar, Lin You was slightly relieved. The last time the case was directly locked in Ginza, he had never shown his face in the Queen's Bar.

"No problem, promise to complete the task." Lin You and Wawa answered in unison.

"Okay, remember, the purpose of this time is just to investigate, don't make a fool of yourself. You go around first, I'll go in first, and you two will come back in half an hour." The group leader arranged a sentence and turned into the bar first. Street, went to the Queen’s Bar, leaving Lin You and Babyface, you look at me, I look at you, nothing for a while.

"Well, what, Xiaolin, let's go shopping first?" Babyface suggested.

Those who came to investigate the case, really, Lin You doesn’t have any intentions to go shopping, but you can look at the people coming and going on the street. Standing here for half an hour will probably cause you to look at him. He can only nodded and agreed." Let’s find out if there is any water. Let’s sit for a while."

The two deliberately slowed down and staggered the time difference with the patriarch who had walked into the bar street before. They stopped and stopped all the way and looked around. They all showed their novelty to the bar street. They were mixed in the crowds of people coming and going. Not particularly obtrusive.

"Hey! There is water here! Come on, Xiaolin!" The baby face pointed to the front, and his eyes lit up, beckoning Lin You to rush over first, and Lin You hurried to follow.

"Two, what do you want?" When I first came in, a waiter greeted me. The area of the house was not large, but the environment was elegant and there were not many people.

Lin You hurriedly glanced at the menu, casually hugged: "Lemon soda, thank you."

"I want ice oolong."

"Okay, come right away."

The two of them looked for an unmanned corner to sit down. While they were waiting for a drink, they were a little bored. Lin You simply took out his mobile phone to play the game, because during the mission, he adjusted the silent mode all the time. Now I took a look at it and found that there were a few unread text messages on it, and the sender showed the "unknown number".

With a frown, Lin You nodded and looked at it. As guessed, it was all sent by Zhan Yi. The language was very concise, but there were a lot of text messages.

It is nothing more than asking him if he has a task at night, what is the task, and wish him not to run around and pay attention to safety and the like. '

It's just a matter of course, long-winded.

Lin You thought, but there was a hint of sweetness in his heart, and the corners of his mouth were raised unconsciously.

Continuing to scroll down to read the rest of the content, this look made the corners of the mouth that just raised the slightest immediately become a line, and finally even the brows wrinkled deeply.

"What's the matter, Xiaolin?" The baby face could not help being curious after witnessing the change in Lin You's expression. "It wasn't your girlfriend who sent text messages to ask you why?"

"No." Lin You looked serious, and squeezed the phone on the table, darkening the screen, "I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me, your expression is about to eat people, is it okay?" The baby face curled his lips, he was not stupid. ()