Daoist Master of Qing Xuan

Chapter 1022


Shen Lian's eyes dropped to Tiannan. The little phoenix on his shoulder felt the disappearance of Fengzu and let out a whimpering sound. His mood was also sad.

He had never met Fengzu, but he was very familiar with Kui Li, who was suspected of being the reincarnation of Fengzu's soul. Now Fengzu has truly disappeared between heaven and earth, with absolutely no trace left behind.

This is complete nirvana, which definitely has great reference significance for the Buddha's transcendence.

That was the real absence of traces, not the rebirth after nirvana that he had known in the past. To put it bluntly, still wallowing in the sea of suffering in the world of mortals, it was not considered true wisdom.

If so, will Kui Li disappear later

Shen Lian knew that Kuili would still exist.

Kong Xuan's injustice will eventually bring about Kuili.

When Shen Lian reached this point, his perspective on world affairs was obviously different from the past.

The rise and fall of all things in the world is, in the end, nothing more than a kind of fate.

Born by fate and destroyed by fate, it is not reincarnation after reincarnation.

All of this is no different from Mirror Flowers and Water Moon. The difference is that in the eyes of different people, how much weight does everything in the world have and how meaningful it is.

The Taoist master can ignore everything and immerse himself in it. As long as he is in the world, he can have different choices to interpret worldly affairs.

It's just that no matter how affectionate he is for his senior sister and Xiaoyu, it will never be as pure as before.

Shen Lian did not regret it, because he could not have become a Taoist master.

Since he made this choice, he followed his inner choice.

From this point of view, there is no difference between him and Taoist Taiyi.

But there are still some differences.

At this time, Shen Lian saw another stalwart existence. Under his feet was the ice and snow of Buzhou Mountain that never melted all year round, and in front of him was a cold stream flowing in length.

There is a cold air on the stream, and you can vaguely see the ice flowers scattered on it, which are crystal clear and extremely beautiful.

Ice flowers naturally melt when they fall into the water, and the water in the stream is colder than the ice flowers.

There is a clean stone wall on one side of the stream, which reflects the stunning woman standing opposite the stream like a mirror.

The beauty of a woman is not thrilling in the worldly sense, nor is it a miraculous carving, nor is it the beauty of natural carvings, but a soft beauty that makes anyone feel comfortable after looking at it.

If we judge from the lines of her face or her posture, she is flawed.

But when everything is integrated, it is a harmonious unity beyond imagination.

It is a beauty that cannot be created by any means of creation, and it is beyond imagination.

She seemed to be wearing a thin white gauze dress, her eyebrows were extremely plain, and her expression was also light.

This will not make people think that she is cold, it will only make her more respectful in the closeness, and she will not dare to blaspheme at all.

Shen Lian knew who she was without thinking.

She is the Emperor Wa, who became the Tao through creation.

Although Yuanshi also had deeds of creating things and establishing his mind, there are still many differences from Emperor Wa's way of creation. The creation of Yuanshi was done unintentionally, but it was a move that conformed to nature.

Emperor Wa did it deliberately.

There have always been people who think that the unintentional is better than the intentional.

But at the highest level, existence and non-existence are equal. Because there is nothing, there is nothing. Without either one, the other fails.

Judging from the time point, the current Emperor Wa has not yet created humans.

But she was the Taoist master after all, so Shen Lian saw the Taoist master, Emperor Wa.

She was indeed active in this era.

In total, Shen Lian has met Shangqing, Taiyi and Buddha among the eight Taoist masters, and Emperor Wa is the fourth.

Emperor Wa is also the only one among the eight Taoist masters to manifest the world in a female form.

"Shen Lian, I like this phoenix next to you very much. Can you let her follow me?" Wa Huang's is softer than the spring breeze and more elegant than catkins.

She turned around slowly. The ice and snow in Buzhou Mountain was no longer cold.

Shen Lian knew that in mythical records, Emperor Wa did follow a phoenix.

He knew this earlier, so he took her with him.

But if Shen Lian chooses another phoenix to carry, then what Emperor Wa wants now will be another phoenix.

Fate has both a predetermined aspect and an appointed aspect by people like Shen Lian.

However, there are very few demons, gods and Buddhas that can leave a reputation in the world, like water without a source or a tree without roots.

Someone like Shen Lian became a Taoist by chance.

Countless years, just this one person.

But it does not hinder the legends and incredible experiences that other Taoist masters have experienced in their lives.

Shen Lian doesn't think he can be smarter or more powerful than other Taoist masters.

As he said, the battle between him and Master Shangqing was simply an illusory contest.

Shen Lian would not refuse at this moment, even though he could refuse and change this destined fate.

But going with the flow always saves effort.

He is not a person who likes to ask for trouble.

Shen Lian nodded lightly and said, "This is naturally her blessing."

The little phoenix on his shoulder had no idea that his fate was sealed.

In fact, the peacock, who is also from the Phoenix clan, chose to reject the Shangqing Taoist master, while this little phoenix chose to passively accept it. There are also many differences in the future fate of the two.

The fate of the peacock was full of turmoil, but the fate of the little phoenix was indeed much smoother.

But if we say which one of the two is more profitable, it’s hard to say.

Emperor Wa seemed not surprised that Shen Lian would agree. After all, her identity was here, and women always had to take advantage of men.

She smiled softly.

Bright eyes and white teeth, looking at Yanran.

Shen Lianxin is as calm as water.

Emperor Wa noticed his expression and said leisurely: "You are as boring as the Supreme Being. I thought you two were different."

Shen Lian smiled and said, "We are the same."

This "we" includes the Supreme Being and Emperor Wa.

Emperor Wa put away his smile and said calmly: "You don't have to remind me."

Shen Lian said again: "Fellow Taoist knows everything, so why should I remind you."

Emperor Wa said softly: "That's why I don't like communicating with you. It's boring to always know everything."

Shen Lian did not answer, because a smart man would not reason with a woman, even if the woman in front of him was actually a Taoist master who could detect the appearance of color.

Emperor Wa said: "Since you have seen the Zhuxian Formation, I will also give you a meeting gift."

Shen Lian said: "No need."

Emperor Wa smiled slightly and said, "I must give it away."

There was a hint of playfulness in her smile.

Shen Lian would rather fight with Taoist Master Qing for ten thousand swords than accept the gift from Emperor Wa.

He knew what Emperor Wa was doing.

Emperor Wa not only had such a treasure as the Qiankun Ding, but he also had a treasure called the Hydrangea.

Hydrangea has no other function, but it can be used as a marriage partner at will.

As long as Shen Lian is hit by a hydrangea, he will inevitably reincarnate and become a pair with a certain woman.

In essence, it certainly did no harm to Shen Lian.

But from the bottom of his heart, Shen Lian refused.

If he wanted to fly with someone, he would naturally do it, but he didn't want to be forced.

But Emperor Wa didn't give Shen Lian a chance to refuse, and directly took out a bright red hydrangea.