
Chapter 105


As soon as Yixun said this, he regretted it. The palace is not a place where it is said that you can go there. The people who stay in the palace are screened layer by layer. He, a little beggar, ran in, afraid that he would be caught and beheaded before he stayed half a column of incense. lost. But Yi Xun is not a person who is full of empty words. The mouth of these words is the water that was poured out, and he can't take it back, so he can only bite the bullet and sneak into the palace.

I don't know if the two of them are too small to attract attention, or they are really lucky, this attack even went to the waste hall where Li Hongye lived to go to the pox and was not caught.

The abandoned hall is also one of the residence halls in the palace. Although there is dust everywhere in a mess, it is still no problem to leak the wind and water. Li Hongye was thrown here unattended since he was a child.

He took Yixing into the room, and patted the bare bed without a futon, "Yixian Yixian, this will be your bed and mine from now on."

Yi Xun looked at it and pouted, "It's all wood that's hard, and it's still so cold that you can't freeze to death? I think I can find some grass to spread it, and it will be more comfortable in winter."

Li Hongye felt that Yixun was right. Every winter, he was so cold that he couldn't get out of bed, so he wanted to hide himself in the small cabinet. He said, "But there is no grass in the palace, what should I do?"

Yixuan said, "What are you afraid of? We will go and pick up some leaves secretly in autumn, and we will be able to spread them."

Li Hongye jumped up excitedly, and kissed Yixuan's cheek, "Yixun Yixuan, you are so smart."

Yi Xun's face turned red when he was kissed by this kiss, but fortunately his face was dark and he couldn't see his face, otherwise he would have lost face in front of this little thing. He pretended to be serious and said, "Kiss, kiss what? I'm so dirty, you don't dislike it."

Li Hongye didn't dislike Yixun. In his opinion, this little friend in front of him was cleaner than all the people in the palace. He smiled and said, "Yixun is the best, you wait for me, I'll steal some water and come back, let's wash it for nothing." Then he ran out.

How dare Yi Xun let him run out like this and steal water. If he is not careful, he will be found out, and he might lure other people over. Li Hongye's life in the palace was already hard. If it was discovered that he had brought it back privately, people outside the palace would be afraid of being beaten to death.

But he didn't have time to stop the person. Li Hongye was familiar with the palace road, and he was so small that he scurried into the grass and disappeared without a trace. Yi Xun ran out to find him in a hurry, but he almost ran into the patrolling guard before he ran a few steps. Fortunately, Li Hongye ran back not long after, carrying a small bucket full of water in his hand.

Breathing heavily, he put the bucket on the ground, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, looked at Yi Xun with bright eyes, and said, "Come on, I'll wash it off for you."

Seeing him coming back, Yi Xun hurriedly rushed over to grope on him, but he was relieved when he couldn't find a wound, and sighed, "You're trying to scare me to death."

Li Hongye said, "It's okay, I've been here for so long, I know how to avoid those guys outside. I'll tell you quietly, there is a dog hole in the grass at the corner of the door, I can get out from there. Safe."

"You." Yi Xun sighed deeply, "Where did you get this water?"

Li Hongye rummaged around, but did not know where to find a small piece of cloth. The material of this small cloth is soft, but it seems to have been used for a long time, and the lines on it are gone. He soaked a small cloth in the water, handed it to Yixun, and said, "The Taiping jar, I can find it after I crawl out and run for a while. The Taiping jar in the palace is used for water, and it is always inside. Filled with water. Now, wipe your face and body."

Yixun took the small cloth and wiped it, and Li Hongye ran under the bed and found a small package. The bulging in this small package is all the clothes he stole from the Siyifang. The princes and daughters in the palace have high requirements for dress. .

But when Yixun came, these clothes were not enough. Li Hongye thought that he would wait a few days before running to steal some back. Just when he was picking and choosing to find some good clothes for Yi Xun, Yi Xun had already wiped his face and body and ran over. He glanced at Li Hongye's small package and couldn't help but said, "Hey, why is there a little girl's skirt?"

