
Chapter 103


Xie Xuanyang's words made everyone present stunned. It is rare for a person without spiritual roots to emerge for thousands of years. No one would have thought that besides Li Hongye, there would be a second person in this world, and he was also a great power.

Although Xie Xuanyang said that he had reached the Tribulation Transcendence Stage, no one actually knew the extent of his cultivation, and even Qing Xiao only vaguely guessed that he might be above the Tribulation Transcendence. Such an almighty said that he had no spiritual roots, which would make anyone hear it as a joke.

Li Hongye felt this way even more. He smiled bitterly and said, "The Taoist priest doesn't need to comfort me. Which cultivator in the world doesn't need to introduce qi into the body?"

Xie Xuanyang had no intention of comforting Li Hongye at all. It is a fact that he does not have spiritual roots, otherwise he would not have been assigned to the outer door when he first entered the Heavenly Title Sect. The spiritual root is different from the spiritual power, even if he has great ability, he can't cover up the problem of his spiritual root.

He took a sip of tea and said, "Introducing Qi into the body is the foundation of cultivation, but does Your Majesty know that there is a Tao in the world that is more important than enlightenment?"

Li Hongye shook his head and wondered if he didn't know. He looked at Bu Wenye and Ting Yuan, who were the most knowledgeable people in Dongdu, but saw that they also shook their heads at him. Seeing this, Xie Xuanyang looked at Ting Hao Xingjun and asked, "Ting Hao Xingjun doesn't know?"

Ting Hao Xingjun shook his head after thinking for a while. His elder brother Ting Yuan was far more powerful than him in terms of knowledge, and of course he didn't know what Ting Yuan didn't know.

Xie Xuanyang sighed and said, "It seems that Ting Hao Xingjun hasn't fully understood, that's why Qingxiao said that you are asking for benevolence, and why you are not as good as Qingxiao."

What he said was a bit ugly, but Ting Hao Xingjun knew that it was the truth. Although he was the first sword cultivator in the magic cultivator, it was true that he was indeed inferior to Qing Xiao. Ting Hao Xingjun couldn't help but ask, "So Daojun Qingxiao knows?"

Qing Xiao said, "I know, all swordsmen should know."

Ting Hao Xingjun's pupils shrank suddenly. Qing Xiao didn't finish his words, but the answer to Xie Xuanyang's question was obvious. For those who practice swordsmanship, enlightenment is the first, and qi is the second. Those who understand the sword enter the Dao, and those who do not understand are not entering the Dao even if they have already drawn their Qi.

Qing Xiao said again, "Sword cultivators are sincere, sincere in their heart, sincere in people, and sincere in their swords. If you can't understand this, how can you call it the way of seeking swordsmanship? If you understand it, why should you draw your breath?"

Ting Hao Xingjun suddenly realized that Qing Xiao's words seemed to overthrow the obstacles in his cultivation all along, and faintly touched the threshold of further progress. He clasped his fists to Qingxiao and pushed his hands, "As expected of a Daoist, I have been taught." After that, he resigned to Li Hongye, and hurriedly ran home to retreat.

Looking at Ting Hao Xingjun's hurried back, Li Hongye couldn't help laughing and said, "Thank you two, I think after coming to Ting Hao Xingjun to leave the customs, I have one more yuan sword repair power in Dongdu."

Xie Xuanyang also smiled and said, "Ting Hao Xingjun is a great power, why is it 'again'? It's just that Qingxiao has helped Mo Xiu. If it spreads out, he will be scolded to death by the sect. He keeps it a secret."

Li Hongye laughed loudly, this laugh was a joke, but it also meant that the topic of lack of spiritual roots and sword cultivation was passed over.

If other people without spiritual roots heard the method of cultivating, it would be a coveted dream, no matter how much effort it took to try it, but Li Hongye didn't seem to care at all.

Xie Xuanyang had to admire his state of mind. If a person in a state of mind like Li Hongye really starts to cultivate, no matter what his aptitude is, he will eventually soar. Xie Xuanyang didn't know why he was reluctant to take the path of cultivating swords. It was a pity that such a person did not practice, but since Li Hongye chose so, he would not mention it again.

Leaving this topic aside, this dinner was considered a pleasure for the host and guests. At the end of the day, the sun was already sloping westward, perhaps because it was cold today, a light evening mist permeated the Yutan. The evening fog filled the shore, adding some ethereal aura to the palace.

At this moment, I saw a person walking out from the depths of the imperial garden like a ghost. His face was pale, his eyes were fixed on Li Hongye, and the dark red eyes seemed to be suppressing something.

Xie Xuanyang could see that this was a demon, or a demon with a very high cultivation level, higher than Bu Wenye or Ting Hao. He walked very slowly, walking like a monarch in the dark in this fairy-looking evening mist.

Xie Xuanyang didn't know this demon, but he could guess that this demon was the Demon Lord Yixun. Except for him, there would be no demons more powerful than Bu Wenye or Ting Hao in this palace, who could walk freely.

Yi Xun noticed Xie Xuanyang's gaze, and the eagle-like gaze suddenly moved to Xie Xuanyang's face, falling on his phoenix eyes and the tear mole at the corner of his eyes, his sharp gaze seemed to cut Xie Xuanyang's face to pieces. .

Yi Xun's face was twisted and stiff for a moment, and then he turned his eyes back to Li Hongye's face.

