Daoist Master of Qing Xuan

Chapter 61: Spring is warm and flowers are blooming


This is a measure of last resort and a last resort.

Ye Liuyun tried his best to make the final change.

All changes are also lost.

The only thing he didn't expect was that the sword energy from Shen Lian's full blow could disappear.

With the help of Bingyu, he could not be afraid of Shen Lian's God-Destroying Sword, but when faced with the 'sword energy that exists and does not exist,' he had no better way.

Because this was beyond his expectation, no one would have thought that the sword energy emitted could disappear out of thin air, really disappear.

Ye Liuyun did his best, but Shen Lian was beyond his understanding. The palm he swung out did not fall on the sword energy, but on the flesh and blood body. The sword energy also fell on this young body.

Ye Liuyun's hasty palm force was not powerful enough.

At the same time, he had withdrawn a lot at the critical moment, but still broke the opponent's heart, and at the same time the sword energy pierced the opponent's back.

The sword energy exploded with a huge forward thrust, which offset the force of Ye Liuyun's palm, causing the body to fall into Ye Liuyun's arms.

The scent of the other person's bun rushed into his nose, followed by the smell of blood.

At the last helpless moment, it was Xiao Zhu who blocked the deadly sword energy for Ye Liuyun.

Xiao Zhu didn't know why, and she didn't even know if Ye Liuyun could avoid this sword energy. However, when Shen Lian started his hand, she sensed the extreme danger and subconsciously blocked it for Ye Liuyun.

In this life, Shen Lian killed someone for the first time, and it was a woman.

Of course, it was unclear whether Ye Liuyun's palm was more deadly, or whether Shen Lian's sword energy was truly deadly.

To be precise, Xiao Zhu is not dead yet.

Shen Lian didn't know whether Xiao Zhu was a killable person.

Because in worldly morality, Xiao Zhu is regarded as a witch who kills without blinking an eye.

Although she is the eldest lady of Guiyun Villa, she is arrogant and overbearing. For her own selfish reasons, she could kill all Li Zhuang and his entourage from Shunfeng Escort Agency.

It can be said that Shen Lian didn't have much affection for her.

But at least he didn't think about killing her.

He didn't mean it. Perhaps no one would have thought that Xiao Zhu would take the initiative to block Ye Liuyun's sword energy.

There are definitely people in this world who are willing to die for Ye Liuyun, and there are many more.

At least the sword servants of Famous Sword Villa such as Jian Thirteen and Jian Fourteen were absolutely willing to die for Ye Liuyun.

But if there is anyone who is absolutely unwilling to die for Ye Liuyun, it must be Xiao Zhu, because there is probably no one in the world who hates Ye Liuyun more than Xiao Zhu.

If Shen Lian was shocked, then Ye Liuyun didn't know how to express his feelings.

He was not even in the mood to take revenge on Shen Lian. The flying sword controlled by Zhenqi fell into the lake. Ye Liuyun had no time to take care of this magical weapon.

After all, Xiao Zhu's martial arts skills were not outstanding, so he did not die immediately.

Ye Liuyun's true energy flowed into Xiao Zhu's body endlessly, and lasted for Xiao Zhu's last breath.

Xiao Zhu fell on Ye Liuyun and whispered: "I'm sorry."

Only Ye Liuyun understood why Xiao Zhu said sorry, because in the past many years, Xiao Zhu had indeed done wrong to him countless times, and several times, Ye Liuyun was almost killed by her.

"Stop talking, let's go back to the villa. The Mingjian Villa has the best medicine, which will definitely stabilize your injury." Ye Liuyun was confused, but he still forced himself to calm down.

"I know the extent of my injuries myself. Even the Great Luo Immortal can't save me. Just listen to me, okay?" Xiao Zhu said intermittently.

Faced with such a situation, Shen Lian didn't know what to do.

He felt no guilt, but still felt a little guilty.

To be honest, he even envied Ye Liuyun. There was at least one woman who could risk her life for him.

Ye Liuyun was very thoughtful throughout his life, but any major decision was made with just one thought.

He didn't regret whether any of the decisions he made was right or wrong, but now he was confused.

Seeing Ye Liuyun's hesitation, Xiao Zhu suddenly showed a child-like smile and said, "Only at this moment do I believe that you like me, and not for some bullshit engagement. I'm really stupid."

She used to hate that she had to marry Ye Liuyun, a cripple, because of the engagement, but just now she hoped that Ye Liuyun fell in love with her, not because of the engagement.

Ye Liuyun did not disappoint her. In fact, after so many years, she knew very well what kind of person Ye Liuyun was.

Shen Lian couldn't listen to the private love talk between the two, so he just stood with Ku Hui from a distance.

He didn't leave, not because he hadn't asked Ye Liuyun about the details of the Qingxuan Immortal Sect's recruitment of disciples, but just to see if he could be of any help or to alleviate his guilt, although he was not wrong.

This is the strange thing about human nature. Right and wrong cannot be easily and clearly distinguished.

At the same time, it is also a place that Shen Lian is never willing to give up. Even for the eternal road, he will not become a cold stone.


Xiao Zhu finally went, after a night of east wind, when the spring was warm and the flowers were blooming.

She was buried among thousands of pear blossoms. The pear blossoms in the wild mountains and plains were pure white, and she placed her soul there.

The best medicine in Mingjian Villa can't make her live another day.

Ye Liuyun didn't see anyone, and he had no intention of seeking revenge against Shen Lian.

Just one quietly built a cottage next to Xiao Zhu's tomb and lived in it.

What Shen Lian met was the owner of Mingjian Villa, Ye Liuyun's father.

This is a very special person. His temples are a little gray and his complexion is not bad.

The reason why he is very special is that his eyes have a sense of seeing through all the vicissitudes of life. It seems that he has been used to the vicissitudes of the world, and everything that enters his eyes is like a dream.

Mr. Ye is dressed simply and looks like an old scholar when he walks elsewhere.

His name is Ye Qiufeng, the autumn maple with fallen leaves.

"Master Ye, how is Brother Liuyun doing now?"

"He is very good. You don't have to blame yourself. Master Ku Hui has told me in detail what happened that day."

Shen Lian was silent, really not knowing how to interface.

Could it be that he no longer blames himself, although he thinks that if it happens again, the ending will not change in any way.

Seemingly sensing Shen Lian's confusion, Ye Qiufeng continued: "Liu Yun asked me to hand over something to you. This is also the purpose of meeting you."

What Ye Liuyun gave Shen Lian was a letter, which told him in detail how to go to Qingxuan to accept a disciple, and also reminded him of the details.

This man was extremely smart and guessed Shen Lian's purpose from various details.

After reading the content of the letter, Shen Lian felt even more uncomfortable.

He won and lost that battle.

At the same time, it also proved that Ye Liuyun did not continue to be depressed because of this. He was still the young master of the Famous Sword Villa.

Shen Lian did not go to Ye Liuyun, but left Mingjian Villa.

He believed that one day, the two of them would meet again. Then they might be enemies, or they might just laugh away their grudges. Who knows.