"Well...this is..." Li Hongye scratched his head a little embarrassedly, "The old ladies in the laundry room have bad eyes, I wear this to find them secretly and they are treated as little palace maids, and sometimes I can ask for something back. But you can't go too much, you will be discovered if you go too much."

"Oh." Yi Xun nodded thoughtfully, "I'll accompany you in the future."

"Hmm." Li Hongye picked out a piece of clothing and handed it to Yi Xun. When he looked up, he found that Yi Xun had completely wiped off the dark stains on his body.

Yi Xun's complexion was white and his face was good-looking. When he wiped it clean, he didn't look like a little beggar who was begging outside for a living, but more like a young boy raised by a wealthy family. In comparison, Li Hongye, who had been hungry since childhood, was more like a skinny monkey, his wrists were slender and skinny, and he seemed to break when he pinched them.

Li Hongye couldn't help but stare blankly, "Yixun..."

"Huh?" Yi Xun put her clothes on her body. He has no memory of wearing this kind of clothes himself, but his body seems to have been worn thousands of times, and it will be ready in no time.

Yi Xun, who was dressed in the palace clothes, looked even better. Li Hongye stared at him stupidly, "Yi Xun, you are so beautiful, you are prettier than the most beautiful young lady I have ever seen."

Yi Xun was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand and knocked on Li Hongye's head, "What nonsense? I'm a man!"

Li Hongye hugged his head and said hilariously, "But you are really good-looking. When I grow up, I will marry you home and have a bunch of babies. You are your mother and I am your father."

Yixuan said angrily, "Come on, stop dreaming. Go to bed and sleep. When you take me to see where the kitchen is tomorrow, let's see how we can find something to eat in the future."

"Oh..." Li Hongye rolled his eyes, suddenly hugged Yi Xun's head and kissed him, then scrambled onto the bed, curled up and didn't move.

Yixun was also stunned by the kiss, "Ouch, you stinky boy."

He jumped on the bed, stretched out his claws and scratched at Li Hongye's armpit, scratching Li Hongye, who was pretending to be sleeping, to the point of tears, and shouted, "Brother Yizhen, I'm wrong".

With Yixun by his side, Li Hongye's life in the palace is finally better. Even in the severe winter, he no longer has to be afraid of dying alone in this abandoned palace. Yixun's body was always warm, and in winter it was like a small stove, and Li Hongye didn't want to let go of his arms.

Year after year, Yixun, an outsider from the palace, has never been found. They grew up day by day, but Li Hongye would never feel that he was having a hard time. Just when he thought that they were going to support him like this for the rest of his life, his aloof father finally remembered the life and death of the prince who had been left in the abandoned palace for more than ten years, thinking that he was also with most of the palace. The prince has reached the age of entering school.

It was also at that time that Bu Wenye, who had served for Dongdu for many years in place of his deceased adoptive father, knew for the first time that there was a child like Li Hongye in the Li royal family. When Bu Wenye came to see Li Hongye, he didn't tell anyone. When he just stepped into the abandoned palace, he couldn't imagine how a child who could not cultivate would live in such a cold abandoned palace.

"Shh! Someone's here." The moment Bu Wenye stepped into the abandoned hall, Yi Xun sensed an unfamiliar aura. Yi Xun has been living with Li Hongye all these years and has never practiced, but he seems to be naturally sensitive to breath, and can detect the movements of any person within a hundred meters.

Li Hongye was startled when he heard this. He is no longer a child who didn't know much about anything at the time. He clearly knew what kind of tragic death he would end up if he was found out, so he hurriedly said in a low voice, "You hide. Get up and I'll deal with him."

It's not that they haven't encountered such a similar situation over the years, and every time it was a near miss, Li Hongye also developed the ability to deal with people talking to people and talking to ghosts. But this time, Yi Xun's intuition told him that this time the people who came this time had more trouble than they had encountered before, and he was afraid that Li Hongye would not be able to deal with it.

Li Hongye was urging him to push the person into the hiding place, "Don't worry about me, I have a solution, hurry up!"

At this time, Bu Wenye was only a few steps away from the door, and Yi Xun looked at Li Hongye worriedly. He gritted his teeth and had to hide. At the same time, the door of the abandoned hall was also pushed open.

Bu Wenye stepped into the hall and saw the boy standing in the hall. He is the prince's grandfather, and he has taught many princes. He has seen many arrogant sons, but this is the first time he has seen a man like this young man who has not changed his face when he first saw him, let alone this young man. Not even the slightest bit of cultivation.

Bu Wenye narrowed his eyes slightly, lifted his hem and paced in, "You..."

"Who are you?" Li Hongye saw that the person was extraordinary and his face was very unfamiliar. He stared at Bu Wenye deeply, with some caution in his eyes, "This is not where you should come."

Bu Wenye smiled slightly, he was somewhat interested in this prince called trash. He said, "This is not the place for you to be either."

Li Hongye's face turned cold. Seeing Bu Wenye taking a step forward, he couldn't help but want to step back to distance himself from this strange man, but he knew that if he retreated, he would lose, and he couldn't retreat! Resisting the desire to retreat, he forced himself to be calm and said, "I've lived here since I was a child, I shouldn't stay here, where should I stay?"

Bu Wenye smiled and said, "You are the twelfth prince of the Li royal family, and you are expected to inherit the throne in the future. Where do you think you should stay?"

Li Hongye sneered, "I don't like this joke."

Anyone who has stayed in the imperial city for a while knows that the Li royal family is full of talents, and everyone is a talented person with excellent training aptitude, except for him. It would be his turn to inherit Datong, unless the dozen or so princes died.

Bu Wenye said, "This is not a joke. You are the Twelfth Prince, am I wrong?"

Li Hongye said, "Yes, but I am also a person without spiritual roots."

Bu Wenye stared at him and suddenly asked, "What do you think a generation of monarchs needs?"

Li Hongye didn't know why Bu Wenye asked him this question. He never went to school, and he didn't want to read hundreds of books like other princes. He didn't want to answer Bu Wenye, but he had to answer because he knew that if he didn't answer, he might not be able to deal with this strange man.

Li Hongye was recalling the little story Yixun had told him, and thinking of the chaotic rivers and lakes in the story, he bravely replied, "Peace the world, An Wanmin?"

Bu Wenye asked again meaningfully, "Then do you think it is better to be a monarch if you plan a strategy and win a decisive victory thousands of miles away, or use your body as a weapon to splatter blood five steps?"

Li Hongye thought that he was both the emperor and the father of the Demon Lord, and also thought of those brothers who were both civil and military, and replied, "Take both."

Bu Wenye shook his head, "It's great to have both fish and bear's paw. If you can only choose one of the two, what do you think is good?"

Li Hongye pursed his lips and hesitated for a while, "It's not just a weapon, but strategizing."

Bu Wenye rubbed his palms and laughed, "Miao Ye! Miao Ye! Although the Twelve Princes are not cultivators, he is a wonderful person. Would you like to follow me to learn national policies and rule the country as a monarch?"

Li Hongye didn't want to, he just wanted to live a peaceful life with Yi Xun and be an ordinary person. Just when he was about to open his mouth to refuse, he saw Bu Wenye suddenly say again, "Why don't you answer in a hurry, why don't you let the hiding boy come out first?"

Li Hongye was shocked, his muscles were tense, and in an instant, even looking at Bu Wenye's eyes became fierce, like a cheetah staring at its prey, ready to pounce fiercely at any time and bite off its prey's throat. How could Bu Wenye, a great demon, be afraid of such an uncultivated kid like him? Just smiled, "Don't be nervous, I won't do anything to him."

