Dangerous Fall

Chapter 94: 94. Be angry? silence!


Followed Zhan Yi into the outpatient room and met the doctor, Lin Youke greeted him politely, "Doctor, I haven't gotten off work so late."

At first glance, this expert had old qualifications. He had to be over 60 years old by visual inspection, with gray hair, and wearing a white medical robe. His mouth was tightly pressed against a line, and he looked steady and rigorous.

At such an age and fighting in the hospital so late, Lin You couldn't help but stand in awe when he thought of this.

It's just that the expert's face doesn't seem to be pretty.

Lin You thought for a while. It seemed that it was mostly due to staying up late. The other party was about the same age as his father, and he couldn't help but say another word. "Doctor, it seems that you are not too young anymore. You have to pay more attention to your body. I'm still working late, it's hard work."

He meant to care, but just as soon as the words were spoken, Lin You experienced the pain of being slapped in the face again in the next second.

"Huh! Are you willing to work overtime here as an old man? Huh?" Although he was very old, he was full of anger when speaking. This opening frightened Lin You, and it was very ear-splitting in this quiet room.

At this moment, Lin You hasn't reacted to the other party's intention. He went home and rested if he didn't want to work overtime. Could it be that the hospital's mandatory overtime regulations, or the duties and missions of the medical staff, made him resist here

He was still thinking about it here, and then listened to the old expert continuing to yell with his full and big voice: "You guys too, depending on your young age, why do you still love to fight and fight with others so much? It’s really because you’re young and you’re not afraid of a broken limb or something, right? Really be brave and don’t come to see a doctor? Let’s just kill someone! Let Zhan Yi, a bastard, call me. Huh? Aren't you still afraid of death and cherishing your life? I've got my old bones, and I was called over as soon as I lay down. If I don't wear this white coat, I'll take care of you! Go straight to the forensic doctor!"

Lin You was dizzy by the slashing scolding. The old expert's mouth was almost as poisonous as a machine gun. His words were full of gangsterism. As soon as he opened his mouth, he completely subverted Lin You's image as a prudent and rigorous doctor during his silence. NS.

He was all scolded, but he also heard the meaning from his words. Dare to love knows Zhan Yi, and he was dragged out from the bed to wait for treatment by Zhan Yi, no wonder

Thinking about how he would react after being suddenly pulled up from the hotbed, Lin You felt that the anger of the other party became understandable.

"Um, I'm really sorry, I..." Lin You was scolded and asked to apologize, but Zhan Yi raised his hand to stop it.

"Uncle, show him first." Zhan Yi looked at the old expert in a calm tone.

Wait, uncle

Zhan Yi called this old expert uncle? ?

Lin You looked blank, and then heard the old expert opening his mouth in disgust.

"Don't call my uncle! With a nephew like you, the old man is really bloody for eight lifetimes! Cut off relations as soon as possible!" The old expert said angrily, "humph", and looked at him, "You kid, come over to me. Let me see."

The old expert knocked on the table and instructed Lin You, "Sit here, where is the injury, squeak quickly, is it the same as boring gourd to see you, let the old man guess? Go back to rest."

Whether it’s Xiao Yuhe or this old expert...

… How come the doctors I met recently are so irritable, and let the "poor" patients go out of their mouths? !

"Go." Zhan Yi stretched out his hand to hold his shoulders, gently pushed him away, and led him to the table, "Sit down."

With instructions and actions, Lin You was led by the other party and sat at the table.

"Where is it hurt?" The old doctor said again impatiently: "Hurry up, the old man is sleepy and doesn't have time to continue to spend here."

After all, he yawned very much in response to the situation.

"Arm." Lin You replied.

"Which arm? Stretch out and have a look."

Lin You obediently stretched out his injured arm and wanted to roll up his sleeves, but unfortunately found that he couldn't do it at all. Although he was dressed in casual clothes today, his cuffs were very narrow, and he was only slightly swollen when he was in the Ginza bathroom. , He could barely pull down his sleeves to cover it. At this moment, his arms were completely swollen, he couldn't push up his sleeves at all, and he couldn't take off his clothes.

Gritting his teeth, Lin You thought that it would hurt a little bit, but found that it was useless at all. It had no effect except making yourself unbearable pain.

"This, this sleeve..." A trace of embarrassment appeared on Lin You's face, not knowing how to express it better.

Behind him, Zhan Yi recorded his every move in his eyes, and sighed, not knowing whether it was helpless or pity, stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and moved gently, holding his hand and slightly lifting the injured arm.

"Don't move, bear with me." Zhan Yi whispered.

"Well, it's okay." Lin You gritted his teeth, waiting for Zhan Yi's mana.