"As the sun sets in the west, beautiful women will accompany you," he said, "Your Majesty is in good spirits."

Li Hongye's expression did not change, and he fiddled with the empty jade wine glass in his hand. He turned his face slightly, looked at Yixun's eyes, and said, "The fairyland is misty, and you can stroll through it. Your honor is also in good interest."

Yi Xun stood quietly, watching, his expression did not change, but everyone could see that the emotion in his eyes was almost uncontrollable, and the undercurrent was like a volcano about to spew out. He suddenly evoked a sneer, "Since you and I are both in good interest, why don't you like Yue?"

Li Hongye seemed to have heard something funny and said, "Tongyue? Are you and I drinking together?"

He turned over the wine glass in his hand, and the only drop of wine left fell from the edge of the glass to the table, "Unfortunately, the wine is exhausted."

Yi Xun said, "When the wine is exhausted, people are still there. I have missed you and my brother for 30 years, why do you need wine and meat to accompany you?"

"Thirty years..." Li Hongye muttered to himself, suddenly chuckled, and said, "Yes, you and I have been brothers for thirty years." He turned to look at Xie Xuanyang and Qing Xiao, and said, "Today I am To accompany this brother, I won't leave two more distinguished guests."

Xie Xuanyang smiled and said, "Your Majesty, I will take a step first." After that, he got up and left with Qing Xiao.

Xie Xuanyang and Qing Xiao left, but Bu Wenye and Ting Yuan did not dare to leave, because they were afraid that if he would leave one by one, this wolfish ambition would be detrimental to Li Hongye. At this time, they saw Li Hongye say to the two of them, "You guys also step back."

Bu Wenye was startled, "Your Majesty, this—"

Before he finished speaking, Li Hongye waved his hand and interrupted him, saying, "It's okay, let's step back."

Seeing Li Hongye's insistence, Bu Wenye and Ting Yuan didn't say much. Everyone retreated, only Li Hongye and Yi Xun were left, and the pavilion became silent. The two sat and stood, silently looking at each other for a long time, the invisible pressure spread, heavy and depressing.

Yi Xun suddenly said, "Are you afraid of me?"

Li Hongye asked with a smile, "Why am I afraid of you? Are you and I not brothers?"

Yi Xun did not answer the question, but said again, "You are afraid of me."

This time his tone was no longer questioning, but affirmative. He could be sure that although Li Hongye didn't change his face, he was actually scared in the bottom of his heart. Yi Xun suddenly became very angry, his handsome face became hideous under his anger, and the fire in his eyes was about to erupt. His fists were clenched, his knuckles rattling.

"You're actually afraid of me!" He stepped forward and pushed Li Hongye onto the table.

The original scraps of food on the table had been taken away by the maids before, and there were only some jade cups left for tea and wine. Now these jade cups and wine pots were rolled off the table under the violent push of Yi Xun, and fell to the ground. Smashed to pieces.

Li Hongye's back was hit and hurt, and before he could recover, Yixun grabbed the front of his shirt again. Yi Xun almost wanted to touch the tip of his nose, Li Hongye raised his eyes and bumped into the blood in his eyes, he seemed to see the pain in Yi Xun's eyes.

"You're actually afraid of me!" Yi Xun growled, "Why are you afraid of me?"

Why? Li Hongye himself did not know. Perhaps because he was just a mortal, Yi Xun could take his life with just a touch of his finger; perhaps he was afraid that Yi Xun would push him down from this high throne and make him fall to pieces... ...

Li Hongye suddenly tasted some bitterness in his mouth, and it seemed like he was going to suffocate when it was stuck in his throat. He looked at Yi Xun's red eyes, his lips trembled, "Why...you don't know?"

Yi Xun's face was even paler, the color on his lips faded, and he said hoarsely, "I know..."

His chest heaved violently, and his eyes became even redder, as if he were about to drip blood. His eyes were bloodshot, and he said, "Of course I know."

Yi Xun's eyes showed madness, and he held down Li Hongye's back and bit it violently, tearing his lips to the point of blood dripping. Li Hongye was terrified, and he didn't know how it suddenly became like this. He gritted his teeth tightly to prevent Yixuan from intruding, but was forced to open his jaw by clenching his jaw.

Li Hongye struggled frantically, grabbing Yi Zang's wrist and pinching his lower jaw, but he still couldn't resist the strength of this magic cultivator. He kicked Yi Xun's lower body with one foot, and while his hands were slightly loose, he bit Yi Xun's tongue that had penetrated into his mouth, and pushed the person away.

He wiped the blood from his lips and said angrily, "You are crazy!"

The blood from the bitten tongue overflowed from the corner of Yi Zang's mouth, but he didn't care, staring at Li Hongye greedily, as if to swallow him. Yixuan said, "I've been crazy a long time ago. I've guarded you for so many years, but you can't see me at a glance. You're driving me crazy!"

Li Hongye said, "Why can't I see you?! I treat you as the best brother and treat you like siblings!"

Yixuan said, "I don't want brothers!"

The author has something to say: So this is also the tragedy of Gay Mozun falling in love with a straight man.

OBS: To explain here, in fact, His Majesty is not strictly the kind of straight man who only likes women in the impression of everyone, but the kind of traditional machismo that attaches great importance to the responsibility of inheriting the lineage. It is recommended to bring into the thought of ancient emperors.

So it's not a straight bend