Even if he said that, Li Hongye wouldn't be relieved, but he was even more nervous, but at this moment, Yixun walked out by himself. His eyes were also fixed on Bu Wenye. His body shape was similar to that of Li Hongye, and he was still a teenager, but his eyes made Bu Wenye feel that his scalp was a little tight.

Yixuan asked, "What do you want to do?"

Bu Wenye smiled and said, "I should ask this question. What are you doing in this palace as an outsider?"

Yi Xun didn't answer, just stood beside Li Hongye on guard. Seeing this, Bu Wenye was thoughtful, "I see." He looked at Li Hongye, then at Yixun, and said again, "I asked the Twelve Princes to learn national policy with me, what do you think?"

Yixuan said, "What can I do if I learn?"

Bu Wenye said, "Learn the way of the emperor, and have the hope of succeeding the great line."

Yi Xun was silent, he turned to look at Li Hongye, this question should not be answered by him, but by Li Hongye himself. Li Hongye pondered for a long time, "I learn."

Bu Wenye laughed, "Okay! You are my disciple from today."

Bu Wenye is a prince of a country and a master of magic cultivation. Rao is the most outstanding prince of the dynasty, but he was unable to accept him as a disciple, but Li Hongye, a prince who had no possibility of cultivation, was under his command. This is him. From the dust that no one paid attention to, it became a thorn in the eyes of all princes.

The heirloom has not yet begun, and he has already begun to block the way of others. He couldn't cultivate, so he could only learn the way of being a king with Shen Xin and Bu Wenye, and for his safety, Yi Xun embarked on the road of cultivating demons.

Yi Xun is a genius, a genius in magic cultivation. He is very skilled in cultivation, but in a few years, he has surpassed the prince who has cultivated since childhood. After a few more years, he has reached the level of going to the world to experience.

"Yixun, you must be careful." Li Hongye grabbed his hand tightly when Yizheng left and said, "The battle for the throne of the Demon Lord is about to start, you avoid it, you must avoid it, I don't want you to die in me. out of sight."

"Don't worry." Yi Xun took his hand and stared deeply into Li Hongye's eyes, "I won't die where you can't see. I will accompany you, always with you, until I come back."

However, the battle for succession began, and Li Hongye didn't wait for Yixun to return. He lost news shortly after entering Shangjianghu and disappeared completely. Without Yixun, Li Hongye was no longer interested in seizing the heir. He wished he ran into Shangjianghu to find someone, but it was Bu Wenye who stopped him.

He said, "Do you know where Shangjianghu is? As long as you don't have the physique at all, you will have no bones left as soon as you step in."

Li Hongye said, "But Yixiu—"

"Yizang is not a simple person, you might as well worry about yourself if you worry about him." Bu Wenye said angrily, "The heirloom has begun, do you know how many princes want your life? Just stay with me! I will send someone Go to Yixun."

The whereabouts of Yi Xun are unknown. Li Hongye has already encountered several interceptions in the imperial capital. If Bu Wenye hadn't been by his side, he would have died at this time. The battle for succession became more and more fierce. Li Hongye was seriously injured several times, but at this time, the princes died unknown, and the people in their mansion also died overnight.

Dali Temple could not catch the murderer of the princes, but the murderer appeared in front of Li Hongye himself.

"Hongye." Yixun walked to Li Hongye, the sword in his hand was still dripping blood.

"Yi, Yixun!" Li Hongye said in surprise, "You, are you all right?"

Yi Xun didn't answer him, but stared straight at Li Hongye, he said, "I killed them."

Li Hongye was stunned for a moment, only then did he realize that Yixun's eyes were scarlet, very strange in the gloomy night, "What?"

Yixuan said, "Those princes, I killed them all. Hongye, you will be the emperor, only you can be the emperor."

Li Hongye's heart seemed to stop for a moment, his eyes widened in shock, "I...I? But, the Emperor of Dongdu must be a demon—"

"I am Mozun." Yi Xun looked at him and clasped his hand, "I am Mozun. And you are my majesty."

The author has something to say: prprprpr

You are my majesty, yo~