He thought that Zhan Yi would pull his sleeves upwards fiercely. He was even ready to endure the pain, but the other party did not do so.

Just listened to "stab—" and thought, Lin You's shirt sleeves turned into rags under the force of the opponent, and they were torn apart directly. The movements were very precise and did not hurt him at all, and then again. Tear a few times quickly to break the single sleeve better, and slowly tear off the rag strips.

During the whole process, Zhan Yi showed great patience and great care, as if he was really afraid of hurting him.

After being torn off by the opponent, Lin You's long-sleeved shirt officially announced his retirement and turned into an irregular short-sleeved shirt.

"Ah... clothes..." Lin You looked at the rags in Zhan Yi's hand, and then realized that the atmosphere was not right, and quickly shut his mouth witty.

Taking a peek at Zhan Yi, he found that the other party's expression was gloomy and terrible, his eyes were tightly locked on his arm, and Lin You was stunned when he glanced at his arm again.

The swelling is severe. The visual inspection is nearly twice as thick as the normal arm. Because the injury has been longer, many previous marks have begun to show up. Please have a chopsticks on your arm, one by one red, and the colors are colorful, really. 'Good-looking' tightly.

No wonder it hurts so much.

Lin You sighed with emotion. Fortunately, at least he resisted the beating. He hadn't tossed a broken bone yet, and his skin and flesh injuries would be better after all.

"Um... Troubled the doctor." Lin You slowly moved his hand away from Zhan Yi's palm, and stretched it toward the table, selectively ignoring the chills from the people around him.

Let's talk about diagnosis and treatment first.

"Tsk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk

Isn't this nonsense... Of course...

"It hurts." Lin You smiled awkwardly.

"It's fine if it hurts. You will have a long memory next time you know it hurts. You young people, you just need more pain and more memory." The old expert murmured, stretched out his hand, and squeezed Lin You's arm.

There was an abrupt pain again, Lin You shivered, cold sweat broke out again, but fortunately he had prepared a little earlier, and resisted without screaming.

"It hurts, bear with me." The old expert added.

You did it on purpose... This reminder is too late.

Lin You smiled bitterly.

The arm was in the opponent's hand for a few times, the old expert pulled and twisted it a few times, and finally asked about the dressing, and then released his hand.

"How is he?" Zhan Yi asked, anxious about the result stronger than that of Lin You, the person involved.

"This kid is lucky." The old expert picked up the pen and began to write smoothly, "Don't look miserable, but it's not serious. It's all skin injuries. The opponent who fought with him seems to be merciless. To hurt the bones, first take some medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and then use some to reduce swelling and pain. The problem is not big. Are you going to slowly eliminate the bruise by yourself or give you a safflower oil to take it down?"

"Myself..." Lin Yougang wanted to reply, and was once again preempted by Zhan Yi.

"Safflower oil." Zhan Yi said without hesitation.

Lin You's heart is trembling. Applying safflower oil requires proper massage to remove blood stasis. My arm hurts even if I touch it. How can I apply safflower oil? Is this sincere...

"Well, let's go, brat. Didn't you forget some of the massage techniques that you taught you when you were young?" The old expert asked casually while busy writing.

Zhan Yi answered with an "um" and didn't say much.

"Sure, then you will leave your little brother's arm to you. Give me a professional approach and don't shame your uncle." The old expert signed his name in the corner, stopped writing, and pulled out one." If it is soon, the swelling will disappear within five days, and the complete recovery will depend on your technique of removing blood stasis."

"I see." Zhan Yi grabbed the medicine list before Lin You, "Uncle, I took him back."

"Let's go, let's go, hey, my old bone is sleepy." He yawned again, "I'll take a squint in the lounge next door."

"Thank you." Lin You's thanks were sincere, and the old expert just waved his hand.

Following Zhan Yi's departure, the other party remained silent all the way, leading him downstairs in silence, queuing in silence, paying fees in silence, taking medicine in silence, and returning to the car in silence.

Lin You tried to relieve the embarrassment, but the other party was really determined and just ignored him.

"Zhan Yi... Hey, can you say something."

Lin You is helpless, he really wants to doubt whether he has a tendency to be abused. If the other party scolds himself, maybe he will not be so panicked. The other party has been silent, which really upsets him, I don’t know. How to be good.

Continue to fight for this opportunity for the other party to speak. There is no effect. Lin You can only give up, "Forget it, just don't want to talk, I won't go home, please send me to the hospital."

After that, he turned his head and looked out the window, speechless.

The car stopped at the intersection and waited for the red light, but Lin You's cell phone rang again and hurriedly took it out. Lu Yuan called again, and he quickly picked it up